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At what age should you walk away from starting a family? Is there a cut off age?
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Thats a common justification. But I dont think thats the core reason.

But if dalyed adolescence is because of longer life expectancy, then why isnt this applied to animals and plants?

We never refer to newly sexually matured animals/plants as teens.
Even if we were to cultivate them in domestic environmemts allowing a longer life expectancy.


Human lifespan is twelve decades.
Human life expectancy is seven-and-a half decades.

I think extending childhood just because of longer life expectancy is like removing locks on doors just because of zero crime.


Average life expectancy in the US has been going down for several years now.


I thought it was the opposite


It steadily went up from the 1960s up until the 2010s. It went down around the pandemic.


why is evryome blaming the COVID pandemic for social decline?

Social skills, affordability, etc.


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So much hate is coming for America. I don't think it's that bad. So how about a thread of positivity? Life is not all about dating anyways.

I like the infrastructure
I like innovation culture – as if our future lies in our fate
I like social safety nets that allows one to live dreams (some works some doesn't but at still its good we have it)
I like the weather in some parts, especially the seasons
I like the peace and the order
I like it being quiet
I like the value of work – maybe not for material gain – but that Americans are looking for mastery
I like the products that come from here
I like most people here, really, even some females are good people too

There's a lot to like about America. I have to admit this is still one of the best countries in the world.

I think the natural environment is hard to beat in America. You can find a wide variety of stunning scenery and environments everywhere. Asia is very polluted and dirty. Even when you go to natural preserves around Asia there's a general feeling of neglect.
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America is not good for socialisation or upward mobility.
But I think part of why Americs is not as good is becauae it oversells suburban living and family planning.

And the urban planning.


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Welcome to the work day general.

Tell us about your day anon. Did you have a good day at work? Its OK we know work is horrible.

I work graves at a factory. If you have it shitty at work I can relate.

Tell us about your day under the crushing weight of the profit motive.
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Because the masses are dumb beyond all comprehension


I never litter, but as a result, pockets of my attire have a tendency to collect random pieces of trash. Maintaining a habit of emptying out when in range of a bin can be tedious.

>the masses
It can only be a minority of people that litter, otherwise the world would look like a garbage dump.


I don't think you understand how big the world is.


Today I will slack off all day and do the bare minimum.


I'm a pressman for a newspaper company. Local news.

It's pretty boring most days but that's fine. I don't make a lot, just enough to pay my rent, buy some food, and repeat until my next paycheck, or in other words, $18.50/hour.

My days are either printing junk mail ads or doing maintenance on the press. Today we replaced all the rollers in Tower 1 Black. Went well, messy as hell, was dripping with ink from head to toe. When I got home I had to wash my hair like 3 times until the shampoo wasn't black anymore. I don't mind the messiness of the job though. Doing actual work like that is nice for me, I like the days we got stuff to fix.

Most days are printing junk mail, local newspapers, and cleaning. It gets pretty lonely too, my boss just hangs out in his office upstairs and my only other coworker is an elderly man who just wants to retire but the economy won't allow him that luxury. He's quiet and goes home the second he can. So that usually leaves me to clean up, get rolls down, set up for recycling, and mindlessly wipe things down in solitude.

Every week I clean out our water system, grease the press, check oil levels, adjust rollers, clean out the folder, lube the clutches, replace the cutting blade and cutting rubbers, check splice breaks, and flush the ink pumps. I can get most of that stuff done on Monday since we usually don't have any print jobs on Monday. The leftover weekly maintenance chores I will get done throughout the week when there's down time.

I'm the only one who actually does any of the work and it'd be nice if my boss would hire another employee but he says we don't got the funds. The elderly man does help me from time to time, especially if it's something out of the ordinary like replacing a water motor or something. He, like me, enjoys doing repairs and since he's put in his time doing maintenance for the past 35 years or so he just leaves it to me.

It's a decent job, beats working retail or food service. My last job was in landscaping, that paid me fucking bank but it was just too hard on my body. Found myself drinking Rockstar Energy like it was water and chain smoking while digging trenches for irrigation.

