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 No.290[Last 50 Posts]

So I'm not an experienced game developer or anything, but I figured we should have a general dedicated to this sort of thing, especially since I'm interested to hear peoples' ideas on lefty-orientated videogames that would be cool for me to make.
I've been using Blender since I was 11 or 12 years old (I'm 20 now) so I'm pretty much at a level now where I can model any game asset I want. I'm also in school for Computer Engineering, and have been a hobby programmer since I was around 14 working with Python, C, and GLSL shaders, so I can script pretty much anything as well. I would say my main weaknesses when approaching a task like this are Sculpting, Spriting, and Painting, so to any drawfags/artfags with skills: I invite you to contribute on whatever projects we end up embarking on.



Blender: https://www.blender.org/
Kritas: https://krita.org/en/
>Game Development
Godot: https://godotengine.org/


all I need are good ideas to get the ball rolling with this thread


One thing I've always wanted to play, and imagine would sell pretty well, is a combination of the original Crisis in the Kremlin and Hidden Agenda to make a better version of Tropico.
The managing of populations and their needs from HA
The potential false information from the military/KGB from CITK, which would be expanded into army, navy, air force and intelligence services, and maybe the police
The ideological questions from HA and CITK, which affect gameplay and guide events (and also affect the other two points)
There are probably parts from both I'm missing that are also good as I haven't played either in a long time.

So for a typical round, you'd assemble your cabinet and it works in a similar way to how it works in HA, locking off and enabling choices and options and upsetting and pleasing various factions. Then you'd focus on your economy and trying to keep it afloat while appeasing military factions and the population, and you'd have to keep either the USSR or NATO or both sweet.

You should play a few games of Hidden Agenda, until you win at least, since it's just an old DOS game but is more interesting than most political games made nowadays, and should probably be given modernization treatment. Someone tried to do it but it wasn't very good, it was called Rogue State.


I have dozens of ideas for video games but they're mostly all far too advanced for my skill level, besides they probably wouldn't be any good anyway
Hell I've got two ideas for /leftypol/ JRPGs even


OP here. I haven't personally played any of these games, so I'll have to do some investigation to picture exactly what you're describing, but I'll look into it


>leftypol/ JRPGs
tell me more


I am /agdg/ gang but I don't think I'd be able to contribute directly as much of my time is spent on my own project.

I will, however leave this link here for those not faint of heart. This video series helped me evolve from "amoeba-brain, college-brainwashed codemonkey" into "respectably self sufficient programmer who can make games on his own".
These are long, in-depth coding sessions that touch on every general aspect of gamedev because the dev uses NO LIBRARIES, making everything from scratch instead. It's the ultimate gamedev resource, but you actually have to watch the whole thing sequentially to get anything out of it.


Interested in seeing what the bunker can cook up by way of gamedev though, hope to see some cool stuff eventually.


Soooo… watch every handmade hero devstream?
I'm not clear on it since you just linked the channel.
Unless I'm missing just a regular tutorial series they got or whatever.


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Well first when I say JRPG I mean something like Final Fantasy I, basically just a straightforward game you can make with RPGMaker. Also while I said I have two ideas it's more like one idea that split into two smaller ideas because there were some conflicts thematically.

It was kind of a product of its time in that my idea dealt with /pol/ using meme magic to try to turn Trump into a dark god of chaos, leaving /leftypol/ to try to gather up 7 or 8 mystical medallions to try and stop him. I also had plans for references to posters who are no longer with us. Thinking about it now it might just be cringe, but if it interests anyone at all I can continue further with my ideas.


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It does sound cringy but I'm morbidly intrigued anyways.


Well what the hell, why not?

I was unsure whether the different player characters should represent simply differing ideologies (such as ML, anarchists, Stirnerites. leftcoms, etc.) or if they should represent different subsections of the proletariat (such as redneck miners, Mexican farmhands, etc.) To be honest I suppose a mix would be best.

Anyway the different medallions you would have to collect represent different "ideas" associated with leftism, so you'd have the Black Cat of Anarchy, The Red Star of Socialism, stuff like that. Each medal would be held by a group who has basically corrupted its powers for their own gain, so for example the Black Cat of Anarchy would be held by lolberts and ancaps. So to get the different medallions you'd essentially have to fight through a dungeon, defeat a boss, and then you'd get the medal. There'd also be some side quests to go on and that you would need to complete in order to get the best ending that would feature such exciting enemies as the KKK and esoteric Nazis, among others.

However I've come to realize that making /pol/ out to be such a dangerous threat to the world was fucking stupid and gave them way more importance than they deserved. If I did continue with this idea I think I'd make the main villain be Nick Land trying to wake up Cthulhu or some Lovecraftian shit like that.

Sorry for shitting up the thread comrades.


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>I was unsure whether the different player characters should represent simply differing ideologies (such as ML, anarchists, Stirnerites. leftcoms, etc.) or if they should represent different subsections of the proletariat (such as redneck miners, Mexican farmhands, etc.) To be honest I suppose a mix would be best.
Have the characters come from different backgrounds, but make their gommie tendencies into different classes. Maybe allow to mix and match two or three classes to get hilarious shit like green posadist ML, anarcho-authoritarian and NAZBOL.


Did you get round to playing it/them?


