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File: 1618150472386.jpg ( 986.53 KB , 1600x780 , Mao-Zedong-Chinese-Cultura….jpg )


What's a good book on one of the most epic moment in the history of communism: the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution?


The unknown cultural Revolution by Dongping Hon is about how it empowered peasants in the countryside to root out corruption and increased the popularity of Mao.


Anybody has .pdf?


I looked its on libgen


And Mao Makes Five


Found it tank you comrades


On a somewhat off topic note, what other theory material is similar in style to mao? I find his collected works to be very easy to understand and read, so I wondering if there are any other writers who’ve made books in an easy style.


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I find that the majority of Maoist (MLM) authors I have read follow Mao's own style of readability over academic prose.

The most obvious recommendations for individual theorists in that sphere are:
>Jose-Maria Sison
>J. Moufawad-Paul
>K. Murali (Ajith)
>Pao-Yu Ching

All of which have their works available on foreignlanguages.press digitally or in print.

Of course, the works of the Communist Party of Peru, The Philippines and India (Maoist) all seem to follow said writing style and are well worth everyone's time.

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