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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.2325[Last 50 Posts]



A thread on the Nigerian protests


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ZANU PF became neoliberal when the coup against Mugabe happened


What is our opinion of the situation in mali and the tuareg independence movement in azawad?


Good question, as of now that country is a clusterfuck.
Would be nice to have Africanons to tell us stuff.


Post some essential reads on Africa


Build schools, infrastructure and reject the rigid philosophy of iq tests


Wouldn't shock me if malnutrition/disease had a lot to do with it.


>The previously malnourished group showed substantial deficits on all outcomes relative to healthy controls (p&lt0.0001). IQ scores in the Intellectual Disability range (&lt 70) were 9 times more prevalent in the previously malnourished group (OR=9.18; 95% CI=3.50-24.13). Group differences in IQ of approximately one standard deviation were stable from adolescence through mid-life.
>Moderate to severe malnutrition during infancy is associated with a significantly elevated incidence of impaired IQ in adulthood, even when physical growth is completely rehabilitated. An episode of malnutrition during the first year of life carries risk for significant lifelong functional morbidity.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/people of college/articles/people of college3796166/



A friend did some work in African philosophy. Might be an interesting read. Connects to socialism in the second post in this series.

>Re-Fanging the Python" is a series of posts drawn from my undergraduate thesis project, which is a comparative analysis of Akan and Western European Enlightenment ontological assumptions, especially as far as they relate to personhood. More broadly, it is an attempt to move towards a way of doing comparative philosophy that avoids the sterile, quasi-anthropological trappings of an academia that largely recognizes that it is dominated by Western, Euro-Christian modes of thought, but sees the solution as a museum of discourses in appropriately labeled vats (tour guides providing plenty of qualifiers that the museum itself is of course a discursive system while the guests tap on the glass). A sincere engagement with the reality of difference requires the acknowledgement of the real histories, divergences, and struggles constitutive of difference – and crucially, a serious consideration of the positioning and responsibility of that engagement. What does it mean to do a responsible comparison of European and African thought? I don't think it means maintaining a catalogue of cultural novelty. The patronizing attitude in which the academy refuses real contact (questioning, debating, comparing) with the philosophy of a people who have been and remain under colonialism, neocolonialism, and imperialism, undermines the effective existence of such a philosophy, bleeding the life from it and pinning it to a cork-board with the rest of the samples on their way to the British Museum.

>The python is a holy animal across various West African traditional religions, and the slaughter of pythons and defacing of the temples where they were kept was a common tactic among European missionaries. "Re-Fanging the Python" then refers to an attempt to not only acknowledge African philosophy as existing and worthy of study, but actively working towards conditions that allow the exercise of its potency and vitality, something to challenge and be challenged.


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,pdf because that link is barfed by teh epic filter


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Fuck Ambazonia, all my niggas hate US backed insurgents.
there's a us city council that passed resolutions supporting ambazonia and funding largely comes from the United States


Does anyone here knows what has become of Libya and Algeria?
Algeria was "the Cuba of Africa" after its independence up until the Civil War and the "Chad" Jamahiriya became a beacon of hope for the Third World until Clinton burned it to the ground.

Also, do any of you guys/gals could share with me books about Gaddafi, Ben Bella, Sankara, etc?


I wish I knew more about africa but I don't even know where to start reading about it


Hasnt been heavily confirmed that IQ isn't an accurate measure of intellect?


ZDERA S. 494 (2001) aka the US economic sanctions on Zimbabwe are still in effect.

And Mnangagwa has maintained the Mugabe era land reforms, nationalized resources and economic indigenization policy.

Zimbabwe is still very much a "rogue state" targeted by the West and continues to pursue a left social-nationalist path.


When it's below 70 it's a problem
That's a lower IQ than koko the gorilla son
We know why >>2344
A particularly bad problem in relation to this is iodine deficiency for pregnant mothers and infants
Fixing things like that fixes the problem


Yes. It is fundamentally absurd to attempt to quantify a series of cognative abilities on a line graph as IQ does.


The soviets didn't care about IQ, that's good enough for me.


Well, depends what you are even looking. Pre-colonial Africa, colonial Africa, post-colonial Africa? Personally I wanted to read "African Origin of Civilization - The Myth or Reality" next.


from here on out can mods please delete IQ posting in a thread about africa, if you want to have babbys first debunking race science discussion go do it in another thread we have them all the time, can we please just talk about history, politics, and contemporary situations in africa


police just fired on anti-police brutality protestors in nigeria

i recommend everyone read Naija Marxisms for context on the socialist history of nigeria


Gaddafi was a schizophrenic who funded genocidal contra groups like the RUF. He was a tool of French imperialism and was gay, simple as.




this, Gaddafi also green lit the coup against Sankara. dont feel like digging for an english source rn but look into it, its not like the muh gaddafi was ebig based marxist-leninist posters bother to gives sources either. he had a great fit but he was an opportunist. dude did black market shit with prince andrew and was extremely tight with the US until a couple years before the state department turned on algeria and tomahawked Libya.


for sankara read A Certain Amount of Madness, great great book, i believe it has the messy details about Compoaré's orchestrating the coup and the collaboration between factions in Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Libya, France, and the United States


anyone heard word of the anti-police protests in Nigeria?


this is awesome stuff. Can you ask your friend if they would like to write something for New Multitude or whether we could host this first part of his series and link to his blog?


Based, just grabbed it off libgen


What's New Multitude? Either way sounds cool, I don't see why not, for now just leave a comment or message on there and I'll let him know and he'll get back to you


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Comrades that have been either coup'ed and had to flee or were killed.


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What went wrong?


>Pay gibs and we wont sanction you to hell with terror accusations.


A lot


(Ethno)Nationalism. Siad Barre who for a while was allied with Soviet Union invaded Ethiopia,(which few years prior had it's own socialist revolution and switched algimend from Nato to pro USSR) for Lebesgue/because parts of Ethiopia were inhabited by Somalians. Somalia then switched it's alignment to pro-US, but as we all know US hate the black man. As result not only has Siad ruined Somalia, he possibly ruined socialism in Ethiopia too


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Another overthrown comrade


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>Siad Barre who for a while was allied with Soviet Union invaded Ethiopia,(which few years prior had it's own socialist revolution and switched algimend from Nato to pro USSR) for Lebesgue/because parts of Ethiopia were inhabited by Somalians.
But when Somalia did the same thing (tried to annex the part of eastern Kenya that had Somalis in it) a decade before, the USSR backed Somalia. What was the difference? Just that Kenya was capitalist and Ethiopia was socialist?


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yeah basically, Ethiopia and Somalia were rivals but they were both in the USSR's sphere so in-fighting was much lower stakes for the USSR. look at the influence of the USSR in africa more generally and it's clear that they were more interested in bringing new leaders that depended on them into the bloc than they were in supporting any kind of escalation or overt anti-colonial action. USSR refused to get involved in the Angolan wars and Cuba only got involved against the USSR's warnings not to, and generally did not leverage their interest nearly as much as they could have in favor of Nkrumah, Lumumba, Sankara, etc. im not "anti-USSR" or anything, its not a "gotcha", but too often people have adopted a very simplistic meme view of the USSR as some unerringly principled anti-imperialist #Resistance, or at least as a state that had to engage with realpolitik but consistently did so towards the ends of socialism and revolution, which just doesnt pan out in the history as well as we might like it to. which you don't need to draw any conclusions from other than that the actions of an immense political apparatus is not guided by its professed ideology.

the story of the Ethiopian Revolution is genuinely tragic, and the USSR is not on the right side of it. a genuine popular and socialist led revolution against Selassie's feudal government led to the Derg junta, where formerly apolitical officers seized control of the government and forced Haile Selassie from power. the Derg were not socialists, and had been buying arms from the US and continued to do so following their seizure of state power. their status as a military junta that took advantage of the popular revolution and unrest, and was willing to align themselves with the west if it benefitted them, was initially debated in the USSR when deciding whether the USSR should recognize, let alone support, the provisional Derg government. also relevant here is the concern that recognizing the Derg could sour relations with Soviet aligned Somalia, because it was still unclear what the Derg's policy on Somalia would be. as the situation stabilized and clear leadership emerged the USSR ended up extending friendly diplomacy to the Derg after they began to call themselves Marxist-Leninist, im not exactly sure on the details but presumably because the revolutionary unrest that had allowed them the opportunity to seize power was undertaken by communist workers and peasants, many of them in explicitly Marxist-Leninist parties. but the Derg, which remained in effect a military junta, suppressed all other communist parties and organizations. the EPRP (a Marxist-Leninist party that had played a very significant role in organizing and working with the Ethiopian workers and peasantry preceding the 74 revolution) would become their biggest enemy in the approaching civil war due to their uncompromising opposition to the Derg, claiming they were an opportunist military junta. but even the All-Ethiopia Socialist Movement (Marxist-Leninists, also played a significant role in preparing the ground for and fighting in the 74 revolution) who had recognized the Derg's leadership and joined the Worker's Party the Derg established, were purged (massacred) in 77 after they were suspected of being more loyal to the worker's party than they were to the military. the USSR retained their financial, military, and diplomatic support of the Derg throughout this whole period while condemning the communist groups that had laid the revolutionary groundwork for a clique of military officers to seize the state. the Derg did take a lot of measures to modernize Ethiopia, some of which were indisputably good, some absolutely disastrous.

im not attributing some kind of evil intention to the USSR here, but at the least it was just bad diplomacy, and bad realpolitik. they made a virtue out of necessity and supported opportunists even when there was a popular socialist revolution happening in the country.

that said, Cuba and Burkina Faso also began as populist military juntas that were willing to take aid from wherever they could get it, and had no explicit ideological alignment. but i think they are very different cases, because Castro by all accounts seems like he shifted from Soviet aligned realpolitik to genuine investment in a socialist project, and Sankara was overthrown (by professed Marxist-Leninists, with Gaddafi's green light, by the way) specifically because he moved away from vague junta populism towards a real revolutionary movement.


my bad i mispoke, Cuba wasnt a military junta obviously, and i think its longevity and commitment to socialism compared to somewhere like Burkina Faso or Ethiopia can be attributed to the fact that even if it wasnt explicitly a socialist revolution at first, it was a popular revolution with strong links between the leadership and the workers and peasantry


I'd be careful with this narrative
If I recall correctly the massacres occurred because the Derg armed the masses, particularly workers and peasants in the civil war


>Sankara was overthrown (by professed Marxist-Leninists, with Gaddafi's green light, by the way)

Why?, Was Gaddafi playing the role that Deng played in Southeast Asia of cucking the soviets?


Gaddafi by this point was working with the US and well on the way to doing weird secret arms deals with prince andrew


Reminder that Gadaffi supported RUF idiots and was a friend of the french in africa.
Reminder that he supported Iran against the Soviets.
Reminder he was a schizo.


>Reminder that he supported Iran against the Soviets.
The Islamic Republic of Iran never fought a war against the Soviets.


NUMSA, which is the biggest trade union in South Africa is explicitly ML, and they're going up against the Tripartite alliance and EFF. They launched their own party last year called Socialist Revolutionary Worker's Party. Anyone have any in depth knowledge of how this struggle is going?



Waiting a long time to say that
Does anyone has more info into Namibia? Is that just Dengism for Africa?


him being a schizo is what endeers him to political science nerds, which literally everyone here is


hey, it's a magazine started by a few people from here. we're definitely trying for a global focus and your friend's piece is really saying stuff that isn't being said elsewhere.

Like wise, would you be able to develop what you've written here about the ethiopian revolution in relation to USSR for an article for us?


Uhhh considering white people still own most of the arable land in Namibia I'd say it's more like Apartheid with Namibian characteristics lmao.


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>grasping for straws this hard
I accept your concession.


Sad if true, because Namibian war of independence was one of best moments in Southern African history


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Sad if true, because Namibian war of independence was one of finer moments in Southern African history.


it is true, the Boer is still king in Namibia sadly


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what does /leftypol/ think about Julius Malema and EFF?


>want to nationalize all the arable land in South Africa
Based and redpilled.


Based but their split with the Ml unions is worrisome.
They should fix this ASAP cause ANC legitimacy seems to be running low.


>Tfw moroccan
>Tfw insta makhzen-ing of any serious leftist agitation and unionism
>Tfw the only revolutionary leftist party in the country (Democratic way) is extremely marginal


write an article for new multitude about it. I'm sure people would be interested to read it


>I'd be careful with this narrative
>If I recall correctly the massacres occurred because the Derg armed the masses, particularly workers and peasants in the civil war
>If I recall correctly
Where are you getting this from?


Preferable to ANC maybe but I'd rather SRWP and Irvin Jim


It's hilarious how much ZANU and Mugabe make rightoids seeethe. Them calling Zimbabwe "occupied Rhodesia" is the most impotent cope ever lmao.



What happened to Liberia?
A Beautiful Christian Republic, descended to Cannibalism.
Probably whities fault.


>Numsa wary of ‘capitalist’ Malema
>Will Numsa do as it says, and launch a workers' party with the intention of mounting a serious political fight against the ANC-SACP alliance? And not just on the electoral front?

>And are the discussions within Numsa over whether the new party should be a "mass" party or a "vanguard" party meaningful - that is, based on a real understanding of the Leninism they claim to adhere to, or is this just abstraction? Will Numsa be misled and diverted in its purpose by its relations with some of the very abject reformists who the leadership has chosen to "learn from", or those who pretend to have revolutionary credentials, but are not what they seem? (Brazil's Lula-ists, the Communist Party of India (Marxist) from Kerala, Chavez-ites, or Syriza). It is impossible not to be tempted to make a negative assessment on the future of the "Numsa moment", based on its chosen political consorts and its reluctance to engage with revolutionary tendencies like Trotskyism, other than in the derived form it takes in South Africa - the organisations of WASP, from the Socialist Party in Britain and the International Socialists, from the SWP in Britain, among others.

>For now, however, Irvin Jim continues to give more or less the right answers. This in itself, is an inspiration to potential worker activists.

>For instance, when asked in an interview with Real News (an American independent left news channel) if Numsa would organise a new "labour federation" he answered: "One thing we shall not back off, is to take up the struggle to ensure that we unite South African workers, because they must continue to be a compass, because it is only the working class that is capable of carrying the revolution to its logical conclusion… It is the most exploited. And if it has got a clear political organ, which is a vanguard party that raises this levels of consciousness to that of a class that exploit it, that working class can be consistent for a revolution."

>He also added :"we call on our own members to join the worldwide movement of the international working class - we know that we're dealing with capital and capitalism not locally - it is international in character."

This is how organized they are
>Numsa launches political party 'which puts the rights of workers first'



What about the 70 IQ's living in the USA. Malnourishment to blame as well I'm sure.


Probably, USano street shitters like you are fat because of all the carb and fat loading but you don't get much actual nutrients in your diets


I assume eating shit and drinking piss has some side consequences.


