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 No.290[View All]

So I'm not an experienced game developer or anything, but I figured we should have a general dedicated to this sort of thing, especially since I'm interested to hear peoples' ideas on lefty-orientated videogames that would be cool for me to make.
I've been using Blender since I was 11 or 12 years old (I'm 20 now) so I'm pretty much at a level now where I can model any game asset I want. I'm also in school for Computer Engineering, and have been a hobby programmer since I was around 14 working with Python, C, and GLSL shaders, so I can script pretty much anything as well. I would say my main weaknesses when approaching a task like this are Sculpting, Spriting, and Painting, so to any drawfags/artfags with skills: I invite you to contribute on whatever projects we end up embarking on.



Blender: https://www.blender.org/
Kritas: https://krita.org/en/
>Game Development
Godot: https://godotengine.org/
89 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Nice! Do you have an itch.io page or twitter?


I do have twitter but personal stuff in my mother tongue. If I keep at it for 2 months or so I can make one tho.
I was suspicious of leftypol after the split but I am - pathetially moved - that it really seems to be something I an enjoy again. Anyway, really enough posts for today but I will give you updates.

Dont overestimte it tho, rn its more or less a cool scrollable map in javascript. Hope I dont fall on my nose with the language again :/


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did some pixeling tho

Help of cause always appreciated. A person close to me like stitching and I always thought it is similarily soothing

good night comrades


Gute Nacht, comrade! Keep us posted!


Thanks for the resources! Honestly I did purchase RPG Maker and I've been considering making something with that but that's where the lack of art becomes a problem, without it there's not much to offer to players. I have some ideas for shitty meme idle games I may make because it seems like it would be fairly straightforward. For that I may have to learn Javascript or HTML5 or something similar, make it a browser game. I do know some C++ and Java from when I was studying Computer Science.
Anyway I'll figure it out, I need to learn to talk less about doing things and just do them.


That's the spirit!


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I'm back, and I made bit of progress! It's not much, mind you. Thank you for the motivation, comrades!

I'm not posting on itch.io (mqdev) until I package it for Demo Day, but you can always check my twitter (mqdev_)


Had an idea about a FPS game where you create your revolution from very beginning, and you have to account for logistics, morale, stockpiles etc, instead of just being a mindless shooting fest (looking at you Far Cry). Figured it would have some RPG elements in it, where you evolve your character and the movement as whole (sorta like Fallout i guess? Never played). Name will be something like Far Out Alliance.

Quests (both main and secondary) will include: convincing people to your cause, kidnapping important assets, assassinations, sabotage, guerrilla, conventional warfare, building and protection of bases against enemy attacks, stealing equipment and so on.

The map will be medium-sized since i think the "bigger=better" bouj mentality is generally wrong, but will broken down in sufficient zones/areas/districts to make it feel grander.

The story will be about about the liberation of a territory from foreign occupation.

If it wasn't obvious enough, i'm inspired by the Chinese Revolution.

Sequel/DLC being a scenario where you play as reactionary who puts an earlier rebellion down.

I will never actually make this game, but if someone do, just send me a free copy plz.


scale it down by 10 times, and you have something that can be actual be done.
in this thread you enough resource to make it


You see, it's not really about having resources for it, but rather patient/commitment/will, which i really don't.

Besides that, if my miserable attempts at learning python have teach me anything, is that i detest coding and programming, so i doubt i'll find the idea of working with any other language for some 2-3 years to be bearable.


> so i doubt i'll find the idea of working with any other language for some 2-3 years to be bearable.
i feel you i do PHP and node for a living i know the pain.

but you can contribute to your project by other means like level design etc… to do something that's manageable maybe you can find someone to work with, i would have love to help you but i'm currently overworked and working on a fighting game (for about a year ?)

Or you can learn only logic type and use something like unreal engine blueprint it's more manageable.


I didn't know Todd Howard used /leftypol/


Jagged Alliance kinda, but not an FPS


This. Look into Jagged Alliance 2 with the 1.13 mod. It's ancient, but there's a reason they're still updating the mod after all these years.


I second this. ue4 blueprints are much more user-friendly, there's a huge discord where you can ask questions (unreal slackers) and tons of videos explaining every "node" (Mathew Wadstein on youtube).
I'd say give it a try.


Alright people, you've convinced me. I'll take a look at the resources here and learn more about gamedev. Thanks for all the inputs.

I'm not trying to shove skyrim into my alarm clock, so i have no clue what you're talking about.


Is developing something like Chapter Master and Aurora 4X difficult? I always wanted to see a 4X game that has almost nothing to do with expansion but more about ruling over a planet. Something like a planetary governor simulator.
The end goal would just to exist as long as possible without getting your ass replaced or killed.


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Got the clock and day counter working.

Glad to hear that! Let us know how it goes!
Some other relevant engines: twine and renpy (python!):
Twine is used for "choose your own adventure" type games, while renpy is for visual novels (for a more general one look up "pygame") while still being accessible by the virtue of being python.

Games made with each software (NSFW! I don't know how to filter out adult games on itch.io and there seem to be many of those)

I can't say anythin about Chapter Master, but 4x games must be among the most difficult genres. I have looked up some games that could fit what you have in mind. The first one is specially simple (a series of binary choices) and could be a good first game (maybe. I am a rookie too!). Te second seems more complex, although it's text-driven too.

