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Thread for questions that don't deserve their own thread.
I wanna buy some headphones to go outside i don't want to spend more than 100€ on them. I want them to be mostly durable and secondly to have good sound quality, also i don't want to look like a jackass while wearing them, any suggestions?


Waste of a GET, you couldn't even include an opening picture.


How well do Wacom tablets and Clip Studio Paint work on Linux?


Shiiit dude 100 euros is not much for some good headphones, in the UK at least. Do you want bluetooth? Over ear or on ear?


For my own tablet (Wacom Bamboo) I have found it actually easier to use on my Linux distro (Mint).
Which is to say, I didn't need to install any drivers like I did on Win 10 and they seem be work just as well as the official ones. The only downside is that I can't seem to turn off the finger-tracking, but that isn't a big deal.

Also, Clip Studio Paint does not work on Linux.
There is likely a way to emulate it through Wine, but I haven't tried it yet.
If you need a comparable art program for Linux, i'd recommend 'Krita' which is a free, open-source and pretty much just like Clip but without the outline/halftone layer options and a slightly annoying text editor.


I'm in the EU, don't care about bluetooth and on ear.


In my experience, Sony deliver a pretty great audio-price-durability balance. I had some MDR-XB950B1 which delivered pretty great sound, but weren't too comfy since I wear glasses too. Used em for the gym every day for a year, worked fine so quite durable. Try get one with flexible bits that join the speakers to the band though since that's where most breaks will occur. For your price range I'd probably recommend the lower end over ear version though, MDR-XB650BT (I don't know what retard comes up with these names).


Thanks, the names are indeed retarded.


Thanks. I have an Intuos so I suppose it'll work just fine too.
There is indeed a way to emulate CSP that I found: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=250223&p=1345470#p1345470
The problem is that I have a free 2 year trial of the full version and I don't know how that'll work out. Would I need to pirate it after all?


Oh and regarding Krita, I'll probably switch to it when they add some more features or once my trial expires, so thanks for the suggestion


What's missing from Krita?


Krita doesn't have the awesome halftone layer mask that Clip has (which instantly converts a layer to black halftone).
More importantly, the text tools are really awkward, way worse than any other program i've used (it's hard to explain).

Apart from that it is fantastic.


Is anyone else having problems with cankakucomplex or is it just me? I can only open it on Tor after going to advanced and giving permission to "take the risk" and open the site, however when I click on the images they give me a blank page and only opening the image html separately gives the image itself.
Tor tells me my computer clock is set for July 3rd, yet my onscreen calendar is correctly giving me July 2nd so what the fuck is happening?



rock zircon. if you don't mind in-ears. in general, when I did research some time ago, conseus was not to go for brands If you are no audiophiliac. best headphones I ever had, beating my former Sennheiser easily. other Chinese low budget choices seem to be valid as well.

have a question as well. what is your suggestion for an ebook reader? don't fancy kindle


Is it possible to download copyright-blocked YouTube videos that aren't available in any country?

Those YouTube Music bastards blocked this one version of a song that had millions of views that I can't find anywhere else, just for the benefit of the official and shorter upload.

Could youtube-dl be enough to get it or is the video gone forever in cases like this?


You'd have to have a VPN to a country that can watch it, otherwise it's gone.


>You'd have to have a VPN to a country that can watch it
Yeah, I think that's impossible.
I just tried with ytdl and it says "Unable to extract video data". Strangely I can still see the thumbnail on invidio.us (but it's unplayable)
I guess my only option is to reach out to the uploader and ask them to send me the song if they still have it.


Hi /tech/
This might be an odd question but I just had this idea
Q: Is there some way to collectively keep track of 'plans' made up by the collective in a given chat group?
Say we're three in a group-chat, we decide to do x thing on y date a month from now - is there some application that's designed for this scenario? Wouldn't it basically have to be part of the chat-program to not pose a security risk? Have you ever used a chat program that has this function?


Have one person read chat and write down the plan.


feels > reels


File: 1608526159354.jpeg ( 22.62 KB , 333x333 , external-content.duckduck….jpeg )

How about I bounce your head off the fucking table you worthless cunt and then we'll see how you feel about my reels?


