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 No.251[Last 50 Posts]

ITT: Post your desktop


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I know >Manjaro, the theme is horrendous, pseudo-tilling is retarded but I'm to lazy to change


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>Space using a mac

Because of course he is.


Which "/pol/" is this in your tab?


It is from 08chan/pol/
Can't let em go unchallenged.


>Gnome 3
Why? Why are you using that abomination?


shoo shoo intel shill. PowerPC forever :^)


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I use ARM bub.


It was one of the first DEs to support based Wayland.


I have never been able to comprehend certain people's need to clean their desktop of everything but the background and make it functionally useless.


Enjoy your clutter fag. Learn how to do everything from the command line or bust.


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Toss a coin.


Okay but why have a desktop if that's your perference?


>why have a computer if you just want to use the CLI


Can I use a command line not on a computer or something?


Can I have that wallpaper pls
The desktop is like the lowest foundation, visible when I'm not doing anything and should be clean imo, also if you have files/links on your desktop while using a tiling window manager it'll look awful most times


You don't actually need a gui lad, you could just attach a terminal to your serial port


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Here's mine.


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Here you go.


yes you can use CLI on Android




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Thanks a lot, have this lain in return


>not a single dolphin porn tab in sight
Dissapointing, tbh.


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Where's the anime girl?


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rate my cringe (personal stuff whited out)


how personal is your personal stuff if everything else is already so cringe I would white it all out


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Mind sharing your icon theme? I can't find it online :-(


Wasted trip on a weeb.


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no weeb


Based Stallman.


damn twm looks like that??


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OS: Trisquel Ganoo plus Linux, v8.0
WM: i3
browser: surf
terminal: st
between Suckless purism and FSF purism, it's a real normie-killer. (not that I have any useful computer skills.)


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Red pill me on Gentoo.




He said Ganoo, which is a the way Stallman says GNU, not Gentoo. I've never installed it, compiling the kernel and everything is too much of a hassle for me and my t420, but i have used CloverOS in the past, very easy and quick install and you can install everything from source if you want. Also i think that compiling the kernel and the software for your system is more efficient but i don't know whether or not it's worth it.


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>Revolutionary Self-Theory

sorry, you cannot be a revolutionary if you are using a proprietary operating system


i'm not big-brained enough to use linux, sorry


There is no longer any excuse. GNU/Linux can be even simpler than Winblows to install these days. It's just your dependence on video games that pushes you to betray your principles. As as an immense number of Winblows games also now work on GNU/Linux anyway, there really is no excuse anymore.


asukafag is that you


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Windows users shouldn't even show their faces here.


Gnyu pwuss Winux uwu


Even that isn't really an excuse.
You can still dual boot with windows on a separate partition && just turn off the internet on your windows partition.

I usually start the day by doing everything I need to do on my linux partition and when I want to play videogames I just switch to windows. The big brain shit is getting wine to work.


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Minimalism is sexy


They will
Because they aren't insecure posters who post girls from shit tier animes.


Mint's a great distro, man. I don't use it myself (I use Solus btw) but my experience with it is a relatively straightforward and reliable one.

I really hope they start to focus on LMDE though as that Ubuntu base is really hindering any progress.

(Although if you're just using cinnamon on another distro, disregard everything))


Everyone should just use Slack, Debian, or Gentoo.


i use antix


Lmfao, there's so much to unpack here. What a sad Little man. Windows users should be banned


I got the icons from the NsCDE files, I just extracted the icons from the folder.


Some of the game I run from steam using Proton. Others I run from Wine and some I installed natively on Linux.


I never could get win functioning right or installed correctly, unfortunately.


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Anyone else use Arch with i3?


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yes ofc


what kind of duck is that?


How'd you get the bar to look like that?



not sure, possibly a female muscovy?


poop os
bad anime
wrong post


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just finished the basic configuration of i3wm, and I have to say it was fucking hell, but now I am at least more used to it so it is not that hard anymore


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can u post the background? its so pretty


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I gave it a little upgrade


How to I configure my i3 to look like that?

How do I: Space windows and edit the status bar?


