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File: 1609108583523.mp4 ( 960.8 KB , 640x360 , 106591606_111988823739261_….mp4 )

 No.9920[View All]

Webm thread
766 posts and 521 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




What the hell is this trying to convey?


Link to YouTube vid?




File: 1618169847531.mp4 ( 13.28 MB , 1280x720 , distinguishYourself.mp4 )



ok, this was good


I know you made this, Bat'ko


>Does New-Zealand have? Kiwi's?


Q predicted this


File: 1618177185427.png ( 73.62 KB , 616x467 , glowboy greentext.png )



i think they actually took donald trump's voice and ran it through some sort of AI to make him sing the lyrics translated to chinese or something KEK




File: 1618350640307.mp4 ( 8.06 MB , 1280x720 , mugabe.mp4 )



>fried chicken commercial


can someone post the ww2 vid with "upside down" as the song please


Ads in South Africa are wild, here's one promoting chicken mocking a boer building a bunker during the 1994 election.




File: 1618701946624.mp4 ( 1.11 MB , 640x640 , video0.mp4 )





File: 1618752799397.webm ( 1.49 MB , 720x720 , dsabol.webm )



Why did they put out a 16 page long platform nobody will read the whole especially not working people


Who knows, it's not like DSA members will read it either because it's non-binding


File: 1618775014081.mp4 ( 7.38 MB , 480x480 , israelisettler.mp4 )



File: 1618775282572.mp4 ( 21.12 MB , 1920x1080 , austrianempirics.mp4 )



File: 1618843458630.mp4 ( 29.6 MB , 1920x1080 , whoismoke.mp4 )



File: 1618848805197.png ( 90.11 KB , 1842x200 , hum.png )

interesting choice of song


File: 1618931206075.mp4 ( 984.8 KB , 476x480 , Brezhnev Kiss Me.mp4 )





Song name?


File: 1618964041881.webm ( 7.88 MB , 1280x720 , COPE.webm )

Use this for seething rightoids






It's probably be considered nonconformist art to be sure, especially depending on the era.


On the contrary, it's basically Ghost in the Shell 0.5.


File: 1618966624731.mp4 ( 19.19 MB , 1920x1080 , chauvinsz.mp4 )



File: 1618966760974-0.mp4 ( 30.74 MB , 1280x720 , cope22.mp4 )

File: 1618966760974-1.mp4 ( 30.77 MB , 1280x720 , cope2.mp4 )

new edits




Anyone have that IRA webm that was a clip of a movie with some Brits on a boat fishing for lobsters? And as they're releasing one the boat blows up and Come Out Ye Black and Tans starts playing?




File: 1619225345620.mp4 ( 2.48 MB , 640x532 , MLMs.mp4 )









File: 1619341934049.mp4 ( 8.6 MB , 1864x1080 , The holy trinity.mp4 )



these are from the thaelmann movie


File: 1619377412945.webm ( 3.07 MB , 1864x1080 , The holy trinity.webm )





File: 1619422812816.mp4 ( 6.54 MB , 640x360 , Rammstein - Links 2 3 4 .mp4 )



Your avarege liberal woman in 2021


Dis baie pragtig, hoekom ek het dit nie voorheen gehoor nie?

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