Can anyone drop any good info/media/whatever on Cuban involvement during the Angolan Civil War? Anyone else find it super interesting how Cuba, this little island thousands of kilometers away, in a different continent, sent so many (relatively speaking) soldiers to fight there? IIRC something like 330,000 served in total, idk about you guys but I find it insane. Any info is welcome, but I'd be particularly interested in the mentality these soldiers had, like did they genuinely care about the display of international solidarity, how well prepared they were to fight, how effective they were, etc. As an ending note, what is your opinion on Hoxha's take of the Cuban involvement as essentially mercenaries of Soviet social imperialism?


>what is your opinion on Hoxha's take of the Cuban involvement as essentially mercenaries of Soviet social imperialism?
haxha was just butthurt that soviets talked shit about stalin


So speaking of Africa, that coup in Mali which happened like a month ago, what came of that? Do we know any new info?


It's amazing how much a populace improves from getting their iodine situation fixed, and it doesn't even require that much.


Ironically, iodine makes a great water sterilizer. If we replaced fluoride in the water with iodine, we could both decrease retardation caused by the toxic industrial by-product fluoride, and deal with iodine deficiencies.


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Thoughts about Nkrumah?
He was alright until the UK orchestrated a coup against him.




Crazy, I thought Namibia was more chill than SA after apartheid. But still have the same problems of decolonization. Redfish did make a documentary about it but it was shitted on by Boers and shit.


Why don't these african countries import poor white workers to balance out the white land-hoarders and therefore create a more class-collaborationist white minority in their country rather than a supremacist, affluent rich white minority group? Then poor blacks and whites could get along better based on class interest, rather than succumbing to racial dogma in response to a mostly-wealthy white minority?


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Do you have some resources of debunking shit about Rhodesia, claiming it did good for the black natives? For some reason, the propaganda is still holding up.


I don't think any poor workers will work in a underdeveloped area tbh


It also worked better than fine for years under Mugabe until the feudal chieftains started demanding land as spoils and Mugabe stupidly went along with the feudal reactionaries instead of collectivising farming instead




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Pathfinder Press has published some books on this subject. They're Trots in the U.S. but part of a tendency that is strongly pro-Cuba, which is interesting.


One of the books (which is 10 bux) is the translated memoirs of the Cuban field commander in Angola during the war, which is pretty cool. I've been meaning to order a copy.


Thank you for the recommendation, looks interesting enough for me to consider buying it.


what’s the quote that goes something like “there is only one ruling party, but the United States in typical fashion has two of them”? nyerere?


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thank you


any biafran/ibo brothers here?


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What leftypol stance on the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia or Patrice Lumumba University?


Pretty cool, despite the many negative aspects of Russia today I should at least recognize they didn't close it after the collapse of the USSR.


That's just extortion. Jeez.


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new article up at New Multitude about Sudan and its position in relation to national and global capital


>that third pic
Wow, depicting Stalin as a black man is the 5th most cringeworthy thing I have ever seen.


That's Patrice Lumumba. Good joke thought


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I hope SRWP topples the government, a communist Sout Africa would be incredibly resilient


Would be based but will never happen


NUMSA is the single biggest union though, and they're ML to the bone, I'm sure there's a road to power there but it'll just take decades




Anyone read "Une nuit à Majunga" by François de Negroni?

I think the evidence is pretty clesr that Sankara himself had marxist sympathies from the very outset.


It seems there is a civil war developing in Etiopia, does somebody know anything about the Tigray People Liberation Front? Is there some /ourguy/ in all of this?


wtf are you talking about, Jesse


How much of the boer genocide stuff is actually real?
Are boere or englishmen really at a higher risk than natives?


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2 great books on the subjects I am reading right now:
&ltFor the period of 1959-1976
>Gleijeses, Piero - Conflicting missions_ Havana, Washington, and Africa, 1959-1976

&ltPeriod: 1976-1991
>Piero Gleijeses - Visions of Freedom_ Havana, Washington, Pretoria and the Struggle for Southern Africa, 1976-1991

Also apparently Yugoslavia especially Tito helped funding and arming the MPLA alot during their anti-colonial struggle, I didn't know this lol. Once again showing how BASED Tito was.


Redpill me on the current political parties in south africa, south african bros.

Is ANC really as neoliberal and shit as ive heard? What do you envision as steps towards a socialist south africa?


If African are so smart how come Africa so shit?

Answer me that????


me: *Rapes your mom*
If your mom is so loyal to your father, how come she is pregnant from another man?

Answer me that????


>How much of the boer genocide stuff is actually real?
It's as real as white genocide in America.
>Are boere or englishmen really at a higher risk than natives?
No, black on black crime is by far the majority of the crime in South Africa.


Not OP btw


Guys WTF is happening with Morocco and the Polisario Front, are they heading for war?
Also, are Polisario /ourguys/ or have become they rightoids?


Why do you care who is /ourguys/? This is football tier thinking


Correct, but we are nothing but impotent observers so a football tier thinking is natural.
That said, after the question if you are knowledgeable on the matter or GTFO.


Answer not after


Vietnam got raped worse than any other country. Finland got raped their entire history until about 100 years ago. Some African countries didn't especially suffer under colonialism, Ethiopia never had it at all. Still shit. Haiti had more than a century to unshit themselves after deposing the whites, still shit.

The single biggest determining factor in the shitness of a country is the predominant race of its inhabitants.

Why so?


Look up who Omar Bashir is, you retard.


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Thoughts of this channel? How much of their claims is substantiated, specially about socialists and Botswana?


*on this channel



Singapore is a tax haven


As a Finn, I've gotta specify that our country had been an autonomous part of imperial Russia with a surprisingly independent and developed economy and traditions and institutions of self-rule extending much farther back than 1917. Hell, our declaration of independence was basically just a statement that "yeah the existing government continues with some adjustments, but basically we ain't gonna report to Moscow or Petrograd any more, so you know". Hell, half our laws are from the 19th century, because governmental business just continued "as usual".
What I'm saying is that we were more or less a developed country from the get-go, right next to the prosperous imperial cores of Europe with domestically owned primary and secondary industries to trade on an equal basis with said imperial heartland.


>Vietnam got raped worse than any other country.
Vietnam is still socialist, they havent been couped, then bribed to take on massive loans with huge interest.

>Finland got raped their entire history until about 100 years ago.

I dont know enough about the economical history of Finland

&ltNow lets go to Africa:
In 2012, the last year of recorded data, developing countries received a total of $1.3tn, including all aid (125bn dollars), investment, and income from abroad. But that same year some $3.3tn flowed out of them. In other words, developing countries sent $2tn more to the rest of the world than they received. If we look at all years since 1980, these net outflows add up to an eye-popping total of $16.3tn – that’s how much money has been drained out of the global south over the past few decades. To get a sense for the scale of this, $16.3tn is roughly the GDP of the United States

What this means is that the usual development narrative has it backwards. Aid is effectively flowing in reverse. Rich countries aren’t developing poor countries; poor countries are developing rich ones.

What do these large outflows consist of? Well, some of it is payments on debt. Developing countries have forked out over $4.2tn in interest payments alone since 1980 – a direct cash transfer to big banks in New York and London, on a scale that dwarfs the aid that they received during the same period. Another big contributor is the income that foreigners make on their investments in developing countries and then repatriate back home. Think of all the profits that BP extracts from Nigeria’s oil reserves, for example, or that Anglo-American pulls out of South Africa’s gold mines.

Most people blame the loss of money on "corruption"
There is certainly no denying that corruption is a problem.

According to the World Bank, corruption in the forms of bribery and theft by government officials, the main target of the UN Convention, costs developing countries between $20 billion and $40 billion each year [9].
That’s a lot of money – and this figure is certainly large enough to warrant our attention as an obstacle to development. But if we broaden our view a little bit and put this figure into perspective, a very different story emerges. As it turns out, this kind of corruption is an extremely small proportion – only about 3 percent – of the total illicit flows that leak out of the developing world each year.
By contrast, the Washington-based Global Financial Integrity (GFI) calculates that up to 65 percent of total illicit outflows have to do with corruption of a very different sort: commercial tax evasion. And when we look at commercial tax evasion, the neat corruption narrative that Transparency International tells begins to fall apart.

But by far the biggest chunk of outflows has to do with unrecorded – and usually illicit – capital flight. GFI calculates that developing countries have lost a total of $13.4tn through unrecorded capital flight since 1980.

‘Illicit outflow’ is just a fancy name for any illegal movement of money from one country to another. It could be a corrupt official siphoning public funds into a secrecy jurisdiction, or it could be a multinational corporation shifting their money offshore in order to avoid paying taxes. There are lots of reasons that people spirit money across borders.
According to GFI, each year up to $1.1 trillion flows illegally out of developing countries and into foreign banks and tax havens. This is an almost unimaginable sum – more than the total amount of foreign direct investment that developing countries receive each year ($858 billion in 2013), and eleven times the amount of official aid they receive ($99.3 billion in 2013). And these outflows have been increasing at a rapid pace over the past decade, growing at about 6.5 per cent per year.

Between 2004 and 2013, developing countries lost a total of $7.8 trillion to illicit outflows. It’s an enormous problem. How does this happen? These illicit outflows work through two main channels: hot money and trade misinvoicing. Basically, corporations – foreign and domestic alike – report false prices on their trade invoices in order to spirit money out of developing countries directly into tax havens and secrecy jurisdictions, a practice known as “trade misinvoicing”. Usually the goal is to evade taxes, but sometimes this practice is used to launder money or circumvent capital controls. In 2012, developing countries lost $700bn through trade misinvoicing, which outstripped aid receipts that year by a factor of five.

>In 2013, hot money accounted for 19.4 per cent of total illicit outflows from developing countries, or $211 billion.

Hot money is a term used to describe the rapid movement of capital from one country to another in order to speculate on interest-rate and exchange-rate differences. For example, if the United States looks likely to raise its interest rates, someone with investments in Nigeria might rapidly move their money to the US in the hope of making a quick profit. These rapid, speculative movements of capital are only possible because of the financial deregulation that has been promoted across the developing world over the past few decades by the World Bank, the IMF and free-trade agreements, and they can lead to serious market instability – particularly in small economies. But they also provide an avenue for moving money illegally across borders.

>In 2013, trade misinvoicing accounted for 80.6 percent of illicit outflows from developing countries, or $879 billion.

Trade misinvoicing, for its part, involves sending money into secret offshore accounts by cheating the trade system. For example, imagine that a South African firm has agreed to buy $1 million of steel from a British firm. The South African firm requests that the British firm send the invoice for $1 million to a tax haven. The tax haven then rein-voices the South African firm at more than the agreed value of the goods – say $1.5 million. The South African firm pays the $1.5 million to the tax haven. The tax haven then pays $1 million to the British firm and diverts the rest to an offshore account. As far as the tax authorities in South Africa can tell, the transaction appears legitimate – but the South African firm has successfully spirited $500,000 into an offshore account where it will never be taxed. While this practice amounts to a serious crime, tax havens nonetheless openly advertise their reinvoicing services and offer to assist firms in setting up shell companies to launder money and evade taxes. A quick Google search for ‘re-invoicing services’ turns up dozens of companies located in the Seychelles, Mauritius and so on, ready and willing to help traders execute their crimes.

In other words, for every $1 of aid that developing countries receive, they lose $24 in net outflows. These outflows strip developing countries of an important source of revenue and finance for development. The GFI report finds that increasingly large net outflows have caused economic growth rates in developing countries to decline, and are directly responsible for falling living standards.



Who is to blame for this disaster? Since illegal capital flight is such a big chunk of the problem, that’s a good place to start. Companies that lie on their trade invoices are clearly at fault; but why is it so easy for them to get away with it? In the past, customs officials could hold up transactions that looked dodgy, making it nearly impossible for anyone to cheat. But the World Trade Organisation claimed that this made trade inefficient, and since 1994 customs officials have been required to accept invoiced prices at face value except in very suspicious circumstances, making it difficult for them to seize illicit outflows.
Still, illegal capital flight wouldn’t be possible without the tax havens. And when it comes to tax havens, the culprits are not hard to identify: there are more than 60 in the world, and the vast majority of them are controlled by a handful of western countries. There are European tax havens such as Luxembourg and Belgium, and US tax havens like Delaware and Manhattan. But by far the biggest network of tax havens is centered around the City of London, which controls secrecy jurisdictions throughout the British Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories.

In other words, some of the very countries that so love to tout their foreign aid contributions are the ones enabling mass theft from developing countries.



So anyone else noticed that the instability in ethiopia is right near where the dam is?


Do we have any evidence that Egypt is involved?


Water war coming


What's going on in Uganda?


Apparently the situation is getting worse by the day. How massive would a potential war be in this scenario?


All this pain could have been avoided if Mugabe had collectivised farming instead of parcelling out land as spoils after his feudal allies made demands which drove him mad tbqh



If it was so good for the natives, why would they rebel, overthrow white colonial rule of Rhodesia and establish the independent and left social-nationalist Pan-African state of Zimbabwe in the first place?


Try to debunk this:


The magical powers of not sanctioning a country to hell just because it is a left social-nationalist state that refuses to sell out its land and natural resources (including $2 trillion worth of mineral resources) to the West and Western corporations.

Imperialist sanctions are the major reason Zimbabwe's economy has been fucked over. It's a similar situation to Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen etc


Bruh If you're going to be hit with sanctions for redistributing farmland you may as well go all the way and collectivise it to soften the impact of the blow


I heard theres a recently established ML party in Zambia that is likely to win the elections in a couple months. Is this true? Whatll happen if they win


afaik they are based but fighting in the desert will be pretty fucking hard so who know what will come out of it


are these people legit or LARP?


I've read their program and they're like VERY MUCH FUCKING BASED.
Hoping they win.




extrememly based. I hope they dont get couped or something if they win


>Namibia: Man named after Adolf Hitler wins local election


Beautiful program, I love their focus on 'independence' and "we have to do it ourself, since nobody from the outside will do it for us".

Really want them to win


It would be so funny if this guy ended up leading SWAPO back to Marxism


>Hitler escaped to Argentina!!
Yes. Clean Hitler's Name.


>China calls for united efforts to help Africa


Where are the sources that they're likely to win? Sounds too good to be true


True anti imperialism will come when China industrializes America's colonies.


heard it in another thread


A comrade from Ghana produced this over a decade ago:


Disability in the third world is no joke.



Quality effortpost comrade. Well done.


Polisario has made an unfortunate turn towards liberalism, but overall they're pretty much an apolitical force fighting for national liberation, definitely worth supporting against the Western-backed M*roccans


t. Never lived in Rhodesia


Cringe, Mugabe will always be a comrade for how he BTFO Rhodesia


Or was alive when it existed or ever step foot on Africa or ever been outside of his county for more than a week.


