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File: 1608526088541.png ( 368.59 KB , 680x838 , dangerously based.png )

 No.3025[Last 50 Posts]

I've decided to make my script open source. Enjoy.

Edit: This script has been banned on leftypol, hobby, tech, edu, games, gulag and anime. But you can still post with it in this thread, I guess.


Absolutely based


Good shit, mate. Keep it up.


i want to slap whoever made this
how dare you facilitate soyjack posting on the board


File: 1608526103386.png ( 294.39 KB , 785x1201 , (you).png )

Your post is a perfect demonstration of the script's capabilities lmao.


meant for >>3199




I'm convinced that a polyp made this to fuck up bunkerchan by causing our own members to spam soyjacks all over the fucking place.

Well played


Come here for a slap


the soyjack menace must be stopped


File: 1608526105088.png ( 226.83 KB , 785x927 , (you).png )



File: 1608526105453.png ( 5.44 KB , 785x1071 , (you).png )



Enable canvas. If you're using firefox, try setting privacy.resistFingerprinting.autoDeclineNoUserInputCanvasPrompts to false or disable any extensions that block canvas.


What if it was all a dream?


what have you unleashed on this board


Motherfucker I knew it was a script.


File: 1608526113816.png ( 305.76 KB , 785x1057 , (you).png )



File: 1608526113990.png ( 304.48 KB , 785x1057 , (you).png )



New version: 1.2
Now with autoreply. Full changelog is on pastebin.


I was banned for literally no reason using this script on leftypol. This is what it must have been like living in Stalin's USS of Russia. I am oppressed.




make a 4ch*n version, not a leftypol one. never heard of the saying don't shit where you eat?


I have a 4chan version, though I still have to port some features from bunkerchan version to it.


File: 1608526116014.png ( 181.95 KB , 511x1011 , (you).png )



based dude. please post when your'e done i cant wait to wojakify /pol/ to death


File: 1608526116187.png ( 310.19 KB , 785x1105 , (you).png )



File: 1608526116363-0.png ( 60.48 KB , 763x771 , download 3.png )

File: 1608526116363-1.png ( 40.52 KB , 800x450 , download 2.png )

File: 1608526116363-2.png ( 170.05 KB , 500x500 , download 1.png )

I feel like the standard version could do with a few more wojaks. Maybe a collection of pink wojaks, some more retard ones. Just to get all the emotions and posters covered.
Yeah I know you can import your own but it's less funny when you're the only one using them.


your second one is already under 'pseud'


File: 1608526116646.png ( 154.79 KB , 800x646 , (you).png )



New version: 1.3
4 new wojaks have been added, and now settings will be saved using cookies.
Also, 4chan version:
Keep in mind that auto reply doesn't bypass reCaptcha on 4chan, you still have to complete the captcha in order to post.


New version(1.3.1) fixes a bug where all boards have different setting cookies. Check pastebin for new download link.


Also, if settings stop working after an update, try clearing all bunkerchan cookies.


you're a legend wojakposter


Time to spam /pol/


File: 1608526118561.png ( 212.38 KB , 511x1059 , (you).png )



File: 1608526118714.png ( 283.65 KB , 785x788 , chadjak.png )



File: 1608526119234.png ( 159.33 KB , 640x825 , (you).png )



Shit, it autoreplies now?


Oh I see there's a little checkbox at the top left. If you update it again maybe have it off as default because retards like me don't realize it's enabled.
One thing that would be a good QOL addition would be if it opened up the quick reply box when you clicked Wojakify.


how many soyjaks do you have added?
add these too


Looks like your superiority has caused some controversy.


Usable on ipad?


If iPad's browser supports Tampermonkey or a similar extension, then it should work.


I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. If this thread gets deleted, visit
for updates. These pastes will get updated with new download links, changelogs etc. and jannies can't do anything about it.


New version: 1.4
Pressing "Wojakify" will now open the quick reply box, as if you clicked on the post id.
Also, added two new wojaks and disabled auto reply by default.


File: 1608526120989.jpeg ( 7.34 KB , 249x182 , índice.jpeg )

how do I add this to 4chan in Firefox help I'm a brainlet


1. Install Tampermonkey
2. Download the zip file with the script.
3. Click on the tampermonkey icon, select Dashboard, then Utilities, then in the Zip category, choose the file you downloaded earlier.
4. Click the install button.


