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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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 No.149523[Last 50 Posts]

We have lots of newfriends and oldfags who want to discuss topics revolving around .org which is all fine and good there's no issue with that, but, one of the major issues is that posts are begging to flood the overboard and catalogue in general, thus, we have decided to create a general thread for .org discussion. This is not, necessarily, a hard rule that must be followed, but, we do implore you all to attempt to keep discussion about .org in this thread and we will prune what we feel is necessary.

We also have merged some related threads into the general, fyi.


Thread related to split itself for those curious:



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>get banned from .ogre because I was trying to have some fun with leninhat poster.

Why are the mods over there so rigid and anti fun?


autism (lack of social cues) or uncultured newfags is my guess.


Banning people is their version of fun.

Now just image the same type of person as an HR director or middle manager


Naw. 7chan used to know how to ban people and make it funny and fun back in the day. Org jannies are just cruel.


Luffy-slur Poster is that you? Yeah the mods are cracking down on anything to do with leninhat because of the IP hopping /i/ is doing.


Good ban but for the wrong reasons.


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It is I


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Why are these faggots so obsessed with net?


trans-jans are online obsessed freaks


They banned somebody recently for “spamming” a reaction image they don’t like. It’s impressive how much they try to micromanage a fucking imageboard, in the same vein a subreddit mod would.


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Shut the fuck up about transhumanists you absolute retard.
Don't care. Not interesting. How many threads do you need about this? Seriously, shut the fuck up, neither ""side"" in this """""debate""""" has anything interesting to say. Do you not realize how many times you bring this up? On a board where you could talk about anything, all you (you specifically, not everyone) talk about is how much you hate transhumanists.


Trips of truth.



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How do we get this board more popular than .ogre?


By making good threads and telling your friends and family about it.


By not comparing yourself to them. Higher quality posting is more important than post count.



Sage because we need less org threads


Literally won't happen.
No matter how shitty the mods get with deleting on personal opinions and not understanding humour, it's still better than the same edgy, repetitive posts whining about ogres, troons, women, etc.
This place is niche and has no value, besides being a venting place for an obscure niche within a niche.


ITT: Org jannies.


They come in all the time to raid and spam their shit.


How do they have time to overpolice their own board, be annoying shitty people, and still post here, I don't get it? Seems like a full time job.
See also: >>>/meta/11431


transhumanist MLs are fucking losers. I mean, I feel like I've spent way too much time here the last few days, but I'm in the hospital, so it's the only thing I can do to stop myself from thinking stupid shit.


Hating on transhumanists is cringe so is spending time thinking about dumb shit like that. But I just realized the reason we seem to live rent-free in ogre's heads is because we have fun over here and liberals hate that.


I don't actually hate transhumanists. I've just noticed that's a fucking pattern. If you want to find a real loser and insufferable cunt of a person look for a hard left transhumanist. And no, I think the reason they're mad is because they can't control this site, although they try. They can't stand the idea of there being an alternative to their little club.


What the fuck are you talking about?
They literally have no job, no friends, and no sex and live on the internet 24/7.




Mods and jannies always ruin everything.

You uyghurs need to spend more time trying to post interesting content yourselves, not fingerwaving at the posters you do have on your dead board.




Mods salty because they know my shit posting brings traffic


not an argument. cope harder




Netchads are actual proletarians with jobs.

Orgfags are neets who live parasitically off their parents.

This split has a fundamental class basis behind it.


Literal org jannies cannot stop seething.


Net jannies literally work in industrial facilities.


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Ok I will vent here from now on. I got banned until the end of Oct from .ogre because I had some fun with the leninhat and made some shitposting threads about them. I don't even hate leninhat, I think they're funny.


What threads have you guys been posting in anyways? I can't find them on the board. we need to organize better. Maybe post some links in the psyop general.


you're a russkie zigger, who are you kidding


Org transhumanists go home.


Ogre ziggers go back to your abusive trans-jans.


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I honestly don't post all that much because this board is so slow and i'm banned from the other one.