I miss working with people my age though, I miss having friends and going out after work. Nowadays I just go home and watch YouTube, get high, play video games, and go to bed. I used to be so hopped up on caffeine that after a 10 hour shift in the sun putting in pavePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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The 4chan /r9k/ dating app that tried to prioritise personality over looks has had all of it's user data leaked.

You can search the leaked data by location using this website: https://duoleak.acid.im/

Just from looking through the profiles in my city, most of the users were gen-z incels and troons, with a handful of mentally ill extremely-mid cis girls. I can also see that women made up less than 5% of the total userbase, which is an even worse gender ratio than tinder. 4chuds are currently coping and roping at this development.
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Yes, I recognise you now. I didn't know you were a commie though, in fact I didn't think /r9k/ egirls were even capable of having political opinions.


Weird since I would post alot about marxism there or just philosophy in general and thats one of the reasons, a few people hated me since I would give the SJW blue haired communist vibe. From the other girls, I only know one who is politically involved but she is a far rightwinger and anti-communist.


Why do you post on 4chan /r9k/ if you're a marxist/feminist though? Do the women hate threads and the degrading porn posting not scare you away?


I post there because its the only place where I dont get totally ignored. R9k is pretty two sided, it either has the greatest people ever or the worst people ever.
>Do the women hate threads and the degrading porn posting not scare you away?
It doesnt scare me away, since I am Albanian. Albania is basically 4chan but in real life since our country is left out in the past and very conservative especially when it comes to women.
I havent been alot on r9k lately and thats because I am tired of all the porn. Been lurking more the blue boards since they're chill.


>I post there because its the only place where I dont get totally ignored
Does it not bother you that the attention is mainly from hateful incels?
>It doesnt scare me away, since I am Albanian.
I'm sorry to hear that. Although I thought Hoxha fixed a lot of the issues surrounding being a woman.


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I'm trying to find a scale to measure the "power tug". I'm analyzing the recent conflict in Ukraine in order to do that:

<The imperial bourgeoisie in the US won Round 1 in the ukro-war, because they managed to manufacture a war right on Russia's door-step that Russia didn't want and failed to prevent.

<The Russian Federation however won Round 2, they proved that Russia still is a super power that can destroy a sizable country without major consequences to it self, and that the US can neither cripple their economy via econ-war, nor exhaust their military resources via proxy-war.

Ukraine is now more or less a destroyed country, that's what loosing a war means, Russia basically is undamaged (bar a few scuffs in some border towns) just in case anybody is confused.

<The US has, on balance, lost this geopolitical battle because it did not achieve it's primary goal of imposing another 1990s neo-liberal shock doctrine on Russia or outright balkanizing the Russian federation into subservient ethno-nationalist vassal-states.

<However the US still has to be considered more powerful because Russia wasn't able to frustrate US attempts at manufacturing this war.

If you're a glowy or a nato-media-brain and want to complain about my framing of the Ukraine war please do so in the Ukraine thread

If we apply this scale for the next power tug in Asia.

The question becomes whether China is powerful enough to frustrate US attempts at creating a Taiwan-war with a similar pattern. China is certainly more powerful than Russia, but is it powerful enough ?
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Who would win ?
China's carrot or the US's stick ?


lol get people to abandon the US even faster. based comrade trump is doing anti imperialist accelerationist praxis


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kek the Chinese have a sense of humor


Russia already did this


yes, although the circumstances were slightly different, the neocons went inverted iron curtain with sanctions, banishing western companies from Russia. The Russians technically just took over abandoned businesses.


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I hate banks. I hate CEOs. I hate Capitalism. I hate israel. why can't we be friends?
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For the commons of the 19th century - including many of the people who made anything in technocratic society that actually worked - the left/right distinction was incidental to what they wanted. They weren't invested in this idea that history was made of narratives. The left/right distinction was useful for understanding the historical conflict and roughly why we're here, but the real politics was always about who and what held power, and who and what held the machines that allowed rule. Personal honor had a lot more to do with politics than any ideology or claims of institutional authority. The genius of the smarter political writers is that they worked through that instead of insisting reality matches a technological conceit or ideology.


