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Thread dedicated to the discussion of Australian politics and events.

I get that since the split the number of Australians here probably went from being counted on two hands to just one, but I figured that there should be at least a thread here that we can keep bumping.
553 posts and 131 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


who cares, just climb the fetish ladder until you're fapping to SFW :^)


I think they're useful to point to and use as a wedge to split LNP liberals who are on the brink


damn, that's pretty blatant


>They didn't allow members of the SEP to explain the political issues that the workers confront to them.
<"They didn't let us go to their event and tell them what they should be doing"
Are trots like fucking serious or what?.
>Calling the CPA and the fucking ACTU + Affiliates "Stalinist" (Which even the CPA isn't actually anymore their a bunch of fucking dengoids) because their asking people to join unions instead of the SEP.


The SEP are worthless but I don't know if allowing the fucking CPA to police a picket is a wise decision, with how utterly irrelevant the CPA is this smells of some deluded mini-official from the UWU enforcing newsletter distribution rights


They will have no support from most Liberal voters because most Liberal voters are conservatives, not liberals.

Where they might be useful idiots is in gentrified areas. Places where elections are between Liberals and Greens will be upset with the New Liberals.

Given that we have preferential voting, should we rank them above or below Labor?


Bros, I'm doing a hustle resume shit called Univative for winter where they take your code and I get a resume reference. How do I subvert this IBM shit while taking away as much of it as I can?

The fucking propagandist is going on forever. I can't believe I believed the bullshit in the first place.


>should we rank them above or below Labor?
case by case basis depending on if your local LAB member is any good or shite


>Are trots like fucking serious or what?
No contradiction, trots label anything and everything they don't like Stalinist.

Krushchev was a Stalinist, Gorbachev was a Stalinist, Yeltsin was a Stalinist, Jiang Zemin was a Stalinist, Assad is a Stalinist, etc.

It's just the trot version of the term "Tanky", which doesn't concretely mean anything but designed to create imagery of evil goosestepping oriental hordes & a negative emotional reaction in order to shut down thought/discussion.

If these WSWS writers actually took a time machine back to the Russian civil war and met Trotsky they'd label him a Stalinist too. Trotsky would probably respond by tying them to a post and killing them via 120 half-starving pieces of artillery.


why are there so many fucking /pol/yps on this board these days shitting up every thread?



>Bros, I'm doing a hustle resume shit called Univative for winter where they take your code and I get a resume reference.
that seems like a scam for free labor


File: 1624235967042.jpg ( 67.97 KB , 941x1080 , InsaneGigachad.jpg )

I love how sky-news comment sections are always like
>Video Title
>"SOME DIPSHIT Says that ScoMo's vaccine rollout "Best in th world"
Like their sorta misunderstanding the outlook of their primary audience a little bit




McCormack was just to much of a loony lefty it seems lmao


That's what all internships are, yet sadly they are considered acceptable today


A downvote and an 'angry view' is worth just as much as a happy viewer, Sky doesn't give a shit if you like their video or not if you watch it.


New "Free trade agreement" / CANZUK LARP shit that ScoMo agreed to in Cornwall will give UK companies and the UK government a secret court that they can use to sue Australian individuals and companies with the latter being barred from speaking to the media.


pegging institute (pro-MMT, economic channel) put out an anti-Liberal party video that you can steal some talking points off of


>Australian union tries to ban socialists, critical workers from General Mills strike

>The United Workers Union (UWU) has escalated a campaign of intimidation and threats against socialists and other critics of its right-wing, pro-business activities, declaring that it has banned anyone who is opposed to the union leadership from approaching the General Mills strike in western Sydney.




The claim that you can't throw away your vote in Australia is not true. Preferential voting can give bad results if voters aren't strategic under certain circumstances. This is an example of people throwing away their vote under preferential voting.




What's the issue here? Looks like IRV working as intended?


I was a bit pedantic in >>20262 because at the moment, it's not a problem. Usually you can't "throw away your vote" because LNP and Labor are so popular, but it's quite possible to "throw away your vote" when that's not true. This video gives a good graphical explanation. The Burlington mayoral election is an example of where this happened.


trot whinging


SEP/WSWS is so funny lmao, can't help but lash out at everyone who is isn't them


very gay by scomo


Sydney lads – where are you? And why aren't you helping the Green Ban at Willow Grove? Get amongst it.