No I mean when you guys are posting on .org. >>149609 Holy shit dude take your meds I am not an org janny trying to stalk you. Even if I was, I assume, you are using the tor node, or, a vpn so what does it matter? I'm trying to help.


I usually just make threads myself


>interesting content


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>someone here has a folder full of gore and child porn for spamming across a website whenever they have a tantrum at a couple of their shitty jannies
man, that's just depressing to think about.


Have you not taken your medication today? I think it's time to take your medication anon.


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Lol what the fuck is this autism.
Someone's having a tantrum in the Leftypol chatroom, yelling about how they're gonna spend their life posting gore on a worthless dead website.


So selfies?


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transhumanist-janny vs insane-incel is the battle you never knew you needed
holy shit this is retarded


Nah cp spam is a third party maybe GET. The only one I remember was that turbo autist troon who said that he spammed infrared's fbi.gov with 'p but he was banned by the ogres pre split if I remember correctly. It's rightfully against the raid rules.


i just do gore. fuck the jannies


thats not chatroom. thats a ban appeal. nice try, ogre modfag. your tor node is fucking GONE.


Org jannies have been pushing this shit since day one which is funny because conveniently a some one was spamming cub porn here at the start of the split. The board has never supported such behavior and never will.


im not insane. i am not an incel. ive wasted more of each of these janny faggot's time than ive wasted myself. look at the time in his screenshot. This janny faggot is up posting here crying about me at midnight on a thursday. those faggots are spooked


>no, officer. You don't understand. I only had a tb of cp because I was carrying out the crucial revolutionary task of spamming reactionary imageboards and fbi.gov servers with it. They were claiming troons are pedos. So this is the only way to fight them and insure the victory of the nonbinary proletariat in building a world where gender norms and age of consent laws are irrelevant and no longer needed. Why don't you understand!!


The cp spammer is either a bot or a /pol/tard. idk why this board is getting blamed for it.


The idea that the CP spam is down to any one of these factions is ridiculous - it's been showing up on imageboards (and getting promptly deleted) for years.


Uncultured newfags or saboteurs


Holy shit stop bumping these threads and use the general.




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I thought this thread was deleted, huh. I've been using the general????

What is going on?????


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By having the mods do a bit of clean-up for one thing. Low moderation in conversation is good, but as >>149444 points out, there's enough anons here that are just straight up not contributing anything of note, it's just the lamest, shittiest seething cope and it's posted over and over and over again… it's like I'm back on /pol/ and it gets tiresome. I'm not someone that rushes to defend trans people, because like 444-anon I literally do not care, but seeing the same culture-war bullshit is just uyghur-faggotry of the laziest kind.

As a side note, I think that raid thread in /i/ needs to tone it down, the userbase is just actively starting to hate this site even more rather than migrating, because the mods on ogre are not, in fact, incapable of adapting and learning, even if they're heavy-handed retards all the same.

TL;DR: My suggestion is the mods clean up some of the garbage-tier posts on this site and give the posters a fresh start to build on.


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because the /i/ raid anon has been spamming nazishit, gore and gaping diseased assholes on .ogre so CP spam is not out of the question. It's been a staple of /b/-posting for a long time, but that doesn't mean such spammer retards aren't among us either.


Grasping at straws


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>haha I've been posting all this spam of the most disgusting shit I could find on the ogre site
<you probably posted that CP spam too
>How could you think that of such upstanding anon such as myself.
Suuure bud.


I only spam blown out assholes and scat because leftypol mods deserve it. Ogrefag moderators stay mad. I do this for myself only, because i want to


I'm honestly as lost as you are.


They miss their dilation breaks alor.


True master morality on display




Face it. You chudlites will NEVER become more popular than .org.

You simply don't have the big girldick energy that we have.

Cope and seethe


>Started lurking in 2023

Back to reddit, fag.


didn't one of you chapo fags die or something? shouldn't you be mourning the death of one of your beloved aids mongers?


Wait what, who died? Please do tell.


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thats not org mod

it is from flickr


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slurs are leftist and words of freedom, thats why this site is better than .ogre.


Did ogres remove their option for changing the site theme? Do they hate fun or something?


