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 No.17177[View All]

Get in here

This thread is for discussion of the 2021 Peruvian Election. Looks like it's keeps beign a close one, and either one could win this. The Peruvian Left has gone far, however, and has united under a pretty based candidate. Let's watch

Prev. threads:
>>>/leftypol_archive/14633 #1
>>>/leftypol_archive/15250 #2
>>>/leftypol_archive/15858 #3
>>>/leftypol_archive/16499 #4
621 posts and 154 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


No you retard.

We seriously need a thread to explain Castillo.


>She still can do it technically
How likely is that possibility?


what, are you seriously shocked? leftypol will simp for whomever they see looking red enough and they don't care whether it's real


>embraces marxism leninsm
>anti communist
you gotta be retarded if you don't see that he's doing cover. this was around the time he dipped in the polls too


Consistently enough to be highly worrying


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We're gonna win


gonzalo is in jail lol


based sendero retardoso anon


Oh god I am hooooooooping


>USA still not in!


B-bros… we lost… we should’ve voted for the samurai.


“We have fought against terrorism and we will continue to do so. (…) We are going to defend the constitutional rights of the country, there is no Chavismo, there is no communism, there is no need to take away your house, "he said.


>Highest (confirmed) mortality rate from COVID in the world.
I have a feeling they are just the only hard hit place doing competent testing.


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Did you know this Ernest Khalimov guy is real lmfao


does he know hes a meme ?


His name is Giga chad




He isn't


Is Evo like Xi? Do socdems nationalize shit?


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Damn you doomer anon!


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yes that photo looks very real anon


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>Thanks for attention Giga Chad’s army. Have a nice day.
Why is this so funny lol


Why do you think they couped Morales lmfao


Who wants to make the next thread this one's bumplocked already


Liberals have a moralizing attitude about politics where you elect a "good person" with the right positions on this or that, even though it's not like electing a president who mouths the right happy words is going to really do much about society's relationship to LGBT people. That comes from within society and is advanced via social movements, and I think their character has some relationship to material conditions. Farmers and copper miners out in the rural areas are going to have a different set of social values as a general rule from people who live in a major city inhabited by 10 million people.


not me


If he doesn’t understand what communism is then we lost.


Thats what I mean, is he a social democrat or a communist? Bernie wasn't going to take over Exxon and Boeing.


Hum, give me a second


There's no hope for keiko now unless they fraud


he is telling you he understands. He is refuting the communism takes your home bullshit and saying no one is gonna take your soda n shit.


You're underestimating Burger vote impact.
No one is safe from that unless Pedro gets to a 150k lead at least.


new thread



new thread


You don’t know that


New thread

And I fucked up in reaching to the other threads,sorry


it would be really funny if america basically couped peru electorally


This board spergs about latin american socdems a lot, but for the most part they're way superior to western socdems. Evo and Chavez nationalized a fuck ton of industries.


Yeah we do , leftists always get attacked from rightoids with the argument that "commies are going to take away your toothbrush". Take a look at Fujimori's rhetoric and you see that Castillo had to do some cover, with the "Nacionalizar no es expropiar " ads.


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I don’t think I’ve been happier to be wrong about this election, comrades. What a time to be alive.


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>Why aren't North Americans this smart?
Trudeau also taught and he's a neo-lib abomination, so that's not it…


because "communism" is a spooky word, just call it "worker-owned free market" and win on the same platform


Lead is getting bigger.

Pencil: 8,552,117
Kek'd: 8,459, 997

Found a live election results update stream of the election:



>we could have had Peru with Japanese Characteristics and cum


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>our revolution is not communist


>denounced by the USSR
>denounced by China
>denounced by literally everyone


Gonzalo has been in jail since 1992 boy
Shining Path has been irrelevant for over 2 decades at this point
Stop being so white, you fat American cunt



>neither was the Cuban Revolution.

Initially, at least. The bay of pigs invasion blessed us with Castro going full commie.

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