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 No.2940[Last 50 Posts]

Hello comrades. I propose a general thread in an attempt to get the /edu/ ball rolling again. Everytime you visit /edu/, post in this thread. Tell us about what you're thinking about, what you're reading, an interesting thing you have learned today, anything! Just be sure to pop in and say hi.


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Reading some random pamphlets on this post-left anti-civ site. They are actually quite good and interesting, I recommend it giving it a shot if you are bored.



You beat me to it! I will have a read and get back to you next time.

I myself have been reading Capital lately with a reading group. It's getting juicy now that we've gotten past the first few chapters. Also going to start Towards A New Socialism soon, if anyone has any tips or resources for that that would be great too.


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reading Ernst Mandel's Formation of Capital

its good


John Brown by W.E.B Du Bois
and the 18th Brumaire (I dun get it)


About the Cuban revolution and how their modern focus on ecology and climate change can serve as an example for the soon-to-be socialist states.


Capital Vol. 1 and some assorted Lenin to develop my Marxist thought.


How money works.


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That's some good shit, which ones did you like the most?


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Thank christ! I was tired of having to start from the beginning every time I died


A thread outlines the differences between Marx and Engels since everyone seems to treat them as inseparable.


I think a theoretical direction of an orthodox Marxist Leninism (spelling intentional) could be an effective way of breaking through a large amount of the sectarian fossilization within Marxist communist organizing and solidarity-building currently.


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> Max Stirner, Individualist Anarchy, And a Critical Look at Egoist Communism
I really liked their view on the topic in general, I think the ending pages were kinda shitty, it sounded like they really just want to own the ancoms and didn't really think much about it. But in general a really good read.
> Manifesto Against Schools by Armeanio Lewis
A perfect overview on schooling in general, very well written with some very good points on the topic. The narration is a little bit more informal, but I actually like how everything is expressed here, it is a really nice touch.
> BITING BACK: A Radical Response to Non-Vegan Anarchists
It is a nice critic, not one of the bests - but still, it is short, and a nice read nonetheless
> A Vegan Revolution Against the Fast Food Empire
It is just so short, but so well written, it explains all the basic concepts so bloody well in one page, thinking in translating it because it is just a really good, really short introduction - you can read it in like 5 minutes.
> Against Speciesism, Against Anthropocentrism: 8 Reasons for Radical Veganism
I actually didn't want to include this one mainly for the title, it really sounds like those bait youtube video titles. I didn't like the arguments very much, I think he focus too much on > muh morality, muh duty - and gets kinda boring to read. But still, it isn't that bad, has some good points.

Those were my favorites, there are still many more, like way more to read; the good part is that they are very short and quite nice to read. What about you? Which ones have you read?


Jesus that last one is pretty insufferable. I can't believe I ever bought into the whole vegan thing
>In one suburban family home, a woman is threatened by a male fist;somewhere in another, a pet hamster gets flushed down the loo: both areworthless rubbish in the eyes of those who wield relationships of possessionover them.
No don't throw that ball! You are exerting ownership of something you consider to be your property and that is bad! This part actually disgusts me honestly, to reduce the suffering of a refugee to that of a fish in a tank that has no water. And they wonder why they are accused of lifestylism! The points about the environment, and cost are reasonable, but they are clearly secondary reasons in the author's mind (since afterall they consider a hamster to be capable of the same suffering as a woman).
>Animals are at the bottom of the dung heap
I mean bacteria are definitely below any animal. They are constantly transported against their will, destroyed without mercy and used in industrial processes.


> A Vegan Revolution Against the Fast Food Empire
I agree that it's nice and to the point. I do think that veganism doesn't actually solve these problems however, you can do all of this
>we are individually taking a responsible approach to living a healthy life. With community gardens, local harvests, and organic food co-ops we can empower one another through working together and building a sustainable future.
without being vegan. Apart from that it relies on the reader believing in "speciesm". Since it seems you support these ideas, what does animal liberation look like to you?


I've been thinking a bit about which definition of the state is better, the marxist or anarchist definition. I'm an ML so I obviously consider the marxist definition to be more accurate however viewing it through anarchist lenses I still think what the goal of most anarchists looks like is still a state. If a state is a political apparatus with a monopoly on violence, wouldn't a free association of communes act as the de facto state? As long as your society has enemies, your FAoC would have a monopoly on violence (to combat your enemies of course, unless anarchists purposefully don't want to have a monopoly on violence, which would be putting them at a huge disadvantage. This is why the marxist definition is so much more accurate imo.


Morning comrades. You reached for the book, and not the phone this morning, right?


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I want to create a book of sorts. A cohesive collection of a thinkers ideas, but also a manifesto for a new way of thinking. I'm a little stuck on how to gather all the exerts and organize them in a fashion that is suitable for easy referencing etc. Any ideas?


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morning. Gonna learn some russian todya


Where my comrades at?


Good Luck.


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Just discovered my local library is a pleasant little place and they have some marx literature, which was nice


Could you provide more detail on what you're working on?


You may already be aware of this and decided it was a form that didn’t suit your needs by it’s the most similar thing I could think of to what you proposed


I want to create a manifesto of sorts, a bunch of ideas for a new-left movement, largely based off the thoughts/writings of one person. To motivate people and try getting a better understanding of the condition we are in.

Thanks for the suggestion, I haven't heard of this before, but it seems a little less 'organised' than what I'm looking for. I'm currently not sure how much I want to write myself and how much I want to keep quotations in full.
I guess I'm mainly looking for a way to create an efficient workflow, I will be dealing with many different writings on various topics. So currently I have a selection of chapters for the book, and then I will read through each text and just find bits of interest to copy into some big text document.


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That's a good feel comrade, never found any Marx in any local library


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More Das Kapital today, let's go guys and gals


cute meganekko


hello, anyone has read Cyclonopedia by Reza Negarestani? how does it compare to Nick Land? is it worth reading?


I cant motivate myself lately and my focus is shitty but I plan on reading about some philosophical terminology and book reading.

In the nearer future I hope that Ill touch some history of philosophy and of marxism.




Make a schedule to do an hour of reading a day


trying to get through Hegel’s Lectures on the History of philosophy. still somewhat confused by his use of the word “Notion”


been eating up lots of anarchist audiobooks and essays. Ive totally burned myself out on insurrectionary works, but found some nice critiques that actually advanced my own thought a bit, so it was worth it.
Been listening to Perlman's "Letters of Insurgents" or whatever, its bomb as fuck. Oh yeah, and have been reading Camatte essays, mostly from the pdf hosted here on bunkerchan that some comrade uploaded in leftypol a week or two ago. (shoutout to whoever did that, thanks) Also just bought Against the Grain: a deep history of the earliest states (i think is the title). It's good as fuck, in fact it contradicts a lot of primitivist thought, and even prior works of the author a bit, and he totally acknowledges it. So a hearty thumbs up for this book, for coming from an anarchist perspective and taking new research into account in order to give a more accurate model of how the early states were formed, what material conditions led to them, and how people lived outside of them.
I highly recommend this last book to anyone whose whole anthropology comes from either Marx, or Zerzan. Remember that history and anthropology are sciences, and not there to support your ideology with concrete abstracts, and so the feild is always moving and learning. Might as well move and learn too, and adjust to the new information. No shame in that.