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I miss this guy more, you may hate them but I think there should be more Georgist governments in the world, people like Sun Yat Sen and Nkomo in the world, if there's a liberalism that could be redeemed in the short term it's them.


Wasn't Sun Yat-sen the guy which founded the Kuomintang? I may be wrong but I believe he was just a socdem nationalist.


He was a Georgist, I just have sympathy for Georgism as a form of social democracy, it would be a big improvement over comprador and neoliberal capitalism or typical Keynesian practices of the Imperial core.


Also there was a brief moment where the Kuomintang was a genuinely Communist oriented Social Democratic movement, then what happened was the gun took control of the party due to the warlord situation. That's the political environment that led to the absolute mismanagement of the economy under the Chiang Kai Shek administration and the betrayal of the Communist party which started the People's War.


Any updates on the Ethiopia-Tigray situation?


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>Any updates on the Ethiopia-Tigray situation?
TPLF still defeated, western warmongers still BTFO.


Ahmed did good, he big man in my heart


Halo mwenzangu mwenye ngozi nyeusi! Tafadhali jiunge nasi katika mapambano yetu dhidi ya hatari ya Kiingereza hapa: >>35082


Feeding A Crisis: Africa's Manufactured Hunger Pandemic


>Vietnam is still socialist

Aren't they just another sweatshop state with no prospects like Bangladesh?


What's going on in Ethiopia with the Tigrayans?


Why is TPLF aligned pro-West (if I understand you correctly)? Aren't they Marxist-Leninists?


No, not since the Derg purged the original TPLF during the 70s revolution. its a shame because they were much more involved with the actual revolutionary mass movement of peasants than the military junta Derg, but after years of being sidelined and irrelevant they became much more opportunistic, took funding and arms from the west, and now are basically a cookie cutter nationalist group


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Any Somalian here? Blackhawk Down is just another movie about the American ancaps against the Somalian ancaps, isn't it?


>Why is TPLF aligned pro-West (if I understand you correctly)?
They've been allied with America since they took power. Not to say Abiy is anti-western or that he is moving towards China more than TPLF would have if they were in power right now. But now that they lost power, The West are their only avenue to grab power again, and The TPLF provide the best route to weaken Ethiopia and get them back under The West's thumb and away from China.




A leftist (? Wikipedia classifies him as Panafricanist and says he denounced the French imperialism) political leader has been arrested in Senegal and it seems protests are brewing.

Leaving something here cause i don't know more than that.




Idk if they're on our side so I won't express any judgement on that.




Small update on the Senegal shit: Its still going https://twitter.com/ChalecosAmarill/status/1367922926008287251


Senegal protests going on for the third straight day, amid reports of multiple assassinations by the neoliberal government.



A Guide to US Empire in Africa: Neocolonial Order & AFRICOM

Great video by Mommy Martin speaking with Eugene Puryear to discuss the big picture of US imperialism in Africa: From the Berlin Conference to the subversion of liberation movements to neocolonial puppets and the current sprawl of AFRICOM "counterterrorism."


Africananon here Ill tell you how I feel about current geo-politics:

ZANU-PF: There were the right-wing faction of the liberation movement in Zim. They were not really Marxist more like Shona Nationalists. Not based but the Movement for Change are run by glowie’s.

MPLA: They are awful they are robbing the country. The MPLA was never marxist they just wanted the Cubans and USSR as Sugar daddies. Under Structural adjustment IIRC.

FRELIMO and SWAPO are bad too. But SWAPO will soon be out. Hopefully Job Amupanda runs for president. And the ANC were fucking sellouts. Dont know how I feel about the EFF but they certainly are the strongest socialist movement on the continent.

The best socialists on the continent were Nkrumah, Sankara, Machel, Gaddafi and Nasser. (Even though the last two were problematic to Black Africans)


Yuck. Lmao I find it funny that Western Leftist support the Derg. Mengistu literally learned about Marx from a 20 something year old engineering student.

The “Derg” were not socialists they were unfortunately a Soviet backed military dictatorship ran by a psychopath.

Calling them socialist is an insult too the many Ethiopian students that worked with the Black Panthers, Viet Cong, and other Socialist movements of the time.

The Ethiopian student movement led the resistance against Halle Sellaise YEARS before the coup. But the army overthrew him instead. The students were prepared to fight the army as well till the army said they were willing to learn about “Marxism”

Half of the students believed them and worked with the Derg and half did not. Mengistu was attacked by the some students and newspapers for being repressive and anti-union so they led a struggle against him.

Mengistu was manipulative and killed the socialist students that were anti-Derg. Then when they were done attacked the students that were pro-Derg and teaching him Marxism.

Since the student movement was so small and the Red Terror was hidden the Western communists didn't notice and supported him. This is why Castro was friends with Mengistu and supported Somali intervention.


Can you tell us more about the historical socialist aligned groups like MPLA, SWAPO, ANC etc?


wasnt sankara overthrown by french foreign legion henchmen once it was clear he had popular support?


The ANC was the resistance movement against apartheid Nelson Mandela was the most well known freedom fighter. However he wasnt always a peacef*g leftwingers like Joe Solvo lead a millita against them.

FRELIMO was so based under Machel. But after he was killed (Apartheid South Africa shot down his plane) his successor couldnt take down REANMO (Rhodesian millitants and glowies) so they signed a peace treaty were they could join parliament and have democracy. The next president then did free market reforms and now the current president is a typical African despot. Its a sad tale.

The Angolan Bush War is probably my favorite historical communist movement of all time and is the best example of proletarian internationalism. The USSR, Cuba, the Warsaw Pact, Libya, China, the DPRK all the liberation movements in Africa all sent arms to Namibian revolutionaries to fight the South African goverment. SWAPO beat the SAF mercernaries, Rhodesians, and Savimbi.

Angolan War didnt end till 2003 but by that time it was basically glowie vs glowie since the main revolutionaries in the MPLA were dead.


Where are you hearing that they will win? PF is probably going to win.


Do you have any pdfs/ebooks and such for African Socialism in English or Portuguese written by members of those Parties and such?


A lot of them are on marxist.org! Also i reccomend Remembering Angola: Cuban Internationalism. I am not Portugese. Ill send some in the thread when i get the time.


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not him, but these are some interesting books on the Angola and Cuba also


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Can someone pill me on the state of the EFF in 2020/1?



they are good but people always lie on them and say that the country will turn into ZIm if they are in power, and tbh if they even appeared to be more multi-racial they would win.

I like they have stood there ground against xenophobia and the #PutSouthAfricaFirst reactionary nonsense

Its just more false populism from Nana. I would go ahead and support the EFL Fighters in Ghana hopefully they run for parliament next election.


meles is washington backed they used to be hoxhaist before the user fell. its basically creating another isis so they have an excuse to sanction Eritrea.
Washington Consensus/World Bank, the UN, and Wahabiism
Museveni rigged the election but it turns out the opposition canindate was a Washington Client as well.


I think we might have a Red Tide in like 5 or 6 years.

>Despite what happened in 2010 most people miss Gaddafi and if there is an election (I think its this year) his son will win and will implement Green Book esque policies

South Africa
>EFF is the most powerful ML party on the continent

>SWAPO popularity at 40% and Affrimative Repositioning and LPM will probably win a lot of seats in Parliament

>Socialist Party of Zambia might gain a lot of seats


Speaking of, I'm confused about Tigray and Eritrea, maybe someone could explain. Are these places quasi-socialist or what? I heard Eritrea had some sort of ruling socialist party, but how are they? Are they just socdems?

About Tigray I know even less. Apparently they have an opposition party which is Hoxhaist or some shit like that? I could be confusing it with a completely different country/party.


Quick History Lesson: After WW2 after Italy was defeated….and Eritrea which has its own distinct culture from Ethiopia was given to Halle Selliase as a gift. Eritreans didnt like this and rose up and created the EPLF. The EPLF was cool but they became the PFDJ after the USSR fell and basically stopped being a workers state and is a dictatorship. Has some socialist elements but its not worth defending at ALL.

The TPLF was a liberation movement against the Derg it was Hoxhaist but as soon as Washington started pouring money to them they became there client. They defeated the Derg (EPLF did all the work tbh) and them the US used them to attack the Somalis, Eritreans and Oromos even though they were helped by them. They ruled for 27 years till Abiy Ahmed created the Prosperity Party and TPLF got pissy and succeded. They are Washington backed.

Support Oromia and OPLA and some parts of the Eritrean resistance (the ones that are not NED or glowie). Not TPLF.


So you're telling me both the Ethiopians and the TPLF glow?

2 questions:
1)Is SWAPO still socialist?
2)Is EFF in South Africa getting stronger?


(Wikipedia says SWAPO is succdem right now)


>Is SWAPO socialist
No they under structural adjustment they have world bank people in the cabinet. They are Third Way SocDems.
>Do both TPLF and Abiy glow
Yes but TPLF glows larger i wouldnt be suprised if the idea to succeed came from the State department. Abiy works with China.


>Is the EFF stronger
hmmmm they are, they have more youth support than before and they won some campus elections. They probably polling + 6 more than they did last elections.


>+6 more
<Than an already somewhat sizable result
VERY good news if true


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>if they even appeared to be more multi-racial they would win.
They do have some white party members though. Maybe EFF could use them more in party campaigns


It's way out of the news cycle, but it's really funny how they caught Charles Taylor ordering his political party around from prison like a mafia boss, did any prosecutions come of that?


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Sudan goes full zionist


Genuine question, is there a way to even interact with subsaharan africunts?

I only know about their shitty nigerian taringa-reddit-chan forum but is about impossible to talk to any of them that are active in ground zero of anything.


Angolanos love twitter
Search for "paninas" slang for gay


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Normalization is not with Israel . Normalization is with the West and is with the US . Who normalizes with the West and with US has already normalized with israel . Gulf states like UAE and Bahrain do not want to normalize with Israel . They do not seek to please Israel , they want to please the US and the West , and they are doing US bidding. Normalization is with USA, and identification is with USA and the West , and not with Israel . If US wants those countries to be at odds with israel , they will do as they are told without hesitation. This whole operation is surrender to the US and the West rather than surrender to Israel, and there is a difference between surrendering to this and surrendering to that because surrendering to the US and the West has already happened long ago which made the surrender to israel instantaneous . This normalization happening between Gulf countries and israel has this in particular and it is that this normalization is closer to an alliance than to mere normalization. It involves the merging of firms and companies and the investment in banks and cooperation in all fields including artistic fields, and includes basically security coordination .All this had already happened with US and the West, and when it happened with israel the road was already paved . Now, Sudan has started the process of recognition and normalization, also pushed by US and according to a deal with USA by virtue of which Sudan was removed from the list of terror . In Lebanon , we are not able to see that our problem is US, and the rule that is allied with the Resistance is not identifying this enemy to be the western powers so as to be able to deal with the situation and to be able to overcome the difficulties . Unfortunately , this is not happening , we are still betting on the west , and this is a great defect that is hindering us from seeking real solutions. It is US that is declaring this war on Lebanon and we have to admit it if we are to do something about it.


>shitty nigerian taringa-reddit-chan forum
You mean this site?


>WTF, does this even mean?
In internet meme terms, saying that someone is "glowing" means you are accusing them of working for the CIA or any related intelligence agency.
This term originated from a schizophrenic computer programmer who made videos talking about how he used his car to run over CIA agents who "glow in the dark".


That's the one


Most Nigerian communists are either millennials or are very old professors. You wont see any commies on nairaland. They are mainly on social media like twitter.


Eritrea is not marxist leninist anymore its just a general anti-west dictatorship. There is a large smear plan to get western intervention in that area of the world but god dang dont romanticize Eritrea.


Rhodesian cope channel


Mugabe ended those losers now all they have is youtube


News on Africa Left movements:

>EFF BTFOs the DA again on social media

>Kenya took probably the worst IMF deal in human history and the people on the fore-front of it are the Kenyan Communist Party so they are getting free publicity but some of them are getting arrested
>Amensty International lied about the Axum Massacre to drag Eritrea but it turns out the attacks were done by TPLF
>TPLF still getting BTFO
>Job Amupunda got a corrupt SWAPO minister to resign


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Insert chad meme here


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Or how about it was the brave peoples of the land who did this.. to be betrayed by Mugabe. who was just a filthy politico in it for the cred.
Leftypol cock sucking of any and every head of state is honestly just sad.


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Holy fuck, did you guys see this? Chad's president was assasinated https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/20/africa/president-deby-killed-frontline-intl/index.html


Nvm, two hours late lol


Nah, thanks anon. Link provides more context I think only was a image before.


Sounds more like he died in combat
Feudal era king Chad energy tbh


>Sounds more like he died in combat
Where did you get that impression? It is what the official broadcast says but there is no over proof at all i see.


Good news: he was a western aligned politician
Bad news: his death empowers boko haram


Boko Haram? Weren't they active in Nigeria?


The virgin Chad

no but seriously this is bad.


Libya getting fucked caused this


unironically sad desu


According to Wikipedia at least it seems none of their headquarters are in Chad, so what's likely is that the brunt of their forces are in Nigeria and Chad is only a minor insurgency in comparison.


But speaking of this conflict in general, what about the people who are fighting the Chadian government in the first place? I don't know anything about these guys, what's their whole thing about? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Front_for_Change_and_Concord_in_Chad



EFF is doing well locally KZN is a very ANC region. The thing is that they were always going to get a large swing because the last local elections were when EFF was a weaker party and only achieved 8% nationally in the elections. They are unlikely to be in control of a municipality and create a Kerelia type place where they can demonstrate good governance unless they mobilize in the largest youth-filled province. Still, they are growing well. They are the strongest ML party in Africa.



China ambassador gives solidarity to the neo-liberal Patriotic Front in Zambia. Cuba gives solidarity to the Zambian Socialist Party and the Socialist Party are censured and punished for it.


Did they break through the 10% threshold?


we have any african anons here to commend on how accurate this article is ?i'm not that well versed on african colonialism but i knew about the arbitrary creation of ethnicities and tribes by europeans ,those customary law systems though sound too ridiculous and perverse


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>On this episode of the Pantsula Podcast, the All-African People's Revolutionary Party organizers Evan and Jeffrey have a discussion with long time organizer in the AAPRP, Ahjamu Umi based on his latest book "A Guide for Organizing Defense against White Supremacist, Patriarchal and Fascist Violence."


Really interesting episode, they talk about Organising, Pan-Afrikanism, why anti-Afrikan violence happens on a global scale, the failures of Afro-pessimism ("Anti-Blackness"), why we Afrikans in the diaspora and in the motherland need to study theory and history


I'm Afro-Pessimistic about that fucking K in Africa. You can keep your Afrikan American retardation on that side of The Atlantic.


Sorry Anglo-boy, but English is not my main language and that's how I spell it.


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FYI. This is how The AU spells it. Or I guess we could let a bunch of confused lost slaves tell us how to spell it.


