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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Before their mysterious disappearance the Soviets were working on at least similiar to these weapons programs. We know tht at least the U.S. military had much more advanced programs than Timothy Tobiason's books.


>Before their mysterious disappearance the Soviets
Mysterious ?
The dissolution of the Soviet Union isn't a mystery. It was a combination of internal political and economic errors and the pressure from the arms-race. Mostly the former.

Sorry for going off topic, i don't know much about chem/bio-warfare. I guess it's rational to research that stuff in order to develop antidotes.

It's not rational to use those weapons tho. In the Syria dirty war a few years back there was a staged incident with a fake chem-warfare attack, if i remember correctly . It was supposed to become a pretext for a full on hot-war. But all that shit fell apart because they couldn't fool the forensics team.

There was another thing in the UK called the Skripal affair. There too the UK government made up an implausible story about how people got poisoned, maybe for furthering some political agenda. I didn't pay much attention, sorry for not remembering the details.

The point is that unless you're interested in developing anti-dotes, it's kind of pointless otherwise. Poison was the stealth weapon in the middle ages where it could change political power, but that was before science invented forensics.

However adversarial development can be effective. For example you can make 2 teams do research in a manor where one invents a poison and the other one invents a anti-dote. In a game of one-up-man-ship that could yield a bunch of anti-dotes which you can produce and stock in hospitals, just in case. So if you got an interest in poison, you can channel that into a socially beneficial direction where it protects people from harm. I'm assuming that projects as described already exist but they likely don't advertise them selves, because they don't want to broadcast the location of pandorra's box i guess. So if you want in on that, i guess publish useful science stuff and hope they tap you on the shoulder.


There were at least two or even three fake/false-flag gas attacks in Syria. One in Khan Shaykhun, one in Ghouta, one in Douma (this is the one which had massive OPCW fallout).


Right, thanks for contributing the details.

I always wondered, did the OPCW survive this intact ? As in did the people who demonstrated the integrity to call a spade a spade remain or have they been replaced with yes-man ?


They were whistleblowers, and I'd say the OPCW's credibility has been irreversibly tarnished at this point. The US, Britain, and France even blocked at the UN security council the testimony of Jose Bustani, the first director-general of the OPCW, for discussing the suppression of evidence and cover-up at the OPCW on the Syrian investigations. Bustani himself had his family threatened by John Bolton and was forced to resign in the lead up to the Iraq War.


>They were whistleblowers, and I'd say the OPCW's credibility has been irreversibly tarnished at this point.
Well that's a shame, are there new orgs being created that would be able to investigate things like bio or chem warfare stuff ?

>The US, Britain, and France even blocked at the UN security council the testimony of Jose Bustani, the first director-general of the OPCW, for discussing the suppression of evidence and cover-up at the OPCW on the Syrian investigations. Bustani himself had his family threatened by John Bolton and was forced to resign in the lead up to the Iraq War.

What i take from this is that there was an error in institutional design. I guess if you want the capacity to investigate war-crimes you need to have the capacity to frustrate the interference of war-criminals. It has to be militarized otherwise People like Mr. Warmustachio will do these shenanigans.


Demolition of the USSR was primarily an inside job. By the 1980s, the "Communist" Party openly disdained the very idea of communism and promoted in every way possible vectors to destroy the concept. Gorbachev thought he could become a liberal social democracy and it would somehow work out, but the principal actors only saw an opportunity to get rich.

The "great military threat" on both sides was made up horseshit. For the longest time, the prevailing factions in both countries openly wanted peace between the two countries, and saw the "Cold War" as a gigantic waste of resources to avoid at all costs. On both sides, the arms race was pushed by Nazi revanchists who wanted to create another world war, which is all they have ever done.

