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1. publicize the politics of the moderation team in its entirety
2. purge the rightists and recruit more mods among communists in their place
3. start curating content and make reactionary shitposting have actual consequences after its NOT SAGED but DELETED instead
4. start enforcing no idpol and no sectarianism rules with an iron fist
5. take an actually active role as moderators instead of being in effect nothing but the complaints department you have to in practice create a matrix account for because the report function is completely useless
6. fuck growth, fuck pph, fuck numbers since what chasing them has done is more harm than good for our community
7. bring the hammer down on /b/ by gassing the reactionaries and taking out their trash
8. bring the hammer down on the anti-/GET/ defamation which has zero evidence to back up the claim that it is a pedophile site or that it has pedophiles in its moderation, as the forced rumor goes
9. if soyjak.party does not behave or stop its raids, ban all soyjaks and delete the /soy/ general
10. go harder on OPs than regular posts, delete rulebreakers and sage non-rulebreaking bait or shitposts

just some ideas. feedback, criticism and adding to these is very much appreciated


and also remove all word filters, every single one


>8. bring the hammer down on the anti-/GET/ defamation which has zero evidence to back up the claim that it is a pedophile site or that it has pedophiles in its moderation, as the forced rumor goes
no, there are anon and if they do that does mean the site is affiliated with the mods on /get/


then post direct evidence with the people in question implicated


fuck all this bullshit, let's just make another /leftypol/
we'll call it bunkerchan


>6. fuck growth, fuck pph, fuck numbers since what chasing them has done is more harm than good for our community
this requires the assumption that we've actually been chasing PPH.
if anything the pro-PPH tendency is liberal leaning, it prefers bringing in socialists from outside imageboards to bringing imageboard users over to socialism, and more generally to advertising leftypol.org on other websites and sharing it with other people. That has hardly happened (if at all), though the under-moderation of reactionary posting has.


>if they do




thoughts on this or is it wankery


And that board must have a great firewall and censorship apparatus


Bunkerchan failed because it was the opposite of that


You mean because of intense censorship that it failed? Elaborate it more clearly, you haven't greentagged the concern.


Maybe I got you wrong. Radlib and /pol/ shit don't deserve a free pass on the board, there's nothing wrong with censoring it. Bunkerchan in its last months was bleeding actual users while right wingers were coming in and shitting on most boards, so I had enough with it and moved over here.


Oh, I see.


it doesnt exactly matter who posts or what, numbers are numbers. you can make numbers go up semi-artificially with bait, sensationalism, drama and the like, which is why those threads tend to stay up. they attract outrage and outrage brings in the numbers.


>9. if soyjak.party does not behave or stop its raids, ban all soyjaks and delete the /soy/ general
Literal Caballo propaganda trying to manufacture a scapegoat to excuse his bullshit
There barely are 50 regular users there and if you see the threads it's all spamming each other with very little actual raid, the last major one was like 2 months ago ffs. These are the only 2 leftypol threads up (with practically a month in between)
Pure nothingburger. I'm all for banning soyjaks on /leftypol/ but you should know that the ones posted there are vanilla ones some loser uses when he's down in a discussion, while in /b/ theres a different stack of soy posters more concerned with sharing their "gems" and OCs than the act of quoting itself, and their own humor and /qa/ random culture, if not take a look at their generals, website or booru the sheer number of varieties there are not necessarily depicting someone
Also if anything local soy/b/posters have accelerated the process of the takeover by bullying avatarfags and Caballo, like they were the ones shilling for the pics, archiving them, then making edits of them to repost around and annoy them and Caballo, only to laugh at him on top of it all. That was what really pissed him off not the (((raids))) plus afaik the calling him out on his incompetence/taking decisions by himself and the subsequent whining were a key part in spearheading all this
They are based as fuck for that, give them some respect. Good old /b/ stuff it isn't the random board for nothing


from my vantage point threads stay up not because mods are chasing PPH, but because they are afraid of being confronted for deleting them. (or perhaps, and i suspect specifically in the case of threads like the spates of argument about transgenderism, either because they have their own sides and don't want to provoke internal conflict, or because those threads aren't reported.)

if PPH above all was the name of the game, we wouldn't see as many half measures like confining soyjaking to /b/, and seemingly to specific threads within /b/. (though with the present situation the cancer is now being allowed to spread again.)