I have a pair of Thinksound in ears that are pretty good for the money, I think they were about £60, although in ears never really compare to over ears, they sound about as good as koss porta pros which are on ear headphones that cost like £20

I used £15 redmi airdots most of the time though, bluetooth meme is so convenient even the sound quality is pretty bad


if i want whonix or tails for i686 should i run tails 2.12, whonix 13, or accept that i am fucked


If I were to study web development, how broad is that field actually?
I've always got the impression that it involves the standard http(s) website coding in HTML, CSS, JS, etc. but last night I laid wondering if other projects I'm somewhat interested in too, that also are very network-heavy in scope, would be included? For example something like RSS, instant messaging, P2P?
I'm guessing the last one is a 'no' simply because it's not technically 'web', but then what is it? It's not standard software engineering since it involves very complicated networking as the bulk of what's being maintained? But does it then go under ICT? Does web development also go under ICT?


Is there a way to access the audio for this song?




File: 1608526248750.jpeg ( 55.16 KB , 484x283 , E15F2330-33B4-4972-A1B8-5….jpeg )

Thank you! Could you do the same to this song about Songgang?




A steel complex in North Hamgyong province, thank you for the quick replies!


All questions deserve their own thread.
It's not like this board is active at all, either.


I want to build a cheap desktop for uni. It will be my first but I've got a mate willing to help with the build. I've seen pcpartpicker discussed but there is another that I stumbled upon that I can't find now that seemed more europoor friendly. Any suggestions? In exchange, I will share some good IT related bants.


Why should i pirate?
It seems corrupt and greedy


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Is there a Linux equivalent to Tinywall for Windows?


You can get a secondhand (large sized) Dell optiplex which you can pimp pretty well.


>scans files
bloat. Just use iptables for firewall. Nethogs for bandwidth per process. And if you want an anti-malware just use ClamAV


It's been about a decade since I really cared about the health of my computers. Is there a modern guide to cleaning up a windows system? This laptop has a 100gig ssd and a terabyte hdd D drive. I split the D drive to install ubuntu but because of school testing never really bothered learning it because their lockdown software was windows only. I know that the proper solution is probably just reinstall windows, but are there programs like CCleaner and stuff to help me determine what the fuck is up with my computer? How to make sure my drivers are up to date and how to find all the little leftover files that are taking up space from programs no longer installed? Figure out what is taking up most of my space on my ssd?


I've never actually understood how image filenames on 4chan and other imageboards are generated, but I've always been curious. For example, I notice that filenames in other, smaller IBs seem to match the ones in 4chan, and right now they all begin with 16. Why is that?


File: 1608526260769.png ( 332.14 KB , 628x409 , IMG_20201011_231256.png )

Alright, so my cousin who lived in a major Australian city used to work in IT. He would put on fake accents. People calling for help would often ask for the Russian, who had a reputation for being very helpful. Whereas the Indian (another accent he did) would take too long, could be rude at times and would get sidetracked reminiscing about something. When people would call they heard the Indian accent and asked if anyone else was in the office. He would put them on hold for a minute then switch to another accent. Being Australia, a cultural melting pot, a big city, and a very big IT department people calling and other people in IT would assume that having lots of ethnicities in the office was normal. There were a handful of accents he did American, Italian, Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, German and so on.


sex since the epoch

$ date '+%s'


Nice GET

I don't think it's talked about enough how modern tech is absolute shit and getting worse somehow.
Like you need a state of the art CPU + GPU to run some shitty website. Or there are tons of trackers everywhere, ATT selling your phonecalls and messages [0], advertising tech so good that it makes people think their thoughts are being read or their voices are being recorded, software getting harder and harder to pirate (before a simple drag and drop of the exe/binary might have sufficed), etc etc. Like yeah, some things might be getting better but it feels like tech made a deal with the devil and "progress" has a terrible catch.
I guess the same could be said with capitalism and its development of the means of production.



Unix timestamps to high precision or hashes?


Tinywall not an independent firewall but a front-end for the Windows firewall, so what I'm looking for is a front-end for iptables, preferably not gufw.


What pc book reading software would you recommend

i just want it to look good so that it motivates me to read


how do you read epub books




what would you use for reading on windows


This is not a question but a fucking vent rant that doesn't deserve its own thread.
If you are one of the retards who doesn't punch enter after the first bracket in the code, you deserve a fucking bullet to the head.

imARetard(bool myDick){

Even with a single pair of brackets it looks dogshit. Add more and it becomes fucking illegible.
Same goes to anyone who can't be bothered to use spacebar after arithmetic symbols as well.



absolute shit taste


did I stutter?

(imagine (depending on) (how (you indent)) brackets (to (write anything)))


File: 1608526294076.png ( 223.05 KB , 338x338 , oh.png )

forgot pic


what would you use on windows to read


Complete Tech noob here. How do I use Sci Hub? Is there any guides?