Ok thanks I did it with Greasemonkey. I have 4chan X installed, with the Quick Reply option activated. It isn't working


I didn't test it with 4chanX. Disable it.


Nothing happens. I tried with and without the Auto-Reply option, with and without the Captcha solved. Preview works though. I'm on Firefox, Ubuntu.


Greasemonkey by default does not allow overwriting website functions, which is required by the script to work. Try installing it in Tampermonkey and see if it works then.


Cursed thread


thanks, but couldn't get it to work, so I'm just downloading the preview image and then posting it. Still, can you add some gigachad images? (shows agreement with the poster instead of disagreement)


You can use BasedPepe for that.
I don't think gigachad will fit the theme of greentext on white background, though I'll try to see how it looks like.


File: 1608526121739.png ( 41.45 KB , 645x773 , chad wojak.png )

The synthesis is here lads


File: 1608526121852.png ( 95.46 KB , 760x940 , (you).png )



Togglable NOOOOOO! when


I could add a separate checkbox for prepending "NOOOO".


uh, it already has that? "Seethe Mode"


I think he wants separate checkboxes for capitalizing and for adding "NOOO"


File: 1608526122679.png ( 10.83 KB , 1340x39 , Capture.PNG )

Kek it just dawned on me the random "Seethe" and "Mode" thing is connected. I thought the Mode checkbox was just some tampermonkey jank.


Disappointing to see that this wojak script I have been seeing on cuckchan /g/ originates from here. Fuck you for ruining discussion.


We are reclaiming our title as 4chan terrorist #1


New version: 1.5
This version adds 3 gigachad images and replaces cookies with local storage for storing settings. Also, removed unused function openInNewTab.


stop, i beg you


Take the wojaccelerationismpill.


And where will the acceleration lead? What's the end goal?


All the posts will be good at the end, we just need to arrive there faster. Trust me bro.


>replaces cookies with local storage for storing settings
have fun with your rootkit, stupidheads


File: 1608526123677.png ( 336.05 KB , 785x1153 , (you).png )

Post which line of code installs the rootkit or fuck off.


op ya gotta remove the period when you end a sentance with an exclamation point or else it will look this like

>you can't do that.

>NOOOOO!! You can't do that.!!


Wojak posters must be stopped


No, wojaknigger


New version: 1.5.1
Now full stops will be removed when adding exclamation marks in Seethe Mode.




Works on my machine


File: 1608526125250.png ( 147.93 KB , 800x598 , (you).png )



File: 1608526125362.png ( 108.87 KB , 651x907 , (you).png )



Gentlemen, the scriptgrabbing fascists of the moderation team may soon come and pull a Waco on this peace loving, content producing thread. It has been an honor wojaking retards with you.


File: 1608526125805.png ( 11.64 KB , 452x125 , D0catDPVsAAKRxq.png )



File: 1608526125913.png ( 280.88 KB , 1451x965 , (you).png )



File: 1608526126051.png ( 550.03 KB , 2100x1397 , (u).png )



File: 1608526126248.png ( 328.67 KB , 1306x965 , (you).png )





will you keep updating the 4chan one? I love shitting up that place


I will keep backporting features from bunkerchan version, but it won't be as actively developed as the bunkerchan version.


Mei gott, brilliant addition wojakposter


and to think, the jannies want to destroy this beacon of culture and content in these dark times


At first I hated the wojak spam
but then I realized it is needed in these trying times
Hero of the Union
also I noticed it doesn't wojakify bolded text


File: 1608526127384.png ( 224.74 KB , 785x927 , (you).png )





File: 1608526127614.png ( 317.35 KB , 705x998 , (you).png )



New version: 1.5.2
Formatting like bold will be handled correctly now.
thanks for the bug report.


File: 1608526127819.png ( 381.23 KB , 590x681 , 1593843248578.png )



Op you are a faggot and should feel bad.