-_- bruh I know, that's how you spell it in English, even the AAPRP spells it with a 'c' , all I said that I spelled it in my main language


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I started reading this book, and all I can say is it is based as fuck. (I apologize for my pale light-skin, I've been inside for almost a year ok?)


>-_- bruh I know, that's how you spell it in English, even the AAPRP spells it with a 'c' , all I said that I spelled it in my main language
Your main language uses the roman alphabet? German or something? Didn't consider that, fair enough.

Maybe you're unaware of what I was even talking about.

>This short article, appearing in multiple issues of the paper throughout the 1990s, was adapted from African American poet and educator Haki Madhubuti's 1979 work, From Plan to Planet: Life Studies–The Need for Afrikan Minds and Institutions. The article, as its title suggests, provided four reasons for using the letter "K" in "Afrika," "Afrikan," and "Afrikan American." The main reason was that Africans themselves use the letter "K" in these words; Europeans "polluted" the spelling by switching the "K" to a "C" during the attempted colonization of the African continent. The article argued that the spelling change represents cultural subordination that Africans and African Americans should reject. Reverting to the "K" spelling empowered people of African descent and created the foundation for a common identity between them.

You could've fooled me with Afro-pessimism though. Shut the fuck up. Only the most alienated disaspora are concerned with all this afro-whatever.

Ok I clicked your vid and it's exactly what I expected. A bunch of African American negros. Reading the wiki. Founded in Guinea but I'm guessing they're all Americans now?

LMAO at:

>According to the party, global membership in the party is "in the hundreds"

The freaking hundreds bro!


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>>194327 me
And also. Shut the fuck up with your organization promoting Pan-Africanism shit. There's already a goddamn African Union.

As cringey as some random Euro group who number in the hundreds saying they are trying to promote pan-Euroism.


Its 5% in SA. And at this point they grown so much that they probably not going to get locked out of any province.
Man the AAPRP is Kwame Ture’s party dont disrespect it. I disagree with the Africa with a K shit but lol stop derailing.
Based book
The AU are literally neo-colonial puppets thats not the best example.


Yes its true. Homosexuality acceptance was tolerated or they were indifferent to it. Its only those societies that interacted with the Muslim world or that were muslim that discriminated against Homosexuality. And the ones that were indifferent or looked down on homosexuality they were never as punitive as the French and British about it.


AAPRP while its only been picked up the last two years is probably the best way to form a vanguard party for the African continent with chapters in each country. That should be the goal.


>Man the AAPRP is Kwame Ture’s party dont disrespect it. I disagree with the Africa with a K shit but lol stop derailing.
I already conceded. It struck me as an affect when mixed with the other content he posted, but he was just being faithful to his native spelling, probably German or something.

>The AU are literally neo-colonial puppets thats not the best example.

Yeah and much of the same criticisms can be lobbied against the EU. Still don't need completely irrelevant groups with hundreds of members to promote pan-Euroism. Turbo-cringe.

>AAPRP while its only been picked up the last two years is probably the best way to form a vanguard party for the African continent with chapters in each country. That should be the goal.
Someone redpill me on how this isn't an irrelevant LARP group.


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Ok doing my own reading. According to the wiki:

>Black Power — "the belief that real black freedom will only come when Africa is politically united"[2]

I knew this shit. Trying to make Africa synonymous with some Black bullshit. Africa is a big continent which includes a lot of Arabs. Trying to import that American mind poison. Europe doesn't need American White Power and Africa doesn't need American Black Power either.


Africans are africans who are sub-saharan africans.Not your meditternean dudes


I know two AAPRP members that I’m friends with on social media they currently do political education. Many are a part of other orgs like that new Black Anti-Imperialist org I forgot the name off. As I said they are currently building up membership and they havent taken much action yet.
Oh brother. Pan-Africanism is about the unity of the entire of Africa under scientific socialism its not a “black ideology” read Africa Must Unite by Kwame Nkrumah. Its all of Africa, you cant wiki this shit. Nasser supported Pan-Africanism and was close with Kwame Nkrumah. Hell he named his son Gamel after him.


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>Nasser supported Pan-Africanism and was close with Kwame Nkrumah. Hell he named his son Gamel after him.

Nkrumah also married an Egyptian woman


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>Africans are africans who are sub-saharan africans.Not your meditternean dudes
I'm assuming this post is facetious? But to respond seriously to this point even if. Yeah, it's best to tell the most developed African countries to fuck off, nevermind that there are large "true Black" African populations in these countries and everything is a gradient of Arab and "Black" going down from the from the Mediterranean. Yes, best to make this all about racist European slave traders color coding of races. Definitely the psychologically sound approach.

No. I reject the importation of American psychological trauma. I feel bad for them, but they can keep that clown show to themselves. It makes me sad everytime I see Africans fall victim to it. It's funny how The African immigrants who stay true to their culture are some of the most successful and educated in America and those that get wrapped up in American "Black" culture end up with riddled with holes on some sidewalk somewhere.


Yeah, he really wanted the North to like him. Nkrumah is Africa's Lenin quite honestly he is so underrated.


Also do any anons have anything on Siad Barre?


I find it interesting that so many socialists hate Pan-African socialism but don't understand the actual philosophies behind it and how close West Africa under Nkrumah was close to unification and how close Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Uganda, and Kenya were to federating (Kenyatta's coon ass sabatoged it the way Kagame is right now). It's not forced cultural hegemony or anything nor a form of Black nationalisms. Hell Gaddafi was Arab.


>I find it interesting that so many socialists hate Pan-African socialism but don't understand the actual philosophies behind it and how close West Africa under Nkrumah was close to unification and how close Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Uganda, and Kenya were to federating (Kenyatta's coon ass sabatoged it the way Kagame is right now). It's not forced cultural hegemony or anything nor a form of Black nationalisms. Hell Gaddafi was Arab.
Literally their website is talking about Black power bullshit.

>“The total liberation and unification of Africa under an All-African Socialist Government must be the primary objective of all Black revolutionaries throughout the world. It is an objective which, when achieved, will bring about the fulfillment of the aspirations of Africans and people of African descent everywhere. It will at the same time advance the triumph of the international socialist revolution, and the onward progress towards world communism, under which, every society is ordered on the principle of –from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”

Color coded slaves are Black. Africans are Africans.


>“The total liberation and unification of Africa under an All-African Socialist Government must be the primary objective of all Black revolutionaries throughout the world. It is an objective which, when achieved, will bring about the fulfillment of the aspirations of Africans and people of African descent everywhere.

??????? that is literally a quote from Kwame Nkrumah's book "Africa Must Unite" do you think they just made that philosophy up?


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>Nasser supported Pan-Africanism and was close with Kwame Nkrumah. Hell he named his son Gamel after him.
Good for him.

>Nkrumah also married an Egyptian woman

So he gave birth to a bunch of half-Black babies. Or what percentage "Black" was the Egyptian lady?

American mind poison. Actual Africans have ties to each other that are way deeper than skin color.


>Hell he named his son Gamel after him.
That's really beautiful, I'm reminded from reading Nasser's Wiki page and how so many African leaders were devastated at his funeral. Everyone crying and some people even fainting, goes to show how much they admired him and looked up to him.


>??????? that is literally a quote from Kwame Nkrumah's book "Africa Must Unite" do you think they just made that philosophy up?
I'm saying you're saying I'm mischarecterizing it the movement as an importation of American Black Power mumbo jumbo, and there it is right in the founders words. Literally fuck that word Black. If African Americans want to stick to European 18th century color coding when The Red man and The Yellow man already violently reject it, fine, leave them to it. I however reject importing that shit to Africa.


Leftypol hates the sovereignty and freedom of non-white races. Just look at how they get worked up about China.


>Leftypol hates the sovereignty and freedom of non-white races. Just look at how they get worked up about China.
Shut your ass up cracker.


Cry about it


Nah I'm good cracker. Also FYI I don't hate:
>the sovereignty and freedom of non-white races. Just look at how they get worked up about China.
I just hate crackers like you.


Fathia had three kids Sekou, Gamel and Samia. Samia was a former MP in Ghana. She tried to bring her dads party (Convention People's Party) back
Kwame Nkrumah was an African from Ghana and he said those words including the Black revolutionary parts what the hell are you saying?

>The total liberation and unification of Africa under an All-African Socialist Government must be the primary objective of all Black revolutionaries throughout the world. It is an objective which when achieved, will bring about the fulfillment of the aspirations of Africans and people of African descent everywhere. It will at the same time advance the triumph of the international socialist revolution.

— Kwame Nkrumah

All of that was from the mouth of a Ghanaian man. I don't know why your frothing at the mouth at non existent African Americans.


China is on the rise and there’s nothing you can do about it. Africa will enjoy the fruits of multipolarity.


>China is on the rise and there’s nothing you can do about it. Africa will enjoy the fruits of multipolarity.
Where did I say I was anti-China?

>Leftypol hates the sovereignty and freedom of non-white races.
Only from the mind of a "White" supremacist could the category of "not pure Aryan" be considered a legitimate categorization of peoples of this world of 7 billion.


>All of that was from the mouth of a Ghanaian man. I don't know why your frothing at the mouth at non existent African Americans.

Yeah I got that part. That's why I said the importation of The African American mind virus. I already said Africans fall prey to that European/American mind virus. I whole-heartedly reject it though.


> Only from the mind of a "White" supremacist could the category of "not pure Aryan" be considered a legitimate categorization of peoples of this world of 7 billion
Don’t blame me that all people of non European descent get the same exact chauvinistic treatment from white Liberals


>Don’t blame me that all people of non European descent get the same exact chauvinistic treatment from white Liberals
But you are one of those White liberals and you're doing that very thing right now.


>I knew this shit. Trying to make Africa synonymous with some Black bullshit. Africa is a big continent which includes a lot of Arabs. Trying to import that American mind poison. Europe doesn't need American White Power and Africa doesn't need American Black Power eithe

I don't get it according to my reading of Pan-Africanism, it stands for a united Africa, for all Africans. Normally people like Kwame Toure were explicitly against identifying with terms like "black people" and "Afro-American", since it is a category given to us by the West to disconnect us from our homeland and divide us. Algerians are as much African as Angolans are. People who talk about "black only movements" are just doing reversed one drop rule or the "nigga gene variant" like the white man does. "Black" is a political category given to us not a biological one, a person with as light of a skin as the Nkrumah book poster is labled black just like the dark people in Nigeria.

They explicitly mention that using these terms like "black" divide us, it is not "northern-African Arabs" vs blacks, but we're all from the same continent that is being exploited. They say: " Colonel Gaddafi was the biggest Pan-Africanist of the 21st century compared to all black activists in the USA"


Not to the same end


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>"Black" is a political category given to us not a biological one,
So why perpetuate it? I violently reject it as do The Yellows and The Reds.
>a person with as light of a skin as the Nkrumah book poster is labled black just like the dark people in Nigeria.
No that's where you're wrong. I see my people in The West getting torn up about whether or not they are "Black" or not. I hate that shit. Keep that shit in The American hellhole.

>They say: " Colonel Gaddafi was the biggest Pan-Africanist of the 21st century compared to all black activists in the USA"

So why not just drop the Black terminology altogether? Just to play to the appetites of African Americans?


Completely agree, horrible that he was deposed but I'm glad he at least got to live out his life in relative peace. Unfortunately though he is widely admired by Ghanaians the socialism and panafricanism are almost completely disregarded in favor of his celebration as a national hero.

bro what the FUCK are you talking about, my entire point was that panafricanism went far beyond blackness.


>Africans are africans who are sub-saharan africans.Not your meditternean dudes

Unironically making the "nigga gene" argument


>So why not just drop the Black terminology altogether? Just to play to the appetites of African Americans?
I also want to drop that terminology


the elites are starting to teach that he was a dictator but most Ghanaians love him and know the truth.


I lived in Ghana for a while and unfortunately many people, even those who loved Nkrumah as a national hero and an african hero, believe more or else that he was an "African strongman" and just insist that dictatorial methods are sometimes necessary. Many of these people had no knowledge of his socialism and thought that panafricanism was primarily about making african countries into superpowers. Some of these same people told me they wished african countries could become "like the US." I'm not suggesting these people were dumb at all, and in my experience Africans tend to be much more lucid and knowledgable about political details national and international compared to many americans and europeans. But there is a strong cynicism towards any kind of ideological project and you'll get the same people who admire Nkrumah talk approvingly of George W. Bush for visiting Ghana and making diplomatic overtures. It's sad but that's the reality of political consciousness that I saw.


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>But there is a strong cynicism towards any kind of ideological project and you'll get the same people who admire Nkrumah talk approvingly of George W. Bush for visiting Ghana and making diplomatic overtures. It's sad but that's the reality of political consciousness that I saw.
Maybe desperate people want more pie in their hands than pie in the sky.

It is kind of cynical Westerners for who can't make Communism/Socialism work in their own countries to try and promote it in Africa. Lead by example, be the change you want to see, yah yah.

This isn't pre-1990, there is no USSR to cozy up with, China isn't doing business with countries based on how "socialist" they are.


Thats why I hope Xi is replaced with a leftist in the next 10-15 years.


This Kwame Nkrumah was a dictator myth needs to die.
>Wins post independence election with British oversight 90% to 10%
>Opposition and Separatist groups does terrorist attacks and attempts an assassination on him
>Nkrumah locks up the leader and passes a bill in parliament locking up opponents arbitrarily on a fast track (think War on Terror)
>Nkrumah passes a bill for a referendum that would make him president for life
>Nearly 99% of the population votes for him
>British cry rigged but Nkrumah actually had wide support in his country and even more from his initiatives and policies (Ghana had the best standard of living and highest literacy in Africa at the time)


I dont even know what youre referring to or what youre implying my position on the situation is. I was giving an account of my impression of the situation based on personal experience and research.

Yeah Nkrumah wasnt perfect, some of the attempts at industrialization led to misreporting to meet quotas and other shenanigans that predictably come with the growing pains of a planned economy, there was real dissent among Ashanti and Ga leadership, some of the security measures were likely ill timed or misdirected. Personally I think its unlikely that the referendums were not tampered with in some way.

All of that is to say its MORE impressive that Nkrumah and the CPP accomplished what they did in such a short time with so many enemies embedded around them, and in completely unprecedented circumstances. Ghana was effectively the first postcolonial country, and also the first to get kneecapped back into neocolonialism.

Today in Ghana the most impressive infrastructure is still largely from Nkrumah and the CPP. The road networks, the phone service, Akosombo Dam. The Convention People's Party started work on a nuclear energy facility in 1963 and only since I believe 2018 has a revitilization of the project been seriously considered.

I also think Jerry Rawlings was a good leader and it speaks to the lucidity of Ghanaian people that Nkrumah and Rawlings are remembered as the greatest of their national heroes. Rawlings wasnt anything perfect but he was working under arguably worse circumstances than Nkrumah since the wave of independence and panafricanism was over and ambitious political projects in Africa were disregarded and isolated. And say what you will about his shift towards liberal-democracy in Ghana, but it almost certainly allowed for the relatively high quality of life and unique stability of contemporary Ghanaian politics and society. Ultimately it cant last and the opening of a US military base in Ghana in 2018 is discouraging, but it was met with widespread protests.


