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 No.2940[View All]

Hello comrades. I propose a general thread in an attempt to get the /edu/ ball rolling again. Everytime you visit /edu/, post in this thread. Tell us about what you're thinking about, what you're reading, an interesting thing you have learned today, anything! Just be sure to pop in and say hi.
169 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Just got through "How We Decide" by Jonah Lehrer (2009). It's one of those books about experiments revealing human biases like anchor values etc. (see also: Amos Tversky, Philipp Tetlock) and he tells some stories about how people decided in life-or-death situations. He makes you second-guess your urges. He also mixes in some "explanations" about what part of the brain apparently does what (based on data from injuries and brain-scan activity patterns). But what am I supposed to do with that information? I can't pull parts out and back in depending on the situation. Still, decent book overall. The writing is easy to follow and engaging. He's like a less hacky version of Malcom Gladwell.


Finished "How I Learn Languages" by Kató Lomb, Hungarian polyglot and professional translator sharing anecdotes from her life and tips. She says that you absolutely must dedicate at the very least 10 hours a week to the language you wanna learn. Normie language courses are good but they take forever, so her idea is you should just lie about your skill level and do a ton of extra learning in addition to the course. Rather unusual advice by her is to start reading books in the target language fairly early on. Just annotate the shit out of what you read… I don't know what to think about that.


I've read this. I remember the anecdotes being fun but the actual advice wasn't anything new. Well, it's an older book so I can't blame her.


Finished "Sugar" by James Walvin (2018). Walvin is a historian and his big thing is slavery. Sugar played a huge role in that, not only because of the slaves directly involved in the sugar sector, but also by boosting demand for chocolate and coffee. The book also covers the 20th century and the current obesity crisis. It's an important topic and I'm sure the author did thorough research, but I found it tedious to read. He often talks through numbers and more numbers showing development of trade patterns and what have you, when he could and should have just used some charts instead.


Done with "How to Prepare for Climate Change" (2021) by David Pogue, a successful writer who usually explains computer stuff to lay people. It really is a book written only for people who live in the US. It starts with some inane shit about seeing a therapist because you are so sad about climate change… He could have done a much shorter book if he had omitted the things that involve spending big amounts of money, but that doesn't need to stop you. You can just jump in and go straight to whatever interests you and if it the section relates in some way to something written in another section, the book tells you that.

He has some advice on where to move (within the US), you move North and away from the coasts, basically. He lists 14 nice cities to live in based on how the climate will develop, how they are currently doing economically, the proximity to water supplies, and some other factors. And here they are: Madison, Wisconsin; Ann Arbor, Michigan; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Burlington, Vermont; Bangor, Maine; Denver, Colorado; Boulder, Colorado; Chicago, Illinois; Cleveland, Ohio; Boise, Idaho; Portland, Oregon; Spokane, Washington; Duluth, Minnesota; Buffalo, New York.


I'm currently reading your mind

DUDE WTF is your problem, You want to do what with my cock?!??


visiting /edu/ again, just saying hi

currently doing Operations Research, thinking about how to build better shelves


> It really is a book written only for people who live in the US.
I'm sick of this shit, I was thinking of just not reading books written by Americans but on some topics it is hard to find pirate-able alternatives in languages that I understand.


I'm thinking that DiaMat is bullshit for the most part except as a tool for historical, sociological, anthropological, geneological analisys.
By this I mean if you wanna understand something look at the material/economic base of it.
The reason why we eat with fork and knife has a material basis.
Superstructure doesn't influce the base, just enforces it and validates. Focault is right in his analysis if you consider his work as analisys of the superstrucure.
The history of european Anti semitism has a material basis.
But contradiction, stages and prediction are just gnosticism for atheists


I'm listening to Adam Tooze's The Deluge and it's pretty cringe. Can anyone recommend some based historians?


trying to learn to code something


What are you trying to code?


Finished two books, Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI by Dave Mark (2009), a very easy read and rather superficial. I don't remember how I encountered it, probably some thread about how terrible Yandere Dev is. It completely omits path-finding and the author gets a bit too obsessed with randomness in the end IMHO, but it's an OK book for absolute noobs (Yandere Dev would surely benefit). It lead me to another book published by the same company, Video Game Design Revealed by Guy W. Lecky-Thompson (2008) and that book is, well… something else.