>if soyjak.party does not behave or stop its raids, ban all soyjaks and delete the /soy/ general

We should do it regardless of whatever they're doing, soyjak only decreases the quality of the imageboard. It's been years, it's time to let it go.


i mean for that reason your not wrong


Shut the fuck up soyfaggot, as if your soyjak.party colony didn't attract malicious non-leftist posters from your site/4chan (same shit), as if several of your fellow soyposters weren't complete retards with reactionary tendencies

>3. start curating content and make reactionary shitposting have actual consequences after its NOT SAGED but DELETED instead
This, for fuck's sake, stop moving all shit /pol/ bait threads to /b/ or locking them instead of outright deleting them, when you keep doing that it makes them think they have a voice or that they can grow their numbers here, it obviously encourages other faggots to come post their rightoid shit in a more subtle way
I fully agree with the rest of the suggestions, in particular purging non-leftist mods and not allowing reactionaries on /b/


do you let homosexual furries live in your head rent free regularly or do you have the hots for that specific one


Just because that one mod was one of many people to wanted to purge soyposters from /b/ they think he's behind every single anti-soyjak post. It's the same kind of conspiracy theory thinking that /pol/faggots have.


I support this list.


OP based, I support


no that's bad and will end bad.


The mods want to encourage a /pol/ takeover.


This place is becoming shitter and shitter every hour, I even doubt that most people here are communists and not LARP'ers.
We had something so good going on and we ruined it again, ourselves not some external force, we killed our home.
Just like the USSR.


These are my 2 cents on basic reforms.

1. (new) Global Rules
2. (new) Board Rules
3. Board Rules stickied on each board
4. Ban message includes post in question and rule broken. As well as a link to an appeal thread.
5. cheekier video on ban landing page
6. Replace the nazi flag with the lgbt nazi flag


I would like to add to a zero tolerance for any /pol/ poster, and make sure that you enforce your own damn rules. I honestly feel that moving /pol/yp threads to /b/ is a mistake and should be deleted out right and not give them satisfaction of trying to colonize here.

The other suggestion is either outright get rid of /b/ or you actually do what we did with the gulag either way the reactionary element needs to fucking go.


It was destroyed by wreckers.


The ship is sinking, at least do something to close this chapter with honor


It’s comfy, and it’s always good to have an emergency bunker.


Lol why does no one call getchan slow? Is it because getchan is on good term with org? Getchan has been around for ten years. We are just getting started fag. Go back to your Reddit circle jerk.


take a fuckin pill m80


Answer the question .ogre.


Lol it's funny because we're faster than getchan.


Use the report function! Its not useless and the report queue is frequently empty even if there's spam.


>1. publicize the politics of the moderation team in its entirety
How are we to prevent moderators from simply concealing their politics, or otherwise discussing it in secret?
>2. purge the rightists and recruit more mods among communists in their place
How are we to consistently tell apart rightists from non-rightists, and communists from non-communists?
>3. start curating content and make reactionary shitposting have actual consequences after its NOT SAGED but DELETED instead
How should we define what content is worth curating and what content is reactionary?
>4. start enforcing no idpol and no sectarianism rules with an iron fist
How should we define idpol or sectarianism?
How are we to prevent posters from simply concealing their idpol/sectarianism? "It's okay if we don't see it"?
>5. take an actually active role as moderators instead of being in effect nothing but the complaints department you have to in practice create a matrix account for because the report function is completely useless
>6. fuck growth, fuck pph, fuck numbers since what chasing them has done is more harm than good for our community
Do you have proof?
>7. bring the hammer down on /b/ by gassing the reactionaries and taking out their trash
See 3.
>8. bring the hammer down on the anti-/GET/ defamation which has zero evidence to back up the claim that it is a pedophile site or that it has pedophiles in its moderation, as the forced rumor goes
This is pointless and stupid.
>9. if soyjak.party does not behave or stop its raids, ban all soyjaks and delete the /soy/ general
How do you know that this will stop the raids?
>10. go harder on OPs than regular posts, delete rulebreakers and sage non-rulebreaking bait or shitposts

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