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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.2325[View All]

455 posts and 138 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>USAID boss going to Ethiopia and Sudan right now

They're gonna invest everything to bring Ethiopia to collapse, arent'they?


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Ahahahah eritrea just became Ethiopia's somalia because now eritreans are asking for aid from ethiopia and access to becoming refugees in ethiopia ahahahah. Its Kenyan somali relations all over again


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Hey I was reading about the Seychelles and noticed this guy, a socialist ruler who made his country the most developed in Africa. So why do we never hear about it? Seems a good example of successful socialism to me


His name is France Albert Rene btw.
His irrelevance is actually caused by the fact that Seychelles is just a rather politically insignificant country in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
But he’s based though. Mercenaries were thwarted in order to bring the former leader back, back in 1981.


it's time for africah


As an American: I don't understand why this continent should get its own "general" thread. Please enlighten me.


Well… each continent (or each world subregion) must get its own eneral because we don't want to mix them in one single thread (which could end up in confusion and too much data used).


You guys have your own general, hispanics, north koreans, chinese dudes and more get their own and so do africans


Recently made a Xinjiang general, check it out >>414378


Hiperinflation GANG


I thought Gabon was the most developed


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I wanted to make a thread about this, but I might as well post it here first. Does anyone know of any good marxist analysis of the Rwandan Genocide? I recently read a pretty in depth book on the topic (Stepp'd in Blood by Andrew Wallis) and it got me thinking about how analyze an event like that. I looked online and pretty much all the analyses just talks about the more run-of-the-mill stuff like Belgian colonialism and French support for Habyarimana's government, but places very little weight on economic factors. Also, thoughts on the Gacaca courts and the RPF as a whole? The umuganda is also pretty interesting, but it does reek of feudal corvee labor, and Kagame glows.


The Rwandan genocides and Congo Wars were inter-imperialist battles between American and French imperialism over minerals most of all, but also agricultural goods.


Hutu = peasants
Tutsi = Former nobles


Daily reminder Ethiopia is commiting genocide against the Tigray people


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Honestly libyans deserved it

I've read into slot on foreign policy but after inspecting libya post and pre Gaddafi along with what it was actually like under his rule I can say that holy shit the fuckers would've had it coming to them even if there precious leader didnt get assasinated for a few reasons
>1 libyans actually wanted him dead
You can find several videos images and even interviews of libyans cheering on gadaffis assination and open hostility towards gadaffi while he was still in power being that the man was notorious for sleeping with teenagers and mismanaging the economy
>2 gadaffis libya wasnt a utopia
This seems obvious but this information matters alot for a few reasons. The first being that Libya's economy was notorious for being hyper unstable being that oil was a major export and naturally this borderline banana republic of a country naturally saw constant booms and crashes that caused issues with unemployment and random epidemics of inflation. the second being that the region was neither anti imperialist nor ethnically unified, there were constant reports of human trafficking in southern africa led by libyans which resulted in enslavement, murder, and human rights violations carried out by libyans, this still happens to this day though most of the people affected by this are migrants rather than civilians taken out of their own homes, when it came to imperialism one only has to look at gadaffis repeated(and thankfully failed) attempts to take over chad and mali to realize the man wasnt as anti imperialist as one would think, when it came to ethnic unity there wasnt alot of it being that you can see tribalistic clashing between salafists groups in the region during its civil war, reports over bombings and lynchings of these groups before and after gadaffi took over the country and to this day tribal infighting remains a problem.
>3 and finally my fucking god the AU doesnt recieve enough credit
The civil war is thankfully over but the fact that I've seen libyans online blaming their sub saharan brothers and Israelis for apparently "funding the jihadists" right after troops predominantly from rwanda kenya and nigeria came in to help quell violence and rebuild infrastructure speaks alot to the level of appreciation these people have for their own country or their sense of responsibility over it because what happened to libya emulates the same emotions I see when I see somalis blaming kenyans, or afghans blaming americans for their countries failures. It's so sad


>Honestly libyans deserved it
No, nobody deserves that.
Libya wasn't great (although you are misrepresenting the state of Libya during Gadaffis time) but it was still the most developed country in that region. And now it's the worst place in that region.

There's just no reason for making it worse, but that's what overthrowing le regime, did.