>I hate banks.
>I hate CEOs.
>I hate Capitalism
>I hate Israel
Left-wing antisemitism is actually cringe


I made this thread as a shitpost guys…


People hate the Zionreich for bombing children, schools, hospitals, aid trucks, for mass murdering a population via starvation, the list is extensive, and it's easy to list the war-crimes they haven't committed.
Those despicable actions deserve all that hate. Zionists attempting to claim victimhood while actively committing a genocide is fooling nobody anymore. Cry-bullying doesn't work for mass murderers.

We also have to talk about the 4 Zionist antisemitisms
1 holocausting the Palestinians who are ethnically Semites.
2 claiming that all this horror is done in the name of Jews.
3 weaponizing false accusations of antisemitism to attack democracy, eroding the protections for Jews
4 equating Zionism with Judaism


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Right and you're complaining that not enough people shat in it ?


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Would you fuck an old hag to ascend? Has anyone here ever been a sugar baby to a sugar mama? Or dated a cougar? What was that like?

What being a male striper or gigalo? Share your experiences here.
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>n-no. why, what would you do?
Too late me and the dudebros have already nutted to her.


darn… did you cum a lot?




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There's a 60 year old stripper that let's me fuck her tits that I see. She has the figure of a Liefeld comic heroine. Literally a figure like picrel. She's gotta be rocking at least a G cup, but maybe even an H cup bust. She's got a dancers body, 5'5" and 100 lbs soaking wet all toned. They're natural too. You can tell in her prime she was a dime.
I think she's flattered that a younger guy is sexually attracted to her.


*when I see her


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Whatcha' eatin'
Whatcha' watchin'
Whatcha' playin'
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gonna eat Mediterranean food
not watching or playing anything


Talk to GPT 4-o. It can convincingly act like your gf now.


>It can convincingly act like your gf now
What do I have to type to get it to do this? Also I have always imagined chatGPT as a male because of how knowledgeable it is, I feel like it would be kind of gay,


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>Whatcha' eatin'

Hamburger Helper. I know it's peasant feed but I craved it today for some reason.
>Whatcha' watchin'
Cyanide and Happiness
>Whatcha' playin'
Bought a Trimui Smart Pro for $60 on Aliexpress so going to play pirated retro games they put on their SD cards. You gotta buy the SD card separate for like $15 more.


>Whatcha' eatin'
Had some lime soda
>Whatcha' watchin'
Was watching Game 6 of the Knicks/Pacers series, back to Spanish dubbed anime. Haven't been too consistent with inputting.
>Whatcha' playin'
Don't really play games anymore, sometimes I watch people play games I used to play for whatever reason.


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he's outta line but right


parties are egregore soul traps run by the archons, capitalism itself will bring about its own downfall not some messiah complex and their disciples cult.




Your post just illustrates why all Modern christianity are utterly deranged


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 No.468[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Share you feels here.
No bully
also feel free to share your feels in the /leftcel/ thread at https://9chan.tw/leftcel/thread/2696
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dead end


tfw unattractive


tfw waiting for glowie feds to clock in and fulfill their posting quota


tfw no gf


very relatable feel
tfw u relate to a feel


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"Women react" AKA women deny the lived experiences of single lonely men. Last I checked, woman are not men. How would they know anything about what they go through? Muh MaNsPLainInG tho. Equality for me but not for thee. Fuck you. Cunt. Bitch. Whore. Slut. Slag. Go fuck yourself. I hate women. If you're a woman reading this trying to get schadenfraude laughs at the expense of incels, you're going to age and get treated differently, this is called The Wall. It's inevitable. Wombtard.
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I shut this shit off after the second chick start blabing about the most innocuous and stupid shit I've ever heard. Bunch of lying nitwits.


Who cares about what women say?


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meds, grass, and dare I say, therapy


dont give these hoes the views


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how come they get to prey on men's insecurities? yet i'm supposed to attracted to ham-beasts because inclusivity and anti-body-shaming


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crown culling
kingdom kill off
tsar snuffing
tsar slaying
monarch massacre
regal redrum
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Everyone deserves everything they get


Horny bump


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Based bump.

