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/assembly/ - Voting board

The will of the majority is supreme.
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With the assembly board now open to the public, discussion over the direction of the site can be moved here.

The two most important issues on the agenda are:

1. What should the role of /asssembly/ and the matrix chat be? Should the matrix chat host actual voting or should getting users opinions consist of only a discussion thread here or a discussion thread as well as some sort of vote?

2. How should idpol be defined? I support defining idpol as any politics that places struggles other than class at the level of class or above it - class struggle is always the primary struggle from which other struggles come. People who do nothing but promote idpol should be banned, but people who are debating it in an honest and good faith way should of course not be banned. What other definitions are there for idpol and which policy regarding it is the best?

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Sounds like a terrible idea.

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A record and discussion thread for all votes on site direction.
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This website is a dumpster fire—the bunkerfags were right all along. The retarded, terminally online, autistic, and likely underaged mods have run this site into the ground. This "drama" is fucking embarrassing and is a manifestation of the infantile nature of the left. Furthemore, basically every poster is a terminal brainlet with nothing of worth to say. No thread here is good—I've seen higher discourse in YouTube comments. There is nothing of worth on this garbage site.

You lot need to read Stirner and permaban this website from your browser. For online reading, instead of browsing this garbage you should bookmark some good blogs—I like nakedcapitalism—and get off the computer. Everyone needs to realize leftism is a coping mechanism—climate change is going to collapse society before any of you LARPers do any amount of "revolutionary" action.
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>leftism is a coping mechanism—climate change is going to collapse society before any of you LARPers do any amount of "revolutionary" action.
I'd say that political movements can be considerate as such.

Either way, pack some heat, boys and gals, we 'bout to get fucked.


*All political movements


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WTF is this cringe shit


Its our new overlords way of tricking us into thinking we have more power when in reality we are run by schizos.


Indeed we are been ran in the insane asylums and the patients are in control. Isn't it much fun being with a bunch of larpers.

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Zul has publically slandered moderators and invited users into the confidential staff room, which contains users real IPs and personal information. Making them Admin to prevent them from being removed. He also has a history of silently unbanning himself upwards of a dozen times. This behavior lends to a narrative of shameless factionalism first and for most, and secondly of naked self aggrandizement. Zul has himself attempted and failed to purge numerous site staff over disagreement in moderation style and personal animosity. I believe it absolutely correct that unilteral action must be held accountable,and unfortunately the only way I can see this to be done and in real terms is by removing Zul as a staff member of leftypol for the foreseeable future.
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Give him a two week cooling off period then revote


zul it's pretty cringe you expect anyone to believe the sockpuppets/groomed users you brought in to defend you are legitimate votes lmao


I change my mind and say yes (check my ip to confirm)


No, now leave this place yeeted jannies,


You forgot to bump the thread

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Jannies spend more time larping as a government and arguing than running the site. I am proposing that rather than this meme of a mod council that decides things with unanimous consent, we give either Zer0 or myself (as I am the most based) or possibly both final say on everything for at least a temporary period until we work out how not to kill each other on chat rooms 99% of the users have no engagement with.

Obviously the regular mods doing it for free would still have the right of putting in input, and be entitled to have that input heard and considered in much the same way it is now in our voting room or on this board - with the only caveat being that the dictator or admin or both have the final word or words.

long live the watermelon military junta.
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I would prefer not to.


It's an internet forum, you all need to touch grass.


>We shouldn't throw away the system
>leftypol.org is just normal moding you can get from the rest of any imageboard
If never used the system then there was never a system in the first place, if you want it then make a vote after when this whole thing is done for the rest you to follow through more strictly with the system


clearly your shit system has led to undermoderation and gridlock between the cliques in the mod team.

If the system worked to begin with and if it actually did well, we wouldn't be here talking about it as they let things build up to the point where they finally allow the public to see whats been going on behind closed doors. So much for the transparency huh?


>If the system worked to begin with and if it actually did well, we wouldn't be here
say that to Caballo, i'm just saying if he wants to keep the system then use it

>if it actually did well

it didn't so well because the mods didn't do a thing

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No votes this week.
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forgot to say aye


Proposal: Remove Zul from the moderation team. Zul has publically slandered moderators and invited users into the confidential staff room, which contains users real IPs and personal information. Making them Admin to prevent them from being removed. He also has a history of silently unbanning himself upwards of a dozen times. This behavior lends to a narrative of shameless factionalism first and for most, and secondly of naked self aggrandizement. Zul has himself attempted and failed to purge numerous site staff over disagreement in moderation style and personal animosity. I believe it absolutely correct that unilteral action must be held accountable,and unfortunately the only way I can see this to be done and in real terms is by removing zul as a staff member of leftypol for the foreseeable future.


Unfortunately I agree, Zul has gone too far this time.


I agree, their recent decisions have been wreckless and need rectification.


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Vote: Bring back the IQ -> Autism points wordfilter

For: Caballo

Vote ends Friday
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Ausfaganon here. I disagree. Autism level made sense when the board was being spammed by retarded stormfags going "muh uyghur IQ!!!", but I haven't seen a thread like that all year.


Vote yes


Barbara_Pitt -> Yes





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