It's probably because they secretly forked the board software and now they have bugs they can't fix.


org is just so shit lol


Leftypol.org is just fags screeching about supposed 'Nazoids' and posting feetpics

100% larp by low T losers


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make it stop..


Even from a tactical point just shutting down opposition only emboldenens then. It's better to ridicule people for having retarded opinions that justify their retard opinions because you can't stand to hear them. For all the bitching they do this board would be more popular if they would just be willing to hear shit they may not like and argue against it rather than killing leftypol Because they don't like what people have to say.


Leftyfags are a parody of themselves.

As long as the left makes itself as undesirable and ghey as possible, it will always exclusively attract weak men and fags.


Gay people and "weak" men are part of the working class too. The issue isn't the people themselves the issue that the left refuses to tolerate retards like you which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's merely tactically less desirable.


>Weak man

Fags and gays are two different things.

Fags are effete on an existential level. Gays just have sex with other men.

Maybe you could figure out a 'tactically desirable' way to make this imageboard not dead before lecturing others…

<I know, maybe you can make another dead thread about the literalwho Cockshott!!

In all seriousness, I'd suggest you go back to basics and study people who actually had an impact and led revolutions during their lifetimes, not preen about faggy tenured intellectuals



Lol I'm sensing some asshurt here.
What's the matter with effeminate men?


Nothing. They make great slaves and workers


Why don't you do something about it … like creating noteworthy thread… instead of crying

Why is it so hard?




i think orge mod needs meds




uyghur, half the threads actually worth a damn (many of them from before the site split) are mine, on /hobby/ /ent/ /edu/ /a/ etc. Both you and leftypol still repost many of my effortpost screencaps to this day. I'm an older old-fag than most of the moderators here or on the .ogre, I just never cared to be a janny.


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Org mod caught using slurs


You're still making excuses.
Furthermore despite the existence of a user democracy I noticed (like unions in the real world) people mostly just bitch and complain and do little in terms of participation


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.org chads rule the world




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>You're still making excuses.
I'm not a mod, so I cannot moderate, nor do I have the time to try and be one actively since I actually, y'know work and live in the real world, and take part in real world, meaningful activities.
>people mostly just bitch and complain and do little in terms of participation
Fair point, but the logs can attest that I post sparsely, mostly because I do this on my (relative) off time, when doing at-home-work and chatting here on the side if I feel like it during that time. I literally don't have the time or energy to spend on more, but since someone asked a question, I gave a genuine response, suggesting some ideas on improving the site as asked. I've not created new OPs because I don't have any specific topic at the moment I wish to talk about that isn't already posted in some way or form, posting for the sake of posting is lame.


You don't have to be a mod to vote.
It's really not hard to download a matrix client and participate in a couple chat rooms, lol. I agree we shouldn't just post for the sake of posting but I'm just saying also. Some of the jannies here work like 50 - 60 ours a week in full of factories and, you know….they still manage to govern the board.


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>It's really not hard to download a matrix client
True I'm just reluctant to use discount fbi.gov.
>Some of the jannies here work like 50 - 60 ours a week in full of factories
Weekends I'm sleeping in and then out of the house, spending time with family all day at my grandparents apartment.
Weekdays I'm out of house from 7AM to 6PM and coming home at like 8 because after work I'm busy doing shit like buying groceries, visiting other places like mechanics shops or home depot or whatever and then fixing things in my apartment, taking care of my bird and tending to my garden. I spend maybe 2 hours on the internet and frankly I shouldn't even do that, since it cuts into my sleep. I almost crashed my car last month because I fell asleep at the wheel from exhaustion, so nah, don't have the time.


We need more YPG/Rojava posters and content on ogre. It’s a multi-pronged method as an approach where anons can learn about the struggle and support it while, at the same time, keeping the mods paranoid because the very nature of the topic is what caused this split in the first place.


are you sure it was the real leninhat, me or one of the ironic ones


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uygha you insane
how can you even care this much lmao. grass.
it was a screenshot they posted in the chatroom. hurr.


typical federal agent.