File: 1608526128073.png ( 236.05 KB , 785x975 , (you).png )



File: 1608526128930.png ( 16.02 KB , 454x716 , (you).png )



File: 1608526129081.png ( 314.49 KB , 705x950 , (you).png )



OP is a faggot


File: 1608526129281.jpg ( 8.9 KB , 200x200 , smoking.jpg )

you're just making this as wojak-bait at this point


File: 1608526130282-0.png ( 336.22 KB , 576x762 , (you).png )

File: 1608526130282-1.png ( 280.53 KB , 576x566 , soyjak.png )

please add porky soyjak to the script


File: 1608526130488-0.png ( 36.37 KB , 500x514 , black.png )

File: 1608526130488-1.png ( 44.51 KB , 500x514 , black2.png )

File: 1608526130488-2.png ( 297.05 KB , 576x566 , blur.png )

other exploitables


File: 1608526130766-0.png ( 177.36 KB , 426x409 , breathes_exploitatively.png )

File: 1608526130766-1.png ( 323.12 KB , 576x566 , crying.png )

File: 1608526130766-2.png ( 106.47 KB , 1120x1095 , cyborg.png )



File: 1608526131042-0.png ( 46.12 KB , 500x514 , fash.png )

File: 1608526131042-1.png ( 314.12 KB , 576x566 , frown.png )

File: 1608526131042-2.png ( 48.08 KB , 500x514 , generic2.png )



File: 1608526131272.png ( 65.49 KB , 500x514 , idpol3.png )



File: 1608526131376-0.png ( 74.46 KB , 500x514 , jew.png )

File: 1608526131376-1.png ( 114.47 KB , 500x514 , isis.png )

File: 1608526131376-2.png ( 75.8 KB , 500x514 , king.png )



File: 1608526131669-0.png ( 42.47 KB , 500x514 , medical.png )

File: 1608526131669-1.jpg ( 9.02 KB , 255x251 , mystery.jpg )

File: 1608526131669-2.png ( 32.3 KB , 500x514 , npc.png )



File: 1608526131850-0.png ( 54.42 KB , 500x514 , pope.png )

File: 1608526131850-1.png ( 356.55 KB , 611x556 , scared.png )



File: 1608526132061.png ( 70.04 KB , 500x514 , police2.png )



New version: 1.6
Now with 5 porky wojaks.
Thanks for suggestion.




This is like the guy who invented the pop up ad, except he was sorry.


File: 1608526133254.gif ( 1015.4 KB , 500x281 , 1471105587334.gif )

This script has now been banned on leftypol, hobby, tech, edu, games, gulag and anime. But you can still post with it in this thread, I guess.


File: 1608526133415.png ( 255.33 KB , 454x1148 , (you).png )



not fooling anybody. fuck off back to /pol/


banned in /dead/ ?


File: 1608526133684.png ( 24.31 KB , 454x812 , (you).png )



Don't think it's banned in /dead/ /GET/ or /ref/ because they're independent from the janny junta


>jannies post weeb shit at will but wojaks aren't allowed
jannies confirmed trannies


wojakposter please at least port al the porky exploitables to the 4chan version so i can at least use this script for raids


File: 1608526134079.jpg ( 152.7 KB , 700x800 , whycontainit.jpg )

being discusses in /gulag/ :


thats some bullshit right there.


File: 1608526134279.png ( 225.18 KB , 785x927 , wojack-script-2020.png )

[b]Ban it and summarily execute the creator.[/b]


File: 1608526134414.png ( 212.18 KB , 640x834 , (you).png )







can the wojak poster at least update the 4chan version so we can spam /pol/ on cuckchan?


Can i mod /dead/, BV?


well i deleted my wojakscript. Guess it's dead now. gonna go install the 4chan one


Based. Thanks!


I'm not the script author, just a guy who had it installed.

can anyone post the whole text of the 4chan version here?

im having trouble accessing anonfiles


/dead/ is free territory now


alright OP time to add a random offset to the text and image and to auto-reply with "This was made by me in photoshop not with the script"




File: 1608526138145.png ( 13.38 KB , 871x96 , autism.PNG )

is it me or this janny is the actual embodiment of this meme


mods can't handle bantz


>wojak posters still seething
Lmao, you've been castrated just deal with it


okay janny


File: 1608526139122.png ( 155.35 KB , 800x694 , (you).png )



File: 1608526139224.png ( 153.88 KB , 500x600 , (you).png )



File: 1608526139459.png ( 231.78 KB , 454x908 , (you).png )



Here's an updated 4chan version. It has all the wojaks from the bunkerchan version and should work better on firefox specific script addons.


