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 No.8760[Last 50 Posts]


The incredibly based military junta ran by myself has decided on a number of reforms that will improve the way mods act and the way users are allowed to provide input to moderators.

Part of the thing that started this all was Zul taking a proposal to increase oversight of the mod team from some people in the matrix chat and implementing itself because he thought it was absolutely necessary for the team to continue functioning. We are going to implement most of those reforms, and some others aimed at resolving the differences in moderation styles that has been at the center of some of these conflicts.

For starters:

1. A new matrix room to replace lefypol congress will be put together with through vetting of the users in it, and in that room users will be able to directly vote and make suggestions to the mod team. The counterpart to this on the website will be /assembly/, which is the mod voting board. This board should be made open to the public and turned into a general suggestion and discussion bin while /meta/ is for more technical and specific issues regarding the site and moderation.

2. There will always be the potential of gridlock and drama in a mod team that is sharply divided, so whenever an issue that causes incredible opposition from half the team or even a minority of the team the first thing to do should be to poll the users and get input in the new matrix chat or the /assembly/ board. Input will also be requested for new admissions to the vol team and new vols might also be drawn from that matrix room.

The objective is to have an authentically user run management part of this website with a direct line to the vol team.

3. If all else fails and the opinion of the majority of the mod team seems to be sharply divorced from the opinion of the users, the matrix chat can simply vote on allowing a mod to override the rest of the mod team even if that mod is in the minority opinion. The watermelon military junta only happened because I and some others believed that the site itself was threatened by the degree of dysfunction in the mod team, and in the future overriding mods who like voting on things like this should have some basis in an established system.

thoughts on this?






I speak for all users when I say this is a good idea


What is the feasibilty of this? >>>/meta/8627
Particularly the first point, I think it has potential to combat some of the problems arising from vols staying their position too long


Sounds good, I'm glad you mods are putting so much thought into this, good things will definitely come from this.


Each board should have the rules relevant to that board in a sticky.


>>8760 (OP)
>new vols might also be drawn from that matrix room.
is there a way for people here to become mod from /assembly/ and not suck other mods dicks for mod in a matrix CJ
drawing from a matrix CJ is what got us here


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you've been banning people and deleting posts for more than just posting doxes and "spam" and it shows, thats why you deleted instead of just outright banning these would be spammers or doxxers, it shows that you're either too incompetent to deal with active raiders or that you know that if you banned these people that you wouldn't be able to really back up any of your claims against these people


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Make it pseudonymous with the web of trust for the purposes of voting, make mods chosen at random among volunteers for some short term like a week, fucking purge jannies ass every other day, JUST DO FUCKING SOMETHING


make /int/ pls


cycling the mod team sounds difficult to do and like it would result in the same people coming and going regularly. Clear and specific rules is sort of what this drama is about, and also turning every topic into a general sounds like a bad idea to me.


Yes, we will absolutely post recruiting notices and all that on the site. Drawing from the matrix is just another source of candidates rather than the new only source.


keep everything as is an kick out caballo


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>As opposed to me the one eternal ruler.


Honestly, how hard can it be to just run a relatively small forum without constant drama and collapse every couple of weeks?
Just delete shit posts and shut the fuck up. No need for a congress or whatever


>vols staying their position too long
much as i'm neutral on this, rotational mods could help


2 Heads are better than 1. 3 Heads are better than 2. Maybe there should be a 5 - 6 mod congress with differing opinions about things deciding who gets banned.


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>No need for any of that democracy crap communists have been talking about for hundreds of years just keep running things like a monarchy.


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That's the problem they have drama over who gets banned, the rules, and how to enforce them. So this is their solution to the whole power tripping bullshit.


well it would be easy but the mods are all high on their own fumes, we're kinda stuck in this hell where we're either run by people that want to over-complicate everything with some democratic larp or mods that want to language police, believe this place is under perpetual stealth raids because people post memes and want to make this site friendly to the breadtube/voot bloo no matter who crowd. these are our two options.


no discomrade


This threads moving so fast no one will realise im Gay


nick mullen ?




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Communism is Anarchy not democracy


Good to see


Ffs put this in meta


please be actually strict about it in matrix and know 9/10 there are mods because they managed to be in your toxic acquaintance group CJ


anarchy is democracy taken seriously


This whole larping as a government is cringe as fuck. Who gives a shit it's an image board, just clean up the place.


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The people working give a shit you fucking coomer. kill yourself. You are like one of those retards who goes to the local McDonalds and freaks out because your fries were cold or some shit. kys.


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Every time Caballo makes a post, move it to a specific board made for bullying him, including with many wordfilters that ruin his sentences and swaps whatever files he attached with pic related.




T. Has never had a job in his life


rude Caballo is epic :^)




Caballo is based


t. caballo




caballo is a retard for having enabled all of you retards




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Had a question for Caballo before the old thread got archived:


>As others have pointed out I'm a Demsoc, not that it matters.
"Democratic socialism" is an incredibly amorphous term so I'd like to question your views more specifically. Usually it's a euphemism for constitutional loyalism - the idea that socialism can somehow be achieved legally under Porky's anti-democratic legal order and therefore the socialist party should alter its strategy to match.

Question 1) Can socialism be achieved legally?

Question 2) Should representatives of the socialist party water down their political program to enter coalition governments with bourgeois parties if it means minor reforms toward the left?


a bowl


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You're all a bunch of mentally handicapped. Every single one of you.




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Shut up normie.


It baffles me how 16-year old redditors can run a forum better than you idiots can.


>polcel makes a transhumanist shitpost thread

How it should be resolved: delete the thread

How it's resolved on leftypol: create a congress, create a matrix/discord then vote, debate about the shitpost, mods create drama, they delete the whole website, another website is created , get new mods, they do the same, make a sticky about it ,the users vote about how it should be handled, the mods disagree, someone destroys the matrix/discord, another one is created, everyone leaves, new mods are called, etc


and anything gay/trans should be limited to /b/


what is a "shitpost" tho? we need to voot on it..


You asked for user feedback and there's my feedback. Stop larping as some epin cyber democratic democratic centralist whatever and just run the fucking website, keep the board clean and well functioning. Focus on building a good team of moderators and solving personal conflicts. You won't resolve shit by rewriting a fucking larping constitution for the 300th time.


>delete only posts that make fun of your friends with no self awareness
>claim its spam with /pol/ and transphobia because those are buzzwords people don't like
>when people talk to you about the complaints get defensive



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It's not that simple you idiot. You have to actually ask yourself here "Is this worth deleting, or, should it be deleted?" Because we, currently, allow things like pol tards to question their ideology in good faith, also, we have to actually as "what is idpol?" It's not that simple you retard. If you want one single moron like watermelon running things and making those calls that is on you, but, I would rather have the community come to a consensus about what those things are as a whole not just one asshole.

Furthermore, this was never about any of that to begin with you disingenuous fag this was about a mod, once again, over stepping his boundaries and deleting shit that shouldn't have been deleted. It literally has nothing to really do with how the system is run and more to do with faggots like caballo violating the rules and not being held to the flames. As was stated many times there are plenty of solutions to this.


>Focus on building a good team of moderators and solving personal conflicts.
This literally never worked.


Reposting from last thread since i didn't get a sufficient answer:

As someone who barely visits the matrix and doesn't visit /b/ can I get a clarification on a couple of things from the new junta?
>Has there been any definitive evidence of glowposting? Eglin Air force base IP-addresses and the like?
>Is the furry mod gone?
>To what degree is liberal or conservative idpol tolerated?
>What does state department talking points entail? Are naive shitlibs who argue in good faith tolerated?
>Are reactionaries who argue in good faith tolerated?
>Whats the mod team's relationship to YPG-PKK or China? Is dengism the new party line?
>Is criticism of immigration allowed?
>Are raiding/embassy threads allowed?
>What constitutes doxxing according to the mod team?
>What's the verdict on avatarfags/soyjaks?
>What's the verdict on getchan?




>Stop having freedom in the work place just take it up the ass like every other job so I can get my rocks off slave.

Kill yourself.


i think i owe space_ an apology having a single guy running everything and keeping the mods in constant fear of being removed due to fucking up seems like a good idea now in retrospect even if the guy running things was retarded and neglectful


yeah, but like 80% of these threads are fucking obvious and you guys still don't do your fucking job


Have you considered not everyone can be a fucking n33t like you faggot?


i could assume that a staff of 16 people could handle something with a small audience especially when places like 4chan don't have these issues


Have you ever had a job serious question?


Don't you realize that the mod team here have a huge ax to grind against the old ass BO? Just look at how much posts we got! It's like we have an inferiority complex over /pol/, as if we'll ever be able to beat them when it comes to posting. As if that even fucking matters.


>whole larping
i mean you're not wrong, the mods before just said this is government is new, just acted like any normal imageboard mods with no actual change through the structure but voting on discord matrix and then did nothing at all with there new structure. it's just imageboard mods larping with no actual change

if they cared about anything we would be here


>if they cared about anything we would be here

I can agree with this. The ones that did care are no longer with us. All that is left is a fur fag, some redditors, and a bunch of inactive retards.