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>I dont even know what youre referring to or what youre implying my position on the situation is. I was giving an account of my impression of the situation based on personal experience and research.
Sorry if it sounded too personal. I wasn't disregarding your experience or trying to accuse you of anything I was just trying to give an explanation for these people's opinions you were baffled by. Frankly your take sounds identical to any number of former socialist countries. I can't remember what thread, I think china thread. but recently I saw this Romanian poster posting almost exactly the same shit about how Romanian nationalists fondly remember Nicolae Ceaușescu because of his Romanian nationalism, yet also embrace fascists because their is no communist ideological basis for their support of him. I'm just saying, it's quite obvious why nobody cares whether someone is Socialist or Capitalist, they want to bank with the movement most likely to do something for them. Why the fuck would any country want to invite US/EU sanctions when they don't have to. Communism is a hard sell without any superpower actively trying to promote it.

>Thats why I hope Xi is replaced with a leftist in the next 10-15 years.
Yeah, there's hoping. I'm definitely not anti-China, but if there's any legitimate criticism of them not actually being socialist/communist, it's that there's no ideological basis for their foreign relations. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong Dengoids. I'm still not knocking the business they do in Africa. I think Africans would be in a lot better position if they were doing business with China this whole time instead of The IMF and West. The West lead Africans to crisis after crisis and pat themselves on the back for saving the dirty Africans from their own inferiority. At least The Chinese are giving useful shit(for a price of course, just like The West.)


>Frankly your take sounds identical to any number of former socialist countries. I can't remember what thread, I think china thread. but recently I saw this Romanian poster posting almost exactly the same shit about how Romanian nationalists fondly remember Nicolae Ceaușescu because of his Romanian nationalism, yet also embrace fascists because their is no communist ideological basis for their support of him.

To be fair, Ghana was under socialist leadership for less than ten years, and the middle aged and younger generations have no real memory of that, and besides Nkrumah's iconography and the national mythos of liberation, there is very little consideration among the population that Ghana was ever "a socialist country." Even under Nkrumah's leadership the priority of the CPP was panafricanism, industrialization, and economic independence, which I am certainly not criticizing as that is a very sensible direction to take and whether explicitly socialist ideology was widely promoted seems mostly irrelevant. And regardless, Nkrumah did introduce educational and theoretical programs based around panafricanism and scientific socialism, even f it wasnt in the form of a widespread public campaign


The opposition parties in Africa are so pathetic and are neo-liberals in waiting. For example, I do not like the PFDJ or ZANU-PF ruling parties. The former abandoned Vanguardism and ZANU-PF were rightists. However, the opposition in Eritrea is so heavily crowded with people that have connections to the state department, amnesty international, NED. And the same is similar for the "SocDem" opposition party in Zim. ZANU-PF is neo-liberal and revisionist say what you want about it but they are under sanction so supporting any type of movement against them to undermine them is counter-revolutionary.


>Thats why I hope Xi is replaced with a leftist in the next 10-15 years.
I thought Xi already was a shift to the left compared to his predecessors. But anyway the comming cold war will make this battle between China and USA alot more ideological, maybe this will force China more openly to the left since they have to focus more on self-reliance and promoting development in the third world, backing anti-western revolutionary movements etc.


The point is and if you know the history of “Chinese Internationalism” in Africa. You will know that China since the Split has been antagonistic to Africa and has never supported groups fully based on idelogy. China is not interested in Global Revolution they are focused on Global Hegemony and SWCC.

As an African Socialist I would want a Chinese Leader that:

>is fully transparent about loans and supports renegotiations and cancellation

>supporting Socialist Parties

>reign in Chinese capitatlists operating in Africa

>withdraw from Djibouti

In essence I want China to be what the USSR was for us. A Guiding hand in protecting the revolution and encouraging socialism to take route in Africa. Xi’s B&R is not internationalism.


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>The point is and if you know the history of “Chinese Internationalism” in Africa
Yeah, China was not really *coughs*UNITA*cough* supportive of communist forces in Africa. They just take the "we do buisiness with everyone approach", the fact that they are building infrastructure is ok I guess, since electrification is really lacking on the continent,


Not even just Savimbi, the PRC supported Mobutu and some death squads in the Congo. Just overall horrible. A net-negative for the continent


I’m a burger anon, but my parents are south asian, and in India there’s a somewhat positive regard towards the soviet union. D’you know if this is similar in your country/country of origin and other former African partners of the Union?


no, you see, savimbi was just developing the means of production. death squads, blood diamonds and slave driving are necessary for Socialism with Angolan Characteristics, dont be a naive baizou!


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>The opposition parties in Africa are so pathetic and are neo-liberals in waiting. For example, I do not like the PFDJ or ZANU-PF ruling parties. The former abandoned Vanguardism and ZANU-PF were rightists. However, the opposition in Eritrea is so heavily crowded with people that have connections to the state department, amnesty international, NED. And the same is similar for the "SocDem" opposition party in Zim. ZANU-PF is neo-liberal and revisionist say what you want about it but they are under sanction so supporting any type of movement against them to undermine them is counter-revolutionary.
What do you mean abandoned vanguardism? They do a lot of things to eliminate the bourgeois, to the criticism of The West. Like when they did a currency exchange a few years ago to get rid of all the currency on the black market.


Eritrea: 25 Years of Struggle Building Socialism

This coming May 24 marks 25 years since a rag-tag afro coifed army of Eritrean rebel fighters drove their captured Ethiopian tanks through the Eritrean capital of Asmara and gave birth to the modern, “socialist” country of Eritrea.

The birthing process, the “armed struggle for independence”, took 30 years so the modern struggle to build a country based on “scientific socialism”, as Pan Africanists have called it, is still maturing.

While the lives of the people of Eritrea is still a hard one, a major, and very popular step in the development of socialist society has been introduced in what’s known here as the “currency change”, the calling in of all the old currency for replacement. Eritrea at this stage of socialism is still a cash based society with bank accounts something still only for a minority. So changing all the money is a really big deal in a developing third world country.

Now if you are a black market agent using cash to do your business and have literally millions of Nakfa, the Eritrean currency, stuffed under your bed, you got some explaining to do.

Villas in the better parts of the capital Asmara were selling recently for up to 50 million Nakfa. Who in this country of hard times is able to explain the legal acquirement of 50 million Nakfa (Nkf)?

So the “currency change” has brought to a halt much of black market business, a move enormously popular with 95% of the long suffering Eritrean people, especially considering that ordinary citizens are restricted to withdrawing 5,000 Nkf a month from an account. Most Eritreans can only dream of earning 5,000 Nkf a month so its only the relatively well to do that are inconvenienced.

In a socialist country, the push will always be away from a cash based economy and initially, at least in Eritrea, towards using cheques for major payments over a few thousand Nkf. The most likely way to get away from cash use is a mobile phone payment system such is used in Sudan and increasingly in Kenya and this is what most probably will be introduced.

The currency change has also foiled a major plot by Eritrea’s enemies, mainly based in Ethiopia and Djibouti, to destabilize the economy by buying up Eritrean currency, which is illegal to take out of the country. It got so bad in 2015 that only 10 Nkf and 20 Nkf notes were available from banks and with limits on amounts.

Hundreds of millions of US dollars worth Eritrean Nkf held illegally by foreign currency banksters were wiped out almost overnight, with the notification of the currency change being kept a total secret until a few weeks before its implementation.


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>While Mohammad Morsi is no longer in power - having done a 'reverse Mandela' in going from President to prisoner - in June of last year he was party to a discussion about the International Panel of Experts report on the dam with Egyptian political leaders.

>Here it again suggested that methods of destroying the dam be considered, including support for anti-government rebels. Had this discussion remained private that might have been the end of the matter. Yet, unbeknown to those attending, the discussions on the various options were being broadcast live on national TV.

Although when Morsi was still in power The TPLF were still in power. I think it gives some credence to the reports/speculation that Egypt is supporting TPLF now.



Statement from The Eritrean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

>With the end of the Cold War, principal power groups and segments in the United States who were driven by hegemonic ambitions and impulses set out to shape and consolidate a uni-polar world that would operate under their tutelage. The scheme involved parceling out the world into spheres of influence that would be controlled through handpicked surrogates or anchor States. This misguided policy perspective is one of the primary causes of the global and regional crises that prevail today. The tribulation that we see in the Horn of Africa is a conspicuous testimony to this state of affairs.

>Some of the key ramifications of this misguided policy are; (1) infringement of the sovereignty of peoples and nations; (2) flagrant breach of international law; (3) interference in internal affairs of other countries; (4) resort to intimidation and the logic of force; (5) inducing paralysis of regional and international forums to render them susceptible to domination; (6) stoking crises, conflicts and polarization so as to manage the resulting chaotic situation; (7) proliferation of attitudinal and cultural norms of demonization, condemnation, sanctions, punishment… etc.

>These misguided global policies, compounded by other deleterious regional and domestic policies of ethnic polarization, corruption, fundamentalist extremism, and terrorism, have wrought immense damage in the Horn of Africa both collectively as a region as well as in each individual country. The opportunities squandered have been enormous.

>These unsavory events, which are corroborated by incontrovertible evidences, surely constitute aberrations that warrant effective remedies. The primary responsibility for these remedies rests with the countries of the region themselves – both at the individual country level and through collective and concerted efforts and mechanisms. This will require the formulation of a new road-map; a task that must be accomplished without compounding external interference.

>As part and parcel of its initiative of “Active Engagement” with the Trump Administration, the Government of Eritrea had submitted a comprehensive document that described – in greater detail and with corroborative evidences – the drawbacks stemming from the policies of the three previous US Administrations as well as Eritrea’s modest perspectives for remedial action. Eritrea’s considered views took into account several, and relevant, other external factors and trends although the primary focus was on the influence of US policies. In this sense, the current plea is a mere reminder and repetition of what was submitted at the time.

>And in the same spirit that underpinned its policy of “Active Engagement”, the Government of Eritrea urges the Biden Administration to undertake necessary adjustments in the policies it charts out for the Horn of Africa. We hope this task will not be derailed by diversionary themes and positions.


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New Article on New Multitude

>for decades now, the Nigerian elite class under both a military and liberal democratic governing structure has outsourced the core of its knowledge framing and policy ideation responsibilities to the highly educated bloc of the middle-class. It is no doubt that Nigeria is in its current dysfunctional state partly because the middle-class has allied with the culpable oppressive class instead of allying with the oppressed poor class.


Written by Comrade Basil Abia, follow him on the twitter https://twitter.com/basilabia


They abandoned Leninist democratic centralism. They are no longer a socialist country Afewreki represents the national bourgeoisie of Eritrea. That dosent mean we shouldnt defend him against the state department.
I’m not a fan of him I was in social circles and he promoted anti-Soviet views but I agree with the article. The Nigerian middle class is so useless though. We could have done a Revolution ages ago but its only when the Middle Class is effected (the SARS unit) that they go out to fight the goverment. They have provided cover for every military regime.


>They abandoned Leninist democratic centralism. They are no longer a socialist country Afewreki represents the national bourgeoisie of Eritrea.
Bullshit. You're completely ignorant. Afwerki is a true man of the people. I'm not even defending his policy or strategy but he's the furthest thing from a sellout or a corrupt politician. National bourgeoisie? How do you even come up with that?


>Near Ethiopean border - dramatic landscape where people and fighters used to hide (Photo by Andre Vltchek)

>Then comes Eritrea, which fought for decades for its independence, and then demands that its resources should be used to feed, heal, educate and house its own people. It also insists that the entire Horn of Africa should enjoy freedom and self-determination.

>‘Dangerous’, isn’t it?

>What if the people in neighboring Ethiopia, Somalia, or DRC, begin paying attention and demanding a similar type of a society and government?

>What if they demand a social net? What if they insist that, like in Eritrea, cabinet members just walk down the streets, without any guards.

>Dr. Mohamed Hassan, a former Ethiopian diplomat in Washington, Beijing and Brussels, as well as an MP representing the militant Belgian Labor Party, explained to me, during our meeting in Asmara:

>“Eritrea is not a neo-colonial state. Eritrea is an independent state. Eritrea does not host any military bases, any external forces. Eritrea has the vision, and not only for Eritrea, but also for the region. It is also promoting self-reliance and regional integration. It is also built on the ideal: ‘let us use our own resources, and let us build our independence. It means elevating the life of Eritrean people, particularly those in the rural areas. This approach was considered in the West, as Chomsky said, as ‘a rotten apple’.”

>I ask him: Is it the main thing that the West is afraid of? Is it a ‘domino effect’ that the West fears?

>He replies readily:

>“Of course! Africa has some 50 percent of the world’s natural resources… Then consider this: the leadership of this country – they don’t steal. They are living a normal life, that of normal people. No leadership in any other country in Africa lives like ours here. You go next door – the Prime Minister of Ethiopia who just died, left his family some 8 billion dollars.”

>That is, of course, dangerous as well. Corruption is one of the tools used by foreign powers in enslaving the countries. Corrupt leaders are easy to manipulate, and as a rule, they do very little for their own people, and everything for their families and for the Empire.


you want to write for us too?

Also, guys I have been trying for a while to reach out to African commies and socialists, would appreciate some leads if anyone has one


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This Twitter comrade shares Pan-African literature daily on his twitter, as a beginner in Pan-Africanism it helped me alot navigating the literature.

He also has a Google Drive with more than 100 PDFs of the books he shares:

I dowloaded almost all of them, don't know whether there is a more secure and encrypted way to share this library.


Are you YPFDJ? Awferki is the richest person in Eritrea. There is
>no vanguardism
>no mass line
>no collectivization
>only serves the urban proliteriat
There is a difference between the EPLF. And the current PFDJ.