I stand corrected, their theme changer is in the footer, here it's in the options.


Ain't you wiped out? I thought that based & redpilled™ erdogan has finished his special anti-imperialist military operation against the US puppets already.


They removed a female Youtuber simping/stalking thread. When will my people be free?


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Drug addicts will get the gulag until they conquer their withdrawal. You have been warned.


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The Dasha thread on siberia died. I thought simp/b/erians were different. Sad times.


It is a full time job. They're shelter middle class whitey NEETs


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So what's up with .org making tor user's name being Glownonymous? And why can't I find "Glownonymous" in their source code? WTF are they up to over there?


they think any anon that wants to hide his ip from them is automatically a fed

"real proletarian has nothing to hide from his beloved party" party-slave morality


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>post my OC here
>get no replies

>post my OC on ogre

>multiple replies


what OC? I didn't see any OC


Deep down you know if what you posted (I didn't see it) was good someone would have replied.


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Why even offer a tor service on your "anonymous" imageboard? dumb fedcunts


>hate Ogre
>continue posting on Ogre
why are Netfugees like this?


Some of the mods use it. If they didn't, it would be a 50:50 chance it would get nuked.


Somebody stole my .net thread idea and posted it on Ogre….


.ogroids are now officially imperialist.


>when you stopped visiting Ogre and now you don't understand the references
what about me? where's my inside joke references?


the Ogre twitter reposted my fucking meme without my permission!! it is MY private property, i should get FINANCIAL COMPENSATION. i put in LABOR VALUE. fucking leeching thieves!!!


this is all your fault, Leftychan. if only you had replied to my OC, i wouldnt have to cheat on u with Ogre..


i feel violated and disgusted


im a fuckin whore


The funny things is they actually take donations from that twitter account so they are profiting from your labour.




do normies really think this way? is it correct?


>death to bourgeois cockroaches
org banner just casually promoting murder and terrorism. yikes.


Ultimately we should kill the rich though, no?


it should be well contained in militant ranks if it need be said out loud but since leftypol is so irrelevant who cares about optics


obvious incel samefag stay contained in your troon thread nigfag


They clearly know their audience.


I remember there was a thread with lots of removed posts and a mod warning saying, "Don't ask for identifiable information", yet mods build profiles on user's IPs and gangstalk you.


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years of tyrannically banning pepes, yet they allow this?


A couple days ago I made a thread asking what we're gonna do if project 2025 becomes a thing since in the docket theres plans to persecute their political enemies and I got the thread deleted and banned for being "/pol/".

Are the jannies over there retarded???????????? How is that "pol".


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Seriously wtf is wrong with these retards?


tfw selling ur soul by posting on Ogre




anyone have screenshots of the 'Indian nationalist spammer'?


They delete the SPH Kino thread, but keep the Big Cock Kino thread. *sigh*


why do the mods keep gangstalking me..




Sorry this isn't .org uygh


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Why is Ogre so mean?


they are cyberbullies who need reporting


i got fucking banned from Ogre, so now you will all have to deal with my posts here


fucking Netfugees that don't give me replies, how about you eat a salad for once


zuk ma dik


bitch I'll come through and slap your ugly face, when you walk it sets off tectonic plates, you have a larger waist


i cant even post here because people will steal my post idea and post it on Ogre


yeah go post on Ogre and get tagged as Glownonymous, so much for opsec


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Something is happening on .org

We need to take advantage of this and we need to let people know about our existence. Go here and upvote the comment mentioning .net, create an account if you have to:



last time i checked .net it was full of retards unironically defending urkonazis and complaining about "tankies"
is this place better now?


lol, when was this? We had an obvious propagandist in the Ukraine thread for a while, but they would constantly get BTFO by everyone else on the board.


Well there's at least one retard still here.




I assumed he was from .party tbh


the fuq? post details right now.


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Ogre casually promoting snitching. Yikes.


>being more concerned about .ogre LARPing as Chris Hansen than spreading false rumors about us
Seriously? .org false flag much?


Lol snitching on pedos trying to fuck kids and collecting kiddy porn is fine. Go back pask.