Most of all what im thinking about recently is how leftism ties in to anti-civ sort of critiques. The first politics i got into when i was younger was marxist theory and communist thought. Over time i got into anarchist and later deep green theory. Just now getting into Camatte, surprisingly. And now i realize that i never really changed my deep views that much, but was looking for things that gave words to my feelings and desires. And all the tendencies did give word, more or less, to some facet of my feelings about the current world. I think this needs to be more strongly recognized for us all. For me, the person most different isnt some nazi or capitalist or whatever, its someone who treats "ideologies" as something that can be right or wrong, better or worse, and that should explain the whole of reality. I might not be explaining well, but you probably know the people im talking about. The ones for whom communism isnt there to releive alienation, bring about the human communities we're missing, give us a common goal and fight for a better world, but for whom communism is a project for increased efficiency, purely logical, objectively better than capitalism, etc. Those are maybe my real enemies (or at least foreign people), and i think it doesnt matter so much what "ideology" someone is playing with at the time, but why they arrived at is.
Much love to all my real comrades out there, who are together in this project to dismantle the things that hurt us and make life unfulfilling, precarious, boring, and mentally and physically degenerating.


I've been thinking about making a Esperanto and Spanish keyboard, I just don't know whether of not I should include additional symbols or just copy the one someone already made but just make it for Linux.


got to refresh my already shit japanese


feeling conflicted about the place of democracy in party structures and in future communist society. Basically the debate between the direct democracy advocated by Cockshott, or keeping the decision making in the party leadership, or some mix.
just finished hinterland, pondering what to start next


Besides Deluze, are there other theorists who believe that the revolutionary subject is not the working class, but the self-defeating internal logic of capital itself? I wonder if it's even possible for a conscious political force to oust capitalism because it's even more of a world system now than it was in Marx, Lenin, or Mao's time.



yeah i wonder that too… i doubt any internal factions (separate from internal forces or like, natural consequence) can really defeat it, simply because they still exist within the structure and would need its existence relatively unchanged in order to stay alive, and also on a mental level, we're shaped by the desires and values of those around us, which overwhelmingly conform to capital…


to add to that last part about values, really the only experiences that make me challenge capitalism as a whole are ones that ive had ourside of its grip. Obviously shit sux doing wage labor and experiencing how society is to its constituents, but really all levels of shit can be dealt with with drugs, self-help, and delusion. Suffering is never revolutionary, especially in a world with pharmaceuticals. I wonder how much that plays a role in how unrevolutionary the US seems, for example. Like we never had a past of indigenous people incorporated into our society. The american society clashed with various indigenous ones and ultimately wiped them out or assimilated them, or imprisoned them in foreign (to them) plots of land. So we have no cultural "outside" or past even really.


link broken




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>5 hours sleep
r-r-rise and grind friends


Learning calculus and linear algebra to better understand economics. Also reading works of Edward Bernays since he really is a fascinating character, even though he shouldn't get much sympathy.


There's a linear algebra thread on this board somewhere if you're interested and don't know already


I'm here to post this archive of the current cycled /burgerkreg/ aka /riot/general on /leftypol/, bc near the bottom there's a few posts from a minneapolis anon describing the initial uprising and current developments on the ground at George Floyd Square and citywide in Minneapolis, which I enjoyed learning about and find to be of great historical value:



I've been reading a PDF about the rational kernel of Hegel. Someone posted it in one of those anti-dialectics threads.

It's pretty interesting so far, I've been stuck on reading, but slowly going back.

I've been reading on Hegel more generally. It's really interesting and the little I've understood so far seems very profound. I find myself applying the theory (as I understand it) IRL which has been very fun. I want more! But I suck at reading.


Share plz


The first is short, the second has been a good intro to hegel so far. I also recommend reading AWs intro (third article) you can find it online too. I made it a pdf to read offline.


If you read anything let me know. I've been wanting to discuss hegel, but I still feel too baby to do it.


I take the bar exam for the third time on monday. So I've been reading outlines and practice questions. Reading infinite jest before bed.

God I don't want to fail again. Both previous times it was by 1%. Now it's all online. How is it that I can dismantle the ideological underpinnings of any person I meet, but I can't pass this stupid neoliberal bullshit exam. God damn it.

Wish me luck anons. And if you figure out how to unlock your subconscious through meditation or lucid dreaming, let me know, I know that I know this stuff I just can't remember any of it.


Good luck comrade. I know how you are feeling, it is truly awful. You have got it all under control. I have however heard very good results regarding meditation as a tool of focus and relaxation (in the anti anxiety sense).


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Nice, I'll check it out.

Here's a link to one of the later works by a Left Communist of my tendency who eventually came to the conclusion that revolution was impossible and embraced a form of primitivism. It's pretty interesting even if I hope he's wrong.


and here's a classic from uncle ted that's been a favorite of mine since I read it.



Thanks Comrade. Test is tomorrow and tuesday. I have prayed to the gods and cast the runes. I am hogging down spaghetti and meditating. I am not doing this a fourth time.

Also kinda new, wow /edu/ is slow. Thought it would just be lefty /lit/.


Yeah it's a great board, lots of high quality posts, but that comes at a price


Hello comrades, I’m reading On the Genealogy of morals by Nietzsche, am I in the wrong to be thinking this guy is fucking retarded? This guy would have been deffo been a nazi


Am going to finish State and Rev, am gonna move on to finish Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism, and then I'm gonna read What Is To Be Done?. I admit I'm not really diligent in my studies as I spend a lot of time online since I can't really go out and organize. I'm gonna change that and improve myself, though. I've also been studying more Serbian and want to be able to visit my family in Serbia on my own at some point rather than needing someone to go with.


Read Infinite Jest this summer. I haven't researched this, but Wallace strikes me as sort of centrist, maybe conservative in some of his stances. That being said the novel has really stuck with me. The story is filled with so many details that pander to North American nostalgia, the landscape that all the characters inhabit is just so American to the detail from sports to TV to suburbia and adolescent culture. How far are you anon?


Let me check…

I'm on page 342. First time I tried was for the meme and dropped it at 64. Now it's because it's so real. The themes of isolation, addiction, escapism, expectations, unused potential. It all resonates so deeply. It feels like a personal attack on my near 30 years existence on this earth. He really captured the zeitgeist of American consumerism. Those boring little details he so endlessly describes that everyone experiences but are so minute that you don't actively think about them. This time around it has been a much more interesting book. I've laughed aloud a few times even. I've watched most his interviews and read a bunch of his articles. Can't wait to finish reading it. It's been haunting me for years now.

Also day 1 of the bar exam finished. Fuck my brain hurts. 1 day left.