Thats why we need a user body to at least overturn shitty decisions


ok, my fault, i should've said 80% of the threads I'VE seen on here are fucking obvious so we can avoid your projection


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i've moderated on forums before




What I am trying to say is: Get a job retard. Not everyone has time to sit on their ass and shit post on an Albanian basket weaving forum




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>What I am trying to say is: Get a job retard. Not everyone has time to sit on their ass and shit post on an Albanian basket weaving forum


i know why can't caballo be mod again this is so sad reddit
no zul was a gay 15 year old "redditor'' and toast overreacted and cry over a few soy posts.
nearly every mod before is a dumbass or an asshole from a CJ server


I think some lefties here are triggered manchildren always having a tantrum if it doesn't go their way. The site and threads are alright, I don't get the fucking bitching, just delete low effort posts, one-liners, if they get out of control.

What I really have problems with, is the same shit I had problems with on bunker - no publicly available log of mod actions, and mods sweeping mod complaints thread under the fucking rug in meta when it should be right fucking there at the first page like it was on bunker at first. Just another day I had my thread dissapearing from a catalog, and I couldn't even find a fucking log to see what happened. In the old good bunker days I would've immediately called the mod out in the moderation thread where all anons could see.


but I already do though.
cope harder, and stick to your ad hominems


No you don't faggot. How much do you make per year?


1. There are a few users who do nothing but promote the state department line in any thread about geopolitics, and do little apart from that. I don't think they're all in Eglin air force base though. despite that they sure do glow like hell.

2. Caballo isn't a furry and he's still here.

3. it's not unless its being discussed in good faith or shit on.

4. naive shitlibs are fine, its users who do nothing but promote CIA talking points we have a problem with and there are a few of them.

5. reactionaries who argue in good faith are alright, but they tend to walk a fine line most of the time.

6. YPG/PKK is alright as far as I know, I don't have too much of an opinion on them and I lean in the direction of being pro-China. I think China is closer to socialism than to capitalism. Dengism isn't the party line and nobody will be banned for opposing xi.

7. yes

8. raiding no, embassy threads I guess are fine if they don't break any rules or aren't /pol/ bait.

9. Releasing personal information that can lead to a person being identified in real life.

10. I want a containment board for the avatarfags or to throw them out completely, and the soyjacks are fine if they're not spammed or used too much. I don't plan to just start banning soyjack posters or avatarfags I simply don't like though.

10. getchan is a different website and runs its website differently. I disagree with some of their choices.

I don't know about that guy, but we on the mod team do it for free.


Is the Junta actually going to fucking address the issue. The Matrix shit has breed a bunch of power tripping fucking mods that can't agree on anything and will try and purge one another. Are you guys actually going to moderate like you are supposed too or is this just more lip service as someone is trying to back end another website so Watermelon can nuke this place for the newer pastures?

As much as I dislike Space_ for different reasons maybe that was the better idea since it seems right now the Mods can just power trip whenever they disagree and try sucking dick and kissing ass to create a coup.


Watermelon is just a larping 13 year old.


>2. Caballo isn't a furry and he's still here.

Oh great we are being run by a retard the likes of which we haven't seen since d0llars.


/assembly/ will be made public. this way you do not have to suck dick on matrix to complain about stuff.

t. m00dy

he isn't running shit right now lol.


>10. I want a containment board for the avatarfags or to throw them out completely, and the soyjacks are fine if they're not spammed or used too much. I don't plan to just start banning soyjack posters or avatarfags I simply don't like though.

If you are going to do this just send them to getchan.


>10. I want a containment board for the avatarfags or to throw them out completely




Ban this user for insulting our great hero who struck the decisive blow against the bunkerfags


Yeah I'm thinking based



>10. getchan is a different website and runs its website differently. I disagree with some of their choices.
then act like it and remove the link to /get/chan and use >>>/GET/ as a board we already have for the containment




This is not a workplace and being a moderator is not a job. Stop larping as some epic anarcho syndacalist council.


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plz just be less shit leftypol why are you guys so mad about everything.


shut the fuck up karen


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most people literally want the mods to do less work not more


I like Watermelon :)


if you know anything about mods, councils and other methods of user control ensure they remain hands-off


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Is there a list of memebers for or against the junta?


If you don't want to do it just leave the place to someone else I'm sure that there are plenty of people who are willing to do it.


suggestions and complaints also in here >>>/meta/8660


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>Last news update was last week.


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The moderators sure do seem to get kicked out of a lot of message boards and forums don't they?


the revolution will not be televized.


>get users more involved with moderation process
<kick mods if their opinions don't match the will of the users


Haz supports zionists china this image is completely wrong


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So I've been shitposting for a while, then stopped. There is no point shitposting on sea of shitposts. I no longer feel like I'm surrounded with knowledgeable people falling for my retarded takes or baits. I don't actually want the intelligent discussion to die, I enjoy lurking it and occasionally learn stuff.

The board quality has gone down in the last few months and your solution is to moderate less?


Yes this is very retarded thinking we have with some people. They want to be uands off woth the moderation but cant come together to actually do it wothout bickering and fighting breaking out. Thus we are in the situation we are in now.


all of the mods are too retarded to actually know what to delete to actually improve the board quality. it's a sea of shitposts, but them increasing moderation would only turn the place into a circlejerk.


The board is fine, we just need the freedom to bully the pedophiles and radlibs off. We already reduced Pennyfag to a crying autistic mess, should be easy with the rest of the scum


>The board quality has gone down in the last few months
been said since the time immemorial, what year was it? 15? 16?


Same, there is nothing unique about being a shitposter if everyone's a shitposter.
It's why contrarianism is kind of a loser's game, you either have to continue to be one or you become "the man"


extreme oldfag here. it's always been sliding down, but it's been more precipitous in the past few months.


My 2 cents: soyjack spam should be deleted and Comatoast and Zul are retards for defending it. Seems they want this place to degrade into another leftpol or post-split bunkerchan


The problem again is avatarfags and radlibs, both of which will be solved by online Darwinism


this site has radlibs?


Just outright ban Muskfags. Thanks


By the way, while we are all here I would like it fucking noted.

I was RIGHT about Haz being retarded. I recognised this within about 5 minutes of him being here. This is now the widely held belief on the board.

I was also RIGHT that the mods shouldn’t have gone directly against the will of the users and got rid of all talk of haz. Now as we see caballo himself has called it “a nail the coffin of our democracy”

I was also RIGHT during the recent split, when I said enough was enough, and that something like this would happen again, and low and behold, look, it has.

I am therefore RIGHT that we need a posters union, looser moderation, and greater user input into board decision making

And, fundamentally, I was right about OLD BO and the original split, from which all of this stems.

Given all of this, maybe you could please listen to me for once, as I say they same shit I have been saying for like 5 years now.

Thank you for reading my shitpost. Union or death


anyone who calls someone an "anglo" unironically or proposes large-scale decolonization is a radlib.
so yes, this site is infested with them.


just go back lol




t. anglo


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Reddit it shit. The problem with this place is it becoming more Reddit tier.


>it's always been sliding down
retarded take
it was ups and downs
but I rest my case, remove low effort post threads and shitflinging
problem with poltards or radlibs for a quality of discuss is not their views per se, it is how much effort they put into their arguments


t. accultured to leftism on reddit


Way too many. Just look at all the people who will bend over backwards to pretend sodomites and troons are part of the proletariat(USER WAS SODOMIZED WITH FEMPEEN FOR THIS POST)


We get it, you're a le unique nazbol, just like all the others


I just finished jacking off my neovagina, and now I crave attention.

There were some comments in the other thread that I want to address here.

1. I do not recognize this coup, full stop. The coup is as real as the tiananmen square massacre.
2. Stalin did some retarded things, probably. Better read, better leader, stole more banks than I will ever do. This uygha carried the soviet union, and he did more good to humanity than any other non-communist leader by orders of magnitudes.
3. Infrared is hilarious. I was against the ban. I love laughing at infracels, and I love laughing at Haz role playing as a muslim arab on twitch. I very begrudgingly accepted the ban for site security. I should've yielded more, tbh I threw a (hopefully uncharacteristic) bitch fit.
4. All mods involved in this petty bitch fit have done good things for the site.
5. The site is not "redditifying", nor is it is nazbolifying. There's been more visitors, especially from 4chan. /b/ is infested with "nazbol" and 4chan style idpol, more idpol than we've had in years probably.
6. Caballo is ultra-based, it's hilarious the sexual frustration he arouses on homo-incels. cope more.
7. we've always had people defending imperialism. Maybe we had a low-point, but back on shooterchan we had waaaaay more imperialist apologia.
There is no junta.
>Are raiding/embassy threads allowed?
4chan raids are prohibited.
>What constitutes doxxing according to the mod team?
I speak for myself, because I locked a thread trying to expose one of our own and I wasn't sure if it was the right call. IMO, we should viciously defend our own, and less viciously but still strongly defend leftists in general, even the ones we dislike, except vaushites. I don't care if you doxx right wingers.
>What's the verdict on avatarfags/soyjaks?
Again, speaking for myself.
I think soyjacking should ideally be limited to /b/. Low effort soyjack OP threads should be deleted (except the containment thread). otherwise soyjacking is allowed. avatarfagging is fine, or rather I don't have opinions about it. Mods should be able to delete soyjack posts at random too. >>8878

>What's the verdict on getchan?

friends of leftypol. many on each board dislike each other, but ultimately we have historically and continue to be friends.

