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Audacity may collect "Data necessary for law enforcement, litigation and authorities’ requests (if any)" according to new privacy notice:


Wait wtf


Time for a fork?


Does that mean I can't use it to sample copyrighted music?


Why would this software transmit stuff over the internet? Maybe you can disable networking for this software.


Run it from a container without Internet connection or firewall the servers that audacity connects to. Ez pz.

Unless it doesn't even work without Internet, that would be some retarded bullshit.


what's the chance this shit makes it into Debian's version of audacity?


99.98%, Debian maintainers developed an allergy to patches. When vanilla systemd was connecting to Google's servers by default, Debian maintainers insisted that's perfectly reasonable and any warnings of Google's surveillance were basically treated like a schizo conspiracy theory.

Linux in general has been slowly overtaken by libtards with affinity for Silicon Valley and defending status quo, you're kinda siding with right-wing populists if you're critical, you know?

It was better when autists with inflated egos were in charge, at least they were against corporations. It's not like now there's more flexibility.


>>9809 (me)
I should clarify that centrist politics is more of a byproduct. What happened is that Linux world moved away from hacker culture and bough into neoliberal ideology of every dev becoming an entrepreneur. So instead of antagonism between free software and big corporation there's now an attempt to cooperate with the other side. Being antagonistic is not good if you want to attract investment.


this cucking has been going on since the inception of "open source". part of the reason for this is free software divorcing itself from class struggle


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Since when does Audacity even connect to the internet?


>OS name and version
Audacity is in squarely in user space, they don't need it for "proper functioning of app"
>User country based on IP address
Audacity can fuck right off.


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Don't worry, 4chan's /g/ is already working on a fork.


jfc lmao


So what fork is worth using?


>try to make some vaporwave shit in audacity
>get v&



Y'all seen this? Aparantly 4chings want their retarded sneedacity so bad that they harass the forks maintainer IRL. Why?


dude it's litearlly just autism


Just replace it with LMMS and, the probably generally superior, Ardour.


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It's a bit sad to read the /g/ thread. They even fucked up the repo by substituting audacity with sneedacity in all files lemo.


>Just replace it with LMMS and, the probably generally superior, Ardour.
I have never used Ardour since it limits access to paying customers or people who happen to build their own version. However, LMMS is radically different from Audacity and does not even include a recording functionality. At all. On the otherhand, LMMS has a lot of things that Audacity does not have.


Why does /g/ hate free software so much?


lolwut, German /g/ users stabbed a guy for not naming his project after Sneed?


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What the fuck happened that the cops had to be called? I am genuinely curious on how far down this rabbit hole goes, why are these posters so obsessed with sneedposting? Is this autism all for a name?


I love this.


>Is this autism all for a name?
Not at all. It's typical mass bandwagoning. Probably started from trolling the forked repos on GitHub and getting banned for it to making their own meme fork that will see some basic activity for a few days then will die down when they realize nobody has the appetite to continue an old joke and /g/ moves on to harassing the next denegrate programmer transhumanist that catches their notice.


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You have to go back.




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Why does he have to go back?
So it's a little bit of everything? Honestly what does /g/ have to offer that the cookiemonster guy doesn't? Is it just a bunch of unfunny cunts forcing a joke that was only funny within the show's context?

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