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/assembly/ - Voting board

The will of the majority is supreme.
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No votes this week.


Proposal: Create /leftytrash/:

/leftytrash/ would be a social offtopic board which would be more heavily moderated to remove spam and similar content. It would be the board where 'blogposts' and other similar 'social' offtopic threads from the rest of the site would be moved. As implied by the name, it would be a spiritual successor to the /leftytrash/ of leftypol yore. Overall, the effect of moderation should be to create a 'comfy' space for social interaction, albeit one which is still somewhat anarchic.


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Proposal: Create /lounge/ as a roulette board for 1 month.

/lounge/ would be a social offtopic board which would be more heavily moderated to remove spam and similar content. It would be the board where 'blogposts' and other similar 'social' offtopic threads from the rest of the site would be moved. Overall, the effect of moderation should be to create a 'comfy' space for social interaction, albeit one which is still somewhat anarchic.




agree except I'd like to mention with moving blogposts and stuff I think it would better to avoid doing so from b, but I guess that is probably already a given


forgot to say aye


Proposal: Remove Zul from the moderation team. Zul has publically slandered moderators and invited users into the confidential staff room, which contains users real IPs and personal information. Making them Admin to prevent them from being removed. He also has a history of silently unbanning himself upwards of a dozen times. This behavior lends to a narrative of shameless factionalism first and for most, and secondly of naked self aggrandizement. Zul has himself attempted and failed to purge numerous site staff over disagreement in moderation style and personal animosity. I believe it absolutely correct that unilteral action must be held accountable,and unfortunately the only way I can see this to be done and in real terms is by removing zul as a staff member of leftypol for the foreseeable future.


Unfortunately I agree, Zul has gone too far this time.


I agree, their recent decisions have been wreckless and need rectification.


Unique IPs: 5

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