The problem with chemical weapons is that they are tactically worthless. They were used in WW1 entirely for sadistic purposes. If chemical weapons were a "game-changer" one side or the other would have broken the trenches permanently and they would have been used as a regular weapon. But, the entire purpose of chemical gas attacks was to revel in the torture they created. Many times the gas did not disperse in any effective manner, and viable delivery mechanisms did not exist in that time. Ever since then, war industry assholes have dreamed of making the sadistic torture weapons more effective, but there was never an actual reason for their use other than sadism. It won't do anything to anything to anyone in a combat vehicle, and every army can equip gas masks if they must, making all of the elaborate planning for reliable delivery problematic.

Biological weapons are even more unreliable, since they found it was actually very difficult to make someone sick from the magic sadism button. Again, sadism drives these projects more than any use of them in battle. They're not even particularly reliable against civilian populations, if the goal was to use terror to break the will of an enemy population.

As for whether it is "rational"… well, they were used by the US in Vietnam. That's what Agent Orange was. Then American GIs come out of the war with chronic lung failure and horrific injuries, and the government has to work overtime covering it up and pretending they dindu nuffin. I saw people from Vietnam who came here after the war with permanent nerve damage. It's horrific stuff. But, what is the use of them other than sadism? It didn't convince the Vietnamese to love their slavery, the way the theory always insists, and it pissed off many veterans who had to live with the consequences. It's amazing how many people work overtime to defend the mythos of eugenics war.


Basically, no reasonable state would see these sort of "wonder weapons" as helpful, and they exist entirely to make a threat of sadism for sadism's sake.

In torture and espionage, they have studied poisons back and forth, and that's where sadism is the strongest. Whatever you've heard of, the reality is worse. Torturers have no problem with melting the bodies of their victims and laughing. The idea that there is any "escalation of torture" is rank and cowardly faggotry. It's always been at the maximum setting of the dial, and the "promise" the torturer offers is only there after it is clear that the torture will resume any time, any place, and you can never escape it. The Masons never change.


There is a large segment of the human population throughout history who have specialized in this sort of sadism and torture, for their function is indispensible for all of the theories of rule humans have ever known. Claiming that such people have not prevailed in every hitherto known human society is the greatest lie ever told, bigger than the lie that Satan isn't real.


If, however, you're thinking of "absolute sadism at the push of a button, effort-free and random", it doesn't work that way. Anything you do to torture someone—and war entails torture as its ultimate weapon—requires a method and delivery mechanism. People rarely actually "break under torture" in the way you imagine. Either their fidelity was suspect in the first place and they "genuinely" switched sides after a routine interrogation and torture, or instead of "giving in", they go insane after enough of it. The latter is the point of torture. Torture is useless for obtaining information or affecting change in the subject. Torture is always about rendering someone insane, destroying not just their life but their soul, so that humanity never forgets what their disgusting race is. That is the torturer's ethos, and why it was weaponized in modern philosophy.


It is of course possible to resist torture, but you can't actually "stop it", as if such events aren't going to leave some mark. This is where essentialism is necessary to teach a society the value that says "torture is god". That's why you have these absurd narratives about "wonder weapons", when the effective "killing weapon" of wars remains artillery up to the present day. It has always been about creating the impression that "this always works, without any barrier whatsoever". There is always resistance to the torturer, and if the torturer doesn't have all of the right answers, they're going to need more torture.

Before long, I hope you know, the subjugated of the human race will have "gone insane", or rather, they will no longer place any value whatsoever on the promises of the torture cult. The only people who will care are the lowest class who are maximally tortured from birth and lied to, and this will become the rule. What they did to me will become standard operating procedure. A Satanic race cannot change.