While I don't have the time, skill and determination, one idea for a game that I really like is to do a Dwarf Fottress like autism project that would basically be Frostpunk but far far more complex and in depth.
To make a twist on the Frostpunk idea it would be set in the 1920-1930, and instead of a steampunk aesthetic have a sort of brutal Stalinist era 5-year plan new industrial cities feel. Also you'd have different faction who would be the ones making the refuge sites. Soviets, Brits, French, Americans and maybe Weimar Germany, all starting with differing societal laws, technologies and weaknesses, perhaps even completely different plans for survival. The tech would not stay stagnant, instead going from irl stuff to things like transistor computers and atomic power. Instead of graphics it would probably have visual backgrounds, while main gameplay would be through speeadsheets, perhaps similar to CitK, but not as obscure as the space Aurora4x game. The whole complexity would come from a need to plan the entire economy, including basic stuff like clothes, tools and so on, which are abstracted away in Frostpunk. In many ways the whole charm at least for me would be that the game would serve as a microscopic version of in-kind economic planning, as you would have to maintain your refuge of a thousand or so people. Hell, you could make later down techs basically be advances in automated planning, which would let the player be replaced by an AI on more and more tasks, letting one to properlly manage more, thus expand more. Stop just scrapping by and surviving and start thriving, establish contact with other refuge points, reestablish society, fuck it, end game goal - build a rocket and orbit the Earth, then develop special chemicals allowing you to slowly thaw the Earth.


I have never played an RPG in my life, but whatever. Here's my rough idea for the shitty fighting system of an RPG with an imageboard theme: Your party is seen from the side forming a line facing right (likewise with the enemies, but facing left). The one in the front attacks while crouching, the second one attacks while standing, people in the back recover. Most attacks are projectiles. Attacking happens automatically and everybody goes through animations following a rhythm. All the player does is switching positions. Under each character you see health displayed as a single digit. When you have two or more repeating digits at the end of the line that faces the enemy, your party does a more powerful attack.

The line with the friends and the line with the foes are both on the same axis, but the battle screen has actual depth to it that can matter during switching operations. The switch is a circular motion, with each of the two characters that switches positions doing half of the circle. During this, they are still shooting according to their rhythm. The enemy line also does these circular movements. Switching characters on one side can actually hit switching characters on the other side if you time it well.


How do I into gamedev?
I took programming in highschool, but never really liked it; it was make a calculator shit with no actual critical thinking being taught.
That was my experience with one college class too.
I have a copy of SICP, but never touched it out of ADD lack of commitment I suppose.
I hear it's easier to dev than ever with modern engines though cause they do so much for you, so is that true?
How much would I really need to know before trying to jump in and make something with a modern gamedev kit/engine?


>I hear it's easier to dev than ever with modern engines though cause they do so much for you, so is that true?
Pretty much. Unity and GM Studio in particular are absurdly easy to use and have endless documentation, tutorials and even "sub"-engines on the internet for whatever you want to do on them.

>How much would I really need to know before trying to jump in and make something with a modern gamedev kit/engine?

Only the most extremely basic barebones fundamentals of programming like variables are good enough to use GM Studio.


Alright; thanks for the advice anon.


Oh also;
are FOSS engines only better for people who know what they're doing?
Like Godot won't give me too hard of a time despite being inexperienced?
I've heard the engine has lackluster performance with 2d games as well, which is what I'd wanna make, so do you got any experience with that?
I may be a bit of a brainlet on this matter, but I can certainly do more than just variables.


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>Soooo… watch every handmade hero devstream

I'm still 50 episodes behind but yes, I've watched 500+ episodes, and I do mean watched with full concentration, not on the side. To be fair I started when it was brand new so I didn't have to "take the dive" knowing there is already 1000 hours of footage to consume.

The good news is you will probably start making gains very, very soon in the series. For example, very early on Casey introduces a way of "managing" memory than completely changed how I think about the problem and gave me the power to reason about it on my own. If you want a shallow tutorial series there are literally hundreds of those on YT alone, but I don't recommend those as someone who consumed such content for years without improving.

At some point you literally stop looking shit up on the internet because you have the tools and methodology to solve problems yourself. It feels pretty fucking rad. For example, Handmande Hero does not cover networking, but I managed to get a prototype off the ground myself using his approach to programming. This has now become my main project.

And I'm still just a baby with so much more to learn. The better you get at it, the more fun it becomes. Hopefully by the time I'm Casey's age I'll be a lvl 250 demigod technomancer who makes worlds for fun. The only living person I'm aware of that has this level of skill and productivity is Eskil Steenberg.

If you're just getting your feet wet, sure you can go with Unity or Godot. But you will ultimately be constrained by someone else's decisions, even in the case of Godot, and you will spend countless hours reading documentation instead of actually working on your game. But hey, what do I know, I've never shipped a full game while people who can barely program push out massively successful games on Unity regularly.


don't really have any time for videogames. I'll look into it after my final exams for this semester are over


just clicked on the itch.io jams link and the first thing I see a GWU jam. never done any of these before but 3 months sounds like a reasonable time limit for a first time.


Oi comrade post your progress i was bored and made this


I would call that a wolfensteinlike but it's cool and fun, here's my game:




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From time to time I write down ideas for video games I'd like to make if my life were more in order. One of them would be a giant evolution game.

You'd start off as a cell billions of years ago, and then be able to evolve into hundreds of kinds of animals as the era would inch toward present day. Your goal would be to survive, reproduce, and to become the dominant lifeform on the planet. Obstacles would include predators, and the fact that the world around you would constantly change with each era. There would be tectonic drift, competition, climate changes, viruses, etc. You would be able to evolve tolerance for coldness or heat, but it would always come at the cost of some other trait.