Ive been trying to read imperialism by lenin. Been thinking about how solarpunk has a lovely aesthetic and a bunch of sort of beliefs baked into it that make it very amenable to a new communism. Im not sure i buy that the sort of centralisation the USSR and China have are necessary and ive been trying to find works/write my own theory on how we might create more decentralised states. Ive read a little bookchin but i hate his writing so tyle so its a struggle.


Just finished reading Blackshirts and Red by Michael Parenti, it was an enjoyable read and he really got the point across about how shit the restoration of capitalism in the warsaw pact was. Also I found his chapters about Left-wing anti-communism and leftists who refuse to talk about class to be really relevent considering the state of breadtube and grifters like Vaush. It's a book I'd recommened to anyone especially those who are still infected with the liberal idea that fascism and communism are both terrible totalitarian ideologies.


Based. I read that book a few years ago.


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Well the bar exam happened.

Started reading Dubliners. Haven't finished Infinite Jest.

Been practicing writing recently with /lit/'s genre burgerpunk. Dunno where else to share it. It's been fun testing out different styles, methods, and techniques on how to tell stories. I know it's probably not as funny as I think it is, but treating today as dystopian science fiction makes me giggle. Multiple layers of irony allowing for a literary critique of late stage capitalism. I think it's a good exercise overall.

Here's the link if you actually want to read it. Let me know what you think!



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I'm reading "Western Marxism. How it was born, how it died and how it can rise again" by Losurdo. It's an extremely good books that I would love to be able to share with my international comrades but as far as I know has not been translated to english yet (but if you can read Italian, Spanish or Portuguese you should definitely check it out). It goes over the split between oriental and western marxism and how the contraddictions deepened with time.


Is there an English Translation?


As far as I know it has only been translated to Spanish and Portuguese.
I'm actually thinking of translating it myself, but I don't know if I have the time right now. Maybe if I get some other comrade on board.


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how do you think the exam went?
I don't really read any fiction, I need to improve on that front. Too much theory. Will read your thing another time I'm going to bed now


I am more at one with failure and the world this time around than the previous two times. I've come to accept who I am regarding taking the bar exam. Some parts I think I did well, other parts might be up in the air. It's all just tumbling down

tumbling down

tumbling dowwwwwwwwwwwn.


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Morning all. Today it's time to begin with State and Revolution for the second time. Quite excited to reread it now I have a much better grasp of Marxism, and Leninism.

I've been thinking a lot about human 'thoughts', and what makes us human in the first place (in comparison to robot thoughts). And also what pleasures we should, as communists, submit to. And which we should overcome


I've been reading a lot about the Red Army Faction and the situation in West Germany in the 70s in general. Absolutely fascinating stuff.


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Hi anon, I'm dropping in because of the board shuffling proposals on /leftypol/ though I posted in the medieval thread too. I am halfway through G. Agamben's "Homo Sacer", and then I'm going to read this weird thing by 'SDK' called Turn Illness Into a Weapon. There's a lot I want to do, mostly to more clearly and essentially grasp Marx (I have Postone's tract on Time, Labor, and Social Domination open somewhere), but also Hegel. This idea in my head is that the regeneration of the human being or species essence is inextricably tied to revolutionary praxis and that a certain liminal human figure mediates this process.

I think I have Kaufmann's translation and in his forward he btfo's the Nazi shit. Also you may be in the wrong because his was a very original project (specifically the genealogy) that smarter people than us (Deleuze, Foucault) say all the time they are indebted to.

That's fine as long as you are assimilating the main points. You will be better-read than half this chan. "What is to be Done?" is a hard text full of little historical tidbits (I could be thinking of One Step Forward…), don't miss out on the overall point.

What I see in this centralization-decent debate is different understandings of the terms' meanings and more importantly certain modernist(?) conceptions of space and freedom. Like the world is a big abstract space, where anything can be put anywhere, and it's a big matrix-puzzle to solve. We should instead conceive of different bioregions as organs in the Earth's total metabolism.

gib update soon.


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Currently reading Spirits of Resistance by Aihwa Ong (1987) which is about the interaction of global capitalist accumulation and mental discipline in Malaysia and the resistance strategies by mostly female factory workers in response to it. Pretty good already.

Also, hey, I'm the editor for Newmultitude.org and we'd love to start putting up some new articles from the clever people here on /edu/ so let me know if you have anything interesting to say.

Also, I'd love to put up some original translations. Is there anything you think needs a translation? ideally something short!


I'll know in December. In the mean time I'm in a weird limbo for employment. Not a lawyer yet, nor do I want to leave the house and accidentally kill my grandmother.


I am re-reading Harry Cleaver's "Reading Capital Politically" to hopefully use it as the basis for an introductory study group on economics (as it covers a few chapters from Capital 1) but not sure if it will bear any fruit.


Just started taking a sociology course and I'm eager to read all of the material (it includes Marx, Gramsci, Weber and others) yet I feel intimidated by the amount of work expected - a large volume of reading, annotation and writing expected weekly. Anyone have similar experiences with how to manage rigourous social science courses for newbies?


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Take notes and think about what you read as you read. Think about how they all interact. Write and highlight the fuck out of the text. Apply the concepts to random ideas throughout your life and daily experiences. Engaging with material is what makes it stick over time. If you dig flash cards look into anki. If you like nested things look into a personal wiki or roam research. Overview classes aren’t difficult because it’s all just general overview of the fields within a field. You got this bud. I’d also suggest
>atomic habits
>make it stick
>how to read a book
>deep work


>what you're reading
Finished "Is Socialism feasible?" (Geoffrey M. Hodgson, 2019). Meh, he's like a less intelligent and more verbose Alec Nove (mixed economy good and maybe some co-ops, NHS also OK, big socialism bad). In a footnote he complains that the writing of writers such as "Marx are marred by anti-Semitic remarks." The sentence the footnote is connected with doesn't mention Marx (nor the sentence before that or the page or the page before that page). My impression is that the author had a to-do list of bad things to say about commies and when rewriting parts in the main body of the text, he forgot to change this footnote.

Authors of the far right get a careful reading and polite response, for left-wingers he analyses a few slogans and finds these lacking in nuance (page 156):
>An even cruder misunderstanding is that public good means ‘good for the public’. While anyone who has taken Econ 101 should spot this error, it is nevertheless widespread. The term ‘good’ in this context does not mean virtuous or worthwhile. Instead in this case it means objects of trade, including traded services. Bad things, like tobacco, heroin and personnel mines, are also goods in this sense. As leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn has opined that ‘education is a public good’ and suggested that this implies that it should all be provided by government and funded by taxation. All three leaders of the UK Green Party since 2012 – Natalie Bennett, Caroline Lucas and Jonathan Bartley – have repeated the phrase ‘education is a public good’.
He continues on this on page 157:
>Influential organizations are led by people who have not learned the lessons of Econ 101.
Then on page 158, there is this breathtaking finding:
>Nevertheless, with education there are also strong positive spill-over effects. Educated people help to raise the levels of public culture and discourse and can pass on some of their skills to others. Educated people are also vital for a healthy democracy.
Page 159:
>Consider the positive externalities of education. It would be impossible or socially destructive for every educated person to charge a fee to participants in an intellectual dinner conversation, or to invoice the government for making a well-informed choice when casting his or her vote in the ballot box. The internalization of these positive externalities is impossible or undesirable.
So the message is that your soundbite is bad, and even though I agree with the gist of what you say here I must denounce you since you fail at econ 101, even though I disagree with econ 101 myself.