I have posted about my proposed solution, namely, splitting leftypol into two /world/ for news and geopolitics stuff, and /left/ or something like that. The purpose is to make it easier to see more theory-oriented threads. I still believe it is worth a try.
Also open to hear new ideas. I haven't heard any solutions besides "promote /edu/" which doesn't really work in my experience.

Other ideas I had:
- Sunday open jitsi voice-chat sessions.
- Drawing contests.
- Shitposting parties (I was the one who planned the party on /b/ but then forgot about it, sorry).

>This threads moving so fast no one will realise im Gay
>anyone who calls someone an "anglo" unironically
t. anglo
>or proposes large-scale decolonization
minority position afaik or non-existent.
Disagree on your union.
t. faggot


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>you cannot simultaneously take it in the ass and also work a waged job

Holy fucking j* n* lasalle


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keep seething angloid


Triggered much? “Nazbol” is just a cute little buzzword for whenever a radlib gets upset, it means nothing and it doesn’t actually exist


man why are you so pissed. I'm tired of being angry at shit and you sound mad too.


Homosexual decadence is a product of late stage bourgeois culture, the vast majority of people are disgusted by that shit. The only reason you see “acceptance” today is because the bourgeoisie is forcing their norms on us, and now have little pushback to the depraved shit they do


watch as they out themselves


yeah most times people call someone a nazbol they're just trying to imply that someone is being a faggot


but the vast majority of the proles don't find it disgusting? Why is it late stage bourgeois culture?


Holy fuck please ban this retard.


>watch as they out themselves
t. closeted anglo

just come out comrade, we're ready to decolonize your mind. Use the chopsticks. Eat the bugs. squat when you poop. you will be made brown and you will like it.
post browser history


You are the reason why I'm getting blackpilled.
Capitalism is dying
Yet we are choosing barbarism.


>I locked a thread trying to expose one of our own
Avatarfags are not our own. The people making fun of avatarfags are our own. Avatarfags are the Other, outsider intruders, all those other words for "things i don't like".


>there was no gays before capitalism
you are an absolute cesspit, brain full of nothing but brine and fishies swimming through it as you rot on the bottom of the Atlantic


the reason quality has gone done is the same reason they want to mod less.




>Yeah so, like, there's this board right
>And it has this poster right
>She used to be this peanut thing, but, like, then she was redeemed or something
>Yeah there's a poster on this site that posts with her.


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mods are the ultimate avatarfags.


yes and that's why the userbase should keep them in a cage and beat them regularly


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it ok anon.


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jokes on you I get off to that shit.


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why do we have to ban people who make fun of avatarfags or avatarfags themselves i want it leveled and for both parties of retards to make fun of each other


ur still gay and samefaggs


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Board quality took such a dive since the Bunkerchan redirect / foreign policy article that the site still hasn't recovered from it


because it shit lq posts and bait most of the time with pointless drama


and now >sex freak


You can do that without avatarfagging


no shit
but avatarfaging it always happens


>mods get less power because of how cancerous they act
>their response is to act more cancer


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I do think it's weird to want your identity to be known. Only feds do this to encourage others to do the same.


this, you uyghas wanted this after you butthurt with space_ shit modding.
soy would be dumb enough to raid dead boards like /2hu/ and /s8s/ on 8kun




based post

and I def like this idea:
>- Sunday open jitsi voice-chat sessions


I love you guys but fuck if you're not the #1 cause of my premature malding.


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What do we think of the DSA?


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The problem is the vagueness of the rules. The mods are free to interpret them as they see fit, and it mostly works by precedent.

The simplest solution to solve this is to make the rules more concrete, but any attempts to do that can't be unanimously agreed on by all the mods.

Earlier today Watermelon proposed this as a foundation for moderation policy:

>The rules about fedposting and idpol are to be made absolutely clear, and enforced by all mods. It's my opinion and the opinion of some others that the principle division in the mod team is between people who want to take /leftypol/ in a more "reddit leftism" direction and those that don't. New and clear rules will absolutely forbid over-moderation and keep leftypol as an anti-idpol leftist board.

>4.1.Idpol is to be clearly defined as politics that place struggles that are not class above or at the level of class struggle. The central idea behind this is intersectionality, and a user doing nothing but promoting that is at odds with the board and should result in a ban. However this rule should be kept in mind most by the mods who should not ban people for disliking trans people or wanting to execute furries or whatever nonsense. Both opinions there are dumb but someone can believe both and still be a leftist. That is not to say that troon-posting is now allowed. Users will still be banned for that - this is aimed at preventing over-moderation and giving a future basis to throwing out mods whose ideological bent is not in line with what leftypol is supposed to be.

>4.2. fedposting is to be defined as criticizing geopolitical enemies of the USA from the angle of the US state department. That is to say, calling Belarus' Lukashenko a fascist or Stalin a red fascist or other nonsensical criticism like that. It's a shitty criticism that doesn't come from the left and should be banned. Opposing the People's Republic of China is fine - but that state should be criticized from a left wing position rather than a liberal position. That isn't to say calling the PRC or USSR undemocratic and un-socialist will get you banned - only that if you do only that and consistently argue the point from a liberal point of view that you might be assumed to be a fed.

Immediately, a few of the mods complained "No, this is Nazbol we will never agree to this". Even though these guidelines are something I feel 90% of the board would agree with. So it was dropped out of the proposal.




I want more moderation no less moderation, ban /pol/yps that want to create chaos, they can come here if they want ti debate, but they should be banned if they sperg out and start blaming "dah JOOOOS" for being incels.

And ban chadolf ffs, and clean up /b/ too, that place is subversion itself.


Also post clear rules for every board, not just a bunch of vague global rules on some hidden manifesto/constitution.

Do this:https://4chan.org/rules
Keep a sticky on every board (yes including /b/) with the purpose of the board and the rules that apply to that board.


>le everything is nazbol


Nah. Avatarfag identity is no more permanent than your willingness to keep using the same avatar or tripcode. You stop and it's gone. It's far more concerning that Tor isn't the default choice for posters TBH.

While you avatar/tripfag you have a record. What you say, stays with your identity. You cannot slink back into the shadows, your words are your own, not Anon's.
To me this is a valid choice that IBs support, with advantages and disadvantages. The cancerous cult of personality or attention seeking behavior, were it to become a problem, can be adressed with the existing rules. It comes with the platform.

Avatar/tripfags are just fine as far as I'm concerned.


they are fine but people are allowed to argue with them and make fun of them


I think what we learn from this is that white people and english speaking white people moreso, are fucking retarded.


>anglos are low iq retards


As one the only true communist on this site I approve of this and say kick the "No, this is Nazbol we will never agree to this" vermin for good, they are opposed to a core part holding this community together since basically the start, namely class first, no to intersectionality. This has only gotten MORE IMPORTANT since the CIA practically went public and unashamed in their use of intersectionality to destabilize and infiltrate the "left".


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there are no dubs, die


too lazy to look it up, but the proposed structure of your union of posters looks like it would recreate all the problems of labour unions under capitalism, namely and specifically, that there is a risk of a union hierarchy forming which has desires and views different to those of the people they actually represent.

this, specifically, bothered me from the impression that such a union would essentially be a little group on Matrix rather than something board centric. fundamentally, any "union of posters" must allow anons to contribute on board (and as material and full members and representatives, not merely as people to talk to a shop steward who'll then run off to GNU/Discord and push ahead with his own viewpoint regardless.)


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Can you faggots do your fucking job and deal with all the bait threads being reported?


>Immediately, a few of the mods complained "No, this is Nazbol we will never agree to this".
lmao. There are breadtubers in the mod team.



Sorry bro, we gotta discuss it in the congress first, then the voting phase, then the appeal phase, etc. It's called democracy


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One thing we can do is stop censoring and banning the N word and the T words. We want to have /pol/ users come here and learn something. Read some leftist theory, even just a few Marxist quotes can go a long way. We want more allies!
Does it really hurt anyone to read the N word? Its not like those people post here or would ever be capable of understanding our theory.




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>it's all coming together
Rules are always interpreted. The nature of the material we are dealing with must necessarily allow ambiguity. If there is one thing leftists do is disagree about minutiae.

IMO thinking that rules can be demarcated properly and defined enough that it will fix our problems will basically imply fixing a lot of theoretical issues the left has, and will also remove the necessity of lawyers in all civilizations, since laws are no longer up for interpretation, but are fixed objective determinations. Sounds awfully like a liberal conception of laws, ngl.

The idpol rule is absurd. Sorry, but it is junk and unactionable.
>Idpol is to be clearly defined as politics that place struggles that are not class above or at the level of class struggle.
You can't declare a definition to be "clearly defined", you have to clearly define it. Second thing, "at the level of class struggle", this is meaningless and shows you don't understand anti-idpol. THERE IS NO STRUGGLE BESIDES THE CLASS STRUGGLE. Vulgar anti-idpol is unironic class reductionism. TRVE anti-idpol is the realization that there is only class struggle.
>The central idea behind this is intersectionality, and a user doing nothing but promoting that is at odds with the board and should result in a ban.
Not sure what "intersectionality" is doing in this sentences, but idpolers are already banned, so not sure what the purpose of this sentence was.
>However this rule should be kept in mind most by the mods who should not ban people for disliking trans people or wanting to execute furries or whatever nonsense.
This is just apologia for retards that love to obsess over trans people. "The mods who should not ban people for disliking trans people or wanting to execute furries" lmao, so obsessing over trans people and wanting to execute furries is not idpol? Going by your definition, maybe we should ban you and watermelon for supporting idpol?
>Both opinions there are dumb but someone can believe both and still be a leftist.
I'm not one to gatekeep leftism, so I guess I agree, but this is brainworms shit and not a good leftist position. Same if you agree with this whole paragraph.
>this is aimed at preventing over-moderation and giving a future basis to throwing out mods whose ideological bent is not in line with what leftypol is supposed to be.
Basically, "giving a future basis to throwing out mods [that ban the transhumanist obsessed posters]"

I hope this is enough to demonstrate how this definition is entirely idpol, unactionable, useless, and basically sets the precedent to purge the mods that ban the transhumanist obsessed posters, aka actively pro-idpol.