The whole idea came to me when I went to a tropical island and got interested in all the bizarre animals and biology I had never seen before. I went on a Wikipedia binge and ended up devouring information about all kinds of extinct animals from past eras, while wondering if I had missed my calling and should've become a biologist.

Realistically, I don't have the will power to make this game, but I think it'd be very original. I haven't seen anyone try to create a truly epic game about evolution with continental drift, or the other variables that you read about on Wikipedia. You just get games like Spore, or little educational games like Richard Dawkin's Biomorphs.


look up spore
also no man's sky isn't a realistic evolution simulator but I still like the feeling when go into a new planet and see what the algorithm has generated


I'm still pissed that EA butchered Spore and then killed off Maxis, dooming any hope for a better sequel.


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Was bored again made this in a few hour now i'm not motivated to continue it so yeah


all you need is a mesh, there's a simple function that returns a vector leading to the proper path… it's not that hard to setup


i know how navigation work i'm just not motived to continue this thing


So I've been thinking on and off about this every once in a while. If I wanted to create a game like that, how would I even start learning the basics for designing it? Seems to me most of the games that are attempted to be created by amateurs are 2D adventure games and similar. However my vision would more be Dwarf Fortress, but with any non-spreadsheet gameplay being removed (I guess maybe sort of like the Liberal Crime Squad spinoff game from what I saw of it after googling), only being replaced with changing .png backgrounds that represent your situation.
I'd imagine the best way to go around and create something like what I have in mind is to start small. So, what kind of tutorials or guides should I watch if I wanted to create a simulation of 20ish people village community with the following features:
>Food growing and processing
>Tool creation
>Resource extraction
>Simulated housing spots
>New building construction
>Necessary items such as clothes / furniture and their production
>All done by a spreadsheet system operating in turn-based manner
>Deaths from unfulfilled needs
>Item assignment to individual villagers
If I started with something like that, I'd imagine over time I would be able to slowly expand it to the vision I previously described, and introducing more complex stuff like:
>Heat system
>Social interactions
>More and more goods production, different resources, tools, jobs
>More intricate production chains
>Transforming the village setting into my vision by renaming all the things
>Introducing backgrounds
>Random events
So, any tips how I should start this? Bear in mind that I don't have any game dev experience, only that I am somewhat experienced in C++ and will (hopefully) do programming studies next year. Also, I do have to ask, is this idea feasible to realize?


I'm not sure I get it, is there any gameplay? Or is it just a simulation?
Then there are several things here that are highly complex and do not have an ready-made answer, "social interactions", story"? Do you want to procedurally generate that? Good fucking luck.

In any case when it comes to tools there's basically two ways : more programming or less programming.
If you want to learn/practice programming you have a million choices, the most common/industry standard is C++, there's also C#, Lua… I'm not an expert myself. Then for each of these you have libraries/engines that already include a ton of pre-made things to ease up the process, Ogre for C++, Monogame for C#, Love2D for Lua, but also a ton more. Generally an "engine" has more features than a library, in that it uses libraries itself, but the line is kinda blurry.
If you want a little less programming, you can use game engines : the 3 big ones are Unity, Unreal, and Godot. They're all free to a certain extent, until you make X amount of money, but you're probably good for a long while. The last version of Unreal is extremely lenient with that, you keep all your money (if you get to that point) under 1 MIRRION DOLLARS. As for Godot it's completely free and open-source. There's also Game Maker, not free but affordable, but it's been stagnating recently.
All that said you will always have some manual programming to do. And really it's always a better choice to stick to that.

Keep in mind for all the examples I mentioned there are a million others.

In the end what you have to do is kind of cluelessly look for info on all of these possibilities, search for comparisons, ask around if they're fit for your idea, finally decide on something, and then google a million tutorials for it and follow them. There is no single answer.

There's also Tiled, which may be useful, but it's a tilemap creator, not a game engine. It also has its issues, which I personally have found annoying a number of times, but huh, it exists. And for 2D drawing you have Krita, free and open-source too, tiny bugs but it's really good (avoid Photoshop and Adobe products at all cost).

Also a sad thing to note is that there seems to be no engine that is really great for 2D. They're all focused on 3D to be cool and shiny. Even Unity, who is fairly highly praised and has been around for years, still have issues here and there in 2D that haven't been fixed.

Second final note : it doesn't really matter what you choose in the end. Apart from AAAAAA GRAFIXS, you can realistically pretty much do anything you want with any tool you want. Especially if you're ready and skilled enough to tackle programming the more complex stuff by yourself.
The only limits are time and motivation. Good luck!


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>I'm not sure I get it, is there any gameplay? Or is it just a simulation?
Well the idea would be that the gameplay side is you being a sort of planned economy manager, as well as to a smaller extent a "tard wrangler" for your pops who would do stupid shit (eg a pop with a certain negative trait has a percent chance with each turn to damage certain item, get in a fight (reduce health of another pop and their opinion), get a random mood drop, or a need to consume more certain goods), all while trying to survive harsh conditions. Social interactions wouldn't be anything more than randomly occurring interactions that might trigger some sort of info bubble to tell a bit of story on turn start while giving positive negative effects on mood or productivity. I am struggling to find a comparison, but I think the best way I can describe what I would want is something like the pop system from the newer Civ games, however with more complexity. I tried to mock up a quick vision of general working of the economy in pic related.
The main reason why I don't really know where to start is this. First, at least from the first look, I don't believe that at least the skeleton of this project is overly complex. However, from what I've seen, most indie game dev stuff deals with making rpg's or action-ey games. However this would be more of a manager sim, which would require, at least to my understanding, different things than the previously mentioned genres. For instance, at least for a skeleton version, I need zero graphics of any sort, only a system that changes its values based on player input, as well as naturally over time in an automated process of "pops" fulfilling their needs by reducing the existing values. So if I wanted to make an rpg or an action game, I am sure I'd find easy to follow tutorials, and almost tailor made programs to help, however I don't have a clue where should I start with getting the experience to make something like what I envision.