Especially the Nigerian middle class. Its actually shameful how bad the left is in Nigeria..because the goverment is cracking down on freedom of speech the police just do whatever so even if we wanted to do a free breakfast program or such the police would destroy it. I have some comrades in Lagos and we are trying to synthesize a way too do this and have police leave orgs alone but i cant find much reading on it


>Are you YPFDJ? Awferki is the richest person in Eritrea.
Source? I tried looking it up and the only source I found was Tigraionline lol. I clicked on the link and I'm getting a security warning

<no collectivization

Literally all the land is owned by the state.
>The land proclamation constitutes a major departure from this tradition by opening all villages to all Eritrean citizens, including those who have no prior connection with such places either by ancestry or residence. This follows from the fact that all land, including residential lands, belongs to the state, which allows every Eritrean citizen to freely settle anywhere within the country. In this regard, the state does not distinguish between villages and urban centres. Whoever chooses to build a house outside their village of origin is required to relinquish their house or right to residential land in their village of origin. The only exception is where an Eritrean owns two houses in different villages in rural areasfor business purposes.
>The Director-General of Land in the Ministry of Land, Water and Environment, for example, said, ‘You can't create a united country and people unless people can live and cultivate land according to the law anywhere within Eritrea. Our aim is to help people expand their sense of belonging to a nation rather than to a village. We also want them to embrace the belief that –Eritrea belongs to all Eritreans== and this includes villages.’
> village still remains the basic unit of land allocation although the land is owned by the state. Although the state retains the ultimate ownership, == the village collectively controls its grazing area
and woodlands in accordance with the pre-existing customs and traditions. ==

<only serves the urban proliteriat

>In Eritrea, Minimum Integrated Household Agricultural Package has bee introduced by the Ministry of Agriculture whereby each household/ family will acquire one improved cross-breed dairy cow or 6 ghoats (to be kept inside and fed through cut and carry), 25 chicken, 2 bee hives, a vegetable plot and 20 trees (10 fruit trees, 5 leguminous trees like moringa, leucinia, pigeon pea etc. as feed supplement to the cow, 5 trees for firewood) in addition to the land used for crop production.

(see vid)

>SMCP commenced its operations in July 1996 as a component of a project called Eritrean Community Development Fund, to provide financial services. In the first five years, it was under the Ministry of Local Government and since 2002, it has been operating under the Ministry of National Development.

>As of the end of 2018, there were 267 staff at SMCP who served 71,680 active clients out of which women comprise 55.7 %. During the same period, there were 702 village banks in all six regions of the country spread over in 65 out of the 67 sub regions. Out of 2,606 villages in the country, 1,838 (which is 65%) get SMCP service. In the past 23 years, SMCP disbursed more than 3.19 Billion ERN in total, and yearly loan outstanding balance remaining with clients was 296.8 million Nakfa at the end of year 2018.



Not really there is no fondness for the USSR or the West. The PRC is polarizing as well. They either hated or loved. Cuba is the most loved nation in Africa except in Somalia.


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This skitzo Atlantic Council woman. Her pinned tweet is some Anti-Abiy, Anti-Ethiopian propaganda from two years ago, and now that they see the results of their actions, she warns of impending armageddon caused by their actions and America losing The Horn of Africa to China and Russia.


You mind if I ask where your from, just out of curiosity? I'm the burger anon who lived in Ghana for a while


Hello my fellow blacks


Hello Anon

But anyways I’m so jealous of the Flippino diaspora they are actually doing stuff to support the National democracy movement. All the African diaspora does is shake there asses, eat jollof, harass women and be classist. I wish there was some alternative but atm all we have is the EFF.


Last year there were 63 farm murders compared to South Africa’s already super high crime rate of 38 murders per 100,000. Point to any region and show me how thats a serious anomaly.

>the ANC
>being “anti-white” when Cryil is completely controlled by white buisness interests

Ofc a Boer sympathizer wouldn’t understand the complex class relations in post-apartheid South Africa. Why would porkies care about some dumbfuck boer farmers or returning to aparthied when they reap the benefits of a Black shill puppet government.



I am very skeptical of the EFF tho, I've heard skepticism from South African friends as well. I would like them to put forward a concrete plan detailing how they intend to distribute land, educate poor people in agro methods, and how the process will work without any reduction in output. Taking the land is obviously necessary and top priority but fumbling the process would be disastrous on every level.




This is also what i also said to a South African anon! I think they mentioned it in there 2019 manifesto but it obviously was not as detailed as you say. I like Ndlozi though he seems actually based in communist theory compared to some of the others in leadership who are just vaguely using Left wing nationalism.




Daily reminder not to trust the Zimbabwe opposition figures.


Are there any resources to know how profitable colonialism was for Europeans and how profitable chattel slavery was for the South and perhaps the US after the civil war? Are there any resources for that?


How Europe Underdeveloped Africa and Black Reconstruction.


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Remember these Moroccan chads


Who are they?


Abd-Al-Krim riffian freedom fighter who inspired Ho Chi Minh and Che Guevarra's guerilla fighting tactics. Mehdi Ben Barka, Moroccan communist nationalist who was assasinated in France by the M*narchy and the Fr*nch


Should we make a Tigray general? I feel like most westoids are going to unironically support the TPLF though.


>t. occidentialists

>New Multitude is an online magazine for the non sectarian worldwide left. Our name is not a direct reference to any author, book or tendency. It indicates the idea that people, united, are the primary agents of history.


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Socialist Party of Zambia got registered for the elections today lets wish them luck!


that's pretty nice. Good luck to our comrades in Zambia


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TPLF is pulling the chemical weapons shit?

The West is going to create a Tegaru puppet state after this war so they can harass Eri and Ethiopia


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Coup in Mali


Wasn't there one a couple of years ago?


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Based soldier revolt
Francafrique is not happy


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>TPLF is pulling the chemical weapons shit?
Yupp. Telegraph is running ridiculous propaganda.

Check out the difference when they're covering Ethiopia vs. USA.


>Weapons experts said images obtained by the Telegraph show injuries consistent with the chemical

>Civilians in northern Ethiopia have suffered horrific burns consistent with the use of white phosphorus, a potential war crime, the Telegraph can disclose.

Exclusive footage and accounts of witnesses and victims smuggled out of the war in Tigray suggests the Ethiopian and Eritrean armies may have used powerful incendiary weapons in civilian areas.


>The U.S.-led coalition in Iraq and Syria appears to have used white phosphorus-loaded munitions on at least two occasions in densely populated areas of Mosul and in the Islamic State’s de facto capital of Raqqa, according to videos posted online and human rights groups.

>The often-controversial munitions are common in western militaries and are used primarily to create smoke screens, though they can also be dropped as an incendiary weapon. When a white phosphorus shell explodes, the chemical inside reacts with the air, creating a thick white cloud. When it comes in contact with flesh, it can maim and kill by burning to the bone.


No joke, I was down at the George Floyd intersection in Minneapolis yesterday for the anniversary of his death and I ran into some SWP lads who were selling copies of this book and various other literature that Pathfinder has published. I picked up a copy because I remembered the title from this thread and the synopsis of it sounded interesting.


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No they're still fighting for Ethiopia


>Backing the Vodafone bid was the International Development Finance Corp., or DFC. The U.S. government-funded agency was created in December 2019 with a goal of offering alternatives to cheap Chinese financing for foreign infrastructure projects.

>The DFC in late 2020 approved offering up to $500 million in U.S. loans if the Vodafone-led group won the bid. It isn’t obligated to move forward with the transaction, however. The U.S. has separately been pressing Addis Ababa to let humanitarian groups access Ethiopia’s Tigray region, where a violent conflict has led to what the U.S. calls ethnic cleansing.

>Should the financing go ahead, the U.S. loans would carry interest rates well below those of commercial banks. The idea is to help the carrier buy equipment from non-Chinese suppliers, such as Ericsson AB, Nokia Corp. or Samsung Electronics Co. Their equipment is often more expensive than Huawei or ZTE hardware, according to wireless executives and U.S. officials.


Its so entertaining to see the capitalist Ethiopian fundamentalists the TPLF and Amhara/PP fighting for influence in the US government. It seems the GOP is siding with the Ethiopian goverment and Abiy Ahmed and the Democrats are siding with the Woyane fascists.

My worse fear was western intervention in the Tigray War but it looks like Abiy is a true “Ethiopian” and he has enough support in the West to finish TPLF off.


Hearing that Ghana banned cocoa exports in hope of building a national cocoa industry, is it true?
I REALLY REALLY hope it is, i would very much like to see Switzerland fucked in the ass for once.



Somaliland recently had an election; what's everyone's opinion on them?


Not a country.


They’re more of a country than Somalia


Nope. Not a country, just some butthurt Issaq’s that dont do shit.


Mugabe was a retard


sound like a soydedditor supporting taiwan


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Been keeping my eye on a few things

Egypt is building it's own Brasilia style capital: https://www.enr.com/articles/51787-egypts-huge-capital-complex-rises-east-of-cairo
Sisi's clique is afraid of the overpopulated cities kicking them out of power yet again. Probably just going to lead to greater political polarization between the elites and periphery. Not entirely sure how the remnants of feudalism are going to function without support of the government against secular opposition.

Boko Haram destroyed and absorbed by Islamic State West Africa Province. Leader of Boko Haram, Abu Shekau was killed in the fighting. Igbo separatist groups are also getting bigger as the Nigerian government struggles to contain isis and ethnic conflict.


Nigerian government has been at war with the Igbo militias since Janurary. The Igbos militas are generally crazy Zionist tribalist groups.


They have always been at war with IPOB. They are stupid ethnofascists. If you want real information we are having a massive nationwide protest on Nigerian Democracy Day praying that we can overthrow the government tbh.
Shekau is not dead its only speculation. He’s been “dead” 8 times since 2016. Take it with a grain of salt. There is no body.

>wahhh mugabe sucks
mugabe’s land reforms and collectivism no matter how shitty and revisionist he was benefits black zimbabweans to this day. cry about it rhodesiafag.


I don’t get it what does this mean?


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Bumping this question >>2336. Are they /ourguys/?




Are you in Nigeria? If so, Hows the current situation in your country? How's is the political left is doing?


Literally no one. We need to get France and the Turaeg’s out of there and make ECOWAS stronger.


There is no left political party. The country is like America on steroids. The strongest is Yele Sowore’s party the AAC, then we have the SWL a trot organization imported to Nigeria, after that the Socialist Party Nigeria but the goverment stopped them from getting on the ballot.

The strongest thing left about our country is the social movements and unions. Most of them are utterly useless and the goverment buys them out or sends thugs after them. We have an ongoing strike in Kaduna state for wages and we have many newer social movements that have arrived post-end sars.

We have a very large protest planned June 12th during Democracy Day. Hopefully the government doesn't kill anyone.


Pretty cool to have someone from Africa on this board, it's pretty rare. I have this feeling Nigeria will collapse due to ethnic and religious tensions, is it possible?


What's the problem with Tuaregs?


>Nigeria will collapse due to ethnic and religious tensions
In what sense? Both the government and the Jihadist groups are pretty content letting the situation in the north stay as it is, are you referring to the Biafra issues that are flaring up?


>Pretty cool to have someone from Africa on this board, it's pretty rare. I have this feeling Nigeria will collapse due to ethnic and religious tensions, is it possible?
We have had a couple. I'm sure there's more than one in this thread. Just because it's not announced every thread don't think they don't exist.


>Biafra issues that are flaring up?
Not that anon, but I'd like to hear more about it. The Biafrans seem pretty pissed. I was reading through the various trending tags on twitter and it seems they're pretty mad about this Fulani thing. You think that's a gap that can be bridged? What's your opinion on the anti-Fulani rhetoric? A fair accusation? Is FOG (Fulani occupied government) really a thing?


Biafra and also the Niger Delta, some Yoruba separatists that are going on in the southern part. I also heard that robberies and kidnappings are a growing problem there.


To be fair its likely to collapse due to ethnic tensions than for religious reasons they are calls for sucessionism all over the South
Imagine ISIS but anarchist. Thats why they are a threat. They always threaten state structures in Sahel and are constantly trying to succeed
To be fair I’m diasporan I live in the West now my family fled Sani Abacha’s regime but I’m currently organizing and working with Nigerian socialists. I do want to return home though.
The current president is Fulani and he used to support Sharia law. He’s a fool he continues to ignore the Fulani herdsmen issue. Herdsmen from the North because of climate change are moving south and are killing people and coming into conflict with Southern farmers. The goverment is doing nothing about it so it’s causing adverse effects. Ethnofascists are springing up and want to evict and kill fulani herdsmen and are forming millitias. I think the Igbos have the Eastern Security Network formed by IPOB and Yoruba’s have Ameotekun which is basically a fascist millitia. It gets uglier and uglier every week. Niger Deltans are good though I havent heard of Herdsmen coming down there and plus the amnesty program (Niger Deltans used to bomb and kill multinational companies and goverment ppl for exploiting there oil and ruining the enviorment and the goverment negotiated with them and gave them 10,000 naira amenesty that they all abuse to make money aka they become and stop being “terrorists” every 3 months) the calls for Oduduwa nation are strange because Yoruba’s have always been joint oppressors with the Hausa/Fulani class. Honestly ppl arent just ready to admit socialism/class war is the answer so they are retreating to ethnonationalism. Also there is no “FOG” the Minister of Employment and Labor, Education, Science and Technology, Transportation are all Igbos. The narrative of Northern domination is silly. Our last 3 presidents were, Niger Deltan, Hausa and Yoruba


Hmm how do I feel about Biafran sucessionists? There fucking terrorists but there struggle is in response to the Genocide so I sympathize with them.

But one thing the USSR said about Ojukwu when he created Biafra was that it was likely that he would support the exploitation of the Delta. And that was the truest shit ever because they immediately started negotiating oil rights to Europeans to get support during the genocide (i dont call it a war)

Nnamdi Kanu’s movement is worse than Ojuwku’s movement. Its much nationalistic, zionist and aligned to capitalism than the OG Biafra. I believe that the Eastern region where Biafra once was should all receive reparations and more autonomy but the creation of a Biafran state would just be as imperialistic as the creation of Nigeria by Lugard.


Some Tuaregs split from the MLNA because they realized they had fucked everything up. Those are guys are probably pretty cool.
>We have a very large protest planned June 12th during Democracy Day. Hopefully the government doesn't kill anyone.
Asking a lot from a neocolonial government, eh?


I get annoyed by posts like this but no there isn't. There are few but this is an anti-government protest. I explained it here


Excellent overview from Liberian ex-minister about China's impact on Africa. It happened in the U of Chicago, so note all the biased Westerners' questions trying to dunk on China.

I'm really impressed, saying that as an anarchist. Critical support to China developing the regions fucked up by the Western imperialism.


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What goes on in ghana?


If Afwerki is a dictator, and no one in Eritrea likes serving their country, how come nobody shoots him?

>thinking pepe.jpg


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Abiy in Jimma today.


Most Eritreans are pro-goverment and all the people that oppose him are in Tigray and in the diaspora.


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>Most Eritreans are pro-goverment and all the people that oppose him are in Tigray and in the diaspora.
Even in the diaspora he's widely popular. It's just like Cuba, just because you leave to go to The West to make money doesn't mean you're anti-castro.

>Although it is difficult to put it in terms of figures or percentiles, some estimates put the annual remittances received by Eritreans to be between 200 - 300 million US dollars. Remittances, whether consumed or invested, are estimated to contribute enormously to the Eritrean economy, which roughly estimated is 19-37 percent of GDP.


I guess it's partly good that The West is so anti-Eritrea because it means they'll grant "asylum." Of course, it's hard to say even how many of the "Eritrean" refugees are actually Eritrean(picrel 1)

Remittances are greatly helping Ethiopia as well. Remittances are the key to breaking free from The World Bank and IMF.


