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 No.6508[Last 50 Posts]

TL;DR: bunkerchan is no more, any obligations newsanon or other anons had to consider for both sites are lifted.

DISCLAIMER – for the purposes of internal security, pseudonyms will be used to protect the identities of those involved.

Recommended listening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU2wBKoDOzg

<Early April>

>Through communications within bunkerchan’s matrix chat, it is revealed that Apollyon is enacting a plot to revive bunkerchan through means unknown. The moderation team and userbase speculates on possibilities.
>The mod team begins to look at contingencies for certain possible plans of action and begins the work of forming a unified position on the matter of bunkerchan.
<April 17>
>Moderator Cybersyn is bantering with the general chat in the leftypol matrix about the possibilities of what Apollyon is up to.
>During the conversation, Spartacus comes forwards to Cybersyn about information relating to the plan.
>Spartacus reveals that Apollyon is looking to use an article published by Foreign Policy as leverage to negotiate with the leftypol.org moderation team for his entry back into the leftypol.org moderation team.
>Cybersyn takes this information to the rest of the mod team. Knowing in advance what Apollyon’s plans are, the mod team drops all other contingencies and begins planning around the now-revealed plot.
<April 18>
>Cybersyn confirms several facts about Spartacus, including his position on the bunkerchan mod team and his loyalties to the community above all else.
>Spartacus continues to give out details as they come as to Apollyon’s plot.
>It is revealed that internally the remainders of the bunkerchan mod team (at this point, about 3 continually active members) were splintering over the decision.
>Vagin-x, one of those last mods, announces his decision to no longer moderate in light of Apollyon’s decision. He will accept no reconciliation with leftypol.org.
<April 19>
>After confirming Spartacus’ intel, the mod team decides to look into recruiting them as a leftypol.org mod.
>Spartacus is brought forwards for an interview.
>Spartacus reveals an early draft of Apollyon’s demands. They were basically unchanged when they were publicly brought forwards.
<April 20>
>Spartacus is put forwards to a vote to become a moderator on leftypol.org.
>Cybersyn and another mod Sappho edit down all information gathered thus far into a more easily digestible packet of information for distribution within the mod team.
> Vagin-x urges Apollyon to go public with the negotiations when they occur.
<April 21>
>Spartacus is accepted into the mod team with an instant-pass majority (at this time, 5 votes).
>Apollyon opens negotiations with the leftypol.org mod team.
>The leftypol.org mod team had reached an internal consensus to hold their cards close to their chest and pretended not to know Apollyon’s complete plans.
>The negotiations on the first day largely go nowhere. No side wins any concessions and negotiations break down into arguing.
<April 22>
>Negotiations reopen, the leftypol.org mod team delegates Cybersyn and Koba as the lead negotiators with Apollyon.
>Cybersyn and Koba get Apollyon to agree to a precondition for all further negotiations – the transfer of the bunkerchan.net domain to one of Apollyon’s other active mods to keep the domain in neutral hands.
>The mod selected is Spartacus.
>Negotiations end on a high note, and Cybersyn and Spartacus consult privately on how to handle proceedings.
>Spartacus agrees with a plot – either force Apollyon to fully concede and step down from moderation and be absolved of his wrongdoing, or Spartacus will redirect the domain of bunkerchan.net to leftypol.org and thus destroy Apollyon’s position and bargaining chip.
>The plot is brought forwards to the rest of the mod team, and it is agreed to keep it as a course of action should favorable negotiations not be reached.
<April 23> - <April 27>
>Little action happens, the leftypol.org mod team waits for the domain transfer to complete between Apollyon to Spartacus.
>Vagin-x begins publicly leaking details of negotiations to bunkerchan, and advertises his own board as an alternative to bunkerchan and leftypol.
<April 28>
>The domain transfer is confirmed as completed by Spartacus.
>The mod team enters the final stages of the plot and begins to push the issue of Apollyon in the negotiations.
>Several demands for Apollyon’s removal are made, for the sake of the site and to satiate public desires for his removal from power. Apollyon rejects all demands and holds that he will remain a moderator or the merger will not happen.
>Seeing Apollyon will not concede, several late-night proposals are made for how to proceed with negotiations.
<April 29>
>Several of the proposals are approved and forwarded as votes, primarily dealing with how quickly the plot should be executed and how much information should be revealed to the public after the fact.
>Apollyon is further pushed to concede by the mod team, and refuses all attempts.
<April 30>
>Several of the votes pass, including one to execute the plot and a vote to create this debriefing to begin with.
>One final ultimatum is made to Apollyon to step down in the face of a public consensus against him. Apollyon refuses, and all negotiations break down.
>The mod team enacts the plot, Spartacus is contacted.
>Spartacus redirects the bunkerchan.net domain to leftypol.org.