As you can probably tell by now, he's a pretty shitty writer. I picked up the book because Cockshott's TANS is in the references, but he doesn't actually discuss sortition etc. (I don't believe he has actually read it). He also refers to the work of Rudolph Rummel when discussing the USSR body count. If you don't know who that is, see this thread: https://archive.fo/GCcfp


I'm pretending to do my homework. Never posted here before, and I want to read theory but I'm always procrastinating. Help me, I'm in neverending pain.


Read the books atomic habits, deep work, and make it stick. Do your homework anon.


Thank you… Last time I tried reading a book for productivity I almost read half of it. I'm afraid that nothing I read will work because my impulse control is so fucking abysmal.

Anyway, I'm trying to fix something that someone helped me write for my assignment, which is overdue at this point, but god fucking damn, my douchebag-ass neighbors just had to throw a fucking party with alcohol and blaring music right when I'm most worried about submitting this shit ASAP. It's midnight, and it sounds like it's coming from inside my house. Makes me wanna shoot myself, I'm actually tearing up. Sorry, I just wanted to get it out my chest. I think I'll stick around this board from now on and try to actually read something.


I'm investigating about Object Oriented Ontology.

The name has semblance to a programming concept which is pure neoliberalism and makes me want to shoot myself. There is still a lot about philosophy that I don't get, it sounds radically different than hegelianism (and materialist/marxist hegelianism), because as I have understood it so far, it ignores the human element in the understanding of reality.

An object is never just itself, it exists in relation to a shit ton of things, and these relations are social in nature. The social part is human. It could be animals of course, but the point is that a set of consciousnesses has to create said social relations of objects. Zizek doesn't seem to have too many qualms on this area as far as I've seen, so maybe I'm missing something obvious.

And it seems OOO is kantian + heideggerian in origin? Which ignores the advances made by hegel and marx to "unify" the phenomena and neumena.


Hmmm, from a youtube comment of a lecture of the star of OOO:
>Most of the issues raised by Harman in this lecture were solved long ago by Hegel. It's disturbing how many philosophers can still continue to work in the shadow of Kant.

So maybe I'm not that far off the mark. I feel a need to tell everyone IRL about my shitty understanding of Hegel, but nobody seem to give a shit TT_TT


>a programming concept which is pure neoliberalism and makes me want to shoot myself
How many layers of ideology are you on right now?


I don't think OOO is kantian or heideggerian explicitly. Maybe just on the most vague levels. Would like it if someone else could clarify.


Rafiq thread was excellent. My collection of his compilation of posts grows and I am very happy with the discussion there.


Did you get your stuff done anon? Did you at least get some sleep? It's all gonna be okay bud.


Thanks for taking the time to read it, Comrade


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Saw this in the OP of some poltoid bait thread on /leftypol/ where OP claims he tricked a Marxist professor into gifting him his old books and then burned them. Wondering if there are copies of any of them in socialist website/newspaper online archives, libgen, internet archive, wayback machine etc


go check on libcom, im pretty sure i saw something like radical america there


Finished "I Am a Strange Loop" by Douglas Hofstadter. It's musings about how minds work without talking about the brain as an organ, very autobiographical and full of tedious punning (I admit I'm somewhat biased against puns in general as I always think about the poor translators when I encounter them).

He makes the point that language doesn't only have metaphorical meaning in a few sentences here and there. People talk and think in metaphors and analogies all the time, it's just that we usually only explicitly call out the big and wild ones. He gives an example of you eating a cookie from a plate and remarking it's delicious, some kids then eagerly grab similar-looking cookies from the plate (instead of pulling the one you said is good out of your mouth like a REAL SCIENTIST would, stupid kids). The kids reached a conclusion through a mini-analogy. Hofstadter has actually worked on a computer program that finds analogies and my hope when picking up the book was he'd describe it in some detail as well as other AI research, but he doesn't.

Instead he craps on soul-body dualism, ultra-individualism, and John Searle's Chinese room argument. He argues against these three entangled issues (or is it one issue?) very well, but I didn't need any convincing. I'm more like Hofstadter when it comes to that than he is himself.


"The Invention of Capitalism" by Michael Perelman, very good book about Adam Smith and other classical economists. It's a common trope among Marxists that economics used to be more scientific while the bourgeoisie had been a progressive force and then took a nosedive post Ricardo. The book shows that the change to capitalism was not a basically automatic outcome of tendencies within feudalism, but to a great extent helped by political machinations, with our respectable philosophers/economists being quite aware of that and being for a rather hands-on approach despite how they are remembered. There's some real vile shit in it from their private letters.


guess that guy succeeded his goal of triggering me because wow, fuck that guy. burning a book isn't the most evil thing you can do but it is one of the most transparently, pointlessly evil things you can do, IMO


I thoroughly enjoyed reading "Gödel, Escher, Bach" by Hofstadter.

The rest of your post was good, I have little to comment on, but I enjoyed your review.
>I'm more like Hofstadter when it comes to that than he is himself.
Based and marxism-pilled.


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Currently reading Engels' Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. It's an interesting work. I've only read the very beginning so far, but am very interested in seeing where the rest goes.

On another note, I've been thinking a lot about Kant and his transcendental idealism. I recently read Marx's Theses on Feuerbach and Engels' Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, and both touch on Kant's philosophy, though the Theses do it more indirectly. Reading these I think I've been able to understand and form a pretty consistent critique of transcendental idealism from a materialist point of view, though this only makes me more interested in actually reading Kant, which I haven't. I guess I'll work on studying him more closely as I read these other Marxist works. I'll probably start with Descartes then Hume or something like that. Might check out Leibniz at some point too.

So the book shows how economists/philosophers like Smith and Ricardo were not just responsible for indirectly 'justifying' liberalism, but also directly engaged with its politics, all the while knowing its flaws and surrounding opportunism? That sounds pretty interesting, I guess I'll check it out sometime. Will add it to my 'critique of liberalism' reading list.


halfway through my first book since probably middleschool, Against Empire by Michael Parenti

I wish this board was more active

someone did this on /mu/ once too, they got a whole suitcase full of EXTREMELY rare Three Six Mafia tapes and other very valuable Memphis Rap releases and were like,

>I no longer agree with the message of this jungle music, it promotes violence and degeneracy

and then procedes to start melting them and throwing them in the garbage


I've had this book for a while but have put off reading it. Maybe it's time.
You can make it more active comrade. Look through the catalog and see if there's anything you like if you don't wanna make a thread!
Based. One of my favorite Engel's works, was a huge breakthrough moment for me in getting the 'bigger picture' of humanity.