It's legal Japanese porn. What's next, getting GTA banned, Jack Thompson?

So much for taking a stance against the people's enemy, Ogre.


>post pesudo-cunny on your own site as a false flag
>blame it on leftychan
>nobody believes you
>post on leftychan in an attempt to give credit to the false flag
>nobody believes you
.Ogres just cannot stop taking Ls. Are you really this desperate?


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Anti-Ogre propaganda campaign


times an egirl posted themself:
leftychan - 1
leftypol - 0

leftychan stay winning


tfw you are winning the propaganda war


Guys. We should do this; very saturday and sunday (idk which ones mean the most activity in an image board) we post in ORG advertising this site and nuclear change.


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More of the anti-Ogre propaganda campaign


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Newfag here, leftypol is nearly fucking unuseable because all my genuine, good-faith questions either get saged or outright deleted, why are the pricks moderating the site so god damn sensitive


I can't find it right not but I've seen a think tank piece in the form of a pdf discussing imageboards. I believe leftypol was mentioned there and it discussed one strategy of not allowing extremism to brew in these places was to make them not fun anymore.


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LeftyPol allows misandrist posts talking about "Men are expendable, lets be rid of them", but then will ban me for suggesting restriction of procreation based on hereditary and financial conditions.

They will suggest transitioning for incels but get mad at me for criticising the social entitlement for romance and sex.


I you delete the zionist comments in that thread, how will anyone know they're mad?


>criticising the social entitlement for romance and sex

That's some "If I can't have any neither can anyone else" type of selfish shit anon. Get over yourself. (But I don't think you should be banned for having opinions)


>That's some "If I can't have any neither can anyone else" type of selfish shit anon. Get over yourself. (But I don't think you should be banned for having opinions)

Bruh, see what I mean?
Its other people who feel entitled to sex and romance and suggest laws to punish women or men for not liking them.
These people are the ones referring to young adults as grooming victims for getting lucky with some one older while they missed out in their youth.


>These people are the ones referring to young adults as grooming victims for getting lucky with some one older while they missed out in their youth.
>NOOOooo you can't call me a Grooomer
Stfu pedo


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Ogre bends the knee


they're currently rebranding to lefty politically correct




case in point


nah that would be middle class liberals in their twenties, thirties, and forties.


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leftypol down?
Was I banned or is it like this for everyone?
I'm "newfag"?


They're down charlie brown. >>155051 Due to sysadmin incompetence. I hope they stay down.

>I'm "newfag"



Whats going on with .ogre? Why is it down? Also why did I get banned for making a thread about liberal vote shaming being accused of being a trump supporter or /pol/?


>liberal vote shaming being accused of being a trump supporter or /pol/
From what I hear their mods ban anyone who doesn't agree with their (evidently liberal) views.

Supposedly they're down because they fucked up migrating their server, something about a hard drive. I'm not sure if I buy it though, they could have put up a splash page by now at least.


>From what I hear their mods ban anyone who doesn't agree with their (evidently liberal) views.

Why are libs running a leftist imageboard?


Bro I have no idea but now I think you get why this place exists.


are you saying you got banned for being assumed to be pro-Trump or anti-Trump?

Trump is overly sympathised on there yet they will ban people on their for criticisng the misandrist-gynophilic sentiments on there.

Plot twist: Leftism doesnt exist anymore. It hasnt existed since the 1960s.


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Take a look at this, motherfuckers: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/5636841


for being pro trump even though I made no indication that I supported Trump because I don't. The thread was simply asking if people were ready for liberals to vote shame them with lesser of two evils bullshit.


So which mod on .ogre is the worst?


ATTENTION! AS OF NOW (11/09/2024 computer clock) ORG IS DOWN!!!!!! I REPEAT! ORG IS DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!


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The mods have no consistent political beliefs. They operate by feelings and biases, not facts or reason. I was banned for posting picrel by this one autist admim who hates me for many reasons—he deletes this post every time i post it. Rather than letting the dialectic run its course and letting it die on its owm, the autist admin only keeps it alive by trying to kill it. This is an upmost application of Marxist theory, with reciepts from Marxist texts, yet the autistic admins relete because they are petite-bourgeois parasites who addicted to prostitutes or something.