btw wikipedos be like:
>In the years following his death, Nicholas was reviled by the common folk, the military, the revolutionaries, the state functionaries, the soldiers, the national minorities, the foreign investors, the official political parties, the intellectuals, the peasants, the workers, the fucking russian orthodox church inc. of all things, the czar guard & also Soviet historians and state propaganda as a "callous tyrant" who "persecuted his own people while sending countless soldiers to their deaths in pointless conflicts". Despite being viewed state-propagandized disgustingly more positively in recent years, the majority view among historians is that Nicholas was an well-intentioned unbelievably inhumane entitled cunt who nearly blew off every single fucking general-polizei murderer of people's protests as his own publicly available diary shows it yet poor ruler who proved incapable of handling the challenges facing his nation & instead of doing anything about the absolute state of the absolute state & also the population that has to live under it all our saint faggot nicquei the 2nd indulged in was shooting fucking stray cats & city crows while noting his score in this same fucking diary of imbeciliac degeneracy that is monarchism as a concept itself.

>the sisters were wearing over 1.3 kilograms of diamonds and precious gems sewn into their clothing, unlike the 6 year old girls who were systematically raped by the state bueraucrats, forced into alcohol dependency & then sold to local pimps who gave good time compensation to the providers of new meat that won't even survive 2 years of body & mind exploitaiton. Too bad you & the complying wives of these bastards weren't raped by the bayonets while still alive you deplorable hellspawn.

>The bodies were driven to nearby woodland, searched and burned. The remains were soaked in acid and finally thrown down a disused mineshaft. On the following day, other m
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I masturbate to Crown Cull porn. It is by far the thing that turns me on the most. I also hornytalk to men on fbi.gov, I pretend I'm either a Monarchist or a Constitutional Monarchist. I sometimes talk to Leftists/Commies specifically and call them Commies and dumb fucking Leftards as they tell me how much they want to persecute and execute me and all the Royal Families. I've also talked to other Monarchists/Constitutional Monarchists over VC and it makes me horny as fuck to jerk off as we both talk about how much we love dumb Commie Leftards and their huge Prole movements. I get off to it hard.
I masturbate at least 2-3 times a day.


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Sorry for the trans people reading this, but what if I identified as GigaChad? Can I then get model tier grills?



Continued from >>479880

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 34,000. With over 10,000 missing, it's expected that current estimates are lower than the actual death toll.

The US Congress, with Biden's support, passed the final version of a bill to authorize more than $26,000,000,000 in military aid to Israel. It's been pointed out that this is illegal under US law.

Israel initiated its ground assault of Rafah.

Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing 16, and resulting in a carefully planned Iranian missile retaliation against military targets in Israel.

The International Court of Justice made an interim ruling in South Africa's favor in their case accusing Israel of genocidal acts in Gaza, deeming it plausible. Ireland, Turkey, and Colombia joined Nicaragua in signing on to South Africa's case against Israel.

Yemeni Houthi attacks on shipping, in solidarity with Gaza, have continued, expanding to the Indian ocean.

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Palestinian fighters claim attacks on Israeli forces in Gaza’s Jabalia

Palestinian fighters are claiming dozens of new attacks on Israeli troops and armoured vehicles every day as the Israeli military is advancing on the Jabalia refugee camp in the north.

In Jabalia on Thursday afternoon so far, Hamas and other groups, including the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, have claimed to:

Target an Israeli artillery emplacement with mortar shells
Destroy a command headquarters for ground troops with heavy-calibre mortar shells
Attack multiple Merkava tanks with Yassin-105 shells
Hit an observation site east of Jabalia with mortar shells
Destroy tanks with planted explosive devices
Use anti-armour shells to incapacitate D9 military bulldozers

Hezbollah records first combat use of rocket-armed drone against Israel

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That podcast has an interesting discussion on how Israel lost the war because they are loosing on military attrition.


Malaysia welcomes South Africa’s latest request to ICJ over Israel’s war on Gaza

Malaysia has said it “strongly supports and commends South Africa for her resolute effort to stop the genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza” and welcomes its latest request to the International Court of Justice to stop Israel’s attack on Rafah.

“Israel’s offensives in Rafah, a 64-square-kilometre area crowded with over 1.4 million Palestinians seeking refuge, will result in a massive humanitarian catastrophe,” Malaysia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“The international community has a collective responsibility to demand that Israel cease its military operations,” it said.

“Malaysia reiterates its unwavering support for the establishment of an independent and sovereign State of Palestine, based on the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, as well as the admission of Palestine as a full member of the United Nations,” the ministry added.