Anyone read Ted Reese's book "Socialism or Extinction: Climate, Automation and War in the Final Capitalist Breakdown"?


Am reading Carr's History of Soviet Russia. Currently on Part 3 (Socialism in one coutnry), vol. 1. PARTS 1 and 2 were really good.


Wittgenstein's "Philosophical Investigations". When people sit alone at home and do philosophy, they rip words out of their usual social contexts, and with these shifted meanings they "find" many "logical flaws" in how normies are talking. Wittgenstein points to normal usage of words and while he gives many weird scenarios, their purpose is to highlight by contrast something about how language normally works. No familiarity with other philosophical works is needed to read this. The less familiar you are with philosophy, the more often you'll say to yourself while reading: Well, isn't this banal. The more familiar you are with philosophy, the more likely it is you will get a headache.


Having a quick skim through .pdf attached atm


It's Christmas comrades. Time to get some mulled wine and armchair away the days with good books. Still working my way through Zizek's Living In The End Times. Very much enjoying it regardless of its length.


Passages from the Life of a Philosopher" by Charles Babbage (copy from standardebooks.org). Disjointed ramblings about physics and engineering, how annoying street musicians and beggars are, his fascination with his figurine "Silver Lady" etc. He also makes lists about which ethnic groups play which annoying instruments in public and who encourages them (e.g. "ladies of doubtful virtue"). He got harassed a lot in public over his opinion on banning street music by the mob. While he's explaining his calculating Difference Engine at an exhibit:
&lt…I was insulted by impertinent questions conveyed in a loud voice from a person at a distance in the crowd. My taste for music, and especially for organs, was questioned.
As for his other politics:
&ltIn the course of my efforts to inform myself of the real wants of those around me, I profited much by the experience of one or two friends, both most excellent and kindhearted men, whose official duties rendered them far more conversant than myself with the subject. Mr. Walker and Mr. Broderip, both of them magistrates, were amongst my intimate friends. Mr. Walker, the author of The Original, maintained that no one ever was actually starved in London, except through his own folly or fault.
&ltWhenever any further extension of our representative system becomes necessary, the dangers arising from the extension of the personal suffrage may fairly be counterbalanced by giving a plurality of votes to property.
About half the book is like looking at a REEEing Pepe with a monocle. Not recommended.


Hey, this is anon from earlier in the thread. I fucking passed the bar exam! Woo! Anyone know of any resources for leftist attorneys?


I lold


Not sure if this is what you're asking for, but have you heard of Evgeny Pashukanis? Soviet law theorist, seems like the most important thinker in marxist critical law theory. I keep hearing things about him in local marxist circles, and he does seem interesting, but I haven't yet read anything from him.



Congrats man! You're free!


>The pre-eminent Soviet jurist of the 1920s and early 1930s, Pashukanis fell victim to the great purges of the late 1930s and was thereafter reviled as an “enemy of the people” until his posthumous legal rehabilitation in 1956.
stalin purged literally all the good marxists. it's fucking crazy


This site wont let me post threads, i wanted to create a thread with the contents below but the captcha 100% of the time says its wrong or expired so i dunno.. can someone post a thread for me?

I have fuck all time but to be a proper revolutionairy i need to read and comprehend much more than i do. I don't have the time to read books and not remember the contents.

I was hoping everyone could drop their tips, hints and self-help books on reading and studying more effectively so that we can all become more effective students.


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Any other examples of important Marxists being purged by Stalin? I have limited experience with Stalin's purges and I don't want to be sullied by Western propaganda information.


Lukacs wasn’t purged but he was exiled, and it was sort of his own fault


WHat did he do?


>make it stick
>how to read a book
>deep work
>atomic habits




Still reading Hegel's logic. (a secondary source on Hegel's Science of Logic). I read ridiculously slow and I've been very distracted lately.

I'm like 20% of the book done after months of reading lol. I recently shared the books with a friend and they already surpassed me -.-

My biggest hurdle is actually starting to read. The book's material is not easy for me, so I actively try to not read. I can have the book open in front of me, but I'll watch an hour of youtube videos just to avoid starting to read. I'm not sure how to mitigate this.


>>4678 (me)
I was reading Capital a while ago, also ridiculously slow. I noticed I've gotten much better at reading, because when I read normie books, I can read them much much quicker and with less effort than before (I still read them slow, but at least I can read now). I stopped reading after chapter 1 *facepalm* but I'm meaning to retake it once I've matured my Hegel knowledge a little bit more.


hey guys


Hi friend. I’m almost done reading Bullshit Jobs: a theory.


Wondering how to get USanos with an libshit allergy to Stalin to study Stalin's works


is anybody here?




Yeah, just holiday busy. I bought a book I plan on reading soon. I'm somewhat tired of the book I was reading previously.


Reading Frances Stonor Saunders' Who Paid the Piper? about the cultural Cold War of the mid-20th century. It's really interesting but the "cast" of important figures is vast and quickly becomes difficult to keep track of.

Willing to compile a short list of the most mentioned people if enough interest arises.

Anyway, I like the book because it paints a really good picture of how great of a job the CIA did painting itself as innocuous when it came to cultural matters, even though it was pretty much everywhere. I imagine most of us are familiar with the horror stories of 1950's McCarthyism, but the other side of the coin is just as interesting to me: it could be as simple as getting a pre-screening of a new John Wayne western and slipping them a few thousand bucks to put more of an emphasis on freedom and individualism. Didn't even have to be an explicitly anti-communist movie, even though there were enough of those to go around as well - quite the opposite, the CIA's involvement in cultural projects it didn't start itself was designed to steer independent art in a direction that benefited it most.

Another great example of how the CIA achieved this was by appropriating burgeoning artistic movements before they had a chance to make a name - or a means of making a living - for themselves: the abstract expressionist movement that arose from the New York avant-garde. In the name of freedom and fatherland, through CIA assets like the MoMA, artists like Rothko got more exposure and cash than they knew what to do with.
I'm not through with the book yet and I know my thoughts seem scattered as all fuck but still, I recommend it if you can keep track of all the guys.


Don't know how active this is but I came and I saw.


Slow board, now on a new website. Things are a lot slower than they used to be, we can only hope threads like this help garner attention towards the board.


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Hello comrades. I came to check in on you today.
How are you? I know things are slow now, but, things will pick up. Remember: "We have always lived in slums and holes in the wall. We will know how to accommodate ourselves for a while. For you must not forget that we can also build. It is we who built these palaces and cities, here in Spain and America and everywhere. We, the workers. We can build others to take their place. And better ones. We are not in the least afraid of ruins. We are going to inherit the earth; there is not the slightest doubt about that. The bourgeoisie might blast and ruin its own world before it leaves the stage of history. We carry a new world here, in our hearts. That world is growing in this minute."


Is René Guenon /leftypol/.org approved?


>fell for a /lit/ meme


I am spreading myself thin between work stuff, errands, comradely work, and depression.

I bought On the origin of family. So far the writing is good. I needed something mellow, easy and pleasant to read. I'm tired of struggling to understand what I'm reading. I thought of reading fiction but it feels so pointless at this moment, I don't know why.