Fundamentally all programming is the same. If you watch the first few introduction videos to any language, you'll see they're all about the same things (variables, if, for loops, classes if they have them…). And with a decent engine you can always do anything you want, you're not restricted to a genre (except with things like RPGMaker or RenPy). It's just that they're slightly different in various ways. There are limitations, but none is absolute. It's just about you programming around it.

I don't know if you're already aware of that or not, but the thing is that everything is ultimately a number. A computer doesn't understand "need" or "want". So say if you have a notion of education in the game, what that's gonna translate to simply an "education" stat for each person, going from I don't know, 1 to 100, or 500, or whatever. And what that means is that they'll be able to do some things, or maybe enter the academy, only if the number is above a certain value. Or to make things more complex, there could be different numbers based on disciplines. Like a physicist might have 95 in physics, but 30 in litterature.
And if you want "geniuses", maybe instead of gaining 10 points from undergoing a class, they'll gain 25 or something.
Programming is just putting dumb numbers on everything. Maybe that breaks the "mystique" you could find in things in real life, but that's how it works.
Anything that seems like more advanced magic, like those AIs constructing realistic people faces, or simulating fluids, etc… is way, way beyond the concerns of an amateur gamedev. You can't hope to find the magic tutorial that explains how to do that and put it in your game.

Some of this may be obvious to you, I don't know, I'm just trying to explain some things cause I don't know where you're at.


>Also a sad thing to note is that there seems to be no engine that is really great for 2D. They're all focused on 3D to be cool and shiny
godot is way more popular for it's 2d features tho and gets a lot of shit for the 3d elements…


if the only thing you're confused about not knowing where to start with your game, you could start from anywhere, I'de say start with that system of heating that's required to survive and just try building everything from there.


Ok, so I was recently thinking back on this again, and I do believe I would likely have enough programming experience to implement the things I've laid out in the image. However I guess the main thing that is confusing me is how do I, well, create a game. I've only created console applications previously, and while I imagine I could create a text-based game only using keyboard interactions, that is not what I would want the game to look. So how do I transfer all the information that I have in my program under the different variables into something that could be represented with graphics on screen, and how exactly do I make mouse clicks into a readable input from the player? So for instance how do I handle the end turn button? Seems like an obvious first thing to learn, especially if I am making a turn-based game. So obviously end turn will be a void function that alters all the variables I have in certain ways. If I was doing a console app, all I need would be to create a logical function that compares if player input text correlates with my chosen text that should initiate end turn. However since this isn't a console app, first, I need for the end turn button to be somehow presented on the screen, and also have it be so that a mouse click when over the specific area where the button is initiates the EndTurn() function (I have no clue how to do that). So, where do I start to learn to do what I just described. I'd imagine the information that I learn while finding out how to create the end turn button would also teach me enough to create the rest of the user interface which would display all the variables, as well as other functions such as ConstructBuilding() or whatever. Though I guess I'd also be interested how one would create different menu, lists etc. that would allow for the info to all be sorted separately.


>>2149 (me)
I guess I do also have some technical questions as to how to write the code it self:
It should all be in one single c++ file, only interacting with data files to create a savegame, right?
I imagine I would end up using quite a few variables that would have to be shared each time I use a function. So is it better to stick them all as global? Or would that cause the program to slow down too much?
What type of compiler is best? Currently I am using codeblocks since that is what is most advanced and still allowed to use during exams, but I heard good things about visual studio, so should I use it instead?
And again going back to the previous post, if I am not creating a console application, what am I creating? I see whenever I create programs that there are tens of other types of programs, but I have no experience with those. DirectX sounds familiar, is that what I am supposed to use?


use an engine, if you insist on using c++, there's probably some libraries out there for easy ui programming, search the web for them.


As far as debug UI, this is all you need:

Once you want to tackle in-game UI you are probably best off making your own immediate-mode implementation. I don't think I'll ever go to retained-mode UI programming again.


I have this idea for an idle game where you progress mainly/solely when you're not playing it, thinking maybe it could be based off of The Game, or do you think that meme's too old?


does anyone have the rules for this? I wonder if it can be converted into videogame form.


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I'm interested in making an open source video game and I know that will present several challenges that are very different from normal open source projects, anyone has any resources about this stuff? I've never managed an open source project before and a game will only make it worse


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Sounds like a nightmare from hell if you ask me.

Have you checked out Battle for Wesnoth? That's a good example of what you can expect to get with some massive effort. It's more of a game "ruleset + editor" than a game itself, as it encourages users to create and share campaigns. It's actually pretty deep and fun to play. Oh and the graphics… well how do you expect to get good art for free? Any artist worth their salt charges for their labor.

But if the intention is to make a single coherent experience for the user, which is what most games are, open source sounds like it is doomed before it starts.

