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 No.5440[View All]

Porky punching lumpens to get his kicks or class traitor who directly and indirectly helpi people?Also general capeshit thread i guess
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>What you have to keep in mind with all the villain groups of the series is that despite their parallels to communism/socialist/leftist ideology, the endgoal for nearly all of them is overthrowing society to instate a neofeudal state and crown themselves ruler of the country. Many don't have an interest in helping any population or correcting the wrongdoings that turned them to villainy, they're just destruction or power hungry
Except this is literally how liberals see communists


Why should I be?
It's kino


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telltale batman was pretty cool, both seasons touched on class a fair bit and at the end of season 2 you get a choice to leave behind the batman alias and use your wealth for something actually useful


oh shid waaat. I remember the penguin being hot and remember nothing less.
Did wayne's dad really be an evil man in the ending? I just wish they would do a giveaway for this game on epic store


>penguin being hot
Doesn't that ruin part of his character though?


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Reposting: A Leftist friend of mine points out that apparently the Dark Knight Rises is supposed to also be somewhat of a commentary on Occupy Wall Street which was still pretty recent at the time of the movie's release.
I don't really get it though, can anyone point it out?
I mean Gotham City is based off of New York and I guess Bane and his gang try to take over and fight on the streets but like…?


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The Wall Street Connection is due to the composite themes, actions and words of Bane and his followers on the background of the previous 2 films in Nolan's series. Bane embodies violent populism and terrorism and how "Eating the Rich" is extremist and extremism isn't good. Nolan denies this connection and articles from Forbes and Rolling Stones have denied the connection to Occupy Wall Street despite the allegories one can interpret and instead argue that it is for "liberal democracy" (see the articles at http://archive.vn/oRnt6 & http://archive.vn/25X3a) and this in turn receives arguments to the contrary (http://archive.vn/Pm7Dq).

But let's roll back and start with the first of the trilogy, Batman Begins, where Batman after the murder of his parents turns to vigilantism and begins fighting psychos-for-hire like The Scarecrow, The Mafia and Ra's al Ghul's superiority complex.
The part key here is the Mafia, Mafia-Boss Falcone approaches a surrendered Bruce Wayne and says a truth, "Because you think you got nothing to lose. But you haven't thought it through yet. You haven't thought about your lady friend, down at the DA's office. You haven't thought about your old butler. [gestures with his gun] Bang! People from your world have so much to lose. Now, you think because your mommy and your daddy got shot, you know about the ugly side of life, but you don't. You've never tasted desperate. You're, uh, you're Bruce Wayne, the prince of Gotham. You'd have to go a thousand miles to meet someone who didn't know your name! So don't, don't come down here with your anger, trying to prove something to yourself. This is a world that you'll never understand. And you always fear what you don't understand."
But because Falcone is a scumbag criminal this objective truth is instead seen as a smear against the rich, that they're unfairly told tht they understand nothing of the world.

This is followed in the Dark Knight with Joker, who embodied anarchy and terror with the idea that people will turn on one another in times of duress and whose actions lead a passionate criminal prosecutor Harvey Dent to become a vengeful madman himself. To negate Joker's take down of Gotham's "White Knight", Batman takes the blame, (essentially being the fall guy for public faces of 'Good', to quote Officer Gordon, "…he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Dark Knight."

Later in the Dark Knight Rises, this cover up is revealed and reveled in by the discontented masses, eager to tear down their heroes, which is depicted as them being thankless towards their (rich) "benefactors". Bane is essentially the epitome of "sweet poisonous lies" of freedom, claiming to be good but being evil. He says fiery words, "We take Gotham from the corrupt, the rich, the oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity, and we give it back to you - the people. Gotham is yours. None shall interfere, do as you please. [one of Bane's captured Tumbler Cannons blows a hole in the prison's gates, allowing his followers inside] But start by storming Blackgate and freeing the oppressed! Step forward, those who would serve! For an army will be raised. The powerful will be ripped from their decadent nests, and cast out into the cold world that we know and endure. Courts will be convened. Spoils will be enjoyed! Blood will be shed! The police will survive, as they learn to serve true justice. This great city… it will endure. Gotham will survive." This is a rhetoric just a bit more radical than Occupy Wall Street and close to the words of Revolutionaries, yet with Bane as the villain, the point is that his words are vilified as well, and thus so is the Wall-Street movement.