check this out:


What happens now?


the foreign affairs article drops and we get 5,000,000 hits


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also, dollars, if you are here, before you get angry at us remember what you've been doing this entire time. your community had its own thread for days where they begged you to talk to them and you only deleted posts that criticized you. you snubbed your entire mod team and had them fracture, bexgia deliberately leaked information to get people to his stupid incel board, and your only other active mod came to us because of how poorly you did everything.

you burnt every bridge you had, you have nobody to blame but yourself.


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I can’t wait for the coming days


The only thing I will miss of the Trump era is Garrison eulogies.


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The best is yet to come!


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One of the best ways to conmemorate the 1st of may, unite!


>bunkerchan is no more
What is the point of making such a claim? I can stil access it. When/If it starts redirecting, people going there will know. Making this thread looks pretty narcissistic on your part either way. You talk like tweens pretending to be kewl hackerz.


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You are very special to Comrade Trump


its already redirecting, try bunkerchan.xyz


tl;dr but still with plot

>d0llars screws the pooch

>one of his mods comes to the leftypol mod team, starts cooperating with them
>the leftypol mod team during the negotiations manage to convince d0llars to give the site domain to their mole
>the mole redirects the site to leftypol.org after d0llars fucks up negotiations


We do a little trolling


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Viva la leftypol. Long live leftypol!


why are you lying?


You forgot about the archived threads on bunkerchan.
They aren't on >>>/leftypol_archive/


Sounds like d0llars should've had a bit more….cents.


don’t care didn’t read



since he was a massive glowfag, couldn't we call him the federal reserve?


well with the current conditions, it’d be more appropriate to be called FedEx


Nooo what have you done? Our shield against 4cucks was working almost flawlessly.


leftypol. srs bsns


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It's over. We won. Bunkerchan BTFO



is there going to be an article?


Do not immediately redirect to this site, so that until the conflicts simmer down the possibility of fallout can be mitigated.


>is there going to be an article?
it's not come out this far so I kinda doubt it ever will lmao


What a surprise, he lied.


I mean there is a non-zero chance that the writer decided to actually look at bunkerchan and said "nope"


Dollars/space were terrible admins but the jannies here really are consistently scumbags, from nuking bunkerchan to this.


I think it's more likely d0llars just tried to finesse these uyghas and ate shit for it.


did the leftypol mods do a heckin CIA coup on bunkerchan or some shit


This larp shit is embarrassing. I don't give a fuck about jannie politics, just keep the site functional.


no one mod from bunkerchan defected to leftypol and they managed to pull off a redirect with that one dude


OP said:
>Spartacus redirects the bunkerchan.net domain to leftypol.org
First reply told users to check the link. It didn't redirect.
>why are you lying?
Now it redirects.

Have the mods scraped the threads? I'm thinking especially about the Brazilian & Russian & German ones on /leftypol/ and also the language learning thread on /edu/ referenced here: https://leftypol.org/edu/res/5471.html#q5513


T. Bunkerchan poster


/b/ ?


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its a good may day it seems


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>Recommended listening
>""""the plot"""""
Stop LARPing you goddamn nerds


Are you the comfy Anarcha-Fem poster that talked about her NEET crush that rejected her in that one thread a while back or are you the angry Radfem poster that wants to genocide all Men?


>if you don't want to hear about adolescent clique shit you're basically d0llars


How can it be a larp? There’s a constitution, it’s official.


NTA, but Flunkerchanners are fucking obsessed with Caballo and are obsessed with him being a furry, and I constantly saw discussion "ogre," where as most people here including don't give a shit and just want a functional board to discuss leftist politics.


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No. This must be pinned. Let the newfags see the sad and lonely fate of anyone who seeks to become a tjannie.