File: 1737876457416.png ( 258.07 KB , 512x497 , yourmeds.png )



"The New York Times recently reported that an Iraqi defector—known under the pseudonym of Ahmed al-
Shemri—has provided the West additional intelligence on development activities in Iraq regarding nerve
agents, including VX.[1] According to al-Shemri, since 1994, Iraq has devised and produced a solid VX
formulation that could be described as a "dusty" agent. The properties of this agent include the ability to
adhere and penetrate gaps in chemical-protective garments. Having a high persistency and the capacity to
poison through the skin, such a preparation of VX could pose an extreme danger to U.S. troops, as well as
complicating decontamination efforts.
This issue brief provides the relevant historical and technical background to properly assess the significance"( quoted from New York Times article on Iraqi dusty agents program)


File: 1737997254376.mp4 ( 707.39 KB , 288x360 , hazmat.mp4 )

>a "dusty" agent
That shit was defeated a long time ago:

by teflon coating hazmat-fabric,
by duct-taping the hazmat-joints,
by adding centrifugal/electrostatic particle separators on the air-filters, or going full recirculator
by adding a portable shower unit procedure that sprays off the Hazmat-suit with a gamut of solvents and neutralizers before un-suiting.

In the arena of kinetic warfare, the people who make projectiles have largely defeated the people who make armor. But in the arena of chem/bio warfare, it's the other way around, the people making the protective gear have largely won.



Armor has been historically very overrated. It works great for a phalanx fighting barbarian warriors and other phalanxes, but the really effective defensive measures are fortifications and tactics rather than body armor. Modern tank warfare is great against the infantry it was meant to mow down, but it's always been the case that cheap-but-effective killing weapon overcomes armor.

The problem with "unorthodox weapons" is that they don't produce the directed "killing blow" that is imagined towards a target. The advantages of a chemical gas attack are not that it's so super scary, but that it would deliver a cloud of death. If however you look at the Mongol habit of catapulting diseased corpses into a besieged city as biological warfare, that is somewhat effective, though the use of the tactic was only partly "biological". The big gain from it was psychological, because the Mongols couldn't be negotiated with or bargained off like other empires. It was clear when the Mongols came that you would have to fight to live, against barbarians who knew all of the latest tactics and technology for making war, who were not stupid and had a great plan for what they were doing.

If you understood biological war as poisoning the water supply, that's always been effective. When no one can trust the water or the food, it heightens every paranoid thought a human would have. But, as a killing blow, people will eventually secure their food and water supply against it. They're not blind to how this is done by the truly monstrous empires throughout history. Poisoning the water works best when the rulers of the society are wholly alien to the ruled…
…and that's why you have fluoride in your water, you dumbshits. The most effective biological warfare is waged by terror of the rulers against the ruled, rather than by rival states. An intact state teaches its people to be on watch for anything that would be fatal, rather than teaches them to panic and hide under a desk in repeated drills to condition the kids to believe this is normal. It is not normal. It was never normal. Yet, it was not Soviet spies that told teachers to do this, or American spies who told the Soviets to do the same to their own. The rulers of those society are always engaged in a war against the ruled, and only relax that war when they face an external danger that cannot be negotiated with in the way empires bargain with each other, trading the lives of the ruled like so much chattel.

A kinetic weapon is not easy to defend against by the simple laws of physics and why such weapons are deployed. If you really think about using chemicals as a battle weapon, and ask yourself how to go about making a tiny "kill shot", you could make something with current knowledge. It is current knowledge, as in very recent knowledge, so such weapons systems haven't been tested yet, nor do the current warring parties have good reason to deploy them or develop them.

So take Israel, who would love to have a "wonder weapon" to neutralize their enemies; but, the Israelis are outnumbered and live in a siege environment against their neighbors. If the Israelis develop chemical "kill shots" of the sort they would want for the purpose, there is no way to control that technology once it is deployed. It could enter the hands of their rivals, who can do the same thing but better because there are more Muslims, who are in a far stronger position to wait out any such offensive. What Israel wants is "Plan War" and to rely on its foreign allies to intimidate neighbors, without committing to any technology that would upset the balance of power. The "force projection" boner and use of intimidation is Israel's stock and trade, and has been for many decades. Israel does not want to fight a true existential war, but it will threaten one so long as the world is cowed to submit to "inevitable conquest". So, they sell the theory of "easy war" and "the tech", but they need "the tech" to work in a way that conforms to the theory they made for their state. Otherwise, "Israel" is undone.