You can find games that are similar to the one you want to model yours after with this site: https://steampeek.hu/
It shows more obscure games that won't show in a steam game's page, so you can see less successful games as well. Those might be useful as learning material (what they did wrong? What did they do well?) even if they're not great games. Best of luck!


I finished my stupid C++ snake game, I'll try to follow another tutorial to compare and learn. Then after that I'm making another simple game in C++.
Also reminder that you don't need amazing art to sell your game, even bad and simple but charming art can suffice, especially if the game is fun.


>working on a fighting game (for about a year ?)
Tell us more anon, please


This. And I would add that if you have a good game with placeholder art you can get funding (kickstarter, for instance) to buy the art, music, and all the bells and whistles.
Yeah! And post it, please


i'm sorry i cant show any art it's the artist game idea so i'm just helping him with code and general design (also i suck at fighting game)
It's a 2d fighting similar to darkstalkers with full pixelart with some modern effect (like parallax background maps lighting etc).
i will keep you update when we decide to show it up.

Btw those are "game" that i have posted here


Speaking of which, if I want to share a game here, how should I do it? I don't wanna accidentally spread viruses or use my personal accounts for storage.


you can host it in itch.io


But I don't want to make an account for that. I wonder if I should get a GitHub account.


Why not?
Github is owned by microsoft. Use Gitlab or any other alternatives. Source control is always a good idea.


Could a JRPG based on 2016 American politics still be fun or would it be horribly dated?


it really doesn't matter anon, just pick whatever works best for you


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Any thoughts on Godot's visual scripting as an alternative to Blueprints?
yes I am trying to push Godot how can you tell?


Depends on how you portray the political aspect, the writing and the humor I guess

Alright I guess I'm gonna use Gitlab, thanks


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Godot's visual scripting is good and it still lack some features like for housekeeping( like group node that you can actual see the children in the node kinda in Natron2 or blender)
and tell is less number of demos compare to Gdscript or C#

overall UE4 blueprint is a good start for someone new because of the Shittone of resources available because of how popular it's


I didn't know it had visual scripting besides gdscript! This is great news. If I wasn't married to ue4 I would definitely use Godot. I encourage everyone to use it. Cruelty Squad was made with it!


How hard would it be to update each 4 years?


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>If I wasn't married to ue4 I would definitely use Godot. I encourage everyone to use it.
For sure. It's great to start seeing the "it's free so its shit" mentality get disproved more and more.
Also, the devs are based.
Unironically might start a game today just to play around with it, since the demos provide a nice template.


Well I like to believe I'm funny and could pull it off, but maybe not
Well a big chunk of the plot is about the Trump presidency and liberals' reactions to it


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You can join #godotengine on Libera's IRC besides the discord channel. It's always nice to have somewhere to ask question and get quick answers. Especially at the beginning.
Don't let your dreams be dreams, but since it would take time, I'd aim for 2024 or at maybe the mid-terms


>It's great to start seeing the "it's free so its shit" mentality get disproved more and more.
Does anyone actually still believe that shit nowadays? I think the quality of free and open source projects is widely acknowledged.


Yep, sounds based, guess I'm learning to use Godot now

I used to have a friend who wanted to make a commercial indie game with me, and he wasn't sure if he should use Unity or Godot. I think back then there wasn't much documentation for this engine, otherwise he would've picked it.


I think the OP needs this too:
Aseprite is a pixel art program that's $19.99, but it's open source and it's free if you compile it.


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Should I learn assembly and make a game for a retro system or is it really that much of a fool's errand?
I just feel learning assembly will benefit me somehow as a programmer.


I mean, if you really, really want to make games for old consoles it might be useful. I want to make a game for the GBA.


Don't torture yourself… If you want to improve as a programmer and make games, C++ is the way to go.


Btw, ue4 blueprints are easy peasy to learn. Implemented sight radius in very little time. Trying to create a "matrix" to store faction relations data messed me up a bit, but I believe it's because I was devving for too many consecutive days.
Whatever you do, remember to make breaks often!


Honestly I feel I just want my game on a real game boy and not really learn assembly, I should not worry about optimization that much since modern computers have so many fucking layers of abstraction.
I should just focus on getting better at c++


If it helps with motivation (C++ es hard), you can check out the miriad of open source games coded in C++, like Wesnoth or Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead.


Yeah I was planning on studying other game's code later on


Demo Day is soon. I hope you are making a game, dudes!


Here's a permanent invite.
d i s c o r d (dot) gg/DSzZa9K
The thread, which is pretty bad can always be found here
There has been some sort of schism with the reactionary /pol/tards leaving, so there's the off topic channels are not like an open sewer and there's no need to block people. Hats off to them for that.
There's a bunch of nice leftists around, and people are helpful in general. I know d i s c o r d (fbi.gov kek) sucks, but being able to ping knowledgeable devs about questions you have and get input so quick makes up for all the other crap.
Here's the link for the next demo day (November 5th). I hope to make some substantial progress by then. Hope to see you around!


gaem where i uh

yeah that's the game


Don't let your dreams be dreams

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