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Yeah that's because islam, much like most religions on this planet, and bolshevik era socialism, and gilded age capitalism, and feudalism, empire building and whatever came before that is simply an outdated set of beliefs. People stopped being as religious as society advanced for a reason being that religions like Islam and nationalism as a whole were causing too many problems with peoples lives and needed to be abandoned before they would grow into bigger messes as time passed, dont feel sad about the current state of libya or north africa as a whole because those muslim countries are getting increasingly tied to the african union as sub saharan africa develops and likewise they'll soon become increasingly secular, neoliberal, technologically advanced and generally better to live in as more troops from the au help build north Africa and fight off jihadists.


I'm the 500th reply


bumplimit reaached


I just realized that africans dont have to worry about environmentalism because the environment was already shit


Any Africam comrades decide to stick to tjis board?


Well, I hope to keep Africa general alive with some sweet balafon tunes.


good shit


dawg the africa general is more active than the desi general
i''m never getting socialism



We ourselves have been deformed by capitalism; Our struggle for a world where the outrageous indignities that have shaped us have been eliminated: It is thus a world in which we do not exist.

Though we may not live to see socialism ourselves, its mere possibility for future generations is a reward all its own.



Quite Nice


Your uyghur


>Ethiopia and Tigray Rebels Agree to End Civil War
Thoughts? It glowed like the sun weird they drop it like that


Sudan is getting fucked



What's going on?




TLDR factions of the military government are infighting and the country is on the brink of civil war


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Wake up babe new coup just dropped


you could say that

nothing is changing




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it is beyond stupid to start a huge war in Africa for Uranium, when 5 years ago scientists already figured out how to extract it from ocean water using slightly modified acrylic yarn (already mass produced for synthetic clothing fabric)



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So if the Niger happening is going to spawn a war, here are the local factions.
It's very likely that every major power gets drawn into this as well.


It's beyond stupid to think you can extract a dilute resource from large quantities of ocean water and think there won't be environmental consequences. It's beyond stupid to still be trying to prop up a uranium industry when thorium-based nuclear power is literal orders of magnitude more efficient.


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Does this remind anyone else of HOI IV?


>a dilute resource from large quantities of ocean water
At scale it would be more cost efficient than uranium mining. Uranium is a salt and this captures it via ionic action, so you don't have to pump water or anything, it moves through osmotic pressure.
>environmental consequences
Technically it's a filter and could be made to also extract heavy metal pollutants from the ocean, and have a ocean cleaning effect.

>still be trying to prop up a uranium industry when thorium-based nuclear power

Sure thorium is a much better fission fuel, and given the choice between the 2 one would always pick Thorium.

But in this case the choices are different
a) the frogs go to war with Niger to secure their Uranium supply
b) the frogs avoid war and secure their Uranium supply by letting scientists and engineers play in the Mediterranean Sea.

Unless there's a third option where the frogs switch their nuclear power to thorium that I'm missing, option b) is much better than option a)


It's a nothinburger you schizo


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is this you?


>There's just no reason for making it worse
And that's where I disagree.
It's always better to make things worse in a stagnant nazoid soyciety.

Only petty-bougie nazoids are shaking in their boots about rocking the boat.

What happened to leftoid extremism? Y'all sound limpdick as fuck.


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>It's always better to make things worse
I have to say your political program is utter dogshit.

>What happened to leftoid extremism?

Today pretty much all extremisms are based on politics that generate or maintain extreme wealth differentials between the super-rich and the rest of society. Another way to frame is that extremisms spring from various attempt of imposing or upholding the imposition of extreme wealth differentials.

Communist, socialists and leftists generally do not accept these politics and hence the more economically left you go the less extreme your politics become.


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This is very true and the older I have gotten the more I have begun to understand and accept this.
Take smashing windows for exampke; Smashing windows and riot porn were some of the first things that actually got me into left wing anarchism in the first place but as I got older I realized that most people are just extremely off put by this behavior and it actually gives the right more ammunition and is more self serving and ultra than anything. Now I tend to understand that this behavior actually enforces the mechanisms of capitalism by further emboldening reactionary ideology and giving more ammunition to our class enemies.


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And why are people off-put by this behavior?
Granted, most people are lemmings, but many non-lemmings seem to hate this as well.


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Wake up babe

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