Now consider the reasons why these chemical weapons were created; for a terror tactic to use against civilian populations. You don't want the civilians knowing chemistry and biology and physics, because if they have proper theories of such, they would see these "wonder weapons" aren't so wonderful and can be counteracted a lot easier than counteracting a bullet to the face. Creating effective chemical payloads is challenging and prone to failures. Creating kinetic weapons is relatively easy, so much that people without formal physics knowledge can get it and reverse-engineer weapons systems, figure them out. If some Ansar Allah guys can do it, it can't be that difficult. But, the greatest "weapon" to use against the public is forced ignorance, and in every respect, this forced ignorance is treated like a weapons payload, designed to make the ruled stupid and terrified.


The point I'm making is, the means to make chemical "kill shots" have only been worked out in the past couple of decades. The ruling doctrine is to use the threat of these weapons to cow the population to accept any terror, rather than use them. In this way, behavioral modification, which is the true purpose of the war drive, can continue. If such weapons were regularly deployed before they were "fully operational", the intended targets would develop countermeasures. That is why they need a "just so" condition to begin the deeper democide, if they want that. If you have those conditions, then you don't need any wonder weapon. They'll just draw the names of those selected to die. Machetes would be enough. But, the purpose of all of this war material, kinetic or otherwise, is "behavior modification". If war were too evident, it would be too terrible to contemplate. The trick for the rulers is to keep the people invested in these narratives and theories for just a little longer, so the siege can wear out the condemned. That's been the game plan since the 1930s. Humans don't know anything else by this point.

Eventually it breaks, but the people always have nowhere to go. What will happen, out of necessity, is public disengagement with all of this. The people will live an increasingly grim existence, believing correctly that there is no hope, and there is no end. The people selected to die will die eventually, while for the victors, their victory is "just so", like nature ordained it. The ruling theory doesn't allow any other victory. But, we already see that the ruling power doesn't actually have anything "special", and they are degenerating utterly in their minds. They have all gone insane up there. Eugenics cannot fail. It can only be failed. And so, we're stuck like this basically forever. There will be a new situation by the end of this century, and all of you are idiots for letting it happen, but it's done now. I have no sympathy for any of you who aided and abetted this. The eugenists will be used up and thrown away like everyone else, and I will never understand the people so eager to go along with this faggotry. But, that's what has happened. If the people want anything out of this life, they're going to have to give up any notion that there was any "us", or shared coexistence where we tolerate the eugenists. You fucking kill the eugenists and don't stop until they end this faggotry… except, they won't ever stop, to the bitter end. That was the first decision the eugenists made.


So, I figure, as the situation worsens over this decade and the next, those chemical kill shots will be deployed en masse, and the world will be a roiling death pit. That is the world eugenics made for us, because they believed unlimited torture could "change the world". Since the people won't just "stand and die", they're going to do the one thing they can do and spite the Satanics to their dying breath. Hate. Hate. Hate. There is no reconciliation, no "going back to normal", no more grand narratives. That is all those of us selected to die can do. If there is any way this is stabilized, it will only come by acknowledging that humanity lives in two worlds forever apart, and they had best stay out of our world. We are done with the lies and more lies, and every fag posting more snark has only confirmed that there isn't going to be any other way this ends. It was too much for them to allow us to have even simple things, and this has gone on for too long. Hate. Hate. Hate.


Excerpt from "The Poor Man's James Bond Volume 2 Chemils In War book by section
"After a careful study of this matter and a close
resulting from its uses an analysis of the casualties produced in the war. we now know the facts concerning the effects of gas and see that much of the alleged horrors of gas warfare were pure propoganda, deliberately disseminated during the
World War for the purpose of influencing neutral world opinion, and had little sincerity or foundation in fact."

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