File: 1608526157924-0.png ( 484.65 KB , 511x1424 , (you).png )

File: 1608526157924-1.png ( 313.85 KB , 511x796 , leninsoyjack.png )

Not OP, but I added Lenin to this script. If you wanna add it to your own version of the script, copy everything from this paste, and add it as a new line inside the constant options declaration.


New version: 1.6.1
Added Lenin wojak made by this anon
This will make a fine addition to the script, thanks.


File: 1608526159245.png ( 66.43 KB , 559x824 , (you).png )



what is this nigger shit


New version: 1.7
Wojaks can now be generated from post images.


File: 1608526161318.png ( 287.19 KB , 1120x965 , (you).png )



error when wojakifying webms and stuff, see if you can maybe get the first frame of the webm or turn the first 5 seconds into a gif or something?


File: 1608526161714.png ( 270.88 KB , 785x1057 , (you).png )



>turn the first 5 seconds into a gif or something
Gifs don't work with canvas.
>first frame of the webm
This is doable.


File: 1608526165460.png ( 338.64 KB , 705x1094 , (you).png )



File: 1608526165646.png ( 389.34 KB , 680x1424 , (you).png )



File: 1608526165794-0.png ( 441.35 KB , 1120x965 , (you).png )

File: 1608526165794-1.png ( 476.33 KB , 1451x965 , (you).png )



What kind of cancer is this thread?


File: 1608526168117.png ( 302.02 KB , 785x1057 , (you).png )



REEEEE then use the first frame of the gif too


kek @ the janny one, its exactly what a janny would say


File: 1608526168500.png ( 204.63 KB , 454x764 , (you).png )

shut yer gob jan jans


It's already like this for gifs.


File: 1608526168719.png ( 262.85 KB , 508x527 , bentired.png )

Stop developing this


If jannies ever finish gochan, I'm going to port the wojak generator to it.


File: 1608526169225.png ( 75.61 KB , 354x404 , stirner.PNG )

Damn, this is cool, I'm retarded. your code is just too complex further than adding some new images, although I have some ideas of what to add such as image+text. and no need for all these buttons, just add some checkboxes of a listbox for other modes. got any version control system like git?

don't tell me what to do janny


Yes, I have a local git repo. I didn't upload it anywhere though.


File: 1608526169412.png ( 632.51 KB , 1357x1156 , (you).png )


I got banned for using this. I do not regret my vacation at all. OP is the hero we deserve.


thanks, I love you, just what I had asked for


If it ever gets to a state you'd call complete, you should port it to as many codebases as possible, make it a single install, and let it loose on the world.
It would be a wojakylpse


I got banned like 10 times already within the past few days


wojakify button doesn't do anything! help me


Tried enabling preview? It's checkbox should be somewhere around the bottom right corner of the thread.


File: 1608526171645.png ( 7.84 KB , 788x176 , controls.png )

If the script loads correctly, you should see these elements.


File: 1608526172584.png ( 125.3 KB , 322x410 , trotskysoyjack.png )



File: 1608526172760.jpg ( 30.44 KB , 680x355 , nazisoyjack.jpg )



File: 1608526172881.png ( 198.97 KB , 454x764 , (you).png )



I've setup a github repo for the script.


File: 1608526176797.png ( 33.01 KB , 454x860 , (you).png )



File: 1608526176914.png ( 278.1 KB , 1120x965 , (you).png )





This script can only run at bunkerchan threads, see:

If the url doesn't match this, it won't run at all. See https://www.tampermonkey.net/documentation.php#_include
The only additional connection it makes are to download the post image after pressing "wojakify image" in order to produce the wojakified post image.


New version: 1.8
Image wojakify when done on a video will now extract the first frame of the video and use that as an image.
Also added 3 new wojaks.
As a side note, I now use babel to compile the script. This means now I can just use a babel plugin to automatically include wojaks from a directory as data urls. This makes it much easier to add new wojaks and decreased the source code size from 5MB to about 15KB.


If you have some, make a pull request at github or post them here.


File: 1608526179913.png ( 200.7 KB , 1266x965 , (you).png )

Imagine being so mad because of a meme script


just read the code n00b


this is a good soyjack, please add


Will be added in the next version


File: 1608526190108.png ( 33.03 KB , 726x494 , Capture.PNG )



Download the "Bunkersoy.user.zip" in the releases instead of "source code".




