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File: 1612819965913.png ( 61.45 KB , 467x424 , sage.png )

 No.4206[View All]

Haz is completely humiliating and degrading that individualist anglo brainlet on stream. Tune in
Picrel is sage
684 posts and 92 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


the only pussy here is you, who is to much of a coward to come on on a debate stream merely with his voice, lmao


Then he couldn't spam or pretend to be multiple people.


gentleginjeet about to come on


Ginjeet, bro, don't show your real name in Zoom…


I have a real life, no dox. Debate me, strikes are direct action, objective material reality.


Feel free to make an argument any time


>i dont want to show my face i have a life
a life doing what, attention seeking with a tripcode on an anonymous imageboard? making up stories about how much of a working class hero you are? nice life you have there alcoholic.


>I have a life
He insists for the fifth evening in a row, hanging out on /leftypol/ all day and harassing some streamer
This discussion is unbelievably boring and I don't understand how your mind has degenerated to this point.


>goes through /pol/ thread
>half of it is just /leftypol/ anons trying to get /pol/ to engage
>the other half just wines about trannies and Jews
<d00d, these people like me more than /lefypol/!


It is a perceptual problem (and maybe a spam problem), if you engage you are more likely to see negative comments.


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His unibrow is too powerful, I must back down


Kneel of course! Only someone with incredible powers could physically touch a tulpa!


>drinking wine out of the bottle


lmao sage was larping on a burner account, actually a schizo


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sage are you fucking okay man? why would you go on Haz's stream and LARP as a white nationalist? do you need help? talk to us man.


Sage is just being bullied now


what the fuck? where can i see this?




sage, c'mon you can still redeem yourself. Just ask if you can join Zoom and conduct yourself as a normal person.


Maybe they have a fucking spine and refuse to use spyware?


>but muh spyyyware :'(
>uses the internet


There's plenty of fully functional alternatives to Zoom, including Jisti Meet, Jami, and XMPP. It's fucking embarrassing to see lefty groups using corporate spyware when other options exist.


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>uses the internet
Not an argument


>not an argument
read hegel. you are a loser who sells his info to his ISP/CIA agent


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They gonna have this Chinese rapper on tomorrow.


This guy is a retard


The Chinese guy? Why?


>read hegel
LMAO you mean cyber-Hegel? You know, that you can use the internet, without selling your personal data? Do you even know Snowden?


He's a braindead Sakaiist who believes, that Taiwan (his home country) is a "white supremacist" society :D


>He's a braindead Sakaiist who believes, that Taiwan (his home country) is a "white supremacist" society :D
Is he referring to America though? He lived/lives there. Also, Taiwan is a supremacist society, at the least the fucking Hocklo Chauvinist DDP. There is a reason Taiwanese aboriginals vote KMT.


>He lived/lives there
He lives in the US?? I've thought that he lives in Taiwan! What is he doing in the US, why doesn't he go back to China? What a cuck!


>go back to China
/pol/ tier take


I saw him on Luna Oi!'s stream, and he still speaks English with a heavy accent, seems like he moved there recently. Also, Taiwan may be China but not the PRC. What's the difference between burgerland and one of its proxies?


>/pol/ tier take
It isn't. If I would move to a foreign country, then because I expect something better than my home country. I wouldn't go to the US, just to feel shit and alienated. Just stay in China, if you think China is better.


get on our chad level, glass cuck


>Also, Taiwan may be China but not the PRC. What's the difference between burgerland and one of its proxies?

Dengoids can never make a decision about Taiwan: Taiwan is part of China, but at the same time it's a US proxy.


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forgot pic


>Not choosing the superior bottle of glass


Why does this dumb-ass thread have 700+ posts? Did leftypol turn into bunkershit?


Because people like you keep coming back to seethe.


It's my first post in this thread. It seems like you guys care more about streamers than discussing substantial stuff


Why should those two be mutually exclusive?


I don't know. I just wish other threads got more action, but every time there is internet drama, people flock to it instead.


It is the guys watchers. Uneducated americans+twitch makes it so easier to form personality cult these days.


Ginjeet brought up a lot of interesting points, explained dialectical synthesis through example and drank and smoked on stream. Thank you Gentleginjeet you were sick.


Let me TLDR why sage thinks strikes are direct action: sage runs a "tenant union", so he basically knocks on doors and says "fuck the landlord lets not pay rent". That's his fucking union lmao. First of all good for you, you have reached an adam smith ricardo level of consciousness. But not just that, its also basic self-interest. but for Marxists, unions mean a different thing. for us fucking Marxists, unlike sage, we grab the neck of capital and strangle it at the point of production. But sage's labor union shit "No matter how small and local we do our part" anglo individualist meme feel like they are work. its not radical resistance. it doesn't touch basic social ontology. rent strikes wont achieve anything


Because these guys aren't complete morons and actually based, and since we (leftypol) found them early, we are basically dialecticaly influencing the direction of their channel. We are shaping them up to defeat breadtube.


>for us fucking Marxists, unlike sage, we grab the neck of capital and strangle it at the point of production.

Imaging "grabbing the neck of capital" through live ranting on Youtube lol


Why does the arbitrary classification of something as "direct action" matter? Is this what you guys have been posting 700 posts about?

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