File: 1608526295468-0.png ( 66.82 KB , 1034x508 , 1. scientific articles.png )

File: 1608526295468-1.png ( 45.41 KB , 1038x296 , 2. search.png )

File: 1608526295468-2.png ( 74.08 KB , 1042x476 , 3. mirrors.png )

First you should check if your paper is available on libgen. They archive papers accessed through scihub.

1. Go on your favourite libgen mirror. They change the domains from time to time but searching for "libgen" on DuckDuckGo should give you usable links.
2. Below the search bar, click "Scientific Articles". (See the first picture.)
3. On the scientific articles page, type in the title of the article or some other identifier and click search. (See second picture.)
4. Look at the results you are interested in and download them by choosing a mirror from the last column. (See third picture.)


File: 1608526295766-0.png ( 637.83 KB , 1815x404 , 1. scihub search.png )

File: 1608526295766-1.png ( 34.74 KB , 1127x484 , 2. wait.png )

File: 1608526295766-2.png ( 163.8 KB , 1409x608 , 3. success.png )

If there are no results on Libgen, you will need to use Sci-Hub.

1. First, you should find the place from where you could legally download the paper you are interested in if you were an academic institution with too much money. You can usually do this by searching the paper's title.
2. Next, visit sci-hub. Again, DuckDuckGo for sci-hub if the domain you usually use suddenly goes dark.
3. Paste the URL you found in step 1 into the search bar and click "open". (First picture.)
4. You might need to fill in a captcha.
5. It will try to find a proxy from inside an university that can download it. Wait, this can be really-really slow. (Second picture.)
6. If it succeeds, you will get the PDF (Third picture). If it fails, it might show you the website that you pasted in and you will have to navigate to the place where you can download the article. In the bottom there will be a grey bar, pressing the button (like the play button on radios) will give you a new proxy.


File: 1608526312331.png ( 43 KB , 216x269 , thumb.png )

This tech channel "Luke Smith" (100k subscribers) just released a video with Stirner in his thumbnail:
>Intellectual "Property" is a Spook (GNU Boomer Rants):

I've not watched his channel before, it just popped up in "trending" on an Invidious front-page.
Is anyone here more familiar with him? Is he ideologically adjacent to us or did he just happen to find some Stirner memes he liked?

Having watched most of the vid he seems relatively reasonable (appears to have a basic understanding of imperialism, absolutely railing against intellectual property) – he may be a left-libertarian or something?
If some of you have youtube accounts it may be worth sending a message recommending egoist communist literature (For Ourselves) and like the Telekommunist Manifesto or something.


His viewer-count seems to average in the tens of thousands, approaching hundred thousands.


He's from /g/, mostly known for being the guy who made LARBS and popularizing suckless software.
Afaik the guy sympathizes with leftism but he's more of a conservative neoluddite who hates capitalism. Think Unabomber but studied linguistics instead of math and knows the difference between liberalism and leftism.


>he may be a left-libertarian or something?

'''Antisocialists: people who advocate a laissez-faire, laissez-mourir state which refuses to help non-rich people, such as by providing medical care or education, or protect them by regulating how businesses treat them. Antisocialists call such programs "socialism".

Those people secondarily defend human rights, such as freedom of speech, and they like to call themselves "libertarians". However, polling them shows that a laissez-faire, laissez-mourir economy is their highest priority, and human rights come second for them. In effect, they try to use our support for human rights to manipulate us into advocating the laissez-mourir economy, by presenting that as a part of human rights.

Using the term "libertarian" for them emphasizes the secondary aspect of their views and paints them as champions of liberty. I choose to emphasize their primary focus by calling them "antisocialists." Let's all call them that.

The state's mission is enabling everyone to have a just, free and decent life, which includes both social programs and defense of human rights.'''


> Pepe and Wojak thumbnails
> uses "autistic" for "obsessed"
> can't write a coherent sentence without including a meme
I wouldn't waste my time on this imbecile.


hes a meme, unironic arch fag, with admittedly a pretty good i3 + latex workflow


He's a mixed bag. Not a complete retard like most reactionaries but has the occasional stupid take like opposing net neutrality.


Vanwa.net DDOS "protection" is now blocking all archive systems under the pretext of defending from DDoS. Anyone have solutions? Please help.


Why do programs leave so much shit behind after you delete them on windows? I’m on some old vista laptop that I use exclusively for torrenting (I know how bad that is) and I’m having to manually look through shit using a third party search tool (called “Everything”) and delete it. Is there a way to do this automatically?




nope. even seemingly portable program will at least touch your registry. there's nothing you can do to maintain reproducible environment under windows unless you are running on vm.

not sure why you want to torrent with vista. just install headless linux server if drivers are issue.


