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Whats the best way to archive imageboard threads?
Specifically threads on here


File > Save As…


But in that way you cant really make it accesible to other
can you?


1. ask mods to place in one of the archive boards
2. save it on archive.org
3. save it on archive.is


Make a scrapper that turns threads into json files or something.


archiving is against the spirit of imageboards, if you want archiving screencap it or go to reddit.

The whole point of chans is turning out a bunch of crap and the good stuff will survive by repetition


Haz is actively telling people not to come here, cause /leftypol/ is a bunch of libs, simps, autists, but the jannies keep the general up and clean up like faithful dogs. Abused housewife vibes.


This is as retarded and spooky as claiming imageboards are "meant" to be filled with anime or that tripcodes are inherently bad (why are they shipped with every imageboard software then?). The sysadmin decides whatever the fuck they want to do with the software.

The only reason Futaba and by extension 4chan didn't archive threads is because bandwidth and storage were expensive as fuck back then. On the other hand, 2ch has archived every single thread since its creation in 1999 because, well, it's all just text.


I dont think your argument works when we talk about user archiving
Yeah there is definitly an argument to be made against auto archiving on imageboards but users freely archiving stuff and distributing it is pretty much the spirit of the old internet
On a practical basis there are some extremely good threads on here from time to time like the Permaculture thread and a couple about american architecture and the slow death of small town america


>/leftypol/ is a bunch of libs, simps, autists
He could just be talking about the jannies


Archive.today has .onion links.


I tried these earlier and the Tor Browser gave me a warning tho. Maybe they didn't update something.

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