I'm getting strong urge to start quantitative finance thread as I spent lot of time studying rigorous books on option pricing and stochastic calculus during lockdown picking up few tendies here and there

I know, I know, this is no place for profaned bourgeoisie 'science' but I genuinely think there are few things we can learn from how modern 'quants' are modelling markets and how traders actually interpret it without even discussing actual trading.

There is not much linear programming involved so I do think it warrants separate thread from dickblast. whatdoyathink?


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Hello everyone. Very happy to see you're still posting here.

What are your goals for the new year?


Do it, I may be able to participate with stochastic discussion but I'm by no means an expert.
>I'm tired of struggling to understand what I'm reading.
Kek I've had this, origin of family is a good book to relieve that. I've always hated fiction also. Zizek's more normie targetted books are good too.

I'm okay. Very anxious to start uni again. Hope you're good comrade.


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Just finished the portion on the national question in Foundations of Leninism. I was just reading that portion because the chapter of a party I'm a part of was discussing panafricanism.

tl;dr communists in the imperial core must advocate the right of secession of imperial holdings, communists in the imperial holdings can advocate either


Thanks for the recommendations. Which are zizek's normie books? Sublime Object of Ideology?


It's the year of the ox, so I'm hoping to get a cow gf if I can

Ngl it ain't looking good so far


I haven't read that one, I dunno how much it assumes knowledge of Lacan/psychoanalysis but it's definitely one of his most important works. 'Violence' and 'Virtue and Terror are good intro texts. The latter (he writes the preface* to a collection of Robespierre works and Zizek's analysis is far more interesting imo) is the first thing I read by Zizek, it's good and short just read it and see if it's your thing to be honest. 'Living In The End Timer' is also great, very large but it's almost like a collection of short stories about culture and relating these things to communism/psychoanalysis/philosophy, so you can pick it up and put it down without having to really follow a coherent 'story'. I'd recommend googling terms you aren't familiar with (objet petit a and so on) but not dwelling on this too much because you will come to understand these concepts and the way Zizek thinks through osmosis.

*He did a series of prefaces with Verso books, haven't read any others but I imagine they are all quit normie friendly, I'm sure there will be one on a topic you're interested in.

Will pray for you comrade.


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I have to make a work on hegel pls post hot pics of hegel or pics that depict the dialectical process ok thx


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ere ya go mate


Lovely sentiments. I applaud your choice of Against the Grain, especially.
> And now i realize that i never really changed my deep views that much, but was looking for things that gave words to my feelings and desires.
I relate deeply to this.


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>what you're thinking about
Thinking about the Spectacle and how far it extends. I have a friend that cannot go five minutes without making a reference to some meme or popular culture. I sometimes fall into this trap as well. I find it disturbing that, rather being bound by lived experience, our interactions are mediated by something manufactured and artificial. And if I feel this way about just talking with my friends, does it infect other spheres of other relationships?

>what you're reading

After reading some of Marx's basic works, I am covering some of his essays. I have just finished Civil War in France and I intend to read Value Price and Profit next. After reading that and covering some of Marx's other works, I am unsure if I should go into Psychoanalysis or ecology

>interesting thing you have learned today

After thinking that the Union hymn "John Brown's Body" was based off of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," apparently it is the other way around.



If I want to truly understand the liberal mindset, who do I set out reading?
Locke and Rousseau?


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is anybody here?


sure, yeah


Those and Adam Smith, if you want Classical Liberalism. You could read some sections from Wealth of Nations (no need to bother with the whole thing) and Theory of Moral Sentiments


I'm an ex-/pol/tard, currently anarchist, please recommend me a book or two.
I am not really interested in becoming a leftist, but I wanna know what socialism/communism really is.


State and Revolution.
Turned me from anarchist to ML.


This one is my favorite, a very simple summary of Capital. Let's be totally honest here, Marx writes like a fag.


Trying to read all the books on the /read/ reading list and I've finished reading The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism by Lenin. It was shorter than I expected at only 5 pages and its like a short and sweet recap of what I've read in Socialism Utopian and Scientific. Overall it was an enjoyable read and my first introduction into Lenin's work.
I also read Principles of Communism too which was another good short read and reads like a FAQ, I liked that it was written in easier to understand english than other works by Marx and Engels. Sometimes it would take reading a page twice to understand what was being said by them


What a nice post to read.
:) have a good day anon.


Thanks! I hope you have a good day too


/read/fag here. Glad to see people are making good use of our reading list. We made it public in the first place so that people outside the group could also benefit from it. If you have any questions or comments about any of the books, feel free to join our chat. We also recently started a new reading group for new members, which is something that might interest you. Check our thread for any info you might need, >>4899


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Does anyone have any Hegel reading lists? Trying to get a grip on him and his philosophy


Check out this thread:

I bet there are people willing to pay a premium to have someone else buy an e-book for them and pirate it.
I can't seem to find a specific e-book online for free. I'm hesitant to buy it because it's like 30 USD and it'd only be for me. If I do buy it, I'd hate for it to be only for me, I'd rather share it. But I'm not skilled enough to cover my tracks, so I'd rather not do it.


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I'll vouch for Solomon's book which helped me tons when reading the Phenomenology. There are two new translations by Pinkard and Inwood. I have a slight preference towards Pinkard but either of them is better than the old standard Miller. Start with Hegel's Lecture on the Philosophy of History (which is the most accessible) and the secondary resources.


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Just passing by, carry on chaps


Just passing by, but I was wondering what would be a good way to develop myself philosophically and economically in a communistic way?


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Read books and learn, learn, learn. What to read depends on what you already know and what you would like to know.

If you're interested in getting started with marxist theory in general, https://leftyread.ml/schedules/tilmeeth.html and the old leftypol list (pic related) are both good lists. For economics and political economy, the other pic related is a good chart. For philosophy in general, and if you're interested in taking the whole historical tour of western philosophy, Plato is not a bad place to start.

Just remember to take it easy and not get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of books to read and things to learn out there. Take it one step at a time, but knowing that reading and learning are really just never-ending processes.


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Good history book covering Soviet Union from the late 20s or early 30s to post-war period?


The book diagram is nonsense, see post No. 1314990 here: https://bunkerchan.net/leftypol/res/1314909.html


Up to around 1933 Carr's History of Soviet Russia is great.


Am currently reading Capital vol I., together with Harvey's companion, frenchies' Reading Capital and Heinrich's Introduction to 3 volumes of Capital.


i'm from a poor family of brown mud people how do i become educated enough to slay the wh*te bougie menace with a flick of my tongue

I just got done reading Wage Labour and Capitol over the course of a week on my lunch breaks at work, might have to read it again as Marx is pretty obtuse at times.