>we need more polcels!
We really don't


Should we be banning people for liberal POVs? Seems like it might be good to respond in earnest to them instead, context-dependent?




the mods who complained that definition is fucking shit were correct. "the central idea of idpol is intersectionality" is precisely the kind of stupid shit you'd get from /pol/ users who've picked up that "idpol" is a /leftypol/ shibboleth and who take the view, in broad strokes, that it's "idpol" to oppose discrimination which still exists, but not idpol to support it.

we're going down a shit route, aren't we squidward?


Yeah, because having /pol/ converts has done us a great favour in terms of post quality since the Foreign Policy article and merge with Bunkerchan.


(To be clear I'm talking about like a liberal criticism of China, not the idpol thing. I think I agree with the idpol thing)


unspeakably fucking based


As long as you ban radlibs like cuckdem poster and other faggots I am fine.


They can't read. I always knew it.


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i think idpol on both sides shouldn't be banned, let the users here get exposure to the hell of muh transhumanists vs voot bloo no matter whoo they've been stuck in their bubbles far too long


I know you all enjoy a good shitty bait thread but c'mon do your jobs, this contributes absolutely nothing >>434875


If Jannies aren't going to do their only job might as well jump ship.


Yeah bro but is the word 'janny' idpol, should it be allowed? Is it part of the struggle? We need to discuss it first before taking any action


Whatever happens pls not this >>8961



Wish I could jump ship but I need to see what happens next.


Jump shit to where? reddit?


yeah its where i was before may as well go back if we're gonna allow FAGGOTs in


Like we had back in the 8chan days and Early Bunker? Because there should have been a Zero tolerance for any and all /pol/ but nope want to do less moderation and hide behind democracy so to not do anything productive just like real governments.

I would rather blind myself than go onto that astroturfed website that is basically glowie central.




weak ass nogga


indeed you should go back


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The coup started because according to an anonymous source in china, there is too much moderation and troonposters are being oppressed. I guess I agree that our endless bickering and "democracy" tends to get in the way of good moderation, but the "less moderation" mods exist in the team and their opinion is heard when we decide things. That side was the one that felt that we were becoming reddit and they felt the need to intervene with a coup.


I would like to reiterate the point I tried to make last thread about idpol topics and specifically whining about transgender issues one way or the other:
It is not a topic where any serious advance can be made by discussing it. It exists purely for users to flash gang signs at one another, to say that they are socially progressive or socially conservative. To differentiate themselves from /pol/ or liberals. This is not something people tend to dwell on consciously, but if you model the whole thing in this way you will predict how these things go far more accurately than if you believe people are just genuinely very interested in the topic.
Threads about transgenderism very rarely, if ever, consist of people posting serious studies back and forth. It's always polemics, anecdotes, misremembered statistics, and appeals to "X figure who we like/dislike for Y reason takes view Z!!"

My position on the matter is thus: People who bring the topic up and discuss it should be banned, not because their view is wrong or correct, but because to discuss it at all is incorrect. Insofar as we're going to be dragged in with reminders that this or that figure said this or that, the only unofficial official position of the board should be that they should've kept their stupid mouth shut. Quite apart from the question of whether or not we're technically within or outwith the "idpol" rule, no good comes of the discussion itself. By necessity it is something that brings out the worst in everybody. It is in effect the lowest effort, highest reward bait on the market today.

It was once traditional for forums to have a "no politics" rule. Not because the people on them were apolitical, but because nobody wants the model railroading forum to tear itself apart over George Bush. It is on a similar basis that /leftypol/ should choke off any discussion of such culture war issues. Both pro- and anti- posters would do much better to take their interest in such matters to forums that are better suited to those topics.


"chan culture" brainworms strike again


Baaed junta making the redditors leave.


Censoring the n word is an inside joke fag


Mein Hass für Amis steigt ins Unermeßliche.


absolutely fucking moronic. first and foremost, /pol/ users are no more desirable than any other newcomers. second: any /pol/ user who leaves the minute they realize there are joke wordfilters is incredibly unlikely to have arrived with any real interest in discussion. third: the wordfilters are, in their own way, part of leftypol culture. we should aspire to be better than a 4chan offshoot.


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Listen out, have a FANTASTIC idea, while the North Korea video is good fun, I believe a second ban notice, specifically for /pol/tards should work wonders, so whenever a moderator bans a person for /pol/ related issues, the ban notice feature screenshots of blacked.com porn instead of the NK video

I believe such thing would add salt to their wounds.


the unbelievable asshurt from /pol/uyghurs alone is worth it, kys




What's the matter /pol/? Are you triggered by interracial sex?


You would think they be getting off to it since a bunch of them are mutts anyways.


Its their number 1 sexual desire


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The Whytho golpistas are asking for the boards feedback on the OP so that we can move forward in ending this coup.

Please upvote or downvote the OP, and optionally provide comments.


What is going on with his foot?


untreated cancerous tumor


Down bad


why r u mod


I remain uneasy with the idea of empowering a matrix room. Having more discussion on board would be good (although there's often the catch that for secondary issues, a relatively slow discussion thread on those will be knocked off the overboard quite quickly.) and in general the board userbase should be consulted more often.
My viewpoint is constrained by a lack of knowledge of the composition of the Matrix. Far more important than whether they can vote on mod actions and so on is how they are likely to vote on mod actions and so on. If they're alright, sure, whatever, no problem, but if they're a gaggle of morons who mix together the worst of Discord drama and chan culture idiocy then almost anything would be preferable to letting them bounce the status quo.

So all I can say, fundamentally, is to have more discussion on the board and to take the quality of arguments into account more than their quantity, and to underscore time and again that Matrix is a poor solution for user representation because you'll find a lot of users don't use the matrix.

additional minor suggestion: put a link to the feedback/discussion thread in the header area (where the watermelon emoji was yesterday) so that people can find it more easily even from the overboard.


This is the top quality of the mods here everyone.


I thought the new junta would ban the faggot mods


>4.1.Idpol is to be clearly defined as politics that place struggles that are not class above or at the level of class struggle. The central idea behind this is intersectionality, and a user doing nothing but promoting that is at odds with the board and should result in a ban. However this rule should be kept in mind most by the mods who should not ban people for disliking trans people or wanting to execute furries or whatever nonsense. Both opinions there are dumb but someone can believe both and still be a leftist. That is not to say that troon-posting is now allowed. Users will still be banned for that - this is aimed at preventing over-moderation and giving a future basis to throwing out mods whose ideological bent is not in line with what leftypol is supposed to be.
I can't believe I have to agree with those against this, but that isn't what idpol is, or at least it isn't clear at all what it is. The most simple definition has always been social issues/struggles divorced from a materialist and class analysis. This also seems to only focus on one type of idpol, as opposed to all kind of it. If anything, liberal idpol has been down in the least few months, with /pol/ idpol shilling being u.


*being up.


I have to say I disagree…


>liberal idpol
When will this fucking meme die. Idpol is idpol.


Why are you bringing this up when this isn’t what is being suggested, the amended reforms are the ones posted and suggested, these are not they


It's the gay anglo cabal that is behind this.


y r u mod



>comparing someone to a fascist is criticism that doesn't come from the left
the mask is slipping tankie




>Idpol is idpol.
and brexit means brexit.
it is useful to distinguish between /pol/ and tumblr, between the idpol of "liberals" and of "conservatives", of, in more contentious terms, "left" and "right"
"idpol is idpol" to the "liberal" means that it's not idpol to try and "center the voices of POC" on /leftypol/ (this example literally never happens, but run with me here.) because idpol, being idpol, is more like when you're a white nationalist. "idpol is idpol" to the "conservative" means that it's not idpol to think that all transhumanists should join the 41%, because "idpol" is pride parades and pushing for "trans rights"


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I have to go soon, so this is my last reminder to upvote or downvote the OP so we can end this shit asap.

Y'all make me blush.


Look, I don't give a dick about jannie drama, just do everything in this list >>>/meta/8612


i support op uygha


I will eat your flesh and sleep in your skin.


This voter intimidation has been noticed


This is actually pretty good except for the
>no sectarianism rule
which should only be used in extreme, indistinguishable from anti-communism, cases.


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If this actually happens then good but I will believe it when I see it. There's been multiple times where "user input" and "democracy" were brought up only for nothing to change or happen.


This is why the new room must be user built so we have real power


Or Better yet we get rid of the idea of a Matrix room as it has so far failed to do what it was supposed to do. It has created cliques amongest different mods and group end fighting. You bring the discussion here not there behind doors not a lot of people are going to see. If you want Transparency that is how you do it before all of us on this board.