I don’t torrent much so I don’t need a dedicated server.


you don't have to be running it on all the time. install debian, enable sshd server, install torrent client. press power button whenever you need to coom, ssh into laptop, download torrent, scp file back into your main computer. press powerbutton again to save electricity.


Not gonna lie I have no idea what you’re talking about.


I have no idea what type of server the other anon is suggesting. Maybe a raspberry pi server?
Either way, he's saying,
>install debian
install linux
>enable sshd server
install some software and configure it following some instructions
>install torrent client
same deal

then whenever you need to download stuff
>press power button
>ssh into [server]
connect to the server via a command line (like the command prompt or a powershell like program). There are free software for windows to connect with ssh that makes life easier. With ssh, you act as if you were in the command line of the server itself. You input a command that tells your torrent client to start downloading whatever torrent you want. Like "torrentclient "magnet?=apdjasjdlajsda". This is just an example, I haven't used a torrent client via the command line.
>scp file back into your main computer
This means "use the scp program to download the file from your server". T
You could also use some other type of software, like FTP or a one-click web server to access your files instead of using ssh.

I'm sure there is some linux distro that can basically do all of this for you. All you'd need to do is install it, and navigate to the local IP of your server and do whatever you need to do there. Unfortunately, I don't know of any projects like that personally.


Huh, I’d first like to figure out how to use Linux but this sounds like a good first project. Planning on picking up so CompSci classes in HS too which might help.


File: 1608526415552.png ( 299.06 KB , 1024x849 , coomer-1024x849.png )

fuck off coomer, sort your life out first.


I still don't know your full story (like why you want to run torrent client on separate computer) but yeah installing linux on old laptop and experimenting running various services on it would be very good beginner project.

ask anything on this thread if you get stuck. only advice I am going to give you for now is choose non-free linux distro like ubuntu so you can actually install and use linux on your computer without getting lost on missing drivers.


Fuck americans and fuck summary blogs. It's the true leftist position.


I’m sure this gets asked a lot, but what’s the best Linux distro for my old core 2 duo 3gb ram thinkpad? Preferably something which makes the windows to Linux transition easier. I don’t need anything for gaming, just something that I can store some torrents on and shit.


>Preferably something which makes the windows to Linux transition easier.
Probably best to start out with Lubuntu, Puppy or MATE to begin with then


Ignoring the second part of your post I've found Gentoo and Void to be pretty light.


Isn’t gentoo super complicated and you have to do a bunch of compiling and shit? Hell I don’t even know what compiling means and I don’t want to do it.



>Preferably something which makes the windows to Linux transition easier.

You can make it look like Windows

Lubuntu's good too, and uses a little less ram at startup compared to Xubuntu (~350mb vs ~450mb) but configuring stuff like appearance is slightly less user-friendly for a beginner to Linux.

Puppy is not beginner-friendly and meant for even older systems.


So with Linux you can download shit from the internet aswell as the software manager right (which I’ve read is a GUI for apt which you can also use from the command line)? If you’re downloading shit from the command line, how can you know if the repository you’re connected to has what you’re looking for?


it'd just say package was not found.
xubuntu comes with "Software" (the name of the default software manager) and you can also install synaptic package manager (type in terminal: sudo apt install synaptic) which some people prefer and try both


So is there a way to connect to (if that’s the right wording) another repository?


You don't HAVE to compile everything on Gentoo.


Normalfag here. Which one is preferable? Windows 7 64bit or Windows 10? It's for playing mostly old games, and creative stuff like drawing, video editing, and possibly 3D modelling.


sure, most large packages have binaries.

But if you're going to install binaries you might as well use another distro tbh


Windows XP or a Linux distro with Wine. Microsoft has been taking a huge shit on backward compatibility since Vista.


Couldn't I just set up a virtual machine if I come across compatibility issues?


Why not just do that in Linux if you're willing to put in that much effort?


I run a very small matrix server, and it has been going fine for the past few weeks, but today I started having issues with DNS resolution and I can't reach my server over my matrix client, nor can I reach the landing page using my domain name, nor can I ssh into the server using the domain name. Synapse is running fine, I have my proxy setting configured right in nginx proxy manager, and there is still a valid DNS record, and aside from these things I don't really know what the issue could be. Can anyone help?


have you tried a `dig` on the domain?
Maybe the domain settings aren't right.
dig is the command line tool.


just did that, no A records with my server's IP


check your domain settings in your registrar then


I contacted the domain provider. Apparently there was a verification email that I never checked and it was taken down temporarily. Thanks a bunch


Huh, you're right. It'd be my first time using anything that isn't Windows though.