Now my fellow students are moralizing about migrants killing and eating cats. Kill petite-bourgois parasites


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Peter Kropotkin was born to the aristocracy and Engels was the son of a factory owner. Zhou Enlai was another aristocrat that played a pivotal role during the Chinese revolution. There are plenty of examples of bourgeois class traitors.


>Castro was the son of a sugarcane plantation owner.
>Che was the son of wealthy aristocratic immigrants
>Lenin was the son of wealthy intelligentsia
>Ho Chi Minh's father was an official for the French protectorate of Tonkin.
>The Red Prince of Laos was a member of the royal family that supported communist Vietnam.


tbf I remember your post. You didn't deserve a ban, but you did deserve a warning. You are fundamentally wrong and prole gatekeeping hurts marxism.


Engels became a prole later on.


>The Grayzone livestreams and videos restricted
>that fucking antiwar lolbert judge with a conscience who has the best guests, his livestreams and videos were restricted
>today the Electronic Intifada had their livestreams restricted.
Alt media is being targeted. Leftypol going down is part of that.


Seems sus, since leftypol threatens no one.


Read marx. The daywalking capitalist parasites (petite-bourgeois non-producers) gapekeep themselves because they are bourgeois


I'm not convinced you've read Marx frankly.


Read the goxddamn sign. , >>155093
that is marx's word and conclusion. You deny scientifiv socialist analsis. Read the sign; read marx


<recently blocked yt-dlp by generally forcing login to download vids
<very recently allowed yt-dlp by allowing guest tokens to download vids of broadcasts
media magnetic pole shift happening around us


>leftychan status: up
>getchan status: up
>nukechan status: up
I see no problem here. It was bound to die, hacks upon hacks.


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inb4 a second plane hits the .org server

wasdat? some posadism site?


shut up you lil twerp you fucking annoying as shit go do your hw dickhead


agree with most of it.
Lol at all the naysayers.


>wasdat? some posadism site?
Socialism imageboard. Like /leftypol/ without the /pol/. Just search it up, it's slow like here but less shitposty and more discussion.


>go to the getchan leftypol refugee thread
>they're still defending pedophilia
Also i noticed they perma'd my IP even though I never posted there, the ban was from the same date I got banned on leftypol for saying getchan is a pedo site. Seems like they're IP sharing and datamining accusations from the sharty is right.


if youre not a pedophile then why are your roleplaying as a fuckin baby?


that post makes no sense


Getchan is trying to convince posters it's just about the loli thread. Does anyone still have the screencap of yugo saying they were a pedophile?


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>get banned from /GET/ (heh) for 1 post saying loli is pedo shit (pic 1) after reading a post defending it
>try to post on tor to ask why i was banned (pic 2)
>all tor nodes are banned
>there's no onion either
bizarre behavior
i just want /dprk/, /prc/ and /ukr/ back, i don't like hanging around pedophiles on /GET/ and gooncave.net (lol) is dead
same here


holy shit one of the GET pedos seriously tried to say that loli is a victimless crime and 'whining' about it is 'immaterial idpol'. what the fuck is wrong with them? death to chan fags.


banning anime would legitimately ssve civilization


>Lolicon is pedophilia

>Anime is le bad

You postboomer puritans are too morally obsessed over sexuality


Not everything fictional involves fictional kids is muh pedophilia


I don't care about the lolicon/pedo debate or whatever but anime is brain rot


this site is so scary, cant wait for ogre to come back


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>this site is so scary, cant wait for ogre to come back


What isn't brain rot these days? Name one thing? At least anime gives me a well rounded appreciations of the arts and also teaches me interesting moral and ethical lessons. These same people are the people who will spend 24hrs a day doom scrolling tictok.


Brain rot is an overused buzzword.
Anime is an overused punching bag.
Anime as it's flaw but it not that bad.
I'm tired of the pathologisation of it just because obits cutesy nuances.