I downvoted u becuz u r a faggot.


>this is aimed at preventing over-moderation
Why the fuck is watermelon trying to rewrite the rules and focused on over-moderation when the problem is the exact opposite.


>A good thing finally happens
>It's dropped out of the proposal
kys all of you.


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Because Watermelon wants to preserve some sort of "Chan culture" of hands off moderation. Which look at where its gotten us, and having the powertripper that led to Bunkerchan merging can be blamed on him as well, and the team here accepted him with open arms. Now look at what's happening I am sure if there was another site being made on the back end leftypol would have gotten deleted and every be forced to go to the new site.

So no, there needs to be more moderation not fucking less.


This, more moderation not less.
Also there's a big difference between "chan/IB culture" and plain shitposting, baiting, FEDposting.

We need more moderation and with clearer less amibiguous rules, that's the solution to this fuck fest.


Too be fair the Matrix congress fails because it isn't open to the public. and posting stuff on meta doesn't work because no one checks it. I think a public Matrix chat like Melon said is a good step IF it happens.


Can't you read. Overmoderation in this context refers to caballo protecting avatarfags.


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All I want is dead americans.
Mod /b/ less and /leftypol/ more, so fucking simple.


/leftypol/ must not be allowed to fall into the nazbol vortex




I’m a simple man. I just want the avatarfags, pedos, and radlibs banned, and you’ll have me on your side. Stream Pennyfag’s suicide and you’ll get even more credit


I'd kill this place myself if it does. Probability is low.


How heavy is your gf today? :)



I completely support this iniative. All idpol should be banned and all non-economic discussion of culture war issues also should be banned.

This is simply not the site for it.


Can you fuckers ban the bait threads faster. There's always so much junk on top of actual discussion.




This pls.
Recruit more janitors if you need to.


Ummmmm, what about rightoids?


Much agreed comrade, the growing movement to unite the left under a genuine Marxist pogrom, despite increasingly desperate denial from the pseudo-left Pabloite revisionist renegades, is striking fear into the hearts of the global imperialist monopoly bourgeoisie. Global capitalism, now more than 80 years into its terminal death agony, can only be transcended through the fulfillment of the objective historical revolutionary role of the class conscious proletariat. The emancipation of the proletariat must be the act of the proletariat itself - under the sole leadership, of course, of the one true world party of socialist revolution, the International Committee of the Fourth International. In their steadfast struggle against all forms of pseudo-left vulgarizations of revolutionary Marxism, David North and the SEP have won the Rank and File proletariat to a genuine Marxist program. The contradictions of global imperialism threaten a Third World War fought with nuclear weapons, and therefore the fate of not just the working class, but the human species itself, depends on resolutely exposing the Pabloites, Grantites, Cliffites, Healyites, Hansenites, Wohlforthites, Mandelites, Steinerites, and all other forms of counter-revolutionary opportunism blocking the path to left unity and planetary proletarian revolution. We urge all workers, youth, and intellectuals stirred by this call to action to unite in Rank and File Committees and to contact the International Committee today.


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It'll surely work THIS time


*Ting Ting Ting* (Taps glass with fork)
*AHEM* (clears throat and stands up)
ATTENTION! Please everyone settle down I have an announcement to make for all of /LeftyPol/
In five minutes I am going to say it


You will stream your suicide?


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Sounds like a bottom problem.


Oh and ban Yugo too mods pls.


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There is no democracy under communism and this is an imageboard you fucking larper


>There is no democracy under communism and this is an imageboard you fucking larper

pls stop baits


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Watermelon, I did not propose to turn every topic into a general, but rather to create a general thread where information and positions are kept so in case a thread devotes into shitposting people can be redirected to the information there.

For example, if we have a general thread for the problems that are present in a "market socialist" economy, next time a thread about market socialism shifts into shitposting or demagogy, users can be pointed there.


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Read book


Lol anti is an admin and a dev


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Not even going to bother with those cherrypicked quotes




Do cope


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but I don't need any band-aids.


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_ _ _ _ _


Same diff


I fucking hates mods.


>IMO thinking that rules can be demarcated properly and defined enough that it will fix our problems will basically imply fixing a lot of theoretical issues the left has, and will also remove the necessity of lawyers in all civilizations, since laws are no longer up for interpretation, but are fixed objective determinations. Sounds awfully like a liberal conception of laws, ngl.

Our definition of idpol right now is vague and depends on individual mods. This has been a problem for a long time and is the reason for a lot of conflict in the past. Fucking writing down a definition isn't liberalism.

>not sure what "intersectionality" is doing in this sentences, but idpolers are already banned, so not sure what the purpose of this sentence was.

see above.

>This is just apologia for retards that love to obsess over trans people. "The mods who should not ban people for disliking trans people or wanting to execute furries" lmao, so obsessing over trans people and wanting to execute furries is not idpol? Going by your definition, maybe we should ban you and watermelon for supporting idpol?

You fucking dishonest retard, you know that after this was brought up I changed the wording. I was using wanting furries executed as an extreme example. Obsessing over trans people is idpol and right wing idpol is already banned. The point of this was to prevent Caballo and others from banning people for idpol when they said something that offended them.

>Basically, "giving a future basis to throwing out mods [that ban the transhumanist obsessed posters]"

Holy shit what a way to misrepresent my position. I have never posted about trans people. I don't think too much about them and it's my opinion that they be treated like humans and accepted into society.

It is absolutely idpol to support discrimination. The only thing that my suggested rules would have done is make it impossible for Caballo, Wvobbly, or some other redditor mod to abuse their powers again.

Fucking moron. The "coup" started because bickering had already pushed Comatoast out of the mod team and something had to be done. The mod team is destroying itself thanks to fuckers like you and it's up to people who actually care about the website to fix it.

So, if someone says that intersectionality or racism is based on a materialist analysis it's alright? Your definition has its advantages - it is broader than mine, but it's not specific enough.

>So no, there needs to be more moderation not fucking less.

You would not say this if you knew that the mod team regularly fights over bans and other stupid shit to the point of people leaving because of the ceaseless arguing.






Please check my post >>9041


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you look like this


Sorry, I missed that.

After reading your post I don't see how what you suggest would be different than posting a screenshot of an effortpost about the topic - maintaining a bunch of generals sounds like a bad idea considering that they'd take up space and end up sectioning off discussion.

A much better compromise might be to turn the QTDDTOT thread into a place for this sort of thing. What do you think of that?


I suggest those generals to be posted on /edu/. it is a very dead board and they would fit the topic, as they would be used to educate, people could participate and keep the documents in the OP updated.

The problem with screenshots is that you don't always have access to them. Of a person doesn't have the screenshot then he can't post it.


Then it proves the point that you guys are a bunch of failures at doing your job Watermelon, your shitty idea of less moderation is going to be what kills this fucking board. Do you honestly believe your hands off approach has helped with decline of this board since you guys seem to bitter and argue over bans? Democracy doesn't need to be for every single decision and shouldn't have to go through layers among layers of Bureaucracy just to come to a conclusion.

Until you guys on the mod team actually do what you said you are. I have no reason to trust anything you said as nothing but lip service until action is done. There has been enough talk about how there is going to be more user feedback and instead we have you guys hiding in the Element in your cliques and having constant gridlock on how to moderate. As this anon >>9010 puts it, nothing has changed or happened, everytime you guys spew out "user input" and "Democracy" you guys sound like Porky CEOs trying to smooth over the masses with buzzwords. Now more than ever its a put up or shut up moment, also you better not reverse anything you do today a few months down the road otherwise we the user base will know that you are to not be trusted with any position of power. Mark my words if you don't get this shit sorted out you will be on the chopping block.


大海航行靠舵手,Free /leftypol/ 万物生长靠太阳。 The Internal Bunkerchan Conflicts of 2020 雨露滋润禾苗壮, The Bunkerchan Purge of 2020 干革命靠的是毛泽东思想。 The Anti-Space_ Struggle 鱼儿离不开水呀, Pyongyang-Bkeys Clique 瓜儿离不开秧。 /troon/ 革命群众离不开共产党。 Anon Rights 毛泽东思想是不落的太阳。 Modocracy 没有共产党就没有新中国 New Features 共产党辛劳为民族 Improved Software 共产党他一心救中国 National Bolshevism 他指给了人民解放的道路 Google Ads 他领导中国走向光明 leftypol.org 他坚持了抗战八年多 /GET/ 人民生活 Comatoast 敌后根据地 Bunkerchan Manifesto 民主好处多 The GETChan Autonomous Boards 没有共产党就没有新中国 GETChan Order of Solidarity 東方紅,太陽升。 Caballo 中國出了個毛澤東。他為人民謀幸福,呼爾嗨喲,他是人民大救星! 从目前已有必要出版《共产党宣言》波兰文新版本这一事实,可以引起许多联想。首先值得注意的是,近来《宣言》在某种程度上已经成为测量欧洲大陆大工业发展的一种尺度。某一国家的大工业越发展,该国工人想要弄清他们作为工人阶级在有产阶级面前所处地位 的愿望也就愈强烈,工人中间的社会主义运动也就越扩大,Spaceist Junta 共產黨,像太陽,照到哪裡哪裡


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You made PedoPenny cry? Link?


My shitty ideas are the only thing preventing the mod team from destroying itself. The hands off approach is the only approach that consists of not banning people for offending a mod.