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>I am hearing good news from Sekota that #ENDF win major victory over the defunct Terrorist #TPLF, apprehended higher military commanders along with their guards and insurgents. #Ethiopia is at the verge of celebrating her final victory whereas the TPLF cliques to stop misleading!


>The battle in Sekota is raging as we speak. TPLF high ranking rebels and their commanders have been captured. ENDF will make announcements on their own terms.



bumping to ask if the anon who wrote the article about Sudan for new multitude could get in contact with me…!


Looks like TPLF beat Abiy lol


Yeah sounds like a potential revolution, definitely deserves its own thread


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Israeli supported Biafran terrorist Nnamdi Kanu arrested by interpol and delivered to Nigerian authoritys


The situation in Ghana is heating up as things unfold in Swaziland. Comrades there say the situation is at a breaking point. The recent murder of comrade Irabhim Kaaka of the fix the country movement is sparking protests and demonstrations, with soldiers confronting youth in Northern Ashanti. Some comrades there think this may explode.

It's possible things may resemble the situation in Swaziland very quickly.




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>Looks like TPLF beat Abiy lol
Propaganda. The ceasefire is a good move. It's already turning the tide of western media hit pieces. Now The TPLF is openly talking about invading Amhara and Eritrea and taking Addis. Let The TPLF and The Western governments deal with the humanitarian situation in Tigray. No need to stay and feed people who hate you and see you as an invader. Let Tigray be independant. But that's not even what they want. They have no reasonable demands that can be met. They have no plan. There is no way they can push outside of Tigray. Don't listen to accounts with picrel as their profile pic. Don't listen to Western media too. Or rather take it with a heavy dose of salt. They're MO is to fill the airwaves with as much lies as they possibly can.

It will be interesting to see where this goes from here. There's no way they will be able to invade Eritrea. They couldn't even take Eritrea when they commanded the entire country's army in the 00s. There's no way they can take anything in Amhara. There's definitely no way they can take Addis. Abiy can't give them any of their likely demands like freeing their leadership. They're simply fucked and throwing a tantrum. They vacillate between "WE STRONK, WE WILL ERADICATE THE NATIONAL ARMY BY OURSELVES!" to "HALP WE ARE GETTING GENOCIDED!" within hours. They have no plan and no goal besides cause havoc until they can somehow get Western intervention to get them what they want which is to be back in control of the nation.



>A day after retaking the capital of the northern Tigray region of Ethiopia, rebel forces have indicated they have little appetite for a truce — threatening to drag out the brutal eight-month-long civil war that has embroiled the Horn of Africa nation.

>Getachew Reda, a senior Tigrayan leader, said that Tigray’s forces would not hesitate to enter Eritrea, and even try to advance toward its capital, if that is what it would take to keep Eritrean troops from attacking again. And he claimed that in recent days, Tigrayan forces had killed many Ethiopian troops and militia fighters, and took more prisoners.

>“We want to degrade as many enemy capabilities as possible,” he said in a telephone interview with The New York Times on Tuesday. “We are still in hot pursuit so that enemy forces will not pose a threat to our Tigray in any way.”

>But even as the Tigray regional government pushes on with the fight, it faces a daunting task on its own turf. The region is facing a long list of crises including huge numbers of people displaced, lack of water and education, and a famine in which millions face hunger and thousands of farmers lack seeds for cultivation during this planting season.

No way for them to cry victim anymore with the ceasefire. There is no way for them to hide that they are the aggressor in this whole fiasco.



Apparently some protests are coming.


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what do african anons think of Ghanian post colonial intellectual Ato QUAYSON?



Biafras are anti nigerian confederates right?


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>Is it just me or the Ethiopian situation is rapidly heading towards collapse of the Ethiopian State?
I think it's hype personally. See:
That's Abiy in Jimma, the most active area for The OLA. These people are all vocal minorities and clowns really.

The mass of people don't want this bullshit conflict. They just want peace, security, and prosperity. New industrial parks, tree plantings, and roads are going up everyday. The only outcome of all this is Ethiopia will wean itself off America and The West and move more towards China and Russia. All in all a good outcome. The Tigray tantrum has only hurt themselves thus far. All for a "no fly zone" and weapons air drops. They destroyed one of their last bridges into the region yesterday just so they could get the weapons drops, but they probably won't. Even with more weapons they're sunk.


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Ethnic state for the Igbo peoples, huge civil war in the 60s


Tigray shenanigans started just after Ethiopia started the Nile dam 🤔


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>Tigray shenanigans started just after Ethiopia started the Nile dam 🤔
Well when they started filling the dam. To be fair to TPLF, they were the ones that started the dam. But then they were thrown out by massive protests in 2017 after ruling since the overthrow of the Derg in 1991. They've done somethings for the country. Most feel not enough. Most feel they were corrupt. They seem to feel like they deserve it. They're even talking about taking Addis:
They had a lot of assets confiscated when they were overthrown because of corruption charges.

Another interesting note about GERD it started construction right in 2011 in the middle of The Egyptian revolution while Egypt was otherwise occupied.


It seems Promo nationalist insurgency is now back on the offensive.




Isaias is a rightist, a Zionist, supported having US bases in Eritrea, supports the War in Yemen, and supported the War on Terror.


Ethiopia is about to cease to exist, how do you all feel about it?


So wait a second if the army's basically pulled out of the population centres of Tigray and now the Oromo's (which makes up the biggest and most central region of ethiopia) are claiming independence does this mean Ethiopia as a concept is kill?


>Ethiopia is about to cease to exist, how do you all feel about it?
It's not.
>So wait a second if the army's basically pulled out of the population centres of Tigray and now the Oromo's (which makes up the biggest and most central region of ethiopia) are claiming independence does this mean Ethiopia as a concept is kill?
>That's Abiy in Jimma, the most active area for The OLA. These people are all vocal minorities and clowns really.
Tigray is a small region with no strategical or really economic importance. The Oromo insurrectionists have been fighting for years. Just because they put out some bullshit statement doesn't change any situation. Stop falling for Western\Comprador propaganda.


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>Don't be neolib comprador
<YOuRe a RigHtiSt
Cope, seethe, etc. Langley/baizuo.


> China and Eritrea have a profound traditional friendship. This friendship was established in the process of striving for national independence and liberation, national development, and construction. Nowadays, our friendship is even stronger than before. China and Eritrea have always treated each other with respect and equality. We trust each other in politics, support each other on issues concerning our respective core interests and major concerns, and jointly safeguard the interests of both sides and international fairness and justice. The Communist Party of China CPC)and People’s Front for Democracy and Justice(PFDJ) maintain communications and exchanges of experience in governance. The cooperation between our two sides in infrastructure construction, education, agriculture, health care, human resources, mining, and other fields is fruitful. Projects of friendly cooperation between our two sides can be seen in the capital-Asmara and other cities. During the pandemic, bilateral cooperation has not interrupted and moved forward. For example, the Chinese medical team to Eritrea sticks to their posts together with the Eritrean colleagues in hospitals to help treat the patients. The Chinese Embassy in Eritrea holds two online training courses or seminars every month on average.

>On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, China’s development has entered a new stage. The 30th anniversary of Eritrean independence also ushers in new opportunities for national development. The top leaders of the two Parties have sent congratulatory letters to each other, expressing that they attach great importance to the in-depth development of friendly and cooperative relations between our two countries. Eritrea stressed that infrastructure, energy, transportation, agriculture, health care, and human resources are the key development areas of Eritrea. China has advantages in the above areas. The two sides have obvious complementary advantages and a solid foundation for cooperation. China is willing to expand and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in accordance with the needs of Eritrea and make due contributions to the development of Eritrea and the improvement of Eritrean living standards. Meanwhile, Forum on China-Africa Cooperation(FOCAC) and The Belt and Road Initiative(B&R) have provided new opportunities for bilateral cooperation. In one word, the prospect of deepening cooperation between China and Eritrea is very broad, which will surely yield more fruitful results and further benefit the two peoples. The Chinese Embassy in Eritrea and I will do our best to promote friendly cooperation between our two countries and deepen the friendship between our two peoples.



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So anti imperialist that they dont recognize Palestine!


>So anti imperialist that they dont recognize Palestine!


>EVER since the Palestinian authority expressed its intention to seek full U.N. membership after years of negotiations with Israel failed to deliver an independent state of their own, the Eritrean government maintained its long held stance on the legitimate right of the Palestinian people to self-determination as something that does not waver with time and circumstances.

>In its 08 August 2011 Press Statement, the government made it clear that Eritrea does not support the so-called “two-state solution” for the Palestinian question for the fact that it believes the purported ‘solution’ lacks the ability to be translated in to action, the same way of inability to respect let alone to apply the over 690 resolutions of the U.N. General Assembly in the last half a century.

>The statement further asserted that Eritrean people and their leadership advocate for long that the people of Palestine are entitled to have a sovereign and independent nation in view of the fact that, this goal can only be ensured through an independent Palestinian State.

>Years of negotiations, peace talks, flexibility and so forth have failed to resolve the basic problem but only prolonged it. As there exist no peace process that would lead to the realization of achieving common interests between Palestinians and Israelis, all past talks and negotiations eventually ended up in a zero sum situation.

>With or without Eritrea’s support, however, their bid to seek full UN membership has become dead before arrival as the U.S., one of five veto-wielding members of the U.N. Security Council, says it will cast a veto if it comes to a vote.

>President Obama today at the 66th United Nations General Assembly reiterated that peace will never come through statements and resolutions at the United Nations but by direct negotiations between Israel and Palestinian authority.

>“If it were that easy, it would have been accomplished by now”, said President Obama.

>Nonetheless, Palestinian officials insist to go ahead with the plan to apply for full statehood in the U.N. Security Council on Friday (the same way Israelis did in 1947 to gain their statehood) in the belief that full U.N. member status would strengthen their hand in eventual negotiations with Israel, as an equal partner than a state vs an organization, to end 40 years of occupation.

>Eritrea, however, stressed that it doesn’t intend to get involved in any public relations gimmick during Friday’s scheduled meeting regarding Palestinian issue nor does it attach any significance to the issue of according recognition or not.

>During the speech he delivered at 66th session of the UN General Assembly, President of Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki has laid down his country’s stand without any ambiguity as:

>Eritrea reaffirms its long-standing support to the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and an independent, sovereign state. It also upholds the right of Israel to live in peace and security within internationally recognized boundaries.


>Vote on Status of Palestine at United Nations

>The draft resolution on the Status of Palestine at the United Nations (document A/67/L.28) was adopted by a recorded vote of 138 in favour to 9 against, with 41 abstentions, as follows:

>In favour: Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Comoros, Congo, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Cyprus, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Honduras, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Republic of Tanzania, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

>Against: Canada, Czech Republic, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States of), Nauru, Palau, Panama, United States.

>Abstain: Albania, Andorra, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Colombia, Croatia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Estonia, Fiji, Germany, Guatemala, Haiti, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malawi, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Poland, Republic of Korea, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Rwanda, Samoa, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Togo, Tonga, United Kingdom, Vanuatu.

>Absent: Equatorial Guinea, Kiribati, Liberia, Madagascar, Ukraine.

Get out of here with your faggotry. How much do you spam about all those countries on against and abstain with this stupid gotcha argument?


They don't even recognize the state of Palestine or a two-state solution they didn't even recognize the PA. Joining the US, Canada, and Western Europe. They also recognize Israel's right to exist. Fuck off PFDJ shill.

>President Isaias Afewerki has stated that his government does not recognize Palestine.[35][244] In October 2010, he stated, "Israel needs a government, we must respect this. The Palestinians also need to have a dignified life, but it can not be the West Bank or Gaza. A two-state solution will not work. It's just to fool people. Israelis and Palestinians living in the same nation will never happen for many reasons. One option that may work is a Transjordan. Israel may be left in peace and the Palestinian and Jordanian peoples are brought together and can create their own nation".[245] In his address to the UN General Assembly in 2011, Afewerki stated that "Eritrea reaffirms its long-standing support to the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and an independent, sovereign state. It also upholds the right of Israel to live in peace and security within internationally recognized boundaries."



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I remember I req'd this thread but never posted in it. My bad guys, have a baddie


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Ahh wikipedia. You can't respond to any actual non-clipped editorialized sources. Go fuck yourself.

>They also recognize Israel's right to exist.

Oh damn. Tell me how many states don't. Yet you only bring this up as a gotcha with Eritrea. Nice logic.


thoughts on Haile Selassie? I like him quite a bit


Why would you like him if you aren't a Rasta? He wasn't particularly good at being king


This is such a cope. They dont actually recognize the State of Palestine at all and they recognize Israel’s right to exist. Which identical to USA’s stance. Its even worse because Awferki says Palestinians should go live in Jordan instead of living in there home. Many states recognize the state of Israel but nobody has such regressive foreign policy regarding them minus the West. Eritrea also supported the War on Terror and co-operated with Rumsfeld alongside asking for a US base in there country. Such an anti-imperialist nation.



Abiy just won Ethiopia's election with a landslide victory


>Abiy just won Ethiopia's election with a landslide victory
TPLF and America did more to achieve that than anyone.


Come on man do you honestly believe that even if the tplf gained control of ethiopia they wouldn't have just immediately been overthrown and replaced with the original government again?


Huh? I don't understand what your response is about.

Since you seened to not understand what I was saying, I will lay it out:

Abiy would have faced more opposition if not for the fact that TPLF and america were so obviously anti-ethiopian unity that they drove up nationalism/national unity and support of Abiy as the defender of national unity and anti-western sabotage.


Democracy Now got a pretty good take @ Swaziland




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Violent protests after the arrest of couped president Zuma

"Violent protests in KwaZulu-Natal province triggered by the jailing of former president Jacob Zuma have escalated as a mall in Pietermaritzburg has been set on fire this morning (video).


What is EFF take on this?
And SACP one?
(Also i would like to know the take of that ML trade union of which i don't remember the name on that)


The South African TUC (Trade union congress) basically split in half into a pro-ANC NeoLib faction and a Pro-EFF 'Actually marxist' faction.
EFF probably dosen't care either way because Malema basically left the ANC because of their neolibery.
SACP are just cucked pawns of ANC.
Anyone whose a member whose not a retard should join the EFF


Why are they protesting if he is already in jail?


There's some serious looting kino from SA


To free him lol


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Add somalia and ogadenia and that would be based


Will the east african union lead to open borders between somalia eritrea Ethiopia and kenya if so I welcome the idea of a new superstate


That will never happen fuck ethiopia.


Open borders are good for 3rd world countries as it means they become less dependent on foreign exports to stimulate their economy


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Rwandas military receives 1000 troops from other sectors of sub saharan africa to combat militants from Mozambique






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Is Paul Kagame /ourguy/?


He's the /CIA's guy/.