But, TikTok is not as bad as you think.
It's just Vine 2.0


>Our backups are too secure, we're currently waiting on the keys.
Does that mean the reason they restored an outdated and incomplete backup for now is, because they fucked up their opsec in some convoluted way on august 1st and only noticed after the hdd failure?


ATTENTION! AS OF NOW (13/09/2024 computer clock) ORG IS UP!!!!!! I REPEAT! ORG IS UP!!!!!!!!!!!


>this Marxforsaken site is the only one with a .onion at the moment


What is the explanation for people going back to Ogre when it's mistreating them? Is Ogre like an abusive partner?


Yeah but it's missing all their images…

>incomplete backup for now

So they're going to nuke all the new posts and do another restore? Okay… whatever. Not losing your users content is like your only job as an admin.

I think nuclearchange has an onion?

I don't get this either, but I guess lots of people browse once every couple of days and just go back to check without knowing what's going on.


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>calling out arguably the biggest problem facing leftism today is "blatant idpol baiting"
Never change, ogre


It seems that ogre intentionally twisted the definition of idpol.


The truth is that Ogre mods excuse ideology as a substitute for not taking care of problems in their personal life.


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who the hell is cyberbarbarian




>try to post on .org
>get hit with 'you look like a bot' every time
>can't even ask why in the mod thread
they've continually been making things worse and worse for tor posters and it's been pissing me off
like why even have an onion site at all if you can't fucking use it?


Yea, I said that.
You got beef?


I got banned and the mod thing said I'm a fucking porn addict. It's Ogre..


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Org just casually promoting violence (it never got removed)


Is splitting fascist's heads wide fucking open with an axe praxis? Don't pretend you have principles, you're just angry a group you like is the target.


But, if you critique LGBT ideology slightly you're gone. I personally don't care if reactionary radfems get killed though.


holy shit you're not real leftists, no wonder leftypol banned you


what are you bitching about? TERFs definitely deserve that kind of treatment. Not because of the TE but because of the F


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LeftyPol has a serious problem with the way they romanticize lumpens


But its so fun i can't stop


Reading this entire thread made me laugh like a motherfucker, retarded ass cyberfeud metadrama, love it


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i cant even Ogre-post in peace cause i will get gangstalked by mods


Same here


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(Posting here because ban)


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The Ogre coomer thread is a janitor honeypot. You have been warned.


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tattoos are bourgeois because they cost money


what a pathetic cuck


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>in a pagan way


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Leftypol caught in the act again… It seems like their love for child pornography is eternal


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I've recently caught ogre mods promoting his board which is now child porn ridden on several blogs. Have a look:(USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST: Do not promote obviously fake screenshots)


Their disgustingness knows no bounds.


>obvious false flag thread
.org fucking sucks, but this is dumb.

Also, the MAP shit was always 99% 4chan psyop and it still is.


I think this has been brought up before but I kinda doubt this anything other than botspam.


That looks like spam.
LeftyPol freaks out about dating younger adults and lolicon.



>LeftyPol freaks out about (…) lolicon.
Then why do Ogre mods use lolicon reaction images?


Smug anime girls. And they use firing squad stock images


>There's no inherent value in labor under capitalism




>someone made a post on Ogre 5 minutes ago


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Why are leftoids like this?


Why are there so many unironic antisemites on .ogre?


A lot of them are ex.Chuds so they go overboard in their criticisms of Israel and Jews in general.


It's because weed is the safest drug of choice of the youth, and in general there is a contempt for youth, thye infantilize them and pathologize them,




Anon likes to smear his shit all over the walls.


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why did Ogre mods remove this post?




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Why are you posting on Ogre??


they always steal our ideas. We have been saying this for years


why would you want that?
Using webcam whores as leftidt recruiters?
Thats retarded and disrespectful.

But then again, Leftychan was a former LeftyPol sector so no surpirse there.
You guys now only have latency of their idiocy


Theres anti semites here too.
In fact, i can say that theres something most politucal ideologies share and thats anti-Zionism


I thought orge was filled with reddit uyghurs?