No action is ever done because we are retards who fight each other more than moderate the board - that's what I'm trying to fix!

That makes more sense, but why not make this into one general purpose thread? Why have ten generals except one?


Because keeping track of the different topics might be a problem, it already happened with the /Deboonk/ general. Since it was cyclical and the OP was never updated, posts were eventually lost. Ideally these threads would be updated by someone from the staff.


What the hell is the full story about pennyposter? All I know is that s/he was an avatarfag from /b/, but it seems they were the catalyst for this whole coup


pennyposter is actually watermelon's side identity created for the specific purpose of making this happen


>The only thing that my suggested rules would have done is make it impossible for Caballo, Wvobbly, or some other redditor mod to abuse their powers again.
A definition of idpol malformed enough to state that "The central idea behind this is intersectionality" would do far, far more than that. Can you explain how the central idea behind (say) /pol/'s racism is intersectionality?
(Actually, I'd also like to know what you think intersectionality actually is, considering that it's a term that even its proponents barely know how to define.)


>the site is fine
>says nothing about rightoids
Go back soyfaggots




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Prior to becoming Pennyposter, this person would post on /GET/ using Peridot from Steven Universe as an avatar. Eventually they would move on to Penny, probably due to them being trans, as the character from the show had a similar story of transitioning. They ended up posting quite often on leftypol.org, especially on /b/. However, due to stigma against Avatarfags many people began to grow hatred for them. The turning point of all of this was the birth of the Penny soyjak, what I consider to be the beginning of the troubles that would lead up to this moment. This obsession would leak into the soyjak colony on /b/, who would side with the Pennyjakkers. However, one anon thought it would be a good idea to post Pennyfag's irl face, because of their obsession. Caballo, as you know, would remove the image due to fear of doxxing. This would cause an uproar among Pennyjakkers who would go on to insert Pennyfag's face onto more memes, creating further chaos. As a result of nearly months of drama, autism, and other assorted faggotry, we finally get to here, where we have Watermelon having a janny ego trip where he takes over the whole board, with drama coming from both sides of the playing field.
That's the full story from what I can recall. TL;DR: An obsession with an avatarfag has gone too far and has led to the shitshow we have here today.
Big if true lol


so that's what killed this website
good job retards, I'd be slightly less disgusted if they were actual glowies




personally i'd have every soyjak poster executed, but that's just my personal opinion. :)


Based succdem and cryptocheka poster.


Someone probably should check if there is an attempt to deliberately provoke polacks to raid in the middle of the power transition.


So all this shit ultimately comes down to the jannies taking sides for or against some asinine internet lynch mob. Jesus christ. First as tragedy, then as farce.


The succdem is right, image board "culture" is cancerous.


Purge the naysayers.


I would like to call bullshit but to be honest I don't trust a thing you say regardless. Now fix this shit now stop dragging your god damn feet. Get this under control and start implementing our demands.

Yeah basically and as you can see nothing is getting done they are dragging their feet on doing anything at this moment to solve the under lying issues.


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>mfw they know now how to destroy this site every time
>mfw all of this'll be the site for possibly months to years going forward if it manages to stay alive
>mfw the fucking redditor pedo cabal moderates their own basement better than the based ML fruit overlord
it's ogre /leftybros/, we got too cocky


Cool. When are we purging the anarchists?


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Execution by wood chipper hopefully


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>personally i'd have every soyjak poster executed, but that's just my personal opinion. :)


File: 1628564477038.gif ( 960.3 KB , 245x245 , you may as well kill yours….gif )

>not even a soyjak
you need to step up your game soybros


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They can never step up cause they're too busy begging to be stepped on.


I didn't want to be executed

>im 13 and this is deep


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>>im 13 and this is deep


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Actually I'm turning 12 this year.


Can you retards stop derailing the thread by getting baited by a rightoid FAGGOT?




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>personally i'd have every soyjak poster executed, but that's just my personal opinion. :)


File: 1628565398711.png ( 126.61 KB , 748x1036 , hijakpuppet.png )

you can stop dancing at any time you know


Soyjack posters are so annoying.


that is not even a soyjak though


Ok what is it then?


it is what is know as a hijak
a megalomaniacal, sociopathic series of wojaks


Tell me how you really feel.


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Just man up and admit that ur a subby girl lmao.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST - stop derailing every thread.)


/assembly/ is now open to the public and on the home page as to be clearly accessible. It's also on the top bar.



it doesn't appear in the top bar for /music/ for some reason


your already in it right now


it fine right now


it's an internet forum touch grass


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avatarfagingss baddss and ageplay is gay


This place is becoming shittier and shittier every hour, I even started to doubt that most people here are communists and not LARP'ers.
We had something so good going on and we ruined it again, we ruined it ourselves not some external force, we killed our home.
Just like the USSR.
And for what? for some stupid drama? Sad


Can I just say something?

You mods discuss and talk way too much for a site that doesn't have that much activity to talk and discuss about

Like what the fuck is there to discuss? Deleting gore? Deleting spam?

Give an example of your inner fights


Are the IPs of users hashed, just as a side question?


Why reward poor behaviour?


Planning on coming in and banning everybody?


I love imageboards, lol.
Comedy wise there's nothing like em.


You know I believe in democracy because I would never do it, but in my opinion all anime must go. Jesus fucking Christ


None of the drama would happen if mods recognized avatarfagging as intentionally inflammatory practice it is and mercilessly banned the fag right away.


God damn I leave for one day and something retarded like this happens.
Can I get a rundown on whats happening?


Fuck didn't mean to sage
Flood detected


those are characters from western cartoons, not anime


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There is an entrenched clique of aristocratic janjans that don't want to give up any power. They use this to shield their furry mod friend from criticism.

Opposing them is Watermelon who wants to write a new Napoleonic Code to better moderate this place and get rid of all idpol.


>Can I get a rundown on whats happening?
Avatarfag derails threads in /b/ for months, one of the mods covers him up causing a split between mods resulting in a "coup".


in a word, autism


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>Can I get a rundown on whats happening?


oh no not another attempted coup…


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this thread is now memes


don't forget calling watermelon a nazbol for wanting to ban idpol and glowies >>8931


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>mfw mods still haven't figured out that limited terms and sortition puts a limit on corruption and drama shit


Good one


Good one


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bros, is this the march on rome of 1922?


teach me the ways, oh Goa Zi


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if you start wondering about the obviously racially charged joke i keep utilizing, the black man is /leftypol/ coming for the watermelon, which i dont think i need to explain who thats supposed to be


Ferdinand Lassalle?


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so this is what they mean when they tell us to dilate


User democracy is being established.


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partially fake news


>got to see the jannie have a massive seethe when kicked out of the bunker
>got to see the jannie have a massive seethe when kicked out OF THEIR OWN SITE

In this moment I am euphoric


you are a lying cunt

penny is not trans

the most obsessive pennyfaggots were raiders from offsite

these people were not banned

all that happened was a couple threads they made were saged

kill yourself


yes coma is a lying piece of shit as well that is spreading this false narrative


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>you are a lying cunt

>penny is not trans

>the most obsessive pennyfaggots were raiders from offsite

>these people were not banned

>all that happened was a couple threads they made were saged

>kill yourself


>It was the deletion of soyjacks that really set me over the edge
Imagine simping this much for soyjaks of all things


Bruh, watermelon can't even verbalize what idpol even is. How tf do you expect him to clean it up, lmao.




am I wrong in any way at all?

just look at the shit he said in support of the coup


It's a left-trumpist coup to establish IB Hoxhaism. It's based.


About what? Because we all know Penny has uploaded there own picture when phishing for compliments in /b/. It's disingenuous to claim it was done as a doxing attempt.


I don't give a fuck about pennyfag, that has nothing to do with a reason for this coup because there is no reason


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"user union" room created by two users invited into the sekrit modchat by gayop zul and zero


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With some of the division in the matrix chat and on the board, I think it is important to explain some context to the factionalism in the mod team.

Several months ago a big source of drama that caused members of the mod team to leave was Wvobby, a new mod, banning users and generally over-moderating the internet garbage general. This conflict about moderation style was intensified when an account of his on "lemmygrad" which is some type of reddit clone were discovered.


Here you can read everything he said there - it isn't much. But what he does not say, and what some other people in a thread about /leftypol/ he was in is equally important. Pic related is an admin in the same thread wvobby was posting in (https://lemmygrad.ml/post/12165) talking about the site and his friends on it. It does not take an idiot to put together who his friends in our moderation team are when their posts are right next to his.

"To address concerns of brocialism and western leftism on /leftypol/, though yes that used to be a major issue, the people in charge of Bunkerchan are well-read Marxists and are trying to turn the community around on those things."

I bring this up now for a few reasons. Number one, wvobby was never expelled from the moderation team, only told to stop being a redditor. Which to be fair he has to a degree. However, right now the mod m00dy who was suspended for being a massive faggot is repeating conspiracy theories about how Comatoast, Zul, Zer0, and I are involved in a nazbol coup to bring /pol/ onto the site. This is similar to what wvobby was saying about many of the same people when the issue of his own actions came up - and I can't help but notice that it seems like many of the anti-junta mods are arguing from the same list of points. If you'll look only one post above mine you'll see m00dy posting some nonsense that implies there is a conspiracy or something. If there was he wouldn't be posting that because we would have banned him already and taken over the site completely - why half ass a coup after all?