I think I would benefit a lot from seeing the things Marx talks about from a different perspective, as what he says in WG&C is pretty intuitively obvious if you've had a job but I can't help but feel everything he asserts is just a bunch of made up bullshit


Supremely based. Best of luck comrade. Marx can be obtuse but he was well known for being able to completely dessimate people in debates, his body of work can't be understated here. Just read a Capital summary tbh. Then some more political work if you're interested in destroying people, Critique of the Gotha program, Origin of the Family is good too. Can't be understated though that destroying people comes from a long self education where you gain lots of knowledge and think deeply about a wide array of topics


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uygha is this thread bumplocked? This shit is my favorite thread. Anyway:

My radlib friend has only read Capital (of Marx's works) and somehow managed to come away thinking the guy was a moralist. What's the best work that shows Marx's understanding of morality as being shaped by social relations (i.e. bourgeois relations) and therefore not reliable as a tool of critique? And why are radlibs so opposed to this idea?


Starting to read Spinoza. Have not really read much older philosophy, but some of the authors I've read have been positive towards him, (ie mark fisher). Anything i should know before jumping in?


>The book diagram is nonsense
Why? The link is broken for obvious reasons


Checking in


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planning to read hegel after entry exams to uni


Just got through "How We Decide" by Jonah Lehrer (2009). It's one of those books about experiments revealing human biases like anchor values etc. (see also: Amos Tversky, Philipp Tetlock) and he tells some stories about how people decided in life-or-death situations. He makes you second-guess your urges. He also mixes in some "explanations" about what part of the brain apparently does what (based on data from injuries and brain-scan activity patterns). But what am I supposed to do with that information? I can't pull parts out and back in depending on the situation. Still, decent book overall. The writing is easy to follow and engaging. He's like a less hacky version of Malcom Gladwell.


Finished "How I Learn Languages" by Kató Lomb, Hungarian polyglot and professional translator sharing anecdotes from her life and tips. She says that you absolutely must dedicate at the very least 10 hours a week to the language you wanna learn. Normie language courses are good but they take forever, so her idea is you should just lie about your skill level and do a ton of extra learning in addition to the course. Rather unusual advice by her is to start reading books in the target language fairly early on. Just annotate the shit out of what you read… I don't know what to think about that.


I've read this. I remember the anecdotes being fun but the actual advice wasn't anything new. Well, it's an older book so I can't blame her.


Finished "Sugar" by James Walvin (2018). Walvin is a historian and his big thing is slavery. Sugar played a huge role in that, not only because of the slaves directly involved in the sugar sector, but also by boosting demand for chocolate and coffee. The book also covers the 20th century and the current obesity crisis. It's an important topic and I'm sure the author did thorough research, but I found it tedious to read. He often talks through numbers and more numbers showing development of trade patterns and what have you, when he could and should have just used some charts instead.


Done with "How to Prepare for Climate Change" (2021) by David Pogue, a successful writer who usually explains computer stuff to lay people. It really is a book written only for people who live in the US. It starts with some inane shit about seeing a therapist because you are so sad about climate change… He could have done a much shorter book if he had omitted the things that involve spending big amounts of money, but that doesn't need to stop you. You can just jump in and go straight to whatever interests you and if it the section relates in some way to something written in another section, the book tells you that.

He has some advice on where to move (within the US), you move North and away from the coasts, basically. He lists 14 nice cities to live in based on how the climate will develop, how they are currently doing economically, the proximity to water supplies, and some other factors. And here they are: Madison, Wisconsin; Ann Arbor, Michigan; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Burlington, Vermont; Bangor, Maine; Denver, Colorado; Boulder, Colorado; Chicago, Illinois; Cleveland, Ohio; Boise, Idaho; Portland, Oregon; Spokane, Washington; Duluth, Minnesota; Buffalo, New York.


I'm currently reading your mind

DUDE WTF is your problem, You want to do what with my cock?!??


visiting /edu/ again, just saying hi

currently doing Operations Research, thinking about how to build better shelves


> It really is a book written only for people who live in the US.
I'm sick of this shit, I was thinking of just not reading books written by Americans but on some topics it is hard to find pirate-able alternatives in languages that I understand.


I'm thinking that DiaMat is bullshit for the most part except as a tool for historical, sociological, anthropological, geneological analisys.
By this I mean if you wanna understand something look at the material/economic base of it.
The reason why we eat with fork and knife has a material basis.
Superstructure doesn't influce the base, just enforces it and validates. Focault is right in his analysis if you consider his work as analisys of the superstrucure.
The history of european Anti semitism has a material basis.
But contradiction, stages and prediction are just gnosticism for atheists


I'm listening to Adam Tooze's The Deluge and it's pretty cringe. Can anyone recommend some based historians?


trying to learn to code something


What are you trying to code?


Finished two books, Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI by Dave Mark (2009), a very easy read and rather superficial. I don't remember how I encountered it, probably some thread about how terrible Yandere Dev is. It completely omits path-finding and the author gets a bit too obsessed with randomness in the end IMHO, but it's an OK book for absolute noobs (Yandere Dev would surely benefit). It lead me to another book published by the same company, Video Game Design Revealed by Guy W. Lecky-Thompson (2008) and that book is, well… something else.

The author claims Smash TV introduced dual-stick controls in top-down shooters, even though Robotron already had implemented that years earlier. The author mentions Crazy Taxi (written Crazi Taxi) in the same sentence with GTA as an example of violent games. The author claims Mario Sunshine to be the first 3D Mario and classifies it as a puzzle game. The author claims that the release of the Sony PSP "prompted Nintendo to combine the GameBoy Advance and GameCube into a similar kind of gaming system" and he means the Nintendo DS by that. The author seems to believes that the original Doom used polygons and that CryTek invented variable level of detail in polygon models (and he calls Far Cry "Cry Freedom") and he says bump mapping is when you recycle a monochrome texture by mixing in different colors to represent sand and asphalt. The author says that in Doom episode is the term for a level, that modern shmups use momentum in their control schemes, that the d-pad came about with the 16-bit generation, and that R-Type got 2D top-down scrolling. This thing is so terrible I'm going tinfoil mode: Was that on purpose?

Here's a representative excerpt:
<There may not actually be an on-screen character. Puzzle games such as Tetris do not actually have a lead character or even enemies. The idea is to beat the machine, which becomes the “enemy.” The blocks falling from the top of the screen, and which need to be arranged in order to complete lines and thus win points, can be seen as enemies or heroes—you can be either with them or against them, depending on your point of view. Puzzle games rely on a recognizable screen layout, the game environment, and its dynamics to achieve success.
The author likes above paragraph so much that he reminds you of it later in the book, and by later I mean literally the next paragraph:
<In addition to the characters, there is the game environment which they inhabit. While “character development” might not apply to some types of games (we used puzzle games as an example of games without characters), the “environment” applies to all games. Even games such as Tetris, which do not have a discernable character beyond the blocks that fall from the top of the screen, have a game environment that is instantly recognizable.
It's extremely repetitive. The author mentions that Tekki on XBox has a special controller seven times.

Here are some more real quotes from the work:

<For example, take a game such as Brain Training for the Nintendo DS. This is a game that relies on the player’s wish to have his brain “trained” for periods at a time.