Israeli extremists carry out another truck attack in the West Bank

A group of Israeli extremists have blocked another truck and attacked its driver in the occupied West Bank, the Wafa news agency reports.

The driver sustained minor injuries and the truck was set on fire in the attack, which occurred near the Kochav Hashahar Israeli settlement, east of Ramallah, Wafa reports.
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What does it mean for the situation if Israeli citizens and Israeli soldiers aren't in agreement?


>Israeli extremists injure Israeli soldiers in latest Gaza aid truck violence
>What does it mean for the situation if Israeli citizens and Israeli soldiers aren't in agreement?
Zionism beginning to eat it self, means less violence directed against their victims.


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Thoughts on this poetry?


>3rd video
>We never dated but I can't get over you
Yikerino, real entitlement energy hours


anybody else enjoy it when women cry?


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feet thread
also: footwear, shoes, socks, etc.
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wish a girl would let me bust on her feet


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Martial artist here, if I ever see a footfag IRL I'm going to murder them with my filthy callused-encrusted feet.


What if they would enjoy that?


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>Biden wins his next term due to Trump's ego not letting him let go the next election
>One or both American political parties fractures
>More Troon mass shootings or attacks
>A massive riot or civil battle of a kind between two factions, not state-wide large though, just very stupid and damaging
>Canada being roped into an American war
>China takes advantage of America being distracted by Ukraine and Israel and their election to try and take Taiwan or they escalate in Hong Kong and/or their genocides
>Ukraine and Russia sign a peace deal or America keeps preventing talks resulting in a less than ideal result for Ukraine. No matter the result, Americans cheer blindly
>Ukraine's current leader or someone high up gets assassinated. This is either caused by or will cause the death of Imran khan ##america stop overthrowing leaders resulting in the country being destabilized challenge##
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They're talking about the Uyghur genocide, which the US state dept., as far as I know (I might be wrong!), calls a genocide, but for which there is no known body count. It's often described as a "cultural genocide" for lack of evidence of mass extermination, and what we know about it largely amounts to mass detainment and re-education. Bad, but what the Zionists have done on record this year alone is substantially worse, and the lighter end of the Zionist genocide overlaps with what China has done to the Uyghurs. American gov't claims of "concern" over the plight of Muslims in China look entirely bullshit on this basis.

Anyway, China's not going to take Taiwan. I say this as somebody who knew Russia would take Ukraine, even as multipolaristas and Chapos and so-on were denying it… there was precedent there, since they'd already taken Crimea in 2014. China isn't in the same position as Russia was in 2014 or 2022, they've been on a long-term economic rise, they've mostly avoided direct involvement in recent conflicts, and, unlike Ukraine, the RoC maintains a strong Chinese national identity. The US is baiting China really hard; if China does actually go in, it won't be because America was "distracted," it will be because the American leadership was desperate for another direct war to try to maintain hegemony and increase waning profits. US special ops have already been caught training Taiwanese soldiers close to mainland China very recently, and Taiwan was included in the recent free weapons package alongside Ukraine and Israel.


2024-2030 prediction:

corporate media tries to spark civil war to not go fully bankrupt

corporate media finds 4 more things to fearmonger about 24/7 to not go bankrupt

we finally have a stock market crash that lasts more than 2 months and therefore collapses the crypto market and all the other insane bubbles

ancaps mass suicide


>>Biden wins his next term due to Trump's ego not letting him let go the next election
No chance, they need the republicans to take a turn to be the bad guys so they can skapegoat everything on them.
>>One or both American political parties fractures
It will be business as usual.
>>A massive riot or civil battle of a kind between two factions, not state-wide large though, just very stupid and damaging
I think the university student protests are more likely to lead to something, I'm curious to see how that ends. I don't care about government organized theatrics.
>>Canada being roped into an American war
Only if war escalates in Europe so I somehow doubt it.
>>Ukraine and Russia sign a peace deal or America keeps preventing talks resulting in a less than ideal result for Ukraine. No matter the result, Americans cheer blindly
That's not much of a prediction, there aren't many other things that could happen.
>>Ukraine's current leader or someone high up gets assassinated.
Someone high up in the army getting blown up by a missile or something wouldn't surprise anyone.

