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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Before their mysterious disappearance the Soviets were working on at least similiar to these weapons programs. We know tht at least the U.S. military had much more advanced programs than Timothy Tobiason's books.


>Before their mysterious disappearance the Soviets
Mysterious ?
The dissolution of the Soviet Union isn't a mystery. It was a combination of internal political and economic errors and the pressure from the arms-race. Mostly the former.

Sorry for going off topic, i don't know much about chem/bio-warfare. I guess it's rational to research that stuff in order to develop antidotes.

It's not rational to use those weapons tho. In the Syria dirty war a few years back there was a staged incident with a fake chem-warfare attack, if i remember correctly . It was supposed to become a pretext for a full on hot-war. But all that shit fell apart because they couldn't fool the forensics team.

There was another thing in the UK called the Skripal affair. There too the UK government made up an implausible story about how people got poisoned, maybe for furthering some political agenda. I didn't pay much attention, sorry for not remembering the details.

The point is that unless you're interested in developing anti-dotes, it's kind of pointless otherwise. Poison was the stealth weapon in the middle ages where it could change political power, but that was before science invented forensics.

However adversarial development can be effective. For example you can make 2 teams do research in a manor where one invents a poison and the other one invents a anti-dote. In a game of one-up-man-ship that could yield a bunch of anti-dotes which you can produce and stock in hospitals, just in case. So if you got an interest in poison, you can channel that into a socially beneficial direction where it protects people from harm. I'm assuming that projects as described already exist but they likely don't advertise them selves, because they don't want to broadcast the location of pandorra's box i guess. So if you want in on that, i guess publish useful science stuff and hope they tap you on the shoulder.


There were at least two or even three fake/false-flag gas attacks in Syria. One in Khan Shaykhun, one in Ghouta, one in Douma (this is the one which had massive OPCW fallout).


Right, thanks for contributing the details.

I always wondered, did the OPCW survive this intact ? As in did the people who demonstrated the integrity to call a spade a spade remain or have they been replaced with yes-man ?


They were whistleblowers, and I'd say the OPCW's credibility has been irreversibly tarnished at this point. The US, Britain, and France even blocked at the UN security council the testimony of Jose Bustani, the first director-general of the OPCW, for discussing the suppression of evidence and cover-up at the OPCW on the Syrian investigations. Bustani himself had his family threatened by John Bolton and was forced to resign in the lead up to the Iraq War.

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