I think the conclusions that can be drawn from m00dy's behavior and this past conflict involving wvobby in particular are obvious.


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love how you excluded the parts where you accuse lmlmao of being in a conspiracy with the junta gang and did nothing but argue in bad faith. I am sure you are a trustworthy person in real life.


>A new matrix room to replace lefypol congress will be put together with through vetting of the users in it, and in that room users will be able to directly vote and make suggestions to the mod team. The counterpart to this on the website will be /assembly/, which is the mod voting board. This board should be made open to the public and turned into a general suggestion and discussion bin while /meta/ is for more technical and specific issues regarding the site and moderation.

The problem with this idea is that we are inside an imageboard, users don't want to engage in more details, I mean, in the general sense. The autistic group of those who hate this board surely will have the time and willingness to be there.

>2. There will always be the potential of gridlock and drama in a mod team that is sharply divided, so whenever an issue that causes incredible opposition from half the team or even a minority of the team the first thing to do should be to poll the users and get input in the new matrix chat or the /assembly/ board. Input will also be requested for new admissions to the vol team and new vols might also be drawn from that matrix room.

Just vote a leader, and the leader will be it the one who breaks the gridlock. Under some circumstances can be removed the leader.

>if all else fails and the opinion of the majority of the mod team seems to be sharply divorced from the opinion of the users, the matrix chat can simply vote on allowing a mod to override the rest of the mod team even if that mod is in the minority opinion. The watermelon military junta only happened because I and some others believed that the site itself was threatened by the degree of dysfunction in the mod team, and in the future overriding mods who like voting on things like this should have some basis in an established system.

>some others believed that the site itself was threatened by the degree of dysfunction in the mod team

So all this drama for nothing? The website runs well. Don't overreact out complaints, after all, people behave like Karens.


Of course is the leftcom who is happy for the desunion of a group of the left.


when i first made the union chat and i made watermelon and m00dy mods in good faith both were at opposite ends and i kinda was hoping as naive and retarded as it is to think that everybody could get along


>thoughts on this?
I think you're all massive faggots.


stop fucking larping


For the record this guy is m00dy and has been using multiple IPs to spam the board with anti-junta nonsense. Any thread where the topic is brought up he says the same thing with a different IP - very good faith actions from him.


>any criticism I get is x scapegoat


who the fuck are the admins and mods of this fag chat? i only recognize coma and watermelon from all of those


That chat is a user owned room intended to replace the current leftypol congress room on matrix.


almost all dox are initially uploaded "of the user's own volition". a definition like that is ultimately just an excuse for sociopathy.
(provided of course that pennyposter objected. if they didn't care, kept sharing the picture themselves, etc, then it's not doxing.)




>doxxing is self identified
so i can say its doxxing only when someone uses it to make fun of me? how convienent for narcissists


verbi, nformal
gerund or present participle: doxing
search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent.


you didnt answer my question. who is rodong? who is lmlmao? who the fuck is soy noticer?


>so i can say its doxxing only when someone uses it to make fun of me? how convienent for narcissists
lel doxing is peak dark triad behavior. anyways go ahead and delete fools/underage b& that post their faces it's literally not an issue at all, most sites have this rule because no one wants to attract creeps that are constantly looking to unmask users


This is an internet forum, not a commune. Touch grass.


all users, not mods. lmlmao is sage, he and soy noticer (who is also a random user) have both been pushing for some reforms in the way we do things and I generally agree with them. Rodong is a random user as well though I believe he runs leftybooru.



Anons of leftypol, this is my statement on the activities of the board moderation power change:

About three days ago now, yet another large mod argument had broken out. The details of this specific fight are immaterial, sufficed to say there was yet another large scale disagreement and deadlock among the moderators.

This comes after years of turbulent moderating, beginning with OldBO Che scum purges, surrounding the Rojava debacle. Since this crime against the anons of leftypol, which was one of over moderation, the specific content in which leftypol rose to prominence has been corroded, corrupted, and has become close to death. Namely, a left wing board that wasn't plagued by uptight redditoid moderation, which drives away users and stultifies discussion

I won't bore you with the details of each and every drama. The most recent major drama, as i am sure you were aware, was the split of bunkerchan to leftypol. At this time, it was my suggestion that enough is enough, mod drama, which came from mods and only mods, not the anons, had endangered the board too many times. Because of this, I suggested a union of posters be created, with their own matrix room, in order to 1) preserve the community should the board be nuked or otherwise disrupted 2) as a platform where discussion of the board could be had, without mods being able to censor and curate that discussion and 3) given this discussion, where anons to organise themselves to make demands of the mods.

Suffice to say, the mods repeatedly crushed this attempt. They will lie outright, and claim they did not, but the fact is they deleted threads about the subject, forced me to reword threads, made me spend hours in matrix chat arguing for these threads, accepting them, then deleting them anyway. While the threads were live, mods would sit in them all day nay saying. Despite this, the union room currently has a similar number of people in to the janitors own congress.

Now, because of this, and in light of this most recent drama, the need for this union has become even more apparent. It is clear that in order to counter the power of the mods, the users must have their own vessel to make decisions. On top of that, this must be protected by the mod team itself.

Because of this, yesterday or last night I wrote out this proposal, which was in the other mod drama thread which many of you will have seen:

"Okay, so basically this is the gestalt official proposal, I was going to write a document with all the ins and outs of my reasoning, for that, you can go back through this chat and read what I have to say. Essentially, my belief is this: 1) there is somewhat of a consensus among mods and regular attendees to mod related discussions that some form of board democratisation is favourable 2) there are numerous different beliefs on what that should be or what it will look like 3) there is fairly wide consensus that the system of moderation decision making currently in place is not fit for purpose. 4) there is also a fairly wide consensus that, although democratisation is favourable to basically all, most recognise to a great or lesser degree real issues, among these, how can we prevent the subversion of such a system. 4) this leaves us in a position that, we must widen the scope of the decision making process on the board, I.e, democratise it, add more voices to the pool of those eligible to vote, while also making sure that pool does not become subverted with bad faith actors.
My proposal therefore aims precisely to target these concerns, in order to complete the above objective of democratisation to some degree.
While the ideal situation would be in my opinion direct democracy, there are very real threats to this, and very real problems with its implementation. Therefore, I suggest measures in order to smooth over implementation issues in a gradual, increasingly democratic fashion.
Thus, in practical terms, I would like the mods to vote on these 3 separate but cohesive proposals 1) that a union of posters be allowed to created by the posters, this union will act as the mechanism by which posters can discuss issues with the board. It will be owned by the posters, so that it’s independence from the moderation team can be assured. Initially, this union would be a place of discussion, and the will of the board discerned by the individuals who made up the voting body of the union. These individuals would be, those collections of posters who are currently engaged in the board moderation and have been long term. Gradually, more and more people would be added to the voting pool long term, it would be the specific job of these individuals to oversee this expansion. 2) in order to solidify this, myself and soy noticer (the initial inspectorate) be inducted in the mod chat, which would give us voting rights but no mod powers. This way, through the above mentioned Union, gradually more posters, judged good faith by said inspectorate, based on their participation in union discussion, could be added to the inspectorate voting pool and therefore the democratic process of the board. 3) I suggest that this action, if voted for by a majority of the mod team, would represent a binding mandate to enter into a gradual, good faith, long term process of board democratisation as described above.
*This might be sloppy I meant to write this from a laptop but needs must. I have thought through things like the constitution of the union etc"

this proposal would have been the ideal situation for me. I would have liked a vote by the mods, however, i went to sleep and as things transpired, the executive decision was made by Watermelon etc, to simply force the issue. It isn't how I would have done it, but I am ultimately fine with this happening. Particularly given the adverse reaction of certain mods, who refuse to see reason the area of user participation.

All of this being said, it is now the case that more or less the entirety of this proposal has been carried out, there is a new matrix room, admined by myself and user soy noticer, we now have votes on mod issues, although we are not mods. We also have mandate to gradually build this room, adding more anons who will recieve voting powers. These voting powers will given to users who engage long term and in good faith in discussions relating to board moderation. Note, this will have nothing to do with what they actually say, rather it will only be based on the manner in which they say it, and after they have demonstrating more than a passing interest. As described above, this is in order to be off putting to wreckers and infiltrators, and, once built, should create a higher quality democratic culture. There will be another room, where any users can come to discuss the board, it is from this room that anons will be selected for the voting process. As well as this, we will gradually add more of those anons as admins to the user voting pool, but this again will be a gradual process once trust has been established.

You may see this as some kind of power grab and indeed the mods will no doubt be in this thread telling you that is the case, I say to you that it is my and soy noticers full intention only to bring great user input to the board, whatever that may be. I would urge anybody who wants to get involved in the discussion of the board, in order that they may be gradually brought into the voting pool.

At no point in time ever in the boards history has the poster been given an opportunity to have a real say in board goings on, it is that which we mean to deliver. I am open to any and all questions, butt hurt wrecker jannies please refrain from your incessant nay saying and bitching.


sage and soy noticer are the admins. I was made admin without asking for it and have removed myself from that position


btw m00dy's faction has control of the site domain. This "contingency" they talk about is destroying the website rather than have even a little bit of user oversight over them.