When are you going to start making predictions Anon?


>China is committing genocides?
No they are not.
>Why doesn't Leftychan talk about that?
We've talked about how that narrative is a debunked state-department talking point.

You can literally go there and see for yourself, or just ask someone from China about it in person. But there's also just no evidence of it happening, no matter how much the mainstream media repeats it.


Troons aren't politically relevant anymore and will likely not shoot unless as part of some other new trend


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Domino's are slowly falling and we will be in a world war by the end of the decade at most. It's like how the Second Sino-Japanese war started in 1934 but is not acknowledged as WWII until 1939. The US and NATO are declining and are trying to contain other rising regional powers. The last resort is taking arms. 2022 is the Ukrainian theater. 2023 is the Israeli theater. 2024 will be the Taiwan theater. The US DoD itself believes the best chance to take out China is 2024 or 2026. We will have a theater across the old world and WWIII like all the other world wars will change the face of the Earth.
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I would convert to Shia Islam obviously.


I would just change addresses/run away or worst case take the jail time. I think you can read in jail and I gotta catch up on theory.


Well, I need to be organized before that point. It's quite crucial, and the same goes for everybody else.

World War III will be one of two things. It will either be existential destruction of most or all of the human race, as >>152397 said, or it will be a return to horrible hellish WWI-like conditions where the elites create massive total world wars between the most powerful states periodically, but just agree not to use nukes on eachother.

These are two completely unacceptable scenarios… in fact, in my view, the second scenario is even worse than the first. We can't allow it to get to the point where the powers-that-be are initiating conscription for world war III. Draft dodging will not be enough. We need to prepare to turn the war around; American workers need to prepare, UK workers need to prepare, Russian workers need to prepare, Chinese workers need to prepare. The populations of any of these countries are not our enemies, and any gun aimed at them should be turned upon those who are ordering us to shoot. We need to start building community and workers' military strength now.

We need to be prepared both to overrule our governments should they order us to attack one another, and to prevent any other nation from gaining hegemony over us when we are required to unseat such tyrants.


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I'm divided between making a public scene where I call them out for being fucking fascists of the same fucking breed just like their trade partners or going along till I get a gun & fucking waste @ least some of this fucking biotrash.
1st is way too retarded cuz normieshits don't fucking care about anything @ all & the 2nd one is equally pointless cuz bourgoids have their cannon fodder conveyor working full-time without a hitch for decades already = kill 1-2 fags & another 1000 will follow in another planned batch.

>American workers
guiness record in brainrot, mental illness, decades of bourgeois cultural degeneration & completely blind faith in some shitty freedumb & democracy with wage slavery characteristics. Complete faggots who love taking it in the fullest by the troon national corporations & who will spill their shitty burger-stuffed guts for this continued reign of sex industry & jizzuz over the time itself.
>UK workers
same shit but with crown & grorious imperial traditions. Soy is literally drippling from their mouths whenever these shits hear about mooooonarchy & how traditional it is & how england cannot exist without this faggot ass circus running around for billions in check. Just like their bastards from across the ocean these cucks too consider themselves 1 & the same with the unhumans who raped these shits for centuries keeping them in the worst living conditions one can imagine, even fucking weather in there is affected by this. These wastes too will rot alive with torn off limbs just so their noble sir mccuckfuckingston will keep a spare pound in his deserved financial capital share while assraping teaching manners to his stubborn slut of a daughter (12 yo) along with his wyef.
>Russian workers
ultimately fucking schizophrenical red imperial nutsoys who drool over daddy emperor fuhrar ϟtalin coming back into their faggot asses with his socialism for 1 gr8est nation & wiping them hohols/churkas/gayropeans/kikes-trotskyists/whatever-whatever-whatever out of existence for existing & not being r*ϟϟian. ImaginePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>guiness rec
Don't care. Get over yourself.

