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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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 No.149523[View All]

We have lots of newfriends and oldfags who want to discuss topics revolving around .org which is all fine and good there's no issue with that, but, one of the major issues is that posts are begging to flood the overboard and catalogue in general, thus, we have decided to create a general thread for .org discussion. This is not, necessarily, a hard rule that must be followed, but, we do implore you all to attempt to keep discussion about .org in this thread and we will prune what we feel is necessary.

We also have merged some related threads into the general, fyi.


Thread related to split itself for those curious:

265 posts and 86 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>obvious false flag thread
.org fucking sucks, but this is dumb.

Also, the MAP shit was always 99% 4chan psyop and it still is.


I think this has been brought up before but I kinda doubt this anything other than botspam.


That looks like spam.
LeftyPol freaks out about dating younger adults and lolicon.



>LeftyPol freaks out about (…) lolicon.
Then why do Ogre mods use lolicon reaction images?


Smug anime girls. And they use firing squad stock images


>There's no inherent value in labor under capitalism




>someone made a post on Ogre 5 minutes ago


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Why are leftoids like this?


Why are there so many unironic antisemites on .ogre?


A lot of them are ex.Chuds so they go overboard in their criticisms of Israel and Jews in general.


It's because weed is the safest drug of choice of the youth, and in general there is a contempt for youth, thye infantilize them and pathologize them,




Anon likes to smear his shit all over the walls.


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why did Ogre mods remove this post?




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Why are you posting on Ogre??


they always steal our ideas. We have been saying this for years


why would you want that?
Using webcam whores as leftidt recruiters?
Thats retarded and disrespectful.

But then again, Leftychan was a former LeftyPol sector so no surpirse there.
You guys now only have latency of their idiocy


Theres anti semites here too.
In fact, i can say that theres something most politucal ideologies share and thats anti-Zionism


I thought orge was filled with reddit uyghurs?


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fuck u Ogre


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Yesterday i 'jakked avatarfag, notorious Getchan pedo and leftypol mod/admin Moffintosh/Zankaria on ogre. Thought you guys might appreciate it.


I'm neutral on the feuds & don't know who this is, but it's probably accurate.


>"Calm down Valerie Solanas"
why is Ogre like this?


.ogre retards still think the CSAM spammer over there is from this site lol.

Why do they think something so retarded?


Did they ever say why they couldn't get their pictures back?


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nobody was forced to post on ogre


We really need a more concerted appeal to the ultra-online left userbase. The fact the mods at .org are still pulling this abusive shit over there is insane. There's a better alternative!


Problem is this board is dead aside from a incel circlejerks. Last time i made a thread here was years ago with like 2 replies each time. There isn't even a late-bunkerchan athmosphere of the 'anything goes' kind, just a looming sense of emptiness like on a dead lainchan clone.

I only see two possible solution: .org must die or this board must proactively attract literally any kind of leftist imageboard demographic. Sorry /leftcel/ but incels aren't going to do it. Maybe a /lounge/-type board with a compelling theme will do the trick, not like creating one more dead board would do any harm.


>say something about LGBT/gay/trans
>get banned

<say something about Indians/Asians

>not banned

Putting the /pol/ in Leftypol, I see…


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Most of the posts on this board aren't incel rn and /leftypol/ has gotten more active over the past year compared to /b/.
Also, not to be rude, but getting the board active is the point. If we weren't a slow board I wouldn't be saying we need to make appeals; if we were as active as we should be, it wouldn't even matter to me that people are going to .org and getting abused by those stupid NPD mods.

And we don't need to wait for .org to die. They fuck shit up constantly. They're assholes, but they're also just kind of bad at running that site, and they're coasting entirely on having come out on top in couping Bunkerchan years ago. If/when .org dies or they fuck up and we spent the entire lead-up to that doing fuck-all to raise awareness about .net, we will not have the momentum necessary to rescue /leftypol/ers. There is no future point at which everything will magically be ripe to act, we get ready now, gain momentum, and then take advantage of circumstances when we already have stuff in the works.

Also, adding more boards is a dumb idea. We have enough.


>Altough, people are still sharing shitpost about how the USA's police is mostly racist, and also about USA's school shootings, and how most of the school shootings come from the US, so that gives me kind of a relief.
That's just people looking down on USA while giving a handjob to the Nordic countries and the Netherlands / baby's first general cynicism/doomerism


they shut down the onion site again after some stray /pol/ack posted about the transgender question


somebody stole my original leftyCHAN.NET R9K thread idea!!!


The Tabaco company is trying to kill you with the products.


man, what the hell is going on over there.


must ziggerkun my neighborboo


Wtf does this mean



im fairly new here,
I'd say perhaps more interesting discussions at hand, stop raiding .org so much and have haf the threads be about .org. The real reason i go there is because its more active than here.


>I'd say perhaps more interesting discussions at hand, stop raiding .org so much
We don't.
>and have haf the threads be about .org.
It's definitely less than that rn, otherwise I would agree.

Welcome anon, post moar.


I think that if org were to die then people would find their way here one way or the other. They have managed to coast off 1500 users since the last split nearly 4 years ago now. The tactics they use aren't amazing they just appeal to bigger communities like hasan. They suck at running the board like you said. The obviously competent staff are here. I mean the tactics they use are all you really can use. Tbf. We just have to stick to our guns and spread as much info about the existence of the board as we can.


banned for 6 days for being politically incorrect. so much for "/leftypol/".

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