In short the entire series demonizes the Occupy Wall Street movement and other such protests and 'attacks' on corporate America.
It's why /pol/ fucking loves this movie. Its both anarchy and violence yet also condemns "de gommies"

I'd go on in more depth but it's been said far better than I can put into words in the following quote, demonstrating the crux of the issue,
"All superheroes are black sheep. But the Dark Knight has always been murkier than most. His superpowers are not an accident of birth, or of stumbling into the wrong lab at the wrong time. They're not powers at all, simply a simulation made possible by good fortune and the leisure that accompanies it. Bruce Wayne can splurge on the kit and cars to set himself up as a crime-fighting Christ substitute, plus power and glitter enough to hide his hobby. He's always been a curious idol: within aspiration because he's flesh and blood; beyond it because he's the lucky recipient of inherited wealth.
So it should be no surprise that The Dark Knight Rises so firmly upholds the financial status quo. Christopher Nolan's film indulges in much guttural talk of the gap between the 99% and the 1%, but it is the former who are demonised, whose revolting actions require curbing and mutinous squeals muting. Your average Joe, it turns out, requires a benevolent, bad-ass billionaire to set him straight, to knock him sideways, if necessary.
''The Occupy Gotham movement, as organised by gargly terrorist Bane, is populated by anarchists without a cause, whose actions are fuelled by a lust for destruction, not as a corrective to an unjust world. Such self-made characters as we meet in the film are, by and large, fishy – power-grabbers hiding behind a fig-leaf of philanthropism. Even someone who earns their crust nicking other people's stuff looks agog when the masses storm posh apartments to try and redistribute a bit of bubbly.
Batman's butler-crush and bells and whistles feudalism is swallowable – it's a cartoon, right! Likewise the free pass that Wayne's Rowntree-ish gestures, disapproval of criminals and general tortured grizzling seems to allow him. But The Dark Knight Rises is a quite audaciously capitalist vision, radically conservative, radically vigilante, that advances a serious, stirring proposal that the wish-fulfilment of the wealthy is to be championed if they say they want to do good. Mitt Romney will be thrilled. What's strange is that quite so many of the rest of us seem to want to buy into it."'' - Catherine Shoard, "Dark Knight Rises: fancy a capitalist caped crusader as your superhero?", The Guardian, (July 17, 2012) http://archive.is/Xw54R

The more intelligent right-wingers were quick to respond in trying to make the idea of "don't sacrifice porky" as centrist. While also comparing Batman to George W. Bush http://archive.is/6988n
"What passes for a right-wing movie these days is The Dark Knight Rises, which submits the rather modest premise that, irritating though the rich may be, actually killing them and taking all their stuff might be excessive." - Chait, Jonathan (August 19, 2012). [http://nymag.com/news/features/chait-liberal-movies-tv-2012-8/ "The Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy Is on Your Screen". New York

As a reminder of how close Occupy became a revolt, I remind you of the famous 'Jump Fuckers' sign, and the hope it gives to libertarian socialists, democratic socialists and social democrats.

As a side note I present a decent analysis of Bane and the Joker: https://siftingthroughpatterns.wordpress.com/2012/08/31/the-ideological-dichotomy-of-the-joker-and-bane/
And 10 themes of the trilogy simplified: https://io9.gizmodo.com/10-ways-of-looking-at-the-dark-knight-5809593


in telltale he's a completely different character - used to be a bourgie but his family collapsed and he ended up as a working class anarchist part of an insurgency


wtf ️ enguin is pased???


Haven't read the comic but the show is legit 8/10


Dropped it before even watching the show.
comic was edgy enough


He has other battlefields to fight.
Like how his "no kill" policy gets utterly ridiculed by American writers, going so far as to claim that it's thank to this the Batvillains exist in the first place.
Only in the US, I swear. Once the writers stop picking on him on that, he can explore other themes.


so do Bill Gates and Elon Musk


If we absolutely must look at superheroes politically, it's impossible to avoid the conclusion that they're a right-wing concept inherently. Superheroes are the superior aristocrats whom we must trust to lead and protect us, the common sheep. This was basically the whole thesis in Watchmen.
Batman is particularly egregious when it comes to the failings of the superhero because he is a man who "fights" crime by dishing out punishment rather than using his VAST, VAST fortune to actually address the material causes of crime.
Sure, many Batman stories have perfunctory scenes of him donating to this or that charity, but reflecting the philosophy behind these stories, this never results in a Gotham that is anything but a dark criminal hellhole that just breeds evil by nature. This is the only way for Batman to work as a character.


how are you not gonna post the next page also the best page


explain Spider Man then. Hated by the public, the media, the state while serving selflessly for the people and whose main enemies are generally bougie. And his personal life is definitely one of a prole (unless you count the recent Parker Industries bullshit)


The suggestion is not that superheroes are all bourgeois or serve the interests of the bourgeois. The suggestion isn't even that Peter Parker is a "bad person". But the individualist strongman vigilante who protects the common people by unleashing violence on criminals and doing nothing else is still a conservative's ideal of a hero, not a leftist's.


ok I can see that


I see that the mainstream version of superheroes always come with the tropes of them also being the defenders of the status quo as well. No matter what they do the world will remain the same, and anyone who wants to better the world will end up making it worse or portrayed as a villain.
Another big tent pole that holds up the concept of a superhero is the fact that criminals are either treated in a fairly non-political way where they’re formed out of a single villain’s actions and only have a minor connection to the systematic problems of society. For instance, the crime problems of Gotham in Batman Year One is all attributable to Falcone’s organized crime and not the rampant corruption of the city’s political system by large industries and the poverty caused by it. Or that Hub City in Denny O’Neil The Question although being my favorite series still continues the autistic Randian narrative started by Ditko was that the city is “evil” by a supernatural force rather being under harsh policies of Reaganomics.