The author claims Smash TV introduced dual-stick controls in top-down shooters, even though Robotron already had implemented that years earlier. The author mentions Crazy Taxi (written Crazi Taxi) in the same sentence with GTA as an example of violent games. The author claims Mario Sunshine to be the first 3D Mario and classifies it as a puzzle game. The author claims that the release of the Sony PSP "prompted Nintendo to combine the GameBoy Advance and GameCube into a similar kind of gaming system" and he means the Nintendo DS by that. The author seems to believes that the original Doom used polygons and that CryTek invented variable level of detail in polygon models (and he calls Far Cry "Cry Freedom") and he says bump mapping is when you recycle a monochrome texture by mixing in different colors to represent sand and asphalt. The author says that in Doom episode is the term for a level, that modern shmups use momentum in their control schemes, that the d-pad came about with the 16-bit generation, and that R-Type got 2D top-down scrolling. This thing is so terrible I'm going tinfoil mode: Was that on purpose?

Here's a representative excerpt:
<There may not actually be an on-screen character. Puzzle games such as Tetris do not actually have a lead character or even enemies. The idea is to beat the machine, which becomes the “enemy.” The blocks falling from the top of the screen, and which need to be arranged in order to complete lines and thus win points, can be seen as enemies or heroes—you can be either with them or against them, depending on your point of view. Puzzle games rely on a recognizable screen layout, the game environment, and its dynamics to achieve success.
The author likes above paragraph so much that he reminds you of it later in the book, and by later I mean literally the next paragraph:
<In addition to the characters, there is the game environment which they inhabit. While “character development” might not apply to some types of games (we used puzzle games as an example of games without characters), the “environment” applies to all games. Even games such as Tetris, which do not have a discernable character beyond the blocks that fall from the top of the screen, have a game environment that is instantly recognizable.
It's extremely repetitive. The author mentions that Tekki on XBox has a special controller seven times.

Here are some more real quotes from the work:

<For example, take a game such as Brain Training for the Nintendo DS. This is a game that relies on the player’s wish to have his brain “trained” for periods at a time.

<Skin looks like skin, and a moving thing that is covered with a skin-like surface is probably an animal or a person.

<As animals, we rely on our hearing (one of our five senses) to give us information beyond that which is delivered by our eyes.

<In the GameBoy world, the LCD screen is composed of a series of dots (pixels), each of which can be lit up as required.

<An automobile, for example, is a compound object that can be used as a container for other automobile parts. A mix of parts with different properties will make automobiles with different external characteristics. Red and blue automobiles will share many of the same objects, but each will have different color properties that will give the automobile its distinctive red or blue features.

<Consider films like Star Wars or, more recently, The Matrix. They present alternate realities that have their basis in our day-to-day experiences and, therefore, enable us to believe in them, even though we know that they are not real.

<We expect flying vehicles to give us a different perspective than submarines or race cars.

<It is worth checking out the Nintendo of America site (http://www.nintendo.com). Search for Super Mario Sunshine and take a look at the (eye candy) screenshots. Even a “platform” game like Super Mario has been updated to reflect an FPS, over-the-shoulder 3D feel.

<the text adventure might just take over the future of gaming

WHO IS THE AUDIENCE?! It's like a boomer writing for aliens. Maybe the author is both a boomer and also an alien. I don't know how the author functions in this world as a believable human being. Zero stars.


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>imminent critique


I been contiplating why I always seem to get stuck on learning a new language. I think I understand now why after having been reading through a book I recently picked up. Fluent Forever it was called, and since it was an ebook version I was about to read it for a few hours be realizing I what I had been doing wrong. I wasn't making the language stick because our brains have these filters out any foreign words that it doesn't deem important.

That's when I realized that I wasn't making the progress I wanted because first I was forgetting everything. I wasn't making memorable and meaningful connections to the words. I was also trying to just translate everything rather than actually learning. It also showed that I should try and learn how to pronounce words properly than to sound like a dumb burger speaking in a broken language. It also I was bored with the methods i was doing as it wasn't engaging and as such well. There are three main languages I am wanting to get a handle on. Spanish. German, Chinese. Chinese of course will the the one to take the most time but is one that is very interesting with its character system. Though its tonal system for speaking is a pain in the ass to do correctly. Spanish mostly LatAm spanish since I am a burger and that is the Spanish I am exposed to everyday when I hear spanish speakers. German well its one of those languages that seems funny having extremely long words to mean small things and I kinda like that about it.

So I plan on learning one of those three first and just stop being a monolingual burger and actually connect with more people.


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I'm reading Orientalism by Edward W. Said. It's interesting enough. It's illuminating for showing that a lot of conversations about the middle east or otherwise "orient" is rife with orientalist thinking.