Open borders already exist between those countries. The only place it didn't exist was between Ethiopia and Eritrea until the recent peace deal of a few years ago because of the war.

What's your problem?


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A list of shit countries vs non-shit countries.


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Only half of it + a big sized chunk of the eritrea - OC somalia border in the shape of benin for a port and is a deal


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What's the deal with this guy? Did he do anything good or was he just the African Pol Pot?


>In 1978, he changed the national motto to "There is no other God than Macías Nguema".
absolute madlad if true


Why did it take nearly the entirety of europe over 400 years to not even fully colonize Africa, only to then lose all the land they conquered in less than half a century?


Because WW2 and the cold war switched the game up geopolitically speaking.


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An entire continent that had access to some of the best tech on the planet spent over 400 fucking years in some wasteland getting btfod by africans and its somehow the fault of 20th century events???


I don't understand the question, it's clearly not true to say Europe was 'BTFOed' by Africa when they colonised nearly all of it successfully.


Taking over let me repeat this over 400 FUCKING YEARS to not even fully colonize a region where most of the population had access to IRON AGE weapons is fucking idiotic. What what almighty force made them take nearly 16 generations to conquer Africa???


carriers of the sickle cell gene, whether aysmptomatic or symptomatic, are resistant to malaria. that gene is overwhelmingly carried by subsaharan africans and hardly at all by europeans. malaria is deadly and used to be way deadlier. do the math


Your telling me that throughout that all that time there wasn't a single european colonists that considered throwing men into a disease infested warzone where all the colonists would go to fight and die in was a bad idea that was getting obviously too expensive and that backtracking out of to establish trade relations rather than invasions was a much more sustainable and sensible plan???


you said it yourself, africa was largely iron age. trade with locals was possible (and much trade of gold, ivory, slaves did go on) but limited by local technology. direct extraction turned out over time to be the more lucrative option though more difficult as well, and it was not only the difficulty that delayed colonization, but also the fact that colonization didn't really need to expand quickly until well into the 19th century when economic competition picked up and the financial sector grew.


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Okay but why the 19th century, I can understand what happened with trusts and the industrial revolution but when you consider how underdeveloped most of Europe's land actually was back then and how little of it is still used to this day venturing far out into africa to establish a colonial empire feels unnecessary…


if european states tried to do to europe what they've done to africa there would be a pan-european revolution tomorrow.


>what was ww1 and ww2
>or the literal 1000s of years of european infighting


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Tplf is a foreign funded militia bent on destabilizing and turning Ethiopia into somalia. Organization gets destroyed swiftly by Abiy Ahmed, western media seethes and starts promoting false narratives of a war or genocide in tigray(honestly they'll seethe over anything anti globalist) abiy continues fighting off militants in neighboring countries in east africa and likewise more borders start opening for trade in east africa and likewise ethiopia gains more political and economic power as it gains more land


I only read an anticommunist book about him. It claimed he had close relations to the socialist camp (compared to his nephew who would become a Washington bootlicker), and well, his daughter (and other relatives) lived in the DPRK after he was executed.
If someone has books about him, it would be apreciated.


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The short answer is they arent…


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If kenya actually grew its economy and the material conditions of Kenyans improved after taking in the most Somali refugees why didnt sweden and France see the same rapid industrial and societal growth by importing muslim refugees?


Are you suggesting Kenya improved because it took in refugees? That doesn't make much sense.


>Are you suggesting Kenya improved because it took in refugees?
Yes refugees and migrants naturally add to the labour supply of a given economy and can fulfill low skill positions like mining, digging and low skill trades like brick building. America and Germany is one of the biggest examples of where importing migrants and refugees can improve the material conditions of a population overall


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>kenyans take in the most somalis
if I'm correct the Somali civil war lasted for over 3 decades. If that's true that means that every year since 1990 kenyans have been importing an estimated 200 thousand somalis each fucking year… how do they handle immigration so well compared to here in italy where muslims keep committing crime and our politicians either want 0 border restrictions or 0 immigration completely with no in between???


Assimilation I guess


It seems Russia and Ethiopia signed some kind of military deal


Thoughts on that? It seems a big move to me


Not terribly surprising, Ethiopia is already very cozy with China.
The world is increasingly splitting into two factions, the West vs the rest


Also Ethiopia just announced to have complete the second stage of filling the GERD dam.



Il crimine vero non lo ha mai visto evidentemente


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It's probably worth mentioning that the eastern part of Kenya was already mostly ethnic Somalis (the two countries fought a war in the 60s over the territory, since Somalia believed it was part of the Somali homeland), so the refugees are moving into a culture which is basically the same as the one at home, meaning it should be easy for them to integrate.


Your thinking that somalis didnt just take on the identity as Kenyan to avoid deportation


Apparently alot of Sudanese and Egyptian dudes are getting really mad over that. Why the hell do they want to destabilize ethiopia so badly?


Anon that organization died several months ago


Propaganda, tplf died quite a while ago. Abiy ahmed did 1 thing in particular expanding ethiopia into eritrea and deporting ethnic eritreans into spain. Pissed off a shit ton of muslims in the process and now ethiopia deals with anti Ethiopian sentiment from its neighbors regularly except for kenya and somalia


Is kenya imperialistic?


Why is TPLF bad? From a quick wikipedia look they seem to be some kind of leftist guerrilla.


They're trying to cause a war that could lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people with millions of lives destroyed




How is it possible to balkanize Africa more than it already is?


Dont they have kenya and south sudan along with the african union as allies?


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Looks like somalia is on the upswing


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I used to view China's involvement in Africa positively, because China made deals with African countries that were actually helpful for the long term development of these countries, more so than whatever the West offered Africa. Additionally, the West being a scummy piece of shit region of the planet that shamelessly spreads lies about its own self-alleged altruism while exploiting most of the planet, made me side with China in an almost contrarian fashion. I found out a while ago that the headquarters of the African Union that was built by China was also bugged and information on servers was secretly sent to China. My heart is broken. I feel cheated on. I'm being melodramatic for fun, but it does sort of feel that way.


To be fair, that claim could be glowie shit, there's no real evidence, but either way, China is not altruistic, they invest in Africa because they think they have something to gain from it, but that doesn't mean they will be worse for Africa than the status quo.


Of course, China is doing it because they stand to gain from it. If the HQ was bugged and had back doors in the servers than that is pretty fucked up though.


It is a bit mean but it's pretty standard 'great power' shit, the USA and USSR both did similar things and probably plenty of other countries too. Regardless of if they bugged it or not, the African Union has been good for Africa.


I mean yeah it's shitty but that's just normie-tier espionage. Every political group spies on everyone else if they can, including on their allies.


China supported the UNITA and Zaire/Mobuto lamo


Anyone please answer this, please?


>USAID boss going to Ethiopia and Sudan right now

They're gonna invest everything to bring Ethiopia to collapse, arent'they?


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Ahahahah eritrea just became Ethiopia's somalia because now eritreans are asking for aid from ethiopia and access to becoming refugees in ethiopia ahahahah. Its Kenyan somali relations all over again


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Hey I was reading about the Seychelles and noticed this guy, a socialist ruler who made his country the most developed in Africa. So why do we never hear about it? Seems a good example of successful socialism to me


His name is France Albert Rene btw.
His irrelevance is actually caused by the fact that Seychelles is just a rather politically insignificant country in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
But he’s based though. Mercenaries were thwarted in order to bring the former leader back, back in 1981.


it's time for africah


As an American: I don't understand why this continent should get its own "general" thread. Please enlighten me.


Well… each continent (or each world subregion) must get its own eneral because we don't want to mix them in one single thread (which could end up in confusion and too much data used).


You guys have your own general, hispanics, north koreans, chinese dudes and more get their own and so do africans


Recently made a Xinjiang general, check it out >>414378


Hiperinflation GANG


I thought Gabon was the most developed


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I wanted to make a thread about this, but I might as well post it here first. Does anyone know of any good marxist analysis of the Rwandan Genocide? I recently read a pretty in depth book on the topic (Stepp'd in Blood by Andrew Wallis) and it got me thinking about how analyze an event like that. I looked online and pretty much all the analyses just talks about the more run-of-the-mill stuff like Belgian colonialism and French support for Habyarimana's government, but places very little weight on economic factors. Also, thoughts on the Gacaca courts and the RPF as a whole? The umuganda is also pretty interesting, but it does reek of feudal corvee labor, and Kagame glows.


The Rwandan genocides and Congo Wars were inter-imperialist battles between American and French imperialism over minerals most of all, but also agricultural goods.


Hutu = peasants
Tutsi = Former nobles


Daily reminder Ethiopia is commiting genocide against the Tigray people


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Honestly libyans deserved it

I've read into slot on foreign policy but after inspecting libya post and pre Gaddafi along with what it was actually like under his rule I can say that holy shit the fuckers would've had it coming to them even if there precious leader didnt get assasinated for a few reasons
>1 libyans actually wanted him dead
You can find several videos images and even interviews of libyans cheering on gadaffis assination and open hostility towards gadaffi while he was still in power being that the man was notorious for sleeping with teenagers and mismanaging the economy
>2 gadaffis libya wasnt a utopia
This seems obvious but this information matters alot for a few reasons. The first being that Libya's economy was notorious for being hyper unstable being that oil was a major export and naturally this borderline banana republic of a country naturally saw constant booms and crashes that caused issues with unemployment and random epidemics of inflation. the second being that the region was neither anti imperialist nor ethnically unified, there were constant reports of human trafficking in southern africa led by libyans which resulted in enslavement, murder, and human rights violations carried out by libyans, this still happens to this day though most of the people affected by this are migrants rather than civilians taken out of their own homes, when it came to imperialism one only has to look at gadaffis repeated(and thankfully failed) attempts to take over chad and mali to realize the man wasnt as anti imperialist as one would think, when it came to ethnic unity there wasnt alot of it being that you can see tribalistic clashing between salafists groups in the region during its civil war, reports over bombings and lynchings of these groups before and after gadaffi took over the country and to this day tribal infighting remains a problem.
>3 and finally my fucking god the AU doesnt recieve enough credit
The civil war is thankfully over but the fact that I've seen libyans online blaming their sub saharan brothers and Israelis for apparently "funding the jihadists" right after troops predominantly from rwanda kenya and nigeria came in to help quell violence and rebuild infrastructure speaks alot to the level of appreciation these people have for their own country or their sense of responsibility over it because what happened to libya emulates the same emotions I see when I see somalis blaming kenyans, or afghans blaming americans for their countries failures. It's so sad


>Honestly libyans deserved it
No, nobody deserves that.
Libya wasn't great (although you are misrepresenting the state of Libya during Gadaffis time) but it was still the most developed country in that region. And now it's the worst place in that region.

There's just no reason for making it worse, but that's what overthrowing le regime, did.


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Yeah that's because islam, much like most religions on this planet, and bolshevik era socialism, and gilded age capitalism, and feudalism, empire building and whatever came before that is simply an outdated set of beliefs. People stopped being as religious as society advanced for a reason being that religions like Islam and nationalism as a whole were causing too many problems with peoples lives and needed to be abandoned before they would grow into bigger messes as time passed, dont feel sad about the current state of libya or north africa as a whole because those muslim countries are getting increasingly tied to the african union as sub saharan africa develops and likewise they'll soon become increasingly secular, neoliberal, technologically advanced and generally better to live in as more troops from the au help build north Africa and fight off jihadists.


I'm the 500th reply


bumplimit reaached


I just realized that africans dont have to worry about environmentalism because the environment was already shit


Any Africam comrades decide to stick to tjis board?


Well, I hope to keep Africa general alive with some sweet balafon tunes.


good shit


dawg the africa general is more active than the desi general
i''m never getting socialism



We ourselves have been deformed by capitalism; Our struggle for a world where the outrageous indignities that have shaped us have been eliminated: It is thus a world in which we do not exist.

Though we may not live to see socialism ourselves, its mere possibility for future generations is a reward all its own.



Quite Nice


Your uyghur


>Ethiopia and Tigray Rebels Agree to End Civil War
Thoughts? It glowed like the sun weird they drop it like that


Sudan is getting fucked



What's going on?




TLDR factions of the military government are infighting and the country is on the brink of civil war


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Wake up babe new coup just dropped


you could say that

nothing is changing




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it is beyond stupid to start a huge war in Africa for Uranium, when 5 years ago scientists already figured out how to extract it from ocean water using slightly modified acrylic yarn (already mass produced for synthetic clothing fabric)



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So if the Niger happening is going to spawn a war, here are the local factions.
It's very likely that every major power gets drawn into this as well.


It's beyond stupid to think you can extract a dilute resource from large quantities of ocean water and think there won't be environmental consequences. It's beyond stupid to still be trying to prop up a uranium industry when thorium-based nuclear power is literal orders of magnitude more efficient.


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Does this remind anyone else of HOI IV?


>a dilute resource from large quantities of ocean water
At scale it would be more cost efficient than uranium mining. Uranium is a salt and this captures it via ionic action, so you don't have to pump water or anything, it moves through osmotic pressure.
>environmental consequences
Technically it's a filter and could be made to also extract heavy metal pollutants from the ocean, and have a ocean cleaning effect.

>still be trying to prop up a uranium industry when thorium-based nuclear power

Sure thorium is a much better fission fuel, and given the choice between the 2 one would always pick Thorium.

But in this case the choices are different
a) the frogs go to war with Niger to secure their Uranium supply
b) the frogs avoid war and secure their Uranium supply by letting scientists and engineers play in the Mediterranean Sea.

Unless there's a third option where the frogs switch their nuclear power to thorium that I'm missing, option b) is much better than option a)


It's a nothinburger you schizo


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is this you?


>There's just no reason for making it worse
And that's where I disagree.
It's always better to make things worse in a stagnant nazoid soyciety.

Only petty-bougie nazoids are shaking in their boots about rocking the boat.

What happened to leftoid extremism? Y'all sound limpdick as fuck.


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>It's always better to make things worse
I have to say your political program is utter dogshit.

>What happened to leftoid extremism?

Today pretty much all extremisms are based on politics that generate or maintain extreme wealth differentials between the super-rich and the rest of society. Another way to frame is that extremisms spring from various attempt of imposing or upholding the imposition of extreme wealth differentials.

Communist, socialists and leftists generally do not accept these politics and hence the more economically left you go the less extreme your politics become.


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This is very true and the older I have gotten the more I have begun to understand and accept this.
Take smashing windows for exampke; Smashing windows and riot porn were some of the first things that actually got me into left wing anarchism in the first place but as I got older I realized that most people are just extremely off put by this behavior and it actually gives the right more ammunition and is more self serving and ultra than anything. Now I tend to understand that this behavior actually enforces the mechanisms of capitalism by further emboldening reactionary ideology and giving more ammunition to our class enemies.


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And why are people off-put by this behavior?
Granted, most people are lemmings, but many non-lemmings seem to hate this as well.


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Wake up babe

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