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fuck u Ogre


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Yesterday i 'jakked avatarfag, notorious Getchan pedo and leftypol mod/admin Moffintosh/Zankaria on ogre. Thought you guys might appreciate it.


I'm neutral on the feuds & don't know who this is, but it's probably accurate.


>"Calm down Valerie Solanas"
why is Ogre like this?


.ogre retards still think the CSAM spammer over there is from this site lol.

Why do they think something so retarded?


Did they ever say why they couldn't get their pictures back?


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nobody was forced to post on ogre


We really need a more concerted appeal to the ultra-online left userbase. The fact the mods at .org are still pulling this abusive shit over there is insane. There's a better alternative!


Problem is this board is dead aside from a incel circlejerks. Last time i made a thread here was years ago with like 2 replies each time. There isn't even a late-bunkerchan athmosphere of the 'anything goes' kind, just a looming sense of emptiness like on a dead lainchan clone.

I only see two possible solution: .org must die or this board must proactively attract literally any kind of leftist imageboard demographic. Sorry /leftcel/ but incels aren't going to do it. Maybe a /lounge/-type board with a compelling theme will do the trick, not like creating one more dead board would do any harm.


>say something about LGBT/gay/trans
>get banned

<say something about Indians/Asians

>not banned

Putting the /pol/ in Leftypol, I see…


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Most of the posts on this board aren't incel rn and /leftypol/ has gotten more active over the past year compared to /b/.
Also, not to be rude, but getting the board active is the point. If we weren't a slow board I wouldn't be saying we need to make appeals; if we were as active as we should be, it wouldn't even matter to me that people are going to .org and getting abused by those stupid NPD mods.

And we don't need to wait for .org to die. They fuck shit up constantly. They're assholes, but they're also just kind of bad at running that site, and they're coasting entirely on having come out on top in couping Bunkerchan years ago. If/when .org dies or they fuck up and we spent the entire lead-up to that doing fuck-all to raise awareness about .net, we will not have the momentum necessary to rescue /leftypol/ers. There is no future point at which everything will magically be ripe to act, we get ready now, gain momentum, and then take advantage of circumstances when we already have stuff in the works.

Also, adding more boards is a dumb idea. We have enough.


>Altough, people are still sharing shitpost about how the USA's police is mostly racist, and also about USA's school shootings, and how most of the school shootings come from the US, so that gives me kind of a relief.
That's just people looking down on USA while giving a handjob to the Nordic countries and the Netherlands / baby's first general cynicism/doomerism


they shut down the onion site again after some stray /pol/ack posted about the transgender question


somebody stole my original leftyCHAN.NET R9K thread idea!!!


The Tabaco company is trying to kill you with the products.


man, what the hell is going on over there.


must ziggerkun my neighborboo


Wtf does this mean



im fairly new here,
I'd say perhaps more interesting discussions at hand, stop raiding .org so much and have haf the threads be about .org. The real reason i go there is because its more active than here.


>I'd say perhaps more interesting discussions at hand, stop raiding .org so much
We don't.
>and have haf the threads be about .org.
It's definitely less than that rn, otherwise I would agree.

Welcome anon, post moar.


I think that if org were to die then people would find their way here one way or the other. They have managed to coast off 1500 users since the last split nearly 4 years ago now. The tactics they use aren't amazing they just appeal to bigger communities like hasan. They suck at running the board like you said. The obviously competent staff are here. I mean the tactics they use are all you really can use. Tbf. We just have to stick to our guns and spread as much info about the existence of the board as we can.


banned for 6 days for being politically incorrect. so much for "/leftypol/".


can you guys actually invite people here and advertise this place?, holly shit it bugs my head the fact that there aren't that many people here compare to the fbi.gov server that is ORG


lol, anon, they censor any discussion about leftychan there. Lurk more.


LeftyPol seems to have more wokescolds on there than here but they're not all libfriendly


I also endorse inviting people here.


How do we get around the fact that they will just remove posts mentioning this site?

What about a trojan horse: a meme that subtly promotes leftychan? Maybe using steganography?

Got any other ideas?

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