Pretty funny this is presented as a purge, and not a janny breaking the rules of the room, after being trusted with mod privs, then being asked not to, then doing it again repeatedly (still hasn't been banned btw, been very lenient). The anti user participation mods have clearly gone into full shit fit mode, and are spreading untruths everywhere they can to protect their mod status, when literally all that has happened so far is several posters, with a variety of views, have been added to the mod voting pool, and there is the intention to add more, via the mechanism discussed above.


given that this is the case, i would urge all users to join the matrix chats immediately, so that if the board is destroyed by the wreckers, we all have a place to congregate and rebuild


I'll summarize as I did elsewhere:

PRESENTING: Sage's steps to success:
>Step 1: wait for a coup, do not participate in site administration until a coup happens (important)
>Step 2: side with the minority
>Step 3: agitate for a matrix chat where sage is admin, "for the users!"
>Step 4: wreck! (The fun part)
>Step 5: once things have settled down, ignore the "users union", you can now go back to not doing any work towards site administration.

You remember him sapmming his anti-.org "user union", get ready for the new union that supports the whytho coup.



link to matrix waiting room where we filter out /pol/ and bring leftists into the actual room.

conspiracy nonsense.


All you will have to do is buy another domain, not much to rebuild.


You're the wrecker, dipshit.



this is a room for users to enter, in the event that the wreckers nuke the board, this is where we congregate.


You're the wrecker, dipshit.


wanting user participation isn't wrecking. If you think its wrecking, its because you think you and only you should have control over the board


edited post for correct link to actual hoxhaist bunker room users should join to avoid the site going down.


It's amazing the amount of time some people will invest in making work harder for others.


So you're telling me there have been literal redditors on the mod team all along?


I reiterate my critique: >>8944 and append some development:
>Note, this will have nothing to do with what they actually say, rather it will only be based on the manner in which they say it, and after they have demonstrating more than a passing interest
This seems to me a naive view. If you do not take some account of what people say, you give carte blanche to obsessives to push their case to the detriment of the board as a whole. Instead of having democratic representation for the board as a whole, you have a relatively narrow group of representatives which is already subject to the selective pressure of "Is willing to use GNU/Discord".

As the situation appears to be a fait accompli, I make the following practical suggestion: Have, pinned on /leftypol/, a feedback thread, much like the existing one on meta but broader in scope. Incorporate the discussions of the posters union within it so that board users can give their feedback. This is, being an anonymous board, vulnerable to samefagging and so on. But moderators and Matrix users alike can at least take account of the arguments presented, and should Matrix gang and the modocracy find themselves in accord in a way disagreeable to the userbase of the actual board, it would provide an actual outlet. If we are to have a union on this model, at least give us commoners a union hall in which to meet.

Furthermore (and this is the root of some of my concern with the union concept): I would argue that the recent problems of /leftypol/ have primarily been undermoderation, not overmoderation. (My three point plan in that regard would be as follows: Aggressively ban idpol threads even on /b/ (specifically I would underscore ones about transgenderism.), aggressively ban soyjaking, and "push" avatar users to make Aliyah to /GET/). Overmoderation is a risk, especially if we go down the route of self important sectarian pettiness, but the difficulty is not in "More or less" but in what, specifically is moderated. But there is a vocal, obsessive little group of people who wish to sail us into both the Scylla of "Chan Culure" undermoderation and the Charybdis of sectarian overmoderation. If they're given the time of day by the moderator team or the union, the site is doomed.


yeah basically. I don't know if they're actually redditors but their views seem fairly similar to reddit leftism to me. They were good at concealing their views though.

screencapping this post so i can show it to other mods if the board gets fucked. I agree with most of this.


I accept your first points about unions, and as an IRL union member am very sympathetic to them, and will endeavour that such a situation does not happen. In fact, I happen to think that member engagment is specifically the thing that gives a union power, and without it, it becomes weakened and pointless. You can read about why this is in Jane Macaleveys book: No Shortcuts.

I reject your point about the site being under moderated, however. Regardless, I urge you to join the union and argue thusly


>yeah basically. I don't know if they're actually redditors but their views seem fairly similar to reddit leftism to me. They were good at concealing their views though.
Bro, with all due respect, the lib that can't even define a proper idpol definition and believes laws can be objective and universal, uygha don't call others redditors, especially not mods who are more competent than you in every way. Thanks.


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Can you spergs just get your shit together? Nobody cares about your petty personal feuds. Just do your fucking jobs, do them for free and be glad about it.


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Glad to see the "junta" larpers have added 2 users they have groomed into this "union" truly a step towards a democratic leftypol


>with all due respect
no respect is due seriously what is this shit, why can't we behave like adults?


Before there was zero count ZERO posters who could vote. Now there are several. Stop concern trolling, there is more poster representation than there has ever been, ever. If you had your way, there would be none again


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To all the mods, fuck you. We all have the same goal of communism, it may be a little bit different from each other. But we can't hyper divide ourselves on this bullshit. All you retards need to do is stop the avatarfaggotry, and crack down on the blatant /pol/ bait threads that get 300+ posts in a few hours. Stop the bullshit so the board can get back to business as usual.


Completely wrong, there was broad consensus that greater board democracy was needed and the “coup” ists I.e revolutionaries, have provided that


why do you think we had the congress room sage? You are not gods green gift to earth. Just because you are labelled mr head of the nuleftypol democracy by the junta larpers doesn't mean that everything you touch turns into uncorrupted user power


Shut the fuck up, faggot. You only participate in site administration when the site is in crisis and for the worst.

Where have you been literally EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY, that the mod team was not being couped.



Easy solution to all this autistic retardation: site owner owns the site, site owner says what happens.


This, unfortunately drama faggots have no boundaries, it is a shame they were ever given power in the first place


There is no site owner. Everyone has a role in the mod team. One of the mods pays for the hosting. That's the limitation of bourgeois institutions. There's no going around that. That mod is entrusted with site "ownership" on behalf of the entire community. It isn't his property.


Congress was mod owned not poster owned. Next


>t. site owner
t. site owner
actually zer0 is not the site owner only the sysadmin, he is the janny with barrack obama powers


So you want a chat that's has your name attached to it? What the fuck matter who owns the fucking thing you fucking opportunist?


I have literally posted about the site moderation in some form almost every day. I spent a long time trying to build a union which you mods deleted. Go ahead lie and say you didn’t, but you did and that’s a fact


you are just a cumsock for the junta mods, they were bemoaning you just a few days ago


No I want a chat owned by posters and not mods to discuss the board. If you weren’t in complete denial about the whole situation of mod clique domination you could easily see the difference. I can’t openly discuss the board if some mod can delete my comments about how they run the board and regularly do. I don’t expect you to understand as you are obvisouly a mod and not a poster so we have different interests, mine is nice board to post on, yours is flexing control


Sage's steps to success:
>Step 1: wait for a coup, do not participate in site administration until a coup happens (important)
>Step 2: side with the minority
>Step 3: agitate for a matrix chat where sage is admin, "for the users!"
>Step 4: wreck! (The fun part)
>Step 5: once things have settled down, ignore the "users union", you can now go back to not doing any work towards site administration.

Here's a piece of truth: your opportunism knows no bounds.

No work, no vote. You haven't done shit to help the site. Keep fomenting dissent, retard. On a leftist site of all places. Nothing but a wrecker.


<add filter


And yet, they have engaged with me like no mods have ever. You should try it some time. One of them has in fact been asking me to join the mod team for quite some time now, but that is completely unrelated. If you find yourself without allies, ask why that is


this kills the attentionfag


So you’re just going to completely ignore the substance of the post and spam the same nonsensical bollocks you have already posted, then call me a wrecker.

I ask again how is it wrecking to add some posters to the voting pool which is literally all that has happened.


If it makes no difference, why are you so opposed to it? Can’t have it both ways chum


>How is opportunist wrecking during coups wrecking?
Namefag, plz.


It's a forum, not a commune. Touch grass.


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Sometimes I wish 4chan would have a /leftypol/ board


So you don’t have an actual reason why adding posters to the voting pool, which is literally all that has happened, is wrecking


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Control Over Site Domain Wrested From The Putschists
In a stunning endeavor made possible by site admin Antinous, control over leftypol.org's domain has been lost by highest authority of the /leftypol/ August Coup, site admin zer0. This means that not only do the rebellious janitors effectively control site moderation by constituting the majority, they now have control over the site domain. How the situation will develop from this is anyones guess at this point, but this will surely be a significant gain for the opponents of the coup.

This information was made possible by yours truly, Noose Anon π.0, a shameless News Anon ripoff. Original character, do not steal. All Rights Reserved (C) 2021.


it's a forum, not a commune. touch grass.


Thank you anon good fucking damn is it so hard to just do what this guy says. What happened to no Sectraianism.


Back to /pol/, incel schizo.


>anon making zul look like good person
>there's now a third faction with Antinous


>Sometimes I wish 4chan would have a /leftypol/ board
No. pls go back to there


stfu sage


I think you should be a janny, Posadas flag, you're a sensible one.



no not really in the end toast overacted and simp for soy posts that soy users don't even care about
>>434302, it was removed because of the fear of doxing and to others mods it could lead into it from what caballo and water said


most likely

no u


>there's now a third faction with Antinous
Any proof that this constitutes a third faction? Or has his allegiances been made clear prior to gaining this access now?


it could lead into that type of shit and lq posting is what lead him to delete it
he says he does this for everyone even for haz


just my take >>9210

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