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 No.12395[View All]

Thread for news and discussions of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, its material conditions, the status and health of its socialist tradition, disproving common myths about it, etc.&
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458 posts and 202 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


she hit the wall running bros


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How revisionist DPRK is from MLM standpoint?
I mean, based on translated texts, Juche allows national capitalists to coexist with the vanguard party. They employ "united front" instead of DotP, allow joint-cooperatives where national capitalists can freely participate and their profit depends on amount of capital they've brought.
How it is anons? I tried to base my info only on official DPRK writings on the topic, not agitprop from US.


>They employ "united front"
This is what Maoist China always did, by having the CPC as a dominant party in a united coalition of parties.


Also which translated text is your source regarding the presence of national bourgeoisie in the DPRK?


>A Democratic People’s Republic … must be built by forming a democratic united front … which embraces … even the national capitalists
Kim Il Sung: ‘On the Building of New Korea and the National United"
>The entrepreneurs and traders of our country are fellow- travellers… not only in carrying out the democratic revolution but also in socialist construction
Kim Il Sung: ‘On the Immediate Tasks of the People’s Power in Socialist Construction’
>From the beginning our policy in regard to the national bourgeoisie was not only to carry out the anti-imperialist, anti-feudal democratic revolution together with them, but also to take them along with us to a socialist, communist society
Kim Il Sung: ‘Let Us further Strengthen the Socialist System of Our Country’
And also entire Socialist Transformation of Private Trade and Industry in Korea, published in 1997


Only in national-democratic revolution stage. They transitioned to DotP starting with socialist revolution.


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What are the dates of these quotes? 40s and 50s when they were carrying out anti-imperialist, anti-feudal democratic revolution?
The United Front party coalition of China and its constituent parties continued to exist after the national democratic stage and even to this day.


Can you imagine being this person? Like, your country is basically strangled by brutal sanctions for existing and you do not only betray it, but become a celebrity pet for imperialists by making up ridiculous lies about your own country daily.

It's so disgusting, I couldn't sleep at night if I was her. Like, even if you this ruthless, at some point you must have a realization that what you do is deeply fucked up?


It's all about the money and social status, they don't give a shit about anything else as long as they can extract profit or some form of advantage. They're completely soulless zombies who only exists to be another pawn of capital.


Is it possible for foreigners to attend Kim Il Sung University?


Based. I’m not too interested in learning Korean but I’m sure that it would be an interesting experience to attend classes there.


I'd say it highly depends on the country you are from, if you are from China, Vietnam, Pakistan, etc. it shouldn't be a problem. But they are probably very careful with Westerners, the last Westerner that I know of who studied there was some Italian dude, I am not aware of any Western studying there ever since.

Actually, just googled it, there is some Australian guy:


But read the story, he was already in the country before on multiple trips, so they could be sure that they could trust him.

And if you are American, forget it.


One hell of a thing to put on your resume.


It's actually pretty cool, if you are not living in America or some uber-cucked country, I assume most human resources managers would even give you props for that if they don't have a massive stick up their ass.


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Also, the stuff you can experience is pretty amazing.


>They can also entertain themselves on Masikryong Ski resort, Munsu water park, Rungra People's Pleasure Park, Rungra Dolphinarium, Kaeson youth park, Mirim horse-riding club, Songdowon beach resort.

>"Our dormitory is located in the newly-built Ryomyong Street. The staff at the dormitory all looks after us just like their sons and daughters. The food is really nice too. I feel just like at home here. The facilities are state-of-the-art and fairly convenient. We are living happily with all conditions provided."

You will live in pic-related.


They were published in '70-'90 period. Also, DPRK firmly rejects DotP as unsuitable for Korea


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Those statements are talking in the context of the 40s and 50s period. That is not how the economy functioned after the 60s, as detailed in this work.

>DPRK firmly rejects DotP as unsuitable for Korea

<Our people’s government is an organ of the dictatorship of the proletariat representing and defending the interests of the workers, peasants, soldiers and working intellectuals. Strengthening the people’s government means further sharpening the weapons of class struggle and, even more, enhancing the functions of the dictatorship of the proletariat…
>If we are to build a communist society we must continue the class struggle and strengthen the dictatorship of the proletariat.

<Our Party strengthened the people’s government and continued to improve its function and role in accordance with the requirements of the developing revolution. Thus, the people’s government which emerged as a people’s democratic dictatorship carried out the anti-imperialist, anti-feudal democratic revolution, and was strengthened and developed into a proletarian dictatorship in the period of transition to socialism.



Thank you, although I still have my doubts because
First one most likely refers only to pre-socialist revolution era. But second?
>The democracy we aspire to is fundamentally different from that of Western capitalist countries, nor is it a slavish copy of that in a socialist country … Ours is a new type of democracy most suited to the reality of Korea.
Kim Il Sung: “On Progressive Democracy’

>The establishment of the power of the proletarian dictatorship by force was followed as a last resort in some countries,… In the northern half (of Korea — Ed.)… this was not necessary.