Are you a programmer? Why this gotta be open source? Why not make a simple game yourself to start with?


Are you implying Wesnoth has bad graphics, rather than excellent?


>Have you checked out Battle for Wesnoth?
No, haven't dug much on opens source games since I don't care for the games but the development
>Any artist worth their salt charges for their labor.
That's what concerns me the most since artists do not have a culture of open source work, how to entice them to contribute will be the hardest thing
>But if the intention is to make a single coherent experience for the user, which is what most games are, open source sounds like it is doomed before it starts.
That's what I want to do, bummer
>Are you a programmer?
Not yet, I fell for the learn to code meme a couple of years back, I've struggled too much to learn C and the desire to make a game has stopped me form quitting
>Why this gotta be open source?
Being pedantic about ideology and hoping other hands can help but either way it seems hopeless, open or closed source I'll end up doing it all alone
>Why not make a simple game yourself to start with?
Yeah I know I have to start with something small once I can code for shit.


what genre of game? with what mechanics?


megaman clone/garden variety indie metroidvania


It's funny because the unit sprites aren't really that bad. Everything else though… the environment assets, the UI… even the total lack of animations or visual feedback betrays the lo-fi, open source roots of the game.


>total lack of animations
When was the last time you played the game exactly? All the units have idle animations and attacking animations. What else do they need exactly? Wesnoth has the graphics that a game of its type needs and they are well-drawn and look nice. It's actually an excellent example of maintaining a consistent overarching style across a large open source project with many contributors stretched across time.


just use Godot. if you know python then just read the documentation to understand the GDscript API. it includes some beginner tutorials and has a pure 2D engine


I had the idea of an xcom like (TB tactics) set during russian civil war, with artillery train and self made armored trucks, with both a whole political/territory management aspect for getting missions & equipement, and some rpg elements for your forces.
Also works for a necromunda inspired game (you could even make a f2p multi game with this, people would pay a lot to improve their gang appearance, especially if they're getting attached to the characters thanks to the rpg part)

another idea was a fps/rpg, set in a not too distant future where climate, covid and encomy problems coalesce in a giant clusterfuck in europe with total breakdown of social order. We'd use a a big city like berlin or paris as the set, there would be various factions fighting there, and basically you'd be the usual super cyber-soldier roaming around there. The twist is despite your super powers, you just can't accomplish shit without the backing of a faction, and the biggest impact you can have is making/unmaking alliances and war between them, by giving them access to information about strategic resources or manipulating power relations inside the faction itself, just going in the battlefield alone fighting is fun but ultimately pointless (infinitte enemies and artillery fucking you up).
Prolly too big a scope. Its just that I like fps rpg and tried to shoehorn some of my ideas in it.

FPS/rpg alternative ; use a chivalry like melee combat and make it about being some robinhood

or go full magicka in fps form, I think its dynamic magic system really offer a lot of creativity

finally, literally not a game but gaming related, a lot of gamer could use a tool for displaying dynamic overlays on top their game, with strategic informations (maps with real time pinging/drawing). Basically the old "advanced tactical center" tool (which apprently has shutdown since) but with an overlay functionality


>because the dev uses NO LIBRARIES, making everything from scratch instead
ngl, never did game dev, but as a java/web dev, that sounds fucking stupid


It is if you plan on making an actual game.

It is less stupid if you just wanna learn how games are made. However I wouldn't go as far as using NO LIBRARIES, just no engines (in fact, that's what I did, and it worked out pretty well)


Damn son, I made that post like 2+ years ago on bunkerchan lol. I actually didn't mean to imply that I don't use libraries btw, just that once could expect to learn about literally everything from watching HMH since Casey doesn't. I use quite a few libraries in my own projects and it would be absolute hell to develop without them.


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Some posts ago I was talking about making FOSS video games and I just read about this monetization strategy:
The latest release of the game is paywalled and maybe closed source but once a new release comes out the old one becomes free.
Do you guys think this is fair? The issue is that each release must have a significant development to justify itself.

Also I wonder how can I hide easter eggs in my game if the code and assets are open?


I think it's nice. "fair" only makes sense as a marketing tactic.


You could obfuscate the code, but that pretty much goes against the spirit of open source.


Lots of patreon projects use this model but it essentially boils down to donations, most people would just wait for the free version


Yes, yes, nothing if fair under capitalism, the issue now is how to entice people to donate/subscribe for the latest version.
and deobfuscating it will be a chore later on.
I thought of just removing the code for the easter eggs and making the officially compiled version of the game different from the one people can compile from source but that's even more dishonest and an even harder job.


Realistically nothing can stop people pirating your game if they really want to, you may as well just make all versions open source even if you do paywall them


bumping this shit


So relying on donations would be the best way to go? I mean, that's basically what many indie devs on itch.io do with the "pay what you want" model


Bumping this! Hi from 4chan's /agdg/. I didn't know leftypol had a games board!
My dream game idea would be a JA2 1.13 remake with an Operation Gladio theme


Sorry, didn't mean to quote.


>My dream game idea would be a JA2 1.13 remake with an Operation Gladio theme
Based, I had thought about a JA2 where you're more mercenary than objectively the good guys overthrowing a cartoon villain dictator.


You're filling me with motivation, comrade. What a great day today has been


Where would you have it? Berlin? 1980s?
The game would be hilariously nihilistic considering you'd be slaughtering civilians for no real reason as nuclear war would destroy both sides. Could be a good dry satire of American cold war ideology.