I assume the latter.


seethe bunkercuck


I'm talking about the way the OP worded it, like it's supposed to be a thriller movie or something


t. ex-Bunkerchan jannie trying to cope.


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>any obligations newsanon or other anons had to consider for both sites are lifted.
I guess I will remove one link from the leftybooru forum sticky now.


<serious posting


How did dollars lose control of bunkerchan, anyway?


Latinas have vaginas, Latinx's have Vagin-xs.


to tl;dr the OP
>during negotiations they manage to get dollars to give up the domain of the site to one of his mods
>they manage to get that mod to be their mole
<mole just redirects the IP once negotiations breaks down


Having a functional website sucks i know.


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Sorry, my eyes glazed over when trying to parse OP. Should I even question why one would be retarded enough to give control away of their site?


its d0llars.


yeah its not exactly a big secret who the two flunkerchan people were lmao


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>Enacting a "plot" without consulting the users a second time
Jesus fucking christ guys, really? The entire point of the matrix was to add transparency, why the hell are you guys pulling clandestine back room fuckery again? Why can't both you and the bunkerchan mods grow up already?


I forgot Ismail had a forum that effectively succeeded /marx/ lmao


ginjeet said to


>bunkerchan is no more
shitheads mods ruled that place


Didn't know, didn't care, plus they're jannies.

Nice try d011ars, but the previous pinned thread about this made it abundantly clear that most don't care what the fuck happens to bunkerchan or its flunky mod team.


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Glad that's resolved. So who wants to predict when the next split will happen? I predict sometime in mid 2022, and it'll be sparked by mods having a falling out over whether Browder or Foster was better


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>Bunkerchan users who didn't even know leftypol.org existed face when they see this


clearly it'll be the caballoite hyper war for furry domination


Not before nuclear apocalypse.


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>create a wordfilter on your site so nobody can even post the domain name
>now the site redirects to that domain
as gay as all of this is holy fuck what an L


Kek, I hate those remaining bunkerchan users who are still salty about the nuke, imagine them hearing this. Their tears will be delicious.


Needs to happen ASAP.

.org is passé.


>Nice try d011ars, but the previous pinned thread about this made it abundantly clear that most don't care what the fuck happens to bunkerchan or its flunky mod team.
I'm not fucking dollars, I'm the anon who has been adamant about mod transparency since practically the beginning, and who has posted multiple times in the past regarding the subject. In fact, I congratulated the mod team for making the matrix, because it allowed anons a direct look into the kind of discussions that before were kept hidden behind closed doors. I don't give a shit about dollars, he was nepotistic little shit, but failing to consult anyone on this is shitty move on the level of the initial split, a spilt which also occured due to a failure to consult users.


That's not why the split happened.


if anything telling the userbase they were making a secret site cause space_ was having a hissy fit would have made the split worse
hell, its not like people didn't raise the alarm about space_ either, even /GET/ regularly complained about the lack of server access.


I don't remember hearing anything regarding a literal plot to remove bunkerchan, the only thing I was expecting given the information provided was that the mods would turn down dollars by throwing his demand in face, and that would be the end of it. I didn't know this would turn into a plan to orchestrate a conspiracy with a bunkerchan mod to add a redirect.


Have to agree. I know bunkerchan was finished and maybe deserved it but these kind of machiavellian manoeuvres behind people's backs are not exactly something to take pride in.


I say this was extremely based and expected pilled


shut the fuck up honestly


another split is already fomenting bc jannies had minor disagreements about what constitutes idpol and a couple of them sperged out and demanded another jannie be demoted, check /meta/. hopefully they will get the sense to act like adults about it

OP is very funny tho and thank god d0llars finally got what was coming to him.

sorry to the bunkerchan posters that were attached to the bunker for whatever reason but welcome and make yourself comfortable


What you're gonna do? Ban me?


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>everything would've been different if we just talked and hugged it out with the retarded narcissistic fuckups like d011ars and Space_



i kind of doubt that will spark another split but wish we were informed it was occurring as it would've affected my input at the "should we merge with bunkerchan for le d0llars deal" thread, if i knew the mod team wasnt completely stable i wouldnt have thought it such a small deal to put a guy they dislike on the mods in exchange for a merge, if this had happened it would have just upped the instability in fact
yes time to open your tor browser


It won't take long, no doubt. The more interesting question is what will be the cause. I say jealousy in a love triangle between two mods and a dog. Or something on that level.
I'm scraping just in case, so no worries.
This site also uses cloudflare.