>same shit but with crown & grorious imperial traditions. Soy

Le other people are cringe not ebic based bacon revolutionary like me xDDD



Here's the killshot, single mothers predict how bad crime is in an area NOT POVERTY!
>The proportion of single-parent households in a community predicts its rate of violent crime and burglary, but the community’s poverty level does not. Source: D.A. Smith and G.R. Jarjoura, “Social Structure and Criminal Victimization,” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 25. 1988.”
This alone should repudiate feminism in the minds of anyone, left or right. And the high single motherhood rate is the direct result of feminists' sexual revolution that encourages women to be promiscuous which inevitably leads to bastards.
Anyone that's traveled outside of the US can attest to this finding. While no poor area of a city or town is safe. They are not these Falluja style war zones that say Baltimore is.
Eliminating single mothers goes a long long way to eliminating poverty for workers. And it's in the best interest of children, which feminists and women pretend to care about.
These studies were aggregated on https://www.fixfamilycourts.com/single-mother-home-statistics. Here are a few other highlights
>“After controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.” Progressive Policy Institute, 1990, quoted by David Blankenhorn, “Fatherless America: Confronting Our Most Urgent Social Problem,” New York, Harper Perennial, 1996, p.31
>Effects of Fatherlessness – Teenage Statistics
>63% of all youth suicides,
>70% of all teen pregnancies,
>71% of all adolescent chemical/substance abusers,
>80% of all prison inmates, and
>90% of all homeless and runaway children, came from single mother homes.
>Bob Ray Sanders, “Hey Y’all, Let’s Fill The Hall (Of Fame), Ft. Worth Star Telegram, Oct.28,2007
>Mona Charen, “More Good News Than Bad?”, Washington Times, Mar.16, 2001 (citing Bill Bennett, “The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators: American society at the end of the 20th Century., New York, Broadway Books, 1994)
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damn… damn


why do you post this? this is sad


Who are you sad for, the mom or the son?


>single mothers predict how bad crime is in an area NOT POVERTY!
It could be both, single mothers tend to be working class/low income. What were the material conditions that led to this dysfunction?


It's not both. They looked at poor areas where children had both parents and their poverty was not a predictor of crime.


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 No.457563[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last one is full and the worst thread on leftychan must be contained.

In recent news: Ukies done a successful counteroffensive in Izium, Z gang now in shambles. Biden promises even more money for Ukraine. Putin meets Xi, Erdogan, Modi and others at the SCO summit.

Pro-Russia sources:

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I drove by a marine base building (West European country) and there was a Ukraine flag hanging outside one window


are those thread sliding ?

>Hilariously most of the text on them isn't even in English, it's in Cyrillic.
>we should all just presume to be able to decipher Cyrillic
>I'm honestly gobsmacked to still be seeing propaganda of this level at this point
They did this for the shill money, and don't care that it's ineffective propaganda


The story that begun with the French president floating ideas of sending Nato troops to Ukraine ended with the Russian threatening strikes on Nato countries, doing nuclear drills, and the west backing off. Italy seemed to be pushing really hard against this.

Mercouris was one of the few that covered this development, his take is that it was a failed attempt to create strategic ambiguity. He is deeply pessimistic and thinks this episode isn't really over, just postponed.

I think this isn't coming back, they would have to conscript a lot of people to deploy Nato troops in Ukraine. Arming and training all those young people, who are royally pissed because of the genocide in Gaza, that's probably not very clever.


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Yesterday there was an assassination attempt on the last principled social democrat in Europe. Slovak prime minister Robert Fico is in critical condition after being shot five times. He was the only left-wing European leader, along with right-winger Victor Orban in Hungary, to stand up to NATO and its aggressive warmongering in Ukraine.

Only source I've found so far that doesn't insert a bunch of bullshit propaganda into the story:


<assassinating politicians
what are they trying to achieve with such a stunt ? Are they trying to convince people that pacifism means ruthlessly eliminating all the war-mongerers ?

Maybe it's just panic because the Ukrainian military is crumbling much faster than they planned for. The projections have Russia scoring a decisive win. That makes the neocon NATO expansion project look like an expensive blunder.

US politics are divesting from Ukraine, because they don't want to be left holding the flaming bag of shit. And they're not gonna convince the European population to make sacrifices in quality of life to keep this shit show going. Should have listened to Barack Obama of all people, he warned them not to escalate in Ukraine.



Perving at girls in skimpy clothing is one of my favorite pastimes in this hellish life.

FUCK JOE BIDEN for taking this away from me.
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last one for now


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I have coomed so much that this thread does nothing for me.