Yeah, the malware is in the zip.


seethe harder jannie


New version: 1.8.1
Added Grace, Trotsky, Nazi and Nazi2 wojaks.


The 4chan version doesn't work for me


Nevermind, you just need to enable auto reply


OP can you add these wonderful poljaks someone made:


File: 1608526202574.png ( 846.44 KB , 584x800 , award_wojakposter.png )

Thank you very much, here is some OC in return


New version: 1.8.2
Added mutt, /pol/cel, /pol/cel2 and /pol/cel3
4chan version based on this release, now with image wojakify:


Can you add the concept of image sets, make the image set selectable, add a yuri image set and add a setting for which image set is shown by default?


I'll implement iamge sets after I finish implementing the 4chan platform.
>add a yuri image set
Why do you think this script needs yuri?


Everything needs yuri.


Because yuri makes everything better.

This comrade gets it.


If you want something included, post images here or make a pull request on github.


please don't add weird cartoon shit. this is a soyjack script. I'd be happy with a fork specifically intended for cartoons though.


How to use the 4chan one? the wojakify button doesn't add the image to my post attachments.


It won't show if the wojak was added or not to the post attachments. If it was added, then your next post will have the wojak included as the file. If you want more visual confirmation of the script working, enable autoreply.


Based. Anyway, what happens when this thread reaches 500 posts? Will jannies allow us to make a new thread?


I'm going to make a new thread then, and if jannies delete it, you can just make an issue on github when you want something included or something.


We don't want them included in the jacks, we want them as a separate, selectable, defaultable >>4218 image set. Whenever it will be convenient to you timewise to add image set support, please bootstrap the yuri set with:

NSFW pov1 https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4803544 NSFW
NSFW pov2 https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3740069 NSFW
NSFW pov3 https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4439017 NSFW
NSFW pov4 https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2812256 NSFW

NSFW gaze1 https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1711164 NSFW
NSFW gaze2 https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/5654984 NSFW
NSFW gaze3 https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3855892 NSFW
NSFW gaze4 https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5117140 NSFW


Hmm, do you have any more pictures like these?


We have a few, go ask in /u/. More might be linked here after the yuri image set is implemented.




New version: 1.9.0
Added images from >>4587
4chan version will be from now on compiled like the bunkerchan version instead of being manually updated by me.


how do you use this shit?


4chan version? See >>4225


everything from the beginning


Have you at least managed to install it? If it loads correctly you should see 'Wojakify' buttons next to posts.


I did it. But I don't see any button.


Open the browser console and post the screenshot of it.


How should the second wojak be named?


The absolute state of post-2010 internet.


File: 1608526214889.jpg ( 137.1 KB , 918x904 , 1594990902727.jpg )



File: 1608526214999-0.png ( 19.93 KB , 645x770 , polsoyangry.png )

File: 1608526214999-1.png ( 19.43 KB , 645x770 , polsoyangryalt.png )

/pol/jak soyboys


Will add them tomorrow and release a new version.


File: 1608526215273.jpg ( 27.94 KB , 360x360 , galaxybrained.jpg )

make a galaxy brain one too


New version: 1.10.0
Added support for 8kun and lainchan(Wojaks won't show up in added files like on the 4chan version. I'll try to fix this issue in the future).
Added /pol/cel4 and /pol/cel5.
Rewrote most of the platform specific code for lynxchan to allow better extensibility in the future.


Also, I need a new name for the project, since bunkerchan is only one of many platforms supported. Any suggestions?






you're a god wojakposter


It was supposed to be cut off. When I had added it, image wojakify wasn't a thing, that's why it looks cut off. I agree, soyjack7 should be updated.


>building a script to spam leftypol and lainchain.

You're a cunt anon. Why would you build a script to spam the few good chans? Just make it for the shit ones you retard.


File: 1608526216520.png ( 263.68 KB , 785x1000 , acb08e8c0421473245f77106b7….png )



File: 1608526216687.jpg ( 39.63 KB , 560x400 , 422d0dfc45b85cc1e21b2932d6….jpg )

> lainchan
&lt good


I don't know how it is today, but it's heyday was incredible. It was the best chan around for a while.