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


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> TL;DR: bunkerchan is no more, any obligations newsanon or other anons had to consider for both sites are lifted.
Did the dimensional merge happen?


they got some bunker mod to defect or some shit so they basically hijacked the domain


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Interesting take. Personally, my other bet is that two mods get into an argument over whether it's spelled "Freeza" or "Frieza"


Yes, it was. Space_ wasn't maintaining the site, and the mods were having their own disputes with other mods regarding what action may be necessary to take regarding the situation. But rather then any anon being informed about the escalating situation that was occuring in the background, or our opinion on site updates, all of us were instead left in the dark until the whole thing blew up and we were all made aware of a whole documented tome of shit that we have to piece together on the spot.
No, it wouldn't have. If anything, by consulting the users first regarding what was occuring in the background, more anons could have been brought around to understanding the context of the situation and thus make demands regarding change themselves, which would then at the very least legitimize the mods later decision to make a new board. By keeping everyone in the dark, we were instead left to piece together what was in all honestly a conspiracy. A conspiracy against a shit owner and his nepotistic clique, but a conspiracy still.


If you ever set foot on 8ch, Space_ was the guy that created /leftpol/ after Rojava purge. That's all I needed to know to understand the whole situation.


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>mfw OP


>No, it wouldn't have
lel space_ didn't care what the users thought, nothing user-side would've changed his mind about not giving back-end server access.
same is true of d0llars now. I believe in democracy sure but I also realize that some actions need operational security which precludes a lot of democracy from functioning.



Which has finally ended.





I know all about leftpol you fag, thats why I'm not taking Space_'s side. That still doesn't excuse the users being left in the dark, and I'm frankly fucking tired of this shit because its continued to be this way even back during Che.
No shit Space_ wouldn't care, that's not the fucking point. Him and dollars were and are nepotistic faggots, as seen in the whole Pyongyang /troon/ dilemma. The point is that the users should be kept informed of and made involved in discussion regarding site issues or mod disputes so they themselves can better understand the situation and not be left flatfooted when the doors are swung wide open and they are left drowning in a torrent of accumulated back room politicking.


my thoughts exactly


this is excellent news. Finally, a united leftypol once more. Glad to see d0llars overthrown. He should have named himself lab0r v0uchers


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I updated my summary of the situation from the last thread. Now with approximately 90 more seconds of jannie drama!


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I took the screenshot of bexgina




And? If dollars saw that negotiation would go nohwere and the mods weren't going to accept him, all that would happen is that he would remain stuck on what remained of his shitty barely moderated site, of which 80% were schizos and /pol/ spammers.


>i kind of doubt that will spark another split but wish we were informed it was occurring as it would've affected my input at the "should we merge with bunkerchan for le d0llars deal" thread, if i knew the mod team wasnt completely stable

im being hyperbolic, they voted against the motion to demote the mod for having his own discretion about idpol. i believe the only outstanding evidence was regarding his involvement in another site that might have involved him talking about making /leftypol/ less reactionary or something like that. idk overall dumb drama but as long as they abide by the constitution and dont try to undermine it with some sneaky shit, theres nothing wrong with dissent within the parameters set out and i'd even argue its healthy to have a mechanism for that dissent to be formally and legitemately aired


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>it was a plot behind the users backs
against 1 main faggot. I don't want the jannie's drama shitting up the website, and I believe this is an acceptable outcome
you shall receive


>they got some bunker mod to defect or some shit so they basically hijacked the domain
exceptionally based and hacker pilled


>calls not thinking a nuclear family is necessary "idealism"
no one tell him about Engels


what is the naughty word that triggers the jannies?


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>When the Ogres Won


Aw shit man, why I had to read that.


Damn, d0llars got Beria'd


>sorry to the bunkerchan posters that were attached to the bunker for whatever reason but welcome and make yourself comfortable
"hehe sorry i nuked your house but there's a crawlspace here in mine, you can sleep there"


> but these kind of machiavellian manoeuvres behind people's backs are not exactly something to take pride in.
That is how jannies started this and how everyone proceeded since. Why do you expect it to end differently?