I would love to make a turn based tactics game like JA2 but it'll require a lot of assets and that's the biggest hindrance.
Wish people outside of code had a culture of openness.


I'm the /agdg/ guy >>11203
I just started working on my first game and the aim is to lay the groundwork for a future JA2 1.13 successor. I know it won't be an easy task, but I have to start something.

Feel free to contact me through itch.io (mqdev.itch.io/) or directly on the discord (besides the /vg/ general thread, there's a discord https://discord.gg/SUhkUbqd).

Because of this specific toolkit for TBS games, I chose UE4. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNiHDaJeqA16CsnxJJDjG9qgubj15jXKF
It's been used in several AAA games and the developer is extremely responsive (there's also a discord for the toolkit). I cannot overstate how much stuff the toolkit already implements. Check the tutorials if you want motivation.

Don't concern yourself about assets at this point. There's always the option of crowd-funding it once the gameplay is tight enough.


I used to browse /agdg/ back in the day, sadly I'm just a nodev idea guy, and honestly my ideas aren't that great either


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The issue with gamedev is that it's rather labour intensive. On the plus side, there's tons of tutorials and information about all the engines.
Even if you're not making a game, I would love your feedback.
If you're all ok with it, I'll post progress here as well as on /agdg/.
Here's my first, from a couple of weeks ago.


looks like it's on track


Thank you! :D


Honestly the biggest hurdle for me is graphics. Well, and I'm lazy and motivated only by grand ideas I have nowhere near the skills to tackle. Maybe I'll try making a simple idle game one day. But enough about my problems.
Damn that's awesome, it's coming along nice, good job!


>the biggest hurdle for me is graphics
In what sense? I'm a greenhorn, but maybe I can offer some answers. Are you worried about having to learn 3D modelling? Because you can always commission those later.
>Well, and I'm lazy and motivated only by grand ideas I have nowhere near the skills to tackle.
That's an extremely common problem! Games that we're motivated to make tend to be larger, but smaller games have a greater chance of being finished. What I am trying to do is a much smaller scale, simpler, version of the game I would actually want to make. That way reaching the finish line is actually feasible (which is also important for motivation in later stages of development) and I could expand the smaller, finished game into a larger one afterwards.
Thank you for your kind words! You fill me with motivation!


>In what sense? I'm a greenhorn, but maybe I can offer some answers. Are you worried about having to learn 3D modelling? Because you can always commission those later.
Yeah that and just regular old 2D sprites as well, though you have a point, I could just pop in some programmer art and take care of it later.
>That's an extremely common problem! Games that we're motivated to make tend to be larger, but smaller games have a greater chance of being finished. What I am trying to do is a much smaller scale, simpler, version of the game I would actually want to make. That way reaching the finish line is actually feasible (which is also important for motivation in later stages of development) and I could expand the smaller, finished game into a larger one afterwards.
That's actually a very good idea. I'll have to look over my notes and see if I can find an idea I can scale down. Thank you!
>Thank you for your kind words! You fill me with motivation!
No problem!


Glad I could help! You can find lots of assets (both 2D and 3D) online, some of them even free. So you might not even need programmer art for the placeholders.

A non exhaustive list:
https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/free [1]

[1] The UE4 has lots of very cool stuff (like the Quixel Megascans) and they give away free assets every month. [2] I believe this limits you to using them in Unreal Engine games, but since I'm already married to it (because of the aforementioned TBS toolkit [3]) it's not an issue for me.
I am reluctant to recommend a specific engine or tool, because of my lack of experience, but if you want to make a TBS game, I would at least suggest you check the ATBTT toolkit [3] before deciding.

Best of luck! I'm sure you'll find an idea that you can scale down. If you pop into the discord, search for mqdev and say hi.

[2] This month's haul was a bit weak, but there's often very interesting and useful stuff. Worth logging in once a month even if you are using a different engine, in case you want to give UE a whirl in the future. https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/assets?count=20&sortBy=effectiveDate&sortDir=DESC&start=0&tag=4910

[3] https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/advanced-turn-based-tile-toolkit


I forgot one of the links.
But I'm sure I am missing some. Specially for 2D. The less you worry about assets at the start, the better. Hold to your placeholders!


Regarding engines, I haven't touched any for years and only did a couple of fun shitty games as a teen in Unity (known for lots of community assets and more beginner-friendly/rapid-dev interface) and them graphics-focused work in UE4 because of its specific realistic rendering features. Since then, Godot was invented and while I haven't used it mysself, I want to see it become the best.

Basically, never pick one and invest in it just because you heard the name, once you know what you want to make, find the right tool for it and you.

Hopefully I can find those old games, one was a simple FPS where you can switch between shooting a cube, a grenade (explode on impact), a shotgun spray of 50 cubes, or a shotgun spray of 50 grenades. Pretty fun stuff despite the simplicity.


I want to make a card game, like a tcg but I have zero clue where to start. I have a lot of cards/ideas prototyped, the game exists in some form, but when it comes to coding it's always bounced off of me.


I too would love to develop in Godot, but I lack the skills to create the game I want without the extra help from UE4 toolkits.
For instance https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/ccg-toolkit
Also, remember to use some sort of Source Control and back ups. That way you can always access your games, no matter how long ago you made them!