<Skin looks like skin, and a moving thing that is covered with a skin-like surface is probably an animal or a person.

<As animals, we rely on our hearing (one of our five senses) to give us information beyond that which is delivered by our eyes.

<In the GameBoy world, the LCD screen is composed of a series of dots (pixels), each of which can be lit up as required.

<An automobile, for example, is a compound object that can be used as a container for other automobile parts. A mix of parts with different properties will make automobiles with different external characteristics. Red and blue automobiles will share many of the same objects, but each will have different color properties that will give the automobile its distinctive red or blue features.

<Consider films like Star Wars or, more recently, The Matrix. They present alternate realities that have their basis in our day-to-day experiences and, therefore, enable us to believe in them, even though we know that they are not real.

<We expect flying vehicles to give us a different perspective than submarines or race cars.

<It is worth checking out the Nintendo of America site (http://www.nintendo.com). Search for Super Mario Sunshine and take a look at the (eye candy) screenshots. Even a “platform” game like Super Mario has been updated to reflect an FPS, over-the-shoulder 3D feel.

<the text adventure might just take over the future of gaming

WHO IS THE AUDIENCE?! It's like a boomer writing for aliens. Maybe the author is both a boomer and also an alien. I don't know how the author functions in this world as a believable human being. Zero stars.


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>imminent critique


I been contiplating why I always seem to get stuck on learning a new language. I think I understand now why after having been reading through a book I recently picked up. Fluent Forever it was called, and since it was an ebook version I was about to read it for a few hours be realizing I what I had been doing wrong. I wasn't making the language stick because our brains have these filters out any foreign words that it doesn't deem important.

That's when I realized that I wasn't making the progress I wanted because first I was forgetting everything. I wasn't making memorable and meaningful connections to the words. I was also trying to just translate everything rather than actually learning. It also showed that I should try and learn how to pronounce words properly than to sound like a dumb burger speaking in a broken language. It also I was bored with the methods i was doing as it wasn't engaging and as such well. There are three main languages I am wanting to get a handle on. Spanish. German, Chinese. Chinese of course will the the one to take the most time but is one that is very interesting with its character system. Though its tonal system for speaking is a pain in the ass to do correctly. Spanish mostly LatAm spanish since I am a burger and that is the Spanish I am exposed to everyday when I hear spanish speakers. German well its one of those languages that seems funny having extremely long words to mean small things and I kinda like that about it.

So I plan on learning one of those three first and just stop being a monolingual burger and actually connect with more people.


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I'm reading Orientalism by Edward W. Said. It's interesting enough. It's illuminating for showing that a lot of conversations about the middle east or otherwise "orient" is rife with orientalist thinking.


Here's a list of German "sentences" that are one word long: >>6106 I'm building a list of around 600 words that closely follows the list of basic vocabulary from Fluent Forever and will put it in that thread. (I can't make everything what the FF list asks for because some translations just have too much ambiguity and especially the prepositions are hard/impossible to translate.)


Just finished The Governance of China by Xi Jinping (2014). This is a collection of speeches. Did you know that China has over one billion people? Xi Jinping is here to tell you that. 24 times. He often makes references to various writers from several centuries ago, to folk sayings and so on, and there are very helpful footnotes, but I have to say it's pretty boring overall. There is also an appendix that tells you about his life and that China has over one billion people. He comes across as someone who is serious about fighting corruption (that was also the impression in leaked internal communication of our friends from the American Intelligence community who seemed upset about that for some reason) and someone who cares a lot about how ordinary people are doing. He namedrops Marxism a lot, but whether he has a deep grasp of it I cannot tell on the basis of these speeches.


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>"Morality, religion, metaphysics, all the rest of ideology and their corresponding forms of consciousness no longer retain the semblance of independence; they have no history and no development; but men, developing their material production and their material intercourse, alter, along with their real existence, their thinking and the products of their collective thinking."


Read Atomic Habits by James Clear (2008). He does this usual liberal thing where he talks like believing that half the world's population are business owners, aside from that it's an OK book.




Found this site recently it's a barrel of laughs if you're in the mood for hand-wringing stupidity https://communistcrimes.org


I want to make Moldova socialist again


>unironically shilling TGI

confirmed for not reading it


Uhh what? Chapter 1 of The German Ideology is one of the most fundamental and complete pieces on historical materialism out there. It's on every marxist reading list.


I was looking for a funny meme of bad acting where this girl goes from sensual seductress to fucking arnold schwarznegger when saying the word "Vagina" and so I looked up link related… instead I found a lot of softcore porn and I frankly question… why? WHY is this shit allowed? https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=vagina+casting


Found the meme by the way it's pretty damn hilarious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoYGi6kDLkw&ab_channel=agagames


Can I get some Cuban Revolution recommendations? In either English or Spanish.


Checking in. Is /edu/ dead on leftychan?


Not really, I'm just waiting for some /edu/ dialogue myself.
Also most of the /edu/ community is partially migrated over to the shared /read/ space on matrix (where both leftychan and .ogre users and admins frequent).


Can anyone recommend me works that discuss the various CIA-created "leftist" groups and how they have influenced today's politics? I have no knowledge on this topic, and I feel it's important to distinguish(especially when liberals try to blame you for the problems they created).


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>Also most of the /edu/ community is partially migrated over to the shared /read/ space on matrix (where both leftychan and .ogre users and admins frequent).
The absolute state.
Why don't we all just move to fbi.gov or something? imageboards are for old people now.
I hate you faggots you know this?


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>Yeah comrades(tm) we should all be posting publicly on tictok and Twitter because that's where the cool kids are hanging out these days.



>Leftism(tm) when when you combine exclusionary elitism with irrelevance as a virtue. All while avoiding discomfort inducing wrongthink


If you want to use those glowies websites no one is stopping you.


If you are going for best cojtents lije me, simply go tto see ths
web site evveryday as iit gives feature contents, thanks


Some one broke the bot


no fag, you should post publicly on imageboard, which is superior as a public forum to your fbi.gov circlejerk

give me a use case when fbi.gov and its orbiters (matrix) is preferred to imageboard
protip: you can't



Are you having a manic episode? That's what I am saying that imageboards are superior.


Been taking some more notes on various takes on the collectivizing of the late 20's-early 30's, and I' liek what I have so far, miniscule as it is.


I'm gkne tto infotm my little brother, that he should also
pay a visit this web ssite onn regular baszis to obtain updated from newest news.


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I don't like contributing content and I don't know if any of these count, but I guess this thread got me by the balls
The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception. Written by a magician and the only fully declassified document related to MKULTRA
Bible Lesson on Spying. Another CIA thing, trying to use the Bible to tell agents spying is totally a-okay and moral, so don't worry about it. A weird one.




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i saw this and it gave me hope for Humanity
Man is a knowledge-seeking creature
Truth will never die


>obnoxious moralism

Reading isnt the same as survival skills.


>imageboards totaly have no groupthink, glowies, horndogs, groomers, and racist trolls



morality is simply action brought into self-consciousness (Reason). you nietzschean animalz should be chained up

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