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>Vagin-x begins publicly leaking details of negotiations to bunkerchan, and advertises his own board as an alternative to bunkerchan and leftypol.
what's the board?


I dont care about all this shit about you mods arguing and sheit all that matters to me is
>bunkerchan now redirects to leftypol.org.
Split ended
S*Ace_ cucked


>hehe, sorry for bringing your bitch ass back into civilized society


>Now it redirects.
Your DNS cache didn't update that's why.




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u mad hoe XD'?


won't even have blackjack and hookers smh


I'll make my own leftypol! With soyjaks, and hookers!


just shut up and do your job (for free)


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do it uyghur


>If you ever set foot on 8ch, Space_ was the guy that created /leftpol/ after Rojava purge.
wrong. space was given /leftpol/ after the BO decided to leave. space had bunkerchan and he was absent, allowing /leftpol/ to be overrun by reactionaries. he was already in cahoots with 8/leftypol/ BO and they were just waiting for an opportunity to move the community.


mods and jannies are just plain fucking retarded anywhere you go, aren't they? It astonishes me that you're airing out all this infantile drama (and fucking pining it) as if anyone should actually give a shit. Spare the us the melodramatic bullshit and do your job, that's all anyone gives a fuck about.



its a happy ending folks!

ogres win


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It was decided to have a public relationship with the comradanons, so get shoe'd


its just one thread. I agree this would have been better in the /meta/ board not shitting up leftypol. But nevertheless its one thread so ignore it if you don't want to read about it


this could have easily been satisfied with a simple "bunkerchan is done, leftypol prevailed."
instead, they gave an essay of what unfolded because they think the machinations of their internet lives are so important and interesting. I could not give less of a shit about what site I browse for what effectively boils down to identical leftist content, but this is just excessively narcissistic and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


I largely agree but other people didn't so this is what was voted on t. janny


>I could not give less of a shit about what site
Yet, there you are having your rant, lel


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has d011ar$ responded to this btfoing?


lol it seems so




I don't give a shit about any of this drama, but why would you brag about tricking someone? People who make themselves known as liars don't tend to make a lot of friends


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Smoking that do11ar$ pack tonight


He still has his Facebook page. Maybe he will say something there.


finding out that a lying traitor like d011ars isn't smart enough to suspect his lackeys might be capable of independent machinations is always funny.


Gotcha, I don't know anything about do11ars. If he's widely despised I understand this thread, it's my initial reaction to seeing dishonest dealings is "well that was shitty of you."


The former wasn't an AnFem, just a femanon. The only one who generally posts with the AnFem flag is the misandrist radfem one.


All your base are belong to us


lmao why would a misandrist bother posting here, isn't this board like 99% male


To be perfectly honest, I've never thought about asking her. But in a way it's nice to have her, since she acts as a strong counter to the incels.


the userbase isn't immune to criticism either
I think the best outcome did happen but I'm sure as hell not gonna rub it the bunkerchan refugee's face. They know the rules, if they wanna stop screaming about transhumanists every 5 seconds and hang around, I'm glad they're here.
Although laughing at do11ar$ is still objectively hilarious, eat shit lil' buddy.


Idk, it reads like bragging to me. The guy who called it narcissistic earlier kind of the hit the nail on the head. The entire tone just reads like "Ha we said we were gonna make this dumbass a mod and he believed us, and then we had his friend backstab him, what a LOSER"


Jannies are low-tier posters who chose meme of the month to represent their pwning, and not a classic like >>6618


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>No, it wouldn't have. If anything, by consulting the users first regarding what was occuring in the background, more anons could have been brought around to understanding the context of the situation and thus make demands regarding change themselves, which would then at the very least legitimize the mods later decision to make a new board. By keeping everyone in the dark, we were instead left to piece together what was in all honestly a conspiracy. A conspiracy against a shit owner and his nepotistic clique, but a conspiracy still.
The problem is that consulting with the users would look like a power play and encourage Space_ to counteract that with a play of his own. (Even if not a public one, perhaps one that would make it more difficult to move in the future.)

