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 No.7443[View All]

754 posts and 154 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Anarchists are libertarians. What's known as libertarianism now is just liberalism.


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Is bristol more "lefty" than the average town in the inbreeding island ? i remember seeing an anarchist organization with frequent updates from there


Yes, but Brits also like trying to outdo each other when they can find an excuse so it could be part of a trend



>La 5ta Jornada Primavera Libertaria de La Habana, como las anteriores desde 2013, no pretenden ser parte de la supuesta “ola libertaria” anticastrista, que se agita desde las piscinas de la Florida, pues sabemos que el anticastrismo conduce a los mismos horrores y dislocaciones que ya nos trajeron el antimachadismo y antibatistianismo, al concebir a la sociedad y a las personas como masa táctica a disposición de conspiraciones palaciegas (masculinas). Tampoco esta Jornada pretende ser un mero espacio amplificador para el pedido de caros derechos para los poderes en bancarrota en Cuba o para la tertulia crítica y ociosa a lo existente.

>Más provechosas y discretas, las Jornadas Primavera Libertaria, buscan ser un catalizador y prefigurador de posibilidades de autonomía, interdependencia y libertad de las personas libremente asociadas ahora mismo, aquí y en el mundo, para crear alternativas a la crisis civilizatoria en curso, desde lo local, pero pensando en lo global. Un observatorio de prácticas sociales creativas, de la mano de quienes las llevan a cabo y de quienes también sueñan con hacerlas.

What's next nork affinity cell ?


Historically Bristol has been a hotbed of radicalism. Not sure why, it used to be a triangle trade port and just kinda continued to exist and has suddenly become a home for london emigre.


"Libertarian socialism is properly to be regarded as the inheritor of the liberal ideals of the Enlightenment." - Gnome Chomsky, Notes on Anarchsim


>Is bristol more "lefty" than the average town in the inbreeding island ? i remember seeing an anarchist organization with frequent updates from there
Yes. In recent history we had a big squat movement and very radical anarchist movement, and still do to a large extnt, It was bristol people really holding the torch for FAI/FRI and other insurrecto stuff in the UK for the longest time, they even burned down that police firearms training center, and the guys that trashed the Raytheon factory were all part of the bristol milieu too.


>liberal ideals of the Enlightenment
are different from liberalism.


Not really, they're both the same sort of poison


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> look here's a quote without context loool anarkitties btfo


You obviously don't know the difference between the Enlightenment and liberalism, yet you're so confident in your ignorance. lol


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>no chill
Well, his most famous book is literally just him REEEE-ing that other anarchists were not doing exactly like he wanted.
Honestly dont kn ow why online yankee anarchists venerate him.


yes exactly he had no chill and was highly entertaining


and it's a cruel reductionism to ignore all his earlier work for some subculture barking at the 90s


Was he though? Reading this berny critique and it sounds exactly like the boilerplate criitique any of us could come up with if we had to fill some page space with relating to some local lib.


Bookchin is a zionist. He can go rot in hell


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Any Anarcho-Transhumanists here? I'm interested in it. What should I read?


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Julian Huxley and Friedrich Nietzsche


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Senator Armstrong Thought. Military Industrial Complex will bring us Transhumanism. Give war a chance.


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Why do I only get meme replies??


Because it's a meme ideology. We're nowhere near transhumanism so it's a moot point. Focus on reality.


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Julian Huxley (Aldous Huxley's brother) coined the term "transhumanism".
or you could read this very compelling book about the cybernetic singularity


>We're nowhere near transhumanism
We are also nowhere near communism. Yet, there are plenty of communists out there who even claim, that it might take 1000 years to reach communism.


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>Any Anarcho-Transhumanists here?

>We're nowhere near transhumanism so it's a moot point. Focus on reality.


>So long as Hitler reigned, no Jewish commune would be tolerated, no anarchist child-care collective could ever hope to thrive. To be immersed in a social order as violent and controlling as Nazi Germany warranted a reaction of absolute hostility, attacks aimed at every level of society — pure negation. So too does anarcho-nihilism understand the existing order of today as without potential for a positive agenda. Whatever we build within its bounds will be co-opted, destroyed, or turned against us: “We understand that only when all that remains of the dominant techno-industrial-capitalist system is smouldering ruins, is it feasible to ask what next?”
>Nihilism urges us to consider the fact that such forward planning is simply unnecessary and that it obfuscates our more urgent goal of negation: “There’s no need to know what’s happening tomorrow to destroy a today that makes you bleed.”32
>From the foundation of this critique, nihilism identifies a common trap experienced by anarchists: the magnetic compulsion to identify ourselves positively within society even though we strive for its destruction. In my local context, this often looks like anarchists responding to critics of property destruction with reminders of all that we contribute to society (when we are not rioting, we are community organizers, Food Not Bombs chefs, musicians, etc.)
I mean those are all valid criticism against ancoms but i don't know about nihilsim ,it feels like it curls it self in a position where it becomes uncriticable ,winning or losing doesn't matter etc. idk i'm probably too spooked but i have respect for those who choose to go down that path.


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Are you young, if you don't mind me asking?
Most Nihilists i met that was not internet LARP are usually older anarchists who most often started as social anarchists and were very commited radicals, protestors, etc, etc.
Sooo, maybe it will come to you in time. I'm glad you engaged with the text though, it's a good one.
Here's a short pamthlet A! wrote about nihilism that's intended to other NA anarchists.


yeah i get it, i always was the cynic half empty glass kind of fuck but i have some vague belief of some cotidian "communism" in the graeber sense that keeps me going that was not how i was supposed to spend the whole day holy fuck


In what sense is Bookchin a Zionist?


In what sense is Bookchin a Zionist?


You know THAT one article where he refused to give full support to every goatfucker from Morocco to Turkmenistan


“Goatfuckers” didn’t have anything to do with that one. He just said that the Arab states have their own internal contradictions and problems that exist outside of Israel and that the Bourgeois themselves are all the actual enemy.


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Is black anarchism a thing nowadays in los estados unidos ? Do they separate themselves from white comrades ?


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From 1 to 10 how furiously is bonanno masturbating these past couple of days ?


funny joke kibbutznik


hello /pol/


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is this the best anarchist book on nationalism ? it's a little lacking isn't it ?


Nah that article of Goldman where she goes on and on about how uncle sam takes the lads in the san Francisco barracks and turns them into faggots is clearly superior


Attacks on Suid-Afrika Ignore the Long History of African Conflict


It's pretty good, but it's far more than that. It's pretty much a general theory of Rocker's anarchism.


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truly ahead of her time.


I’d love to breed all of them, except for the short one for obvious reasons.


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what obvious reasons?


They look like a small child


is this shit not cyclic we have to make a new one ?



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