Oh and transparency would be nice with my shells


The theme I used was arch dark theme, used for de icons moka, my terminal is st with the solarized pack, I use the fish shell.

The two sides screen are justs cmatrix, that you can download easily with the terminal

The middle top screen is the screenfetcher, again you can easily install with the terminal, the middle bottom is just a normal terminal command, htop.

To space windows you have to install i3-gaps, you can configure your status bar on the i3 config file


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ooo, i3 gaps with semi-transparent backgrounds. never seen that one before…


Well let's see your setup.


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>> 1267
Just because I find i3-gaps to be extreme hacker-cliche, doesn't I'm trying to have a even more useless setup. Most of the time, when I don't want things to get in my why, I just use MATE, but if I feel bored I'll used a non-script kiddie WM like cwm or dwm for fun.


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here have some


Why are you still using antergos? It got discontinued in 2018.


waiting for new ssd & HDD.
antergos were using archlinux repos & there own repos were disable when they were discontinued, so basically i still can use it it's same thing than having archlinux


My bad then, i thought it should have the arch ascii logo instead. I forgot you can pick whatever you want in neofetch.conf instead of Auto.


i'm still using antergos but with arch repo.


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What PDF reader is that?



Zathura. Nice minimalist PDF reader with Vim keybindings and the possibility of changing the default colors in a document to increase readability.


Why have icons when you can just press the home key, type three letters for what you want, press enter, and launch it immediately?

Hell typing the whole thing will probably take less time then hunting in the pack of programs.


>Asking windows fags why they do anything


Because I can press Super+D, double click on an icon, and beat you in terms of speed and effort put in.


and I can use the terminal and type out the program's executable and beat you in speed and efficiency


Oh thanks I didn't know about that shortcut


You'll have to open a terminal first. Then type several letters and autocomplete.


How slow do you type, dude. Also, for opening the terminal just use Ctrl+Alt+T on a debian or ubuntu based distro.


typing is faster. even on windows I'd rather use the windows key and then search for the app I want


How slow is your mouse hand exactly? I type at about 80wpm. Just did a simple test:

Super-T to pop open a terminal -> hammer a few letters -> Tab to autocomplete -> Enter to start up program: ~2 seconds

Super-D to view desktop -> move mouse to .desktop icon -> double-click: ~1 second

Dedicated keyboard hotkey shortcut to run a program of interest: less than a second


Note that a terminal with autocomplete is functionally equivalent to xfce4-appfinder, dmenu, Windows search, etc.


> He uses a mouse


Yes, obviously if you don't use a mouse this doesn't apply to you.


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>6gb of Ram


Too poor for an actual upgrade.


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Wanna have a giggle frens


A nice, functional desktop. Not bad. Replace MATE with Xfce and dump Steam and Discord though.


What's wrong with MATE?
And why is XFCE in particular better?
Also yeaah I've got a bunch of nonfree shit, but I've just got too much connections with my 'fellow gamers' to drop it all.
And I'm well aware that Discord is literal spyware of the highest calibre, but if I've not 'installed gentoo' and gone full freedom I figure my security's totally compromised anyway


Just use something like trisquel which is quite easy to install and use. It’s basically ubuntu without any spyware or proprietary software. Uses MATE as its default de.


>What's wrong with MATE?
Not that there's really anything wrong with it (though its attempts to ape the Vista/7 aesthetic in its customization interfaces is a little disgusting). It's just that Xfce can do pretty much everything that MATE can do while having more features and customizability with the same or smaller memory footprint. At least, that was the situation the last time I did a thorough investigation of MATE a few years ago. What's the point of MATE when Xfce exists?


>(though its attempts to ape the Vista/7 aesthetic in its customization interfaces is a little disgusting)
On second thought I'm thinking of Cinnamon on this point, not MATE.


I have a better comp than this that I've wanted to do a clean install on that still has winblows (le ebin gayming PC),
so I figure I'll blast Linux over it, and this Trisquel does seem pretty cool,
but I notice that it's latest version is from 2018 which seems a bit old.
I don't know if that really matters though, I'm not much of a hardcore compsci person at all.
And I think I'll just stick with MATE since I'm just used to it and it seems the only out-of-box option for this distro, even if it's marginally worse than xfce.