I don't know how it is today, but it's heyday was incredible. It was the best chan around for a while.


Fuck hell, Space_.


My favourite part is how the old admin sold the lainchan.org domain to some dude called appleman and then just created the same imageboard on lainchan.jp


Arisuchan was created by Seph, not Kalyx. It was much better than what became of lainchan though, I miss it.


File: 1608526218320.png ( 200.83 KB , 454x716 , (you).png )



New version: 1.10.1
Added Priest, Christcuck( >>4619 ), Christcuck NPC ( >>4723 ).
Replaced soyjack7 with one that isn't cut off.


File: 1608526220648.png ( 98.51 KB , 559x1304 , (you).png )



can you add a dengoid/gook/ccp soyjak


If you post it here, sure.


Self-own, exposed


New version: 1.10.2
Fixed a bug where the default values of checkboxes wouldn't be set.
Enabled orange quote parsing for 8kun.




File: 1608526225279.png ( 184.75 KB , 478x495 , stalinsoyjack.png )

Add this






File: 1608526225935.png ( 143.63 KB , 800x598 , (you).png )



New version: 1.11.0
Added stalin soyjak( >>4395 ).
Added support for crystal.cafe and wirechan.


File: 1608526226262.png ( 635.07 KB , 642x642 , dungoidsoyjack.png )

add this




that stalin soyjack could be better if you ask me. I made it while totally shitfaced. might remake it later








File: 1608526227127.jpg ( 27.53 KB , 460x369 , t.jpg )



how tf does this work on 4chan? :]


Click wojakify, and post without an image. If posting takes slightly longer as if you added an image, that means the wojak has been added.


No what I mean, is thst the Wojackify button does not show up. It works fine on this board but not 4chan. Maybe because I am on mobile atm?


I experienced issues with mobile browsers as well. I have to set up an android VM where I'll find out what's wrong. Currently, only desktops are supported, but maybe try forcing the desktop version of 4chan?


The mobile version of 4chan uses almost entirely different code to display


That explains why wojakify buttons aren't visible. I've managed to reproduce the bug with ctrl + scroll up. If the script works, using it from the desktop version should be possible.


Does anyone know of a way to use the clipboard to upload files?

I hate having to save shitposts on my computer to then upload them here. I'd much rather just use the clipboard. Does anyone know of a plugin that allows this feature?

I'm using firefox btw.


The 4chan mobile issue >>4420 is that addWojakifyButtons in platform/4chan.js adds the button to each querySelectorAll(".postInfo") but there are two info divs per div.post.reply: div.postInfoM.mobile and div.postInfo.desktop, and only the former shows on mobile. You can either add two buttons, such as with querySelectorAll(".postInfo, .postInfoM"), or add the button one level higher.


And I have a question about the design of your createWojakifyButton and callback. The function that is set as button.onclick already uses callback from its closure. What is the point of constructing a new callback for each createWojakifyButton solely to capture the post id? If you simply pass the callback arguments, such as [id], to createWojakifyButton you can give them to callback in button.onclick and use exactly the same callback for each button, without creating a new one per-button. You currently have two levels of capture, one in the callback constructor for id and one in button.onclick for callback. If you flatten the two levels by using both callback and its arguments in button.onclick, you eliminate the need for per-button callback construction.


File: 1608526228327.jpg ( 8.94 KB , 246x205 , swag.jpg )

Holy /v/ermin.


On most platforms, an arrow function is used with createWojakifyButton that captures everything it needs. It was like this originally on 4chan platform as well. The most minimal wojakify handler for text mode is

Id and seetheModeCheckbox is already captured by the closure, it's too simple to become it's own named function, and I'd rather avoid parsing posts when it's not necessary. Passing constant values as arguments wouldn't improve anything. The way I did it on other platforms is basically instead of creating callbacks for each button for each post, I create a wrapper of createWojakifyButton that passes an arrow function as the callback that captures the id. I think I'll do something similar on 4chan as well.


>Passing constant values as arguments wouldn't improve anything.
Of course it would. Right now you have: capture args and create no-arg function, capture this no-arg function, call this no-arg function. The result is that every invocation of createWojakifyButton in every *-common.ts file is given a freshly constructed no-arg arrow function for that button. By contrast, if you switch to >>4426 you would have: capture function and args, call function with those args. This way every invocation of createWojakifyButton for a platform could receive exactly the same callback function, only the args to be used by button.onclick would differ.