I am actually writing a game again, shall become a trade simulator in the discovery age plus 1700s with hopefully a resoure economy like in railroad tycoon 3 (every tile has a price for every reousource and they pushed over paths or river even without player interaction)

Dont expect too much, I am keeping with my projects but one can easily take 1-2 years and I never sold anything


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so far you can already trvel through a whole map generated from terrain. I used not thw real world but an historial map for more fun. Should everbody ever want to make a medieval game and needs something to generate a world map for: here you go


sorry for my retarded spelling. My keyboard is barely working


sorry for my spamming but I can maybe offer a bit of assistance to people completely new in gamedev here so I keep my ears open. Keep coding guys.
And by Marx use event managers if you write games. And dont use python, I love it but its horrible for games.


>And dont use python, I love it but its horrible for games.
ffs someone else told me that Python was alright. >>10904
I'm trying to write a Snake game right now as an introduction to C++, though.


c++ is hard but if you master it you will not regret it. I cant tell you cause I dont but in terms of performance its king.

I did civ like game in python over like 2-3 years and eventually, as nice as it was I stumbled on its borders. Writing graphics stuff in opengl myself is sadly a smidge too high for my poor soul.

When you do snake and use a two dimensional array (var map= [[0,0,1], [0,1,0], etc) you are already using a grid system that you can later advance to everything from xcom to civ for later projects.

if you already do memory allocation with c++ you already know more than I do in those things, keep the work going :)


Nice! Do you have an itch.io page or twitter?


I do have twitter but personal stuff in my mother tongue. If I keep at it for 2 months or so I can make one tho.
I was suspicious of leftypol after the split but I am - pathetially moved - that it really seems to be something I an enjoy again. Anyway, really enough posts for today but I will give you updates.

Dont overestimte it tho, rn its more or less a cool scrollable map in javascript. Hope I dont fall on my nose with the language again :/


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did some pixeling tho

Help of cause always appreciated. A person close to me like stitching and I always thought it is similarily soothing

good night comrades


Gute Nacht, comrade! Keep us posted!


Thanks for the resources! Honestly I did purchase RPG Maker and I've been considering making something with that but that's where the lack of art becomes a problem, without it there's not much to offer to players. I have some ideas for shitty meme idle games I may make because it seems like it would be fairly straightforward. For that I may have to learn Javascript or HTML5 or something similar, make it a browser game. I do know some C++ and Java from when I was studying Computer Science.
Anyway I'll figure it out, I need to learn to talk less about doing things and just do them.


That's the spirit!


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I'm back, and I made bit of progress! It's not much, mind you. Thank you for the motivation, comrades!

I'm not posting on itch.io (mqdev) until I package it for Demo Day, but you can always check my twitter (mqdev_)


Had an idea about a FPS game where you create your revolution from very beginning, and you have to account for logistics, morale, stockpiles etc, instead of just being a mindless shooting fest (looking at you Far Cry). Figured it would have some RPG elements in it, where you evolve your character and the movement as whole (sorta like Fallout i guess? Never played). Name will be something like Far Out Alliance.

Quests (both main and secondary) will include: convincing people to your cause, kidnapping important assets, assassinations, sabotage, guerrilla, conventional warfare, building and protection of bases against enemy attacks, stealing equipment and so on.

The map will be medium-sized since i think the "bigger=better" bouj mentality is generally wrong, but will broken down in sufficient zones/areas/districts to make it feel grander.

The story will be about about the liberation of a territory from foreign occupation.

If it wasn't obvious enough, i'm inspired by the Chinese Revolution.

Sequel/DLC being a scenario where you play as reactionary who puts an earlier rebellion down.

I will never actually make this game, but if someone do, just send me a free copy plz.


scale it down by 10 times, and you have something that can be actual be done.
in this thread you enough resource to make it


You see, it's not really about having resources for it, but rather patient/commitment/will, which i really don't.

Besides that, if my miserable attempts at learning python have teach me anything, is that i detest coding and programming, so i doubt i'll find the idea of working with any other language for some 2-3 years to be bearable.


> so i doubt i'll find the idea of working with any other language for some 2-3 years to be bearable.
i feel you i do PHP and node for a living i know the pain.

but you can contribute to your project by other means like level design etc… to do something that's manageable maybe you can find someone to work with, i would have love to help you but i'm currently overworked and working on a fighting game (for about a year ?)

Or you can learn only logic type and use something like unreal engine blueprint it's more manageable.


I didn't know Todd Howard used /leftypol/


Jagged Alliance kinda, but not an FPS


This. Look into Jagged Alliance 2 with the 1.13 mod. It's ancient, but there's a reason they're still updating the mod after all these years.


I second this. ue4 blueprints are much more user-friendly, there's a huge discord where you can ask questions (unreal slackers) and tons of videos explaining every "node" (Mathew Wadstein on youtube).
I'd say give it a try.


Alright people, you've convinced me. I'll take a look at the resources here and learn more about gamedev. Thanks for all the inputs.

I'm not trying to shove skyrim into my alarm clock, so i have no clue what you're talking about.


Is developing something like Chapter Master and Aurora 4X difficult? I always wanted to see a 4X game that has almost nothing to do with expansion but more about ruling over a planet. Something like a planetary governor simulator.
The end goal would just to exist as long as possible without getting your ass replaced or killed.


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Got the clock and day counter working.

Glad to hear that! Let us know how it goes!
Some other relevant engines: twine and renpy (python!):
Twine is used for "choose your own adventure" type games, while renpy is for visual novels (for a more general one look up "pygame") while still being accessible by the virtue of being python.