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I switched from mint to slackware, actually it is a very comfortable distro, really liked it


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Forgive me for the proprietary software bros


That doesn't work for everything. Some shit doesn't come up in the bar especially with pirate software etc.


Post that anime background pls.


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For you comrade, anything


arigatoe n__n


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very original, i know


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Ayee Antergos GANG rip


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Hows the Peen book as a daily driver/video and shitpost machine?


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been working on configuring bspwm.



overall really great. Matt 1080p IPS display is gorgeous, battery lasts basically the whole day. I was surprised by how high quality it feels, it doesn't really come across on pictures. The factory Manjaro KDE felt very sluggish, no idea why they didn't go with xfce. But I never planned on using that anyway, hence i3. It replaced a 10 yr old single core netbook as my light on the go laptop, for that it is just awesome.


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convince me to switch from Kubuntu to Arch


Nice, I've been wanting to pick up something cool running and fanless to replace my T450s, intel 5th gen igpu is problematic and its more power than I actually need on the go

>Video stuttering in linux mint

>Tearing in everything else
>Doesn't happen on anything else
Its intolerable and I can't find a solution so I might pick up a pinebook sometime in the next few months


Ubuntu just werks, stick with it man.


just use manjaro if you want to
rolling release is nice and it isn't "bleeding edge" like arch so there won't be a problem with your system breaking
also pacman is amazing and compile times are better
i had better performance in games too when using manjaro


Unless you have a specific reason to switch, don't
APT is better anyway


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I once switched to Arch, because an update broke my Fedora install.
For the most part it worked without much hassle after the initial setup and with regular updates, but when I crashed the Init System while modifying power management, I went to look for a OS without systemd.
The openrc port was not that well maintained at the time, so I could not get Arch to run with it.
Though left behind an old Arch install for Steam, it was nearly broken when I aborted a hung up install (pacman has bad error recovery IMO).
Despite a lack of support for some software, my current platformworks with all modern formats and is much cleaner to administer.
tl;dr When you want to use Arch, you should probably look for something better.


why not artix?


I can't live without SIGINFO anymore.


What is this vision from the 90's?
Is that a BBS I see before me?


>Sword and Sworcery fag


i switched to arch linux because i kept being annoyed at how terrible ubuntu was at updating between major releases, and tried my hand at a rolling release to not do major updates anymore, and i kept using it for like 3 years straight without doing anything except regular updates until i changed computers and that was super sweet.

all the issues i've had with arch are mostly related to NVIDIA Optimus with the proprietary drivers tbh. Dunno how well does ubuntu fare with that shit though.


>tl;dr When you want to use Arch, you should probably look for something better.

like what though, broken updates seem like a pitfall for rolling release distros in general


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Trying out Wayland + Waybar, pretty good so far






It seems like I should have elaborated more on that part.
When I picked up Arch, I thought of it as some kind of "build your own linux" system.
I certainly liked that you could manage it on the level of individual programs.
Instead of booting to a black screen after an update, I would set up the bootloader myself and could continue meddling with it, when it did not work as intended.
Unfortunately Arch builds most of its packages against "bloatware" (systemd, glibc), with a few badly supported alternatives in the AUR.
When I recognized this, I saw 2 options:
Use a more transparent OS (gentoo, smgl, suckless base with pkgsrc),
or use an OS with sane defaults (OpenBSD, alpine).
I mostly do the latter (because I always fail at the former ;-)


>Unfortunately Arch builds most of its packages against "bloatware" (systemd, glibc), with a few badly supported alternatives in the AUR.
Just use artix runit or openrc. Alpine is a piece of shit to work with in my experience


What problems did you experience with alpine?
I needed to set up some things from an archiso, because the alpine installer could only format ext4, f2fs and msdos partitions and I wanted to boot from EFISTUB.
Installation and setup were otherwise very straightforward.
It even had a script to set up X-Windows.
Unfortunately it does not support a symlinked /usr (/usr->.
Though when I was just trying to configure it as a VM host, glamoregl.so blew up in my face, I experienced similar and far worse things with Arch and other tty-based binary-packaged systems.