Here's a list of German "sentences" that are one word long: >>6106 I'm building a list of around 600 words that closely follows the list of basic vocabulary from Fluent Forever and will put it in that thread. (I can't make everything what the FF list asks for because some translations just have too much ambiguity and especially the prepositions are hard/impossible to translate.)


Just finished The Governance of China by Xi Jinping (2014). This is a collection of speeches. Did you know that China has over one billion people? Xi Jinping is here to tell you that. 24 times. He often makes references to various writers from several centuries ago, to folk sayings and so on, and there are very helpful footnotes, but I have to say it's pretty boring overall. There is also an appendix that tells you about his life and that China has over one billion people. He comes across as someone who is serious about fighting corruption (that was also the impression in leaked internal communication of our friends from the American Intelligence community who seemed upset about that for some reason) and someone who cares a lot about how ordinary people are doing. He namedrops Marxism a lot, but whether he has a deep grasp of it I cannot tell on the basis of these speeches.


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>"Morality, religion, metaphysics, all the rest of ideology and their corresponding forms of consciousness no longer retain the semblance of independence; they have no history and no development; but men, developing their material production and their material intercourse, alter, along with their real existence, their thinking and the products of their collective thinking."


Read Atomic Habits by James Clear (2008). He does this usual liberal thing where he talks like believing that half the world's population are business owners, aside from that it's an OK book.




Found this site recently it's a barrel of laughs if you're in the mood for hand-wringing stupidity https://communistcrimes.org


I want to make Moldova socialist again


>unironically shilling TGI

confirmed for not reading it


Uhh what? Chapter 1 of The German Ideology is one of the most fundamental and complete pieces on historical materialism out there. It's on every marxist reading list.


I was looking for a funny meme of bad acting where this girl goes from sensual seductress to fucking arnold schwarznegger when saying the word "Vagina" and so I looked up link related… instead I found a lot of softcore porn and I frankly question… why? WHY is this shit allowed? https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=vagina+casting


Found the meme by the way it's pretty damn hilarious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoYGi6kDLkw&ab_channel=agagames


Can I get some Cuban Revolution recommendations? In either English or Spanish.


Checking in. Is /edu/ dead on leftychan?


Not really, I'm just waiting for some /edu/ dialogue myself.
Also most of the /edu/ community is partially migrated over to the shared /read/ space on matrix (where both leftychan and .ogre users and admins frequent).


Can anyone recommend me works that discuss the various CIA-created "leftist" groups and how they have influenced today's politics? I have no knowledge on this topic, and I feel it's important to distinguish(especially when liberals try to blame you for the problems they created).


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>Also most of the /edu/ community is partially migrated over to the shared /read/ space on matrix (where both leftychan and .ogre users and admins frequent).
The absolute state.
Why don't we all just move to fbi.gov or something? imageboards are for old people now.
I hate you faggots you know this?


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>Yeah comrades(tm) we should all be posting publicly on tictok and Twitter because that's where the cool kids are hanging out these days.



>Leftism(tm) when when you combine exclusionary elitism with irrelevance as a virtue. All while avoiding discomfort inducing wrongthink


If you want to use those glowies websites no one is stopping you.


If you are going for best cojtents lije me, simply go tto see ths
web site evveryday as iit gives feature contents, thanks


Some one broke the bot


no fag, you should post publicly on imageboard, which is superior as a public forum to your fbi.gov circlejerk

give me a use case when fbi.gov and its orbiters (matrix) is preferred to imageboard
protip: you can't



Are you having a manic episode? That's what I am saying that imageboards are superior.


Been taking some more notes on various takes on the collectivizing of the late 20's-early 30's, and I' liek what I have so far, miniscule as it is.


I'm gkne tto infotm my little brother, that he should also
pay a visit this web ssite onn regular baszis to obtain updated from newest news.


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I don't like contributing content and I don't know if any of these count, but I guess this thread got me by the balls
The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception. Written by a magician and the only fully declassified document related to MKULTRA
Bible Lesson on Spying. Another CIA thing, trying to use the Bible to tell agents spying is totally a-okay and moral, so don't worry about it. A weird one.




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i saw this and it gave me hope for Humanity
Man is a knowledge-seeking creature
Truth will never die


>obnoxious moralism

Reading isnt the same as survival skills.


>imageboards totaly have no groupthink, glowies, horndogs, groomers, and racist trolls



morality is simply action brought into self-consciousness (Reason). you nietzschean animalz should be chained up

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