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This website is a dumpster fire—the bunkerfags were right all along. The retarded, terminally online, autistic, and likely underaged mods have run this site into the ground. This "drama" is fucking embarrassing and is a manifestation of the infantile nature of the left. Furthemore, basically every poster is a terminal brainlet with nothing of worth to say. No thread here is good—I've seen higher discourse in YouTube comments. There is nothing of worth on this garbage site.

You lot need to read Stirner and permaban this website from your browser. For online reading, instead of browsing this garbage you should bookmark some good blogs—I like nakedcapitalism—and get off the computer. Everyone needs to realize leftism is a coping mechanism—climate change is going to collapse society before any of you LARPers do any amount of "revolutionary" action.


I’ll do as I please and eat shit, spook.


t. didn't read TUAIP


dude you threw a fit over strikes lmao


just imagine these wankers running a country lmao


wasn't me


>You lot need to read Stirner and permaban this website from your browser.
I think we would all be very happy if you were to do both of these things yourself. Emphasis on the second part.


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Ok ancap


Nah, it was good since the split with bunker. But this mod infighting is a bit random though


Is this an attempt to conflate Stirner with Rand? Because it's a pathetic failure apparent to anyone who actually understands Stirner.


>a union of egoists is when you give up on hanging out with anyone
okay weirdo


>Nooo stop finding parallels between two egoist ideologies!


That's not what I said? Are you conflating shitposting on /leftypol/ with hanging out with people? If so, that's sad.


The Unique and Its Property. It's on the anarchist library if you want the pdf.


>climate change is going to collapse society
OP is a clown complaining about the circus.


Wasn't Stirner basically a fake person who existed as a ridiculous strawman to argue against?


Stirner is an ultimate larper.


>the TUAIP says listen to me!
lol no.
Eat shit faggo


Stirner was literally a pseudonym for Frederick Engels.


We must go to pol to convert the evil right wingers


Only terminal brainlets who haven't actually read Stirner think that spooked ass Rand has anything to do with him. Please stop embarrassing yourself.


it's too long to type out mb

Anybody who thinks we aren't fucked by climate change is drunk on copium, holy shit

You two are retarded

You don't know what a "spook" is, miscreant.


Lol imagine believing the capitalists on climate hoax.


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Thanks for proving my OP right that this site is filled with retards.


As is the world, embrace it


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The same thing we do every night. Try to take over the world.


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Prove it, raggamuffin.


> likely underaged mods
I have suspected this for a while, but is there any proof?


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>Noooo you just haven't read him!

Nevermind the fact that it is in the self-interest in the case of real anarcho-egoist like Bezos, Musk and Slim to maintain capitalism and to bribe governments as to keep exploiting their property, that being the working class lmao

Fuck off larper


How is bezos exploiting you? I love purchasing stuff from amazon


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at least you dropped the flag when you say retarded shit now.


This is stupid, work for amazon or don't. Society doesn't own you shit


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>random faggots on the board think they have a slightest idea of what is going on

Obviously you love the drama cause here you are bringing it up. Go to meta you smooth brained uyghur. SAGE


Exactly people in the west live like parasites on welfare, and in chine they put them into camps. It's beautiful


good post, my egolad


>Chinese capitalism is bad


It's great compared to the shit in the west


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It's just as shit


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>Everyone needs to realize leftism is a coping mechanism—climate change is going to collapse society before any of you LARPers do any amount of "revolutionary" action.


Stirner was a spook himself, Engels would have a good laugh knowing that his dumb ass joke lasted almost 150 years.


>leftism is a coping mechanism—climate change is going to collapse society before any of you LARPers do any amount of "revolutionary" action.
I'd say that political movements can be considerate as such.

Either way, pack some heat, boys and gals, we 'bout to get fucked.


*All political movements


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WTF is this cringe shit


Its our new overlords way of tricking us into thinking we have more power when in reality we are run by schizos.


Indeed we are been ran in the insane asylums and the patients are in control. Isn't it much fun being with a bunch of larpers.

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