I've got a regex question.
Let's say I want to change ab to yz and abababab… to yzyz

string = string.replace("ab(ab)+", "yzyz");
string = string.string("ab", "yz");

Is there any way to do combine these in a single operation? Basically only add a second yz if there's a capture group.


>> f = s => s.replace (/(ab)+/, match => match.length == 2 ? "yz" : "yzyz")
>> f ("cabc")
>> f ("cababababc")

>>6933 >>6934


i'm going to flash a custom rom again after several years that too on a a/b partition device

you have been warned in advance if a bootloop happens


Not that I know of, no. You could apply this regex multiple times on the same string.


I've got a small matrix server. I don't want it to be federated, but I still want to make it easy enough for people I trust to join. When I generate an invite link for the room and try opening it in my client, it throws an error. The way I am currently doing it is having people register an account on the homeserver, then inviting them to the room by their username, but I feel like there has to be a better way. Can somebody who has experience running matrix servers help me out?


Portal from pushbullet stopped working

What's the next best effortless app to send files OTA to my phone from PC?


I'm temporarily using this
They say they can transfer files without data or internet
How does that work? Bluetooth? Is it safe?


File: 1623277514880.jpg ( 5.31 KB , 181x278 , baby_brain.jpg )

Is it possible for one unexperienced person to create a whole website for a very small but very rich business that basically only displays information and images (no transactions or messages) ? I'm an unemployed failson with a Comp Eng degree and I did C++ in college but very little web dev. The two owners of this company are family friends and they hate talking to their web dev company to update the website, they want to be able to do it theirselves. They are rich and tech illiterate and have no deadlines for this project. Should I learn webdev and try to start a webdev career or give them a wordpress thing and keep failing


you can literally teach yourself just enough html/css to use bootstrap to build decent looking website under one hour. go for it


What's a good website to obtain ROMs, of games?


Find a host with cPanel. Then do the one click Wordpress install. Then log in to Wordpress and set up their website.


somebody teach me how to charge and when to charge phones so that their battries last for ages

i overcharged my last phone and it blew up


depends on what type of roms, cdromance is good for a lot of rom, but nes. For those you're better off going to the pirate bay.


Charge to 70% 80% or so, only allow discharge to 40%

That used to be the rule of thumb


Staying in the 25% - 85% range is the industrial standard for big lithium-ion batteries like those in electric vehicles.

Also avoid high temperatures. Field scientists will even store important batteries in their fridges when not in use.


okay thanks i'll follow that rule but wouldn't this cause overcharging?

since charging till 100 would make it last longer and need to charge it less

what is the science behind it exactly
charging slows down near the last 90 percent and i want to understand why is that so


How do I make an imageboard


you don't bitch
what do you want to make a imageboard about even?




File: 1623538678647.jpeg ( 6.92 KB , 278x181 , download (4).jpeg )

Is allowing Firefox telemetry basically Dengist multipolarity?


My niche hobby


What is it?


lmao yes


Is signal compromised now by glowies?


Can I recover partitions that I deleted with fdisk on a traditional hard drive?




Is there any software that can diagnose problems with optical discs?


What is linux mint based off?


Let's check their website: https://www.linuxmint.com/about.php
>Based on Debian and Ubuntu, it provides about 30,000 packages and one of the best software managers.
The current versions (20.x) are based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa), except for LMDE which is a Debian variant.




>it says on the website
Wow, i'm a retard,.. thank you.




Use the catalog: >>9781


More Libra hardware coming out
180nm can best Korea handle that density in their silicon production?




depends on your needs.


Esperanto and Scheme.


What defines good software?(Other than free)


'Good' is literally subjective, and while I'm a FOSS programmer, that's not a necessary factor.
Maybe start with being extremely correct, maintainable and extendable, user controllable (e.g. FOSS) and non-exploitative (no ads, no telemetry or opt-in).


Good software is an expression of your gattungswesen.


Hello, new to Linux and I would like to know if there is a PDF reader with the following characteristics:

1 - Has a "Fit content" option for zooming
2 - Remembers the last page I visited

Even if not the second option, the first is essential to me, my speed in reading PDFs has decreased a lot since I have to manually scroll down to read the content in each page instead of just using the keyboard arrows.


File: 1629103741059.gz ( 787.42 KB , xpdf.tar.gz )

Try xpdf v3.04


File: 1629103789315.png ( 114.84 KB , 1281x1024 , xpdf.png )



Great info. Lucky me I came across your site by accident (stumbleupon).
I have book-marked it for later!


the best viewer on Linux is Okular
it can do all that you mentioned and then some, like annotations, comments etc
and it's fast and customizable

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