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Who here /redundancy/?


Fuck ricers 2bh;
THAT is what a real desktop looks like.


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I lol'd


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nice one op l used to have a 12 inch g4 powerbook hand me down, was a quality machine

here's my wintoddler anus zenbook


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Take the mint pill comrade
Its like Windows, but not fucking shit


It's like Xfce, except uses more resources and does less things.


>Uses more resources
>Does less things
It does less things in the most retarded 2008 way imaginable and makes less of an effort to look like absolute aids yes

Cinnamon doesn't have screen tearing, it doesn't look awful by default, it works consistently and is well polished, XFCE is a bit lighter


Cinnamon is even worse than Mint, I'm not sure I understand your argument.


XFCE and Cinnamon are Desktop environments
Mint is a distribution that comes with Cinnamon in its mainline release, though images with other DE's are available


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Wow how embarrassing, I had Mint confused with MATE for some reason. Well my point applies doubly so with Cinnamon. If you want weak customizability and a patronizing interface like modern Windows, Cinnamon is exactly what you want!


I'm not sure what you mean by patronising, the interface works, is unobtrusive, and works well, it is similar to the DE used in windows by default, but the same is true of many DE's including XFCE, and it can be customised quite easily, obviously not to the same extent as something like KDE, but much, much more than windows can be and as much or more than the bulk of users will actually want, for those that want to go further, other DE's will suit better

Its worth noting that XFCE use the exact same metaphor by default in most distros its rolled with, a taskbar, a context menu, an indicator panel etc, it just does it worse with more archaic defaults (you can't even open whisker menu with the super/win key in many distros out of the box) and more of the old school linux problems, like the aforementioned screen tearing on perfectly good hardware and horrible looking text

The standard Desktop metaphor has lasted because it works better than most metaphors, Mint has been successful because it works better than most distros, but if you like something else that's fine


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>I'm not sure what you mean by patronising
I mean shit like this. Giant "switch" buttons like you're some kind of fucking toddler too stupid to understand a simple checkbox. Windows brought this abomination to the world with Vista or 7 and it's fucking disgusting that certain Linux devs have tried to ape it. Holy shit I got pissed off again just searching for an image of this UI vomit.


The screen tearing was finally fixed in Xfce 4.14, though you could always use a 3rd party compositor anyway. True it has shitty defaults but I don't care about that. Cinnamon and MATE are fine too, whatever floats your boat. I'm curious which of the 3 will get Wayland support first.


wallpaper sauce


but if it makes it easier to read, it's better
even if somewhat ugly.


real actual human beings who use computers like real people with brains only use window managers and everyone else is a subhuman retard because they don't program their very own personal idiodistro that is wholly esoteric to oneself because if you don't do that you practically don't even deserve the right to use a computer because really you're not even actually using it if you think about it honestly and that's why anyone who would dare ever even consider using a computer really ought to program it themselves otherwise they're totally unfree and are honestly wasting their time by not personally creating everything they could ever conceivably need to use from scratch and instead using stuff that other people made for them and are thus practically spoonfeeding to them because they are too weak to use a computer for real like a real computer using human being.


Its literally a slightly different way of presenting the same information, a switch slider provides the exact same information and functions the same as a checkbox, it merely looks slightly different

I hate to be patronising, but you do realise patronising is a word with a specific meaning, yes?
It doesn't just mean thing not to my taste


thank you based anon


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gentoo gang


Lol, hey, I am doing my first build of that right now.


is that cava?


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ayo dwm + gentoo gang gang


use neofetch. Screenfetch is absolutely awful.


I do have neofetch, it's an alias because of muscle memory


What wm is this? Looks like blackbose to me but not sure.


Dwm, fam.


Cheers bro. Sick of having xfce pushed on me and I used to be big into flux/blackbox. Will check this one out.


Can you post this wallpaper?


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how do you get the sitting waifu




It's an Open Source project called MaCoPiX


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trying to make my own universal dark theme


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Reviving the desktop thread. Here are some screenshots I took over time.


I think you kinda just proved his point, not everyone knows how to dual boot or what a partition even is.