>School Strike 4 Climate involved
they make people seethe, "I bet most of those kids are only there because it's a day off school!"
Maybe don't make them places that kids want to avoid so badly :^)


Will Sky-News talk about that HOOK NOSED AYRAB GLADYS ("I think thats what does armenians are!") taking away our freedums?????


It's fucking funny when I'm more extreme then my professors and also more materialist than them. One of them discussed Marx yet had the audacity to be sceptical of the USSR and they seemed to have a problem of my critique of capitalism being based on its inefficiency. Furthermore, they seemed to have a problem with rationality. Of course bureaucracy, efficiency and rationality are tools of capitalism, but how are you going to beat it without the three.

God postmodernism is a tragedy.


Yes, and I'm sure everybody clapped.


The lecturer just told me to raise my hand before asking a question and stop interrupting the class by yelling "fucking postmodernists". But I just marched up to the podium, punched him in the face, and told him that after the revolution, he would get the wall. Everyone in the room yelled, "based!" and about 8-10 girls rushed at me and started to kiss me. Best day of my life


>No stall
>Not a single round of chanting from a megaphone
>Didn't even sell a single copy of Red Flag
Shamefur dispray


>Got a SMH news alert on my phone.
>"'A new deal for Australians' PM's four stage plan to transition Australia out of C…"
>Out of Covid-19
*Smashes head into wall*
I shouldn't be suprised though if ScoMo did that he would become evangelocon pedo scomo who the LibNats need to ditch before the next election overnight.


Does that mean they are planning to let it spread freely like in Burgerland and Bongland?


If neoliberals want to everyone to start their own business, rationally they should just give everyone basic income and wait for the businesses to start by themselves rather than harassing folks with the Search for the Holy Job (Grail) until they get so pissed off they start searching for profit in the library search engine. But of course, that's rationality and that only happens in relation to their own class. So much for Anglo utilitarianism.


>Many Labor supporters will not be so sanguine, struggling to reconcile the Hawke they thought they knew with the figure revealed in secret embassy cables.

Extremely funny.


Didn't mean to reply to you >>20280 btw



Hawke was the Thatcher/Regan of Australia and responsible for the financialisation of our economy.

No idea how he managed to fool the working class simply by drinking beer and watching football.


>Socialist Alliance
Socialist Alliance isn't Trot anymore. It's hard to say exactly what we (I am a member) are in classic doctrinal terms, but we're definitely a long way away from the old Democratic Socialist Party style Trot line. Since the early 00s there's been a lot of movement, especially in the last 5ish years as the class struggle has heated up. Even the DSP left the 4th International in 1986; a lot of the older comrades are kind of post-Trot, but compared to the way SEP and SAlt are still constantly quoting Trotsky like a cathechism Socialist Alliance has gone a long way from Trotskyism in either the doctrinal or the colloquial sense.

I like to think we're something like the Russian Social Democrats before the Bolshevik/Menshevik split, i.e., a bit confused but principled, trying to work out what's going on in the liminal period before shit really breaks out and the battle lines are drawn for real. Not the true class party, but the egg from which it might hatch. In my wildest fantasies, the Alliance feels a like the early CPA or it's predecessor parties (VSP etc.)


We must have experiences with very different Socialist Alliances. Every member I've met has been an ALP loving succdem.


oh well tas ALP will turn out similar to west Australian libs. You'd think that having a small constituency would make things easier, but when careerists fill the party the only natural outcome is loss. It's strange how conservative Tas is, people always say that Queensland is the Texas of Australia when in reality it's Tasmania.


Jesus, I'd cop to an accusation of loving the Greens too much (not my view, but some comrades lean that way, especially oldies involved with the 80s anti-Nuke movement)

I've been around a fair bit, from Perth to Sydney to Cairns, and I've seen Bob Hawke spontaneously boo-hissed when he's come on screen during screening of political docos. I've seen what you might call left-succdem views, but I've never seen any love for the ALP (except in the sense that they're electorally preferable to the Libs).


To be fair they were all university students, so maybe that colours it differently.


Honestly, how long ago was this? Resistance (the youth wing) was formally abolished due to lack of specific interest by Uni students like two years ago (after a big, fairly public split in 2016 when a bunch of anarchist type youth left, although the old guard leadership didn't acquit themselves in a saintly manner either). We don't actually have many Uni students left. For my part, I'm strongly anti-stupol.


Thread full, is this one worth archiving?


Yes & pls link to the next one in this thread. I want to continue discussion.


Made a new thread: >>353583

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