Games made with each software (NSFW! I don't know how to filter out adult games on itch.io and there seem to be many of those)

I can't say anythin about Chapter Master, but 4x games must be among the most difficult genres. I have looked up some games that could fit what you have in mind. The first one is specially simple (a series of binary choices) and could be a good first game (maybe. I am a rookie too!). Te second seems more complex, although it's text-driven too.

You can find games that are similar to the one you want to model yours after with this site: https://steampeek.hu/
It shows more obscure games that won't show in a steam game's page, so you can see less successful games as well. Those might be useful as learning material (what they did wrong? What did they do well?) even if they're not great games. Best of luck!


I finished my stupid C++ snake game, I'll try to follow another tutorial to compare and learn. Then after that I'm making another simple game in C++.
Also reminder that you don't need amazing art to sell your game, even bad and simple but charming art can suffice, especially if the game is fun.


>working on a fighting game (for about a year ?)
Tell us more anon, please


This. And I would add that if you have a good game with placeholder art you can get funding (kickstarter, for instance) to buy the art, music, and all the bells and whistles.
Yeah! And post it, please


i'm sorry i cant show any art it's the artist game idea so i'm just helping him with code and general design (also i suck at fighting game)
It's a 2d fighting similar to darkstalkers with full pixelart with some modern effect (like parallax background maps lighting etc).
i will keep you update when we decide to show it up.

Btw those are "game" that i have posted here


Speaking of which, if I want to share a game here, how should I do it? I don't wanna accidentally spread viruses or use my personal accounts for storage.


you can host it in itch.io


But I don't want to make an account for that. I wonder if I should get a GitHub account.


Why not?
Github is owned by microsoft. Use Gitlab or any other alternatives. Source control is always a good idea.


Could a JRPG based on 2016 American politics still be fun or would it be horribly dated?


it really doesn't matter anon, just pick whatever works best for you


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Any thoughts on Godot's visual scripting as an alternative to Blueprints?
yes I am trying to push Godot how can you tell?


Depends on how you portray the political aspect, the writing and the humor I guess

Alright I guess I'm gonna use Gitlab, thanks


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Godot's visual scripting is good and it still lack some features like for housekeeping( like group node that you can actual see the children in the node kinda in Natron2 or blender)
and tell is less number of demos compare to Gdscript or C#

overall UE4 blueprint is a good start for someone new because of the Shittone of resources available because of how popular it's


I didn't know it had visual scripting besides gdscript! This is great news. If I wasn't married to ue4 I would definitely use Godot. I encourage everyone to use it. Cruelty Squad was made with it!


How hard would it be to update each 4 years?


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>If I wasn't married to ue4 I would definitely use Godot. I encourage everyone to use it.
For sure. It's great to start seeing the "it's free so its shit" mentality get disproved more and more.
Also, the devs are based.
Unironically might start a game today just to play around with it, since the demos provide a nice template.


Well I like to believe I'm funny and could pull it off, but maybe not
Well a big chunk of the plot is about the Trump presidency and liberals' reactions to it


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You can join #godotengine on Libera's IRC besides the discord channel. It's always nice to have somewhere to ask question and get quick answers. Especially at the beginning.
Don't let your dreams be dreams, but since it would take time, I'd aim for 2024 or at maybe the mid-terms


>It's great to start seeing the "it's free so its shit" mentality get disproved more and more.
Does anyone actually still believe that shit nowadays? I think the quality of free and open source projects is widely acknowledged.


Yep, sounds based, guess I'm learning to use Godot now

I used to have a friend who wanted to make a commercial indie game with me, and he wasn't sure if he should use Unity or Godot. I think back then there wasn't much documentation for this engine, otherwise he would've picked it.


I think the OP needs this too:
Aseprite is a pixel art program that's $19.99, but it's open source and it's free if you compile it.


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Should I learn assembly and make a game for a retro system or is it really that much of a fool's errand?
I just feel learning assembly will benefit me somehow as a programmer.


I mean, if you really, really want to make games for old consoles it might be useful. I want to make a game for the GBA.


Don't torture yourself… If you want to improve as a programmer and make games, C++ is the way to go.


Btw, ue4 blueprints are easy peasy to learn. Implemented sight radius in very little time. Trying to create a "matrix" to store faction relations data messed me up a bit, but I believe it's because I was devving for too many consecutive days.
Whatever you do, remember to make breaks often!


Honestly I feel I just want my game on a real game boy and not really learn assembly, I should not worry about optimization that much since modern computers have so many fucking layers of abstraction.
I should just focus on getting better at c++


If it helps with motivation (C++ es hard), you can check out the miriad of open source games coded in C++, like Wesnoth or Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead.


Yeah I was planning on studying other game's code later on


Demo Day is soon. I hope you are making a game, dudes!


Here's a permanent invite.
d i s c o r d (dot) gg/DSzZa9K
The thread, which is pretty bad can always be found here
There has been some sort of schism with the reactionary /pol/tards leaving, so there's the off topic channels are not like an open sewer and there's no need to block people. Hats off to them for that.
There's a bunch of nice leftists around, and people are helpful in general. I know d i s c o r d (fbi.gov kek) sucks, but being able to ping knowledgeable devs about questions you have and get input so quick makes up for all the other crap.
Here's the link for the next demo day (November 5th). I hope to make some substantial progress by then. Hope to see you around!


gaem where i uh

yeah that's the game


Don't let your dreams be dreams

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