New statement from Haz Al-Din:
Why Communism? It's very simple.
When things start to get BRUTAL, and we witness a breakdown of society, humanity must be reduced to the discipline of bare, collective existence.
Is this pleasant? No. The brutal circumstances that Communism emerges in response to are never pleasant and luxurious affairs.
But what it is - is survival. The alternative is the law of the jungle and the destruction of humanity itself.
One of the things we're taught is that in a state of survival, it's every individual man for himself. Funny. In a real state of survival, lone individuals get picked off like flies.
The only winners are the most disciplined and united collectives. And Communism is the only thing that can unite people at a national scale in a state of total collapse.
I'm sure they taught you in the CIA curated history books how brutal Communism was.
But they didn't teach you how brutal China's warlord era and Japanese invasion were.
They didn't teach you how brutal life was in Russia in the aftermath of WW1, where princes and bankers were sending peasants to the slaughter like fodder - or how after the Bolsheviks decided to cancel all the foreign debt, they were blockaded, and invaded by all major foreign powers who propped up vicious thugs to get their loans back, thanks to which the country had to endure famine and brutal Civil War.
They didn't teach you about the brutality of the US bombing of Korea or even Cambodia.
Communism is often brutal because it is meeting brutal and extreme challenges. Which we in America have only ever gotten a small taste of during the Great Depression.
Know what else is brutal?
Society devolving into madness, racial warfare, barbarism, warlords, slavery, tribalism, and the reign of killer clown gangs.
That's what we're headed toward in America. Easy times, maintained for so long by keeping the rest of the world under heel, are coming to an end.
Americans are only going to survive as one people if they band together through Communism.
Would we all prefer to live in heavenly bliss? Of course we would. But this is about REALITY.
The choice is going to be Communism or a permanent dark ages.
Communism isn't some bullshit cooked up by purple hair idiot college kids. Those insane freaks have never read a word of Marx or Lenin in their lives.
Communism is born of a survival reflex amidst extremely brutal circumstances.
These circumstances are coming to America and LA is only the beginning.
China went through the brutal stages we all know about. Yet now it has immune resistance from the madness we are headed toward as a country.
That's why it's now prospering and we're headed into collapse.
If you're against Communism, you must have so much faith that our elites aren't going to drive the country into a ditch.
We'll be waiting for you when you wake up to the real world.