Baik Bong: ‘Kim Il Sung: Biography’

But back to that "union with capitalist thing". I am misunderstanding article 37 of their 1992 constitution or something?
>The State shall encourage institutions, enterprises and organisations in our country to joint ventures and cooperation of enterprise with foreign corporations and individuals
Did they change that?

Also, I've been reading more on juche idea, why according to Kim Jong Il the man is above biology
>Unlike biological beings, man is the master and transformer of, master of the world. He shapes his destiny on his own by transforming the objective world to meet his needs
Kim Jong Il: ‘Socialism is a Science’
>Unlike all other living matter, which is subordinate to the objective world, man dominates and transforms the world in accordance with his will and desire
Kim Jong Il: ‘On Some Questions in Understanding the Juche Philosophy'

Isnt it like hard turn into idealism, even Engels said that idealists believe that spirit of a man us superior (and is able to shape) nature in his work about Feurerbach. Not to mention they reject class based outlook after socialist revolution. (Something MLMs notoriously criticise ZSRR for)
>The basic criterion for deciding whether one is a member of the masses of the people or not is not one’s social and class origin, but one’s ideas. Anyone who loves the country, the people and the nation is qualified to be a member of the masses of the people
Kim Jong Il: ‘Socialism is a Science'


Do you have more information on their crypto? Does it work like buying bonds or something? Do you have to go to a particular exchange and do it in secret, avoiding reporting it in taxes?


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Juche is just a based chad more nationalist version of Tito's Yugoslavia and I salute them for it/ Godspeed you magnificent slit eyed bastards. Also apparently they discovered oil near Pyongyang. Also could someone care to elaborate what Kim Jong Un was reffering to when citing a mistake in the running of the state recently, since it apparently is neither food nor covid related? Coudl it do with unemployment since like 200k koreas work across the border in China, plus all the industries that used to export to China?


Why do you compare it to Yugoslavia in particular?



The economic system and the new agricultural reforms are starting to look more like Tito's Yugoslavia. And the standard of life in general just remind me of Yugoslavia during the 80s. The economy is structured like the Yugoslav ones - with large soviet-style Zavodi, middle tier or less important director managed SOE's, and some limited private enterprise, especially in agriculture as I said. The impact of Yugoslavia on economic thought in the socialist world is sadly often underestimated.


Thanks for the info, I had assumed their economy was far more centralized than that, do you have any pdfs or anything to read more about this? Anything related to the history of their economy but preferably on their current economic policies.


N. Korea showcases sons of U.S. defector in video


>Kim Il Sung: “On Progressive Democracy’
Again from 1945 and he is referring to the institution of new democracy which comes before the socialist stage. Mao said similar things in relation to China. Please list the date when you are posting these quotes.
>article 37 of 1992 constitution
That is referring to limited cooperation and joint ventures with foreign capitalists (also involving a few limited SEZs) which is a concession they made for survival after the fall of the Eastern bloc.

But yes, a turn toward idealism is one of the main criticisms of Juche from other strands of ML and they do officially consider the class struggle within the territory they control to have ended ever since the 1972 constitution.

This pdf has a rather basic explanation they made of their current economy
And the pdf in >>12872 has a more detailed explanation of the development of their economy up to the 1970s


Thank you, do you have any materials criticising the idealist aspect of Juche?


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Critique started out strong then fell flat on its face when talking about HK one country two systems and peaceful reunification

Decent effort B-


I couldnt find anything on if they had their own version of Crypto but they do have a keen interest and perhaps they will likely release one in the future since they hold a lot of cryptocurrency conferences
North Korea mines and hacks a lot of crytocurrencies from other banks so technically if the value of crypto's goes up, then thats more money for the DPRK.


Oh and don't give Cryptos to NGO that say that they will go to "North Korean Citizens". They're trying to get a color revolution in the DPRK and they see cryptos as a way to accomplish it


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This was the 123456 get


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The move away from using the "Supreme Leader" title has now also taken effect on the Pyongyang Times website.
Previously they had a section for "Supreme Leader's Activities"
Now it is renamed to "WPK General Secretary Kim Jong Un’s Revolutionary Activities"


Daily reminder the DPRK is a successful example of full decolonization


Mandatory documentary for anyone interested in the DPRK and the way they regard westoids, just ignore the garbage source, couldn't find a better one



That was actually made by some people from New Zealand and is a remake of the Soviet documentary "The Target is Your Brain"


Is y000to00bz still censoring Echo of Truth?


They delete pro NK channels as a matter of course. I subscribed to one that posted music from the country and they nuked the channel.


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Anyone have that song about North Korean snipers during the Korean War? The youtube video of it had a torch in the top left of the video like pic related


Daily reminder the DPRK is an example of a decolonized nation


Was it 저격수의 노래?


Yes. See >>12505
For a MEGA folder with their videos


Yes. Thanks


Looks like we have some newfags who don't know how to general → >>263898


Sometimes it's worth creating a separate thread on a topic if it will bring in enough posts. Otherwise you have a lot of people discussing a particular subject in a general and it would crowd out any other subject.


Anyone else here feel that overall, the DPRK is the most ideal form of society on earth today? Not that it couldn't be better, but that everywhere else is worse for one reason or another.

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