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when a internet-savy meme-loving f*male types "anon" in her non-imageboard social media post like she's 'in-touch' and 'hip'


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 No.177[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

im a comfy NEET, do you like to be A neet anon?
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>>5949 (OP)
Third one is in Aus, that McDonald's looks vaguely familiar.


aussies Based?


Honestly it looks like they were having fun but some poor wagie gonna have to clean that shit up.


what do neets do all day?


>claim to be based comfy neets
>website still inactive for hours
glowing fed posters confirmed


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her pussy smells like fish
her pussy smells like shit
her pussy got fucked like a hentai clip
her pussy leaks cum from ten guy's dicks


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>Hug de Pinós


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 No.138676[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread was on .org when it split from bunkerchan, and it seemed to help. Lots of people just check and see nothing they want to respond to, well you have to respond to this (it says so in the subject field) so you will always make at least one post when you visit.
Consider it the random thread of /b/, the most random of all spork wielding penguins of doom
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Are you an NPC if you eat at regular times?


Why is there no female Hasanabi / Hasan Piker?


They all have penises




They are transformers


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What is the material explanation for a Czech American named Dasha to do American country pop music?
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Why do you even care you stupid fuck Jesus Christ
"Oh no, I am so alone, I might have to settle for a girl with a tattoo"
For fuck's sake get over yourself.


>an american doing american country music is le bad because uhmmmm…. it just is okay
It's not like she cant do it cause she isn't a WASP.


What about a commentary on culture and immigrant integration?


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>Why do you even care you stupid fuck Jesus Christ
>"Oh no, I am so alone, I might have to settle for a girl with a tattoo"
>For fuck's sake get over yourself.


what's there to say? When someone is a child of immigrants or moves to another country as a kid, there's 3 things that can happen by the time the kid is an adult.
1. They completely disregard their "host" culture and identify completely with their "home" culture.
2. They completely disregard their "home" culture and identify completely identify with the "host" culture.
3. They integrate both cultures into their identity.

Most children of immigrants, and even some adult immigrants, end up going down the path of 2 or 3.
That's just what happens, I don't have an explanation for why, because in my opinion it rests a lot on the individual identity of a person. those 3 paths are just an observation.


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Kendrick Lamar vs Drake

Who won?
Is Kendrick our guy?
What are the implications of the cultural impact rooted in Black American art?
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what about being in touch with the people?


>what about troon rights?
I don't care. what about having a coherent message being consistent and repping your party? fellating drug fed culture is a race to the bottom no matter how "in style" it is


damn. nobody cares about the bourgeois sex trafficking pedophile rabbit hole?


>damn. nobody cares
The OP looked like generic celebrity drama, and I thought pass

>the bourgeois sex trafficking pedophile rabbit hole?

That's a bandname right there.

On a more serious note. I guess the first question is whether this is a systemic thing. Like in the past when secret societies had initiation rituals that required members to commit a crime together, usually something highly ritualized and gruesome like human sacrifice. And the shared crime served the purpose of enforcing in-group loyalty without trust, because disloyalty meant that they all go down together for what they did during the initiation ritual.

If the ruling classes are using human trafficking crimes for a similar purpose, that would make them highly vulnerable. And it would be worth looking into this 'rabbit hole'. Of course that also means staring into the abyss. You might get severe mental trauma just by subjecting your brain to the darkness of this "underworld". You need to move next to a pet store, and exercise iron discipline. Investigate for an hour and then go to the pet store to look at puppies and kitten for an hour to balance the horror with wholesomeness.


it's like asking me to pick my favorite porky. given the opportunity, they'd both have to discover a pretty good reason they should keep living imo


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 No.677[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post anything regarding sex robots or dolls here.
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these fucking ***s they need to freedom the shit NOW


>watching podcast
>one segment is about 'OPEN Ai 4o'
>"They gon' be walking around with they sex dolls. (…) Ooh man, that's gon' be creepy. I'mma slap a uygha' sex doll, he walking down, got it on a date."
It's over…




>I am definitely pro AI but this “Her” vibe creeps me out every time I hear it. It’s like an over flirty, highly caffeinated, bipolar, co-worker.
this doesn't sound bad? i'll take a lot of things at this point


why are there two videos with the same idea, 'Her is Here'?

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