(In this case it's clearer that it went against the principle of user consultation, but you can view it as a clean-up operation on the split, continuing from the constraints that were happening there, rather than taking place in-and-on the environment of this site.)


Would have preferred Apollyon have been brought onto the central committee to provide a voice of dissent and as a comfort for the bunkerchan hold outs desu senpai but this is an acceptable outcome


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Shut the fuck up, d011ars.


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>muh nearly identical except worse fulani taxidermy emporium is comparable to a house

give me a fuckin break faggot


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Thanks for illustrating clearly that it's leftypol.org or incel tyranny


Based retard pen


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.Ogre jannies are ruthless. I can respect that


The intention wasn't really bragging tbh, this was more just trying to bring an end to the cloak-and-daggers shit with a formal thread to disclose the happening. the fear was that if there was a redirect without us explaining shit, people would assume we brought on d0llars or something. it was better to have the official narrative out instead of letting speculation run rampant.

t. jannie


Mods are scum, I hope you all die painful deaths.


Why should I care who any of these people are or what they do in between hot pockets?


>Scummy admins expelled
>Redirection achieved
>Split finished



I'm ok with that


The REAL conspiracy is all of the drama being made up since the glowies infiltrated the mod team and needed an easy excuse to take full control to purge the old jannies


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>you can view it as a clean-up operation on the split, continuing from the constraints that were happening there
lmao this is the big problem with ogre, the OP was at least honestly gleeful about all the cloak and dagger backstabby shit they did, and then you get this "you can view it as" "you can think about it as" crap which is just lipstick on a pig
no you can't view it as a clean-up operation because ti isn't one, there's nothing to clean up, you're just engaging in wordplay to make it look like something other than what it is


whats the problem with unifying the site?


So where are the people who came over from bunkerchan

Show yourself


Based ogres


I'm here, and I'm very very gay and a big stupid crybaby, also I have schizophrenia and a small penis


They already got banned.


the only reason i have hesitated to express similar glee is because i'm awaiting final confirmation that only one bunkerchan mod was allowed to come here.
i had written a fuller explanation (with lots of purposefully antagonizing use of the passive voice) but i will put it this way: so long as this site is undermined in any way by bunkerchan (including what may be regarded as petty reasons like SEO) and so long as bunkerchan is under its current administration it is fundamentally illegitimate, anything done to damage it can be justified on that basis alone. the only thing that needs justification is the effort expended.


File: 1619867851352.png ( 16.87 KB , 300x100 , all your domain banner.png )

New banner suggestion


Avatarfags need to be banned ASAP


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>Flunkerchan forced to migrate here now
>Flunkerchan already full of nazbols and retards since nobody used it anymore
>Leftypol immediately fills with shit threads and retard spammers
Why did the jannies think this was a good idea?
Flunkerchan was a fucking quarantine zone, not a part of us


They want to live out their power fantasies, they don't care about /leftypol/. Having more people to abuse is the only thing that matters to them.


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>its ogre


there was a pinned consultation thread not long ago

fuck off


kek, you're a legend here's a (you)


holy shit what an incel (who is also extremely wrong)


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>>2 months


No idea, I liked having every faggot on bunkerchan and not here. I don't care about your gay little SEO, jannies.


Agreed so much, having two separate imageboards for two different audiences was completely fine.


Ayyyyyy lmao


Just in time for mayday too.


Actually we stopped the glowies from infiltrating the mod team.


File: 1619889479152.jpg ( 479.67 KB , 1675x1000 , victory in saigon.jpg )

And just after the anniversary of the liberation of Saigon


And none of these people will ever have sex


What you fail to consider is that unlike other containment boards (pol to 4chan) barely anyone used bunkerchan at the end of it all
there's barely enough migrants to make a difference




Sounds like what a glowie would say.


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good job, stupids


Link to full fight video?


I think many users sincerely don't get this what with jannies and co and there autism about bunkerfags.
It is easy if you did not visit it since migrating to inflect the idea that it was still being used actively but only by ex-pol, incels, stupidpol, everyone who thinks jannies are larpy retards, etc, etc. so it is kind of understandable we will have lots of opinions like >>6680


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will this thread be archived?


Yo wtf is this shit

Wtf is the foreign affairs article

This is gay, I miss Bunkerchan.

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