All these cool looking windows and neat system monitors are the reason I wanna know how to use Linux, any good video series’ on how to use Linux to its max customizability for people who don’t know how to program or anything?


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I don't think there's a unified tutorial series for this. I'd suggest watching videos from various gnu/linux youtubers, like Luke Smith, Brodie Robertson, Mental Outlaw, DistroTube, etc. These make videos of varying quality, but they're the sort of content you're looking for. The 4/g/ wiki can also be a good resource, but it's kind of outdated. Maybe just ask questions on this thread/board, I'm sure people will help.

I'll give you one important piece of advice: distros don't matter. You don't have to install Gentoo, Arch or Void to rice it like these screenshots. Any distro will do, since all of them will allow you to install window managers and configure them. For starters, I'd suggest installing Linux Mint. It's quite simple and Wintoddler friendly, and can look nice with simple tweaks. See pic related, a screenshot I took of it a while back, when I was distrohopping before settling back on Arch. Of course you can kick it up a notch and start installing and configuring fancy window managers and all, after you get tired of the simple desktop. Mint is really good for those who have never used GNU/Linux, I started with it and back then I didn't even know what a package manager was, so very much a layman.

t. >>6277


I've been doing a little bit of reading, and what exactly makes a windows manager different from a desktop environment? does changing the desktop environment do more than just change the appearance?


Basically, Desktop Environments offer a complete desktop experience. The sort of 'normal' desktop experience most people have come to expect, from OSes like Windows, Mac, and most GNU/Linux distros. They're essentially a set of lots of different programs made by the same people, with the purpose of integrating together nicely. These programs tipically include: a window manager, a status/task bar, a nice login screen, a file manager, lots of little graphical programs for general daily usage, etc. People who say they're using 'stand-alone' window managers are essentially just making their own desktop environment, except they get to choose all the little programs that make up a desktop experience. So you choose what program will draw and manage your windows, what program will display your status bar, what program to manage your files, what terminal emulator, and so on.

It is important to note that the programs people use to make these set ups are usually very different from those offered by DEs. Usually DE programs are, well, made to be used with the DE. So all their configuration is handled by the DE's own 'settings app' or whatever, their features are made specifically to integrate with the DE, etc. The programs people usually use to make their own setups are a lot more standalone. They tend to use more universal interfaces rather than DE specific things, and are usually configured from their own configuration files, rather than some centralized UI. This allows for greater interchangeability: you don't have to change your window manager to change your status bar, for instance.

It's also worth a mention that DEs are not completely restricting either, unlike what I may have let on. Most DEs will allow you to use whatever terminal emulator you prefer as the default, and you can use whatever music player you want on any DE, etc etc. It's just that setting up a whole system from scratch usually yields in a more 'user-centric' experience, since the user gets to decide for themselves precisely which programs and settings to use to fit their uses and needs.
What makes these window manager setups, with standalone, interchangeable programs more desireable is precisely the fact that they're more barebones. They usually come with very simple configurations, and the user is left to figure things out. If you look at /g/ wiki's entry on GNU/Linux ricing, for example, you will see suggestions on all sorts of different programs to use, pic related. This is necessary, because all these features, which on a normal DE, come baked in, have to be set up from scratch.


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I forgot to post the pic I mentioned, it was this one:


Isn’t it pretty easy to change the appearance without radically changing the DE? I saw one video of a guy making xubuntu look exactly like windows 95 and it just looked like he put a skin on it.


Yes, you can change the GTK/QT theme for any DE. This gives you some degree of customization, it's pretty nice. More customizability than Windows or MacOS will give you, actually, all GNU/Linux programs allow for a fair degree of customization. But that level of customization is still limited when compared to manually configuring each program to be precisely what you want, like a custom WM setup would allow. WM setups aren't just about looks, but also about funcionality. Getting to choose each program and configure them gives you a big boost in customization of functionality.


File: 1620348067948.jpg ( 15.85 KB , 256x250 , stocking.jpg )

>These motherfuckers can make Xfce look nice while mine looked like ass




>posting in the old desktop thread
>Doom modeline
Double bruh

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