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/assembly/ - Voting board

The will of the majority is supreme.
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With the assembly board now open to the public, discussion over the direction of the site can be moved here.

The two most important issues on the agenda are:

1. What should the role of /asssembly/ and the matrix chat be? Should the matrix chat host actual voting or should getting users opinions consist of only a discussion thread here or a discussion thread as well as some sort of vote?

2. How should idpol be defined? I support defining idpol as any politics that places struggles other than class at the level of class or above it - class struggle is always the primary struggle from which other struggles come. People who do nothing but promote idpol should be banned, but people who are debating it in an honest and good faith way should of course not be banned. What other definitions are there for idpol and which policy regarding it is the best?





tbh the idpol definition (of sorts) in the manifesto is perfectly workable
>An important part of /leftypol/’s unique character is our opposition to identity politics. We believe that conflicts between genders, races, sexualities, and so on are distractions from the wider class struggle that are intentionally fanned by the ruling class. This does not mean that oppression based on personal characteristics does not exist, but that it should be approached from an egalitarian perspective which is not personally accusatory and does not assign ‘victim’ and ‘oppressor’ groups. The rights of individuals to live according to their own wishes is a fundamental part of leftism.
the only point i would add (not necessarily to the definition, but as a guide to interpretation) would be some emphasis that conservative/right idpol also falls under this. in general there should be a harder stance on idpol threads. for the most part they're unproductive, or rapidly become unproductive, and their very presence helps develop bogeymen in the minds of the userbase. (such that people come to believe the userbase of the site itself is changing dramatically, rather than just expressing viewpoints it kept quiet back when idpol was kept on a tighter leash.)

in lieu of a detailed view on the purpose of assembly/matrix, at this time i submit only that whenever an issue is raised, it should be put in the notification bar at the top of the page so that users will be aware of it even if the thread is slow and quickly falls off the overboard. (taking, as granted, that there will be discussion threads for all such matters.)


Alright, how does this work?

"An important part of /leftypol/’s unique character is our opposition to identity politics. We believe that conflicts between genders, races, sexualities, and so on are distractions from the wider class struggle that are intentionally fanned by the ruling class. This does not mean that oppression based on personal characteristics does not exist, but that it should be approached from an egalitarian perspective which is not personally accusatory and does not assign ‘victim’ and ‘oppressor’ groups. For example, idpol that blames all white people for colonialism or all black people for crime is idpol all the same and relentlessly pushing such nonsense is not in line with /leftypol/'s mission. The rights of individuals to live according to their own wishes is a fundamental part of leftism."

I like your idea about putting discussion threads into the top bar. That should be implemented.


The rules are very vague and somewhat difficult to find, there's the rules page ofc but it only lists general rules, when I came here I didn't knew what the fuck /b/ was for, it's for casual discussion not related to politics? for shitposting? for both? who knows, the definition was hidden in the constitution and a newbie won't read that at first.

I recommend using the same system as 4cucks, a page with general rules that apply to every board and then board specific rules for each board, and a small sticky on every board with details about the board purpose and other info.


Should >>>/assembly/ not go into the same category on the top bar as >>>/meta/?

And also the pages for the site's rules and the usage guide should be used to carry the approprite information, because it is difficult to have to crawl through a load of stickied threads that sometimes don't even get update properly.

Have there be the option, controlled by the OP at the time of the thread's creation, to enable poster IDs on a per thread basis on >>>/leftypol/.


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What is there to discuss? Delete spam and illegal shit. Website owner gets final say. It's an internet forum, not a commune.


No it's not a forum you retard, and if mods only care about deleting spam and illegal shit ONLY this place will become /pol/ 2.0 in a week.
It's halfway there already.


Make avatarfagging a bannable offense.




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It's time to change the face of /b/, no more avatarfags, and a massive reduction in soyjaks.


>1. publicize the politics of the moderation team in its entirety
>2. purge the rightists and recruit more mods among communists in their place
>3. start curating content and make reactionary shitposting have actual consequences after its NOT SAGED but DELETED instead
>4. start enforcing no idpol and no sectarianism rules with an iron fist
>5. take an actually active role as moderators instead of being in effect nothing but the complaints department you have to in practice create a matrix account for because the report function is completely useless
>6. fuck growth, fuck pph, fuck numbers since what chasing them has done is more harm than good for our community
>7. bring the hammer down on /b/ by gassing the reactionaries and taking out their trash
>8. bring the hammer down on the anti-/GET/ defamation which has zero evidence to back up the claim that it is a pedophile site or that it has pedophiles in its moderation, as the forced rumor goes
>9. if soyjak.party does not behave or stop its raids, ban all soyjaks and delete the /soy/ general
>10. go harder on OPs than regular posts, delete rulebreakers and sage non-rulebreaking bait or shitposts


Why are you all so concerned about /b/? Wasn't it a place to be not moderated at all and for /pol/ rot to ferment? Now all of the sudden just because some freaks post pictures of their favorite cartoons you start caring about it so much, huh?


/b/ gay poopoo and has lolicon and /zoo/ porn
pls remove /zoo/ next time
also avatarfaging that bring shit like this right now


>8. bring the hammer down on the anti-/GET/ defamation which has zero evidence to back up the claim that it is a pedophile site or that it has pedophiles in its moderation, as the forced rumor goes
nah anon that part is ture


i vote for this
most of the time there here for attention whoring or derailing threads


Í oppose, grace chan did nothing wrong.
Besides anti-avatar posters make some good OC.


nah, it just leads to bait and lq posts









Rename this board or the /meta/ board or create a new board called /cr/ where there can be coordination of activities of Poster-letarian Cultural Revolution. Then, select a new group of oldfags to be the Red Guards every few days and give them limited moderators' powers to purge users by means of temporary and short, less than 1 day, bans. Then call on the users to ruthlessly create OC and criticize the moderation and criticize the idpoller cliques.



"The rights of individuals to live according to their own wishes is a fundamental part of leftism."

I would remove this part. Making reference to rights and individuals in this way is framing the issue in liberal terminology.

Perhaps a good replacement could be: "Capitalism creates, reinforces and perpetuates a variety of antagonisms that are very socially destructive for human society, and that is why it is the prime target to be struggled against."


Aside from this, I think a general ban on sexual content on this site should be put in place. It would make moderation easier I believe too.

Somehow it would ve good also to put restrictions on culture war topics that are not discussed within the framework of political economy. Eg. If a thread about "muh drugs are teh good/bad" pops up, if it is not looking at the socio-economic effects and causes it should be shit down.


Sounds like a terrible idea.

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