>When your effortpost response gets no replies, not even a thank you
Why do I even bother


Batman memes anyone? can anyone sauce me video related?


Guilt replying


>copypasting article by Zizek
>effort post


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No I did not actually. Everything in the effort post was written/compiled by me and me alone, I have not read any of Zizek's books or articles, so if any phrases or ideas coincide with his, they are purely coincidental, I made my analytical deductions myself and backed them with quotes from the films and quotes/summaries of famous reviews of said films relating to the subject, with archived links to said articles


So you proved my point, Zizek's analysis reached the same conclusions that I did, and in his own words, nowhere did I copy-paste his phrases unless general social terms are somehow 'plagiarism'.


So… opinions on Batwamyn and its catastrophic shitshow?


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Repost: I had an idea for a socialist Batman
>Thomas Wayne is an incorruptible union leader
>Bruce is a young child who thinks his father is stupid for not letting management buy him out
>During the middle of a strike Thomas and Martha are shot dead in an apparent mugging
>Bruce is taken in by the old family friend Alfred
>After Bruce is grown he decides to hunt down the man who killed his parents
>It turns out to be a member of his father's union, Joe Chill
>His confrontation leaves him shaken and he decides to devote his life to protecting the working people of Gotham City
You can decide if it sounds any good or not


>One interesting take is "An epic of Predator" by Leo Kaganov. It describes an interaction between "absolute collectivist" alien race, "absolute individualist-predators" and humans.

I know the post is nearly a year old, but link?


the guys he focuses his attention on are almost exclusively mob and spree killers, he's not exactly punching down.


There was an animated movie called Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles which was pretty rad. Batman vs Shredder was fucking awesome and it was a fun movie over-all.


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>The Hammer* general, angry that the Soviet government was working to better relations with the United States, sends Knyazev on an unauthorized mission to kill 10 high-ranking U.S. officials, ten key people who were involved with the United States' Strategic Defense Initiative, nicknamed the "Star Wars" program, in the hope of putting an end to it.
&ltDespite [Gorbachev's] Soviet Government warning the United States, he successfully assassinated 7 targets
Absolute Mad lad. Reminds me of the Remont Four from Marvel Earth 616.

*The Hammer is a fictional cell in the KGB


It’s so weird that this is the only villain that Batman tried to intentionally kill multiple times. In his first appearance Batman with the assistant of the CIA (of course) buried him alive. In the most recent Rebirth issue, Batman once again shot him in the neck and leave the guy in the cold for dead. The funniest thing is that this issue also had a connection to the CIA. Tom King being an ex-CIA, a literal glowie at DC.
This dude is a apotheosis of American hatred of communism.




It's not hard to read wikipedia m8
>Dr. Paul Kersey is a surgeon who often sees the consequences of the city's violence in the emergency room. When home intruders brutally attack his wife and young daughter, Kersey becomes obsessed with delivering vigilante justice to the perpetrators. As the anonymous slayings grab the media's attention, the public begins to wonder if the deadly avenger is a guardian angel – or the Grim Reaper itself.


Only the first film has any substance, the rest are an insult to the source material.


No, the second film is good too. Afterwards it does the same thing as Robocop 3-onwards


>Wikipedia refuses to add in Rotten Tomatoes and negative reviews because of liberal idpol disguised as "moderation"


So in other words the original Optimus Prime was truly a proletarian hero plucked from the docks where he worked to lead working machines everywhere in their liberation struggle against the military-capitalist elite?


I would say so, yeah.


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Just finished watching all of Batman: TAS. Definitely the best interpretation of Batman, imo.


Man trying to treat his PTSD with LARPing as vigilante but slowly worsen his psychosis while doing so.


>the superheroes are all rich failsons abusing normal people and getting away with it because of "affluenza"
>batman ultimately becomes an actual symbol as the "bat family" expands to include a bunch of minutemen-style vigilantes mingling with the normies but ready to engage in vigilantism at a moment's notice
>as tensions increase, some of them start to break the "no killing" rule and a split happens over whether to simply resist the capitalist supervillains or to overthrow them


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Batman = fashman. He's a white rich man who usurps the rule of law through violence, and is motivated by "cleaning the scum off the streets" i.e. beating up mentally ill lumpens


There's nothing wrong with beating up lumpens, they prey on the proletariat.


they are the proletariat's class ally against the bourgeoisie, unemployed are also victims of capitalism


>he fell for the lumpen meme


AI written Batman episode is fucking hilarious


Because it's a comic book. If smart and idealistic superheroes existed in real life, especially likes of batman who can instantly expose corruption in government with his technologies, they would obviously do something more than just beating up random people in the streets. But anti-establishment comic book about revolution wouldn't be a good business decision.

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