>The way I did it on other platforms is basically instead of creating callbacks for each button for each post, I create a wrapper of createWojakifyButton that passes an arrow function as the callback that captures the id.

But the "instead of creating callbacks for each button for each post" is exactly what is verifiably false. Right now you are creating a new callback for each button in each invocation of createWojakifyButton in *-common.ts. This is what >>4426 would eliminate.

From vichan-common.ts:

protected createImageWojakifyButton(id: string, nth: number) {
return createWojakifyButton('wojakify-image', 'Wojakify Image', () => {
generateImageWojak(this.accessor.getPostImageURL(id, nth), options[this.sojakSelector.value]).then(wojak => this.handleWojakify(wojak, id));

That creates a fresh callback for each button.


Alright, I get it now. createWojakifyButton will now capture constant arguments to the callback. I had to use bind to properly capture this value for methods.




>export const createWojakifyButton = (buttonClass: string, name: string, callback: (…args: any[]) => void, …args: any[]) => {

This is great, thank you. And I see you added 4chan mobile as well.


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It seems that createUI in *-common.ts uses the hardcoded options from options as an argument to createSelect from ui. But createSelect uses localStorage to set and retrieve the previousSelection value. So it seems options could be turned into a dictionary mapping image set names to image dictionaries and localStorage could be used to select and remember the image set name.


Yes, I considered this as well. The question isn't how to add image sets, the question is if I should add image sets. Is there a large enough amount of images that adding them would be an improvement? How would adding them affect the time spent on selecting wojaks?


Your script is a generated image poster and jackposting is simply the only currently implemented reaction type. By adding support for image sets you would expand the usefulness of your script to a larger audience, since there are those of us who do not care for jackposting specifically. Expanding the usefulness of your script to a larger audience seems like a much better metric of whether there "would be an improvement" than "is there a large enough amount of images". Eight have been posted >>4233 for bootstrapping a yuri set but image set support is not specific to yuri. The effect on "the time spent on selecting wojaks" would be zero for those who only post jacks, which is currently your entire userbase. After an initial phase of curiosity most people would settle on one image set and use that, so the selection time would be as it is now. In >>4219 you said
>I'll implement iamge sets after I finish implementing the 4chan platform.
and no "question […] if I should add image sets" was included. Of course since this is your script and you're the one doing the actual programming you should work on whatever feature you want to work on.


So far no one posted any ideas for an alternative image set that is worth implementing. Yuri doesn't fit the 'post a reaction face and quote the whole post' pattern, which is why I won't add it to this script. Unless you post something worth implementing, I won't waste disk space of the script's users.


To help us guess what you consider "something worth implementing" it would be very helpful if you shared with us what caused the drastic change from the unambiguous "I'll implement iamge sets after I finish implementing the 4chan platform" >>4219 in response to a post >>4218 that didn't even include any images, to your current stance of equating not adding a particular set, yuri, with not adding generic image set support at all, since you already said you would add it back when no images were linked.


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File: 1608526230800-2.jpg ( 1.7 MB , 1200x1200 , 1492651083644.jpg )

Add these if they're not already there


Alright, I'm done talking to you. If you want 'image sets', make a fork and implement them yourself.


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soyjak.party support when?


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Automating /v/-tier retardation.


I think bunkerchan is clearly, very cucked, what a shame, for a board that didn't seem like shit… (let me post from Tor!)


lmao it let me post from tor


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I see that the post consisting entirely of "Stay classy, my friend. Stay classy." and this worksafe image https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3491125 in response to >>4460 was quietly removed, while a series of posts like >>4464 is no problem.

Stay classy, admins. Stay classy.


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OP can you add a back massager button for when my back hurts


Is this thing over, OP? Script needs some burger election edits.


Classic thread


Can this be used over TOR on the bunkerchan onion


Someone remake this shit


I miss bunkerchan bros…


go back
i wish


This is bunkerchan in all but name


Make pls




File: 1658308826614.gif ( 1.05 MB , 498x498 , cow.gif )

>make fun novelty
>mods kill its use


You can post wojacks here

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