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File: 1617750661395-0.jpg ( 97.25 KB , 723x899 , Kim Il Sung.jpg )

File: 1617750661395-1.jpg ( 86.09 KB , 699x900 , Kim Jong Il.jpg )


"The Juche idea is a man-centered world outlook. It is a revolutionary, scientific, and political theory that accurately illumines the way for realizing the independence of the masses." - Kim Jong Il

Discuss the Juche idea, it's merits, similarities and distinctions from Marxism Leninism, post pdfs, videos, documentaries, and other educational material for coming to a proper understanding of the Juche idea and it's implications. I'll start off the thread with what is often described as the authoritative text for laying out the philosophical and socio-historical principles of the Juche idea, "On The Juche Idea" by Kim Jong Il.



Bumping for interest


File: 1620785706894.pdf ( 249.61 KB , 67x118 , ON THE JUCHE IDEA.pdf )

Reviewing this text I find it within orthodoxy and worthy of study




File: 1620930984364.pdf ( 160.5 KB , 232x300 , a-critique-of-juche.pdf )



>let me tell you why juche is revisionist and only my snowflake ideology developed by a dude who boiled baby alive is real socialism


File: 1621339311209-0.pdf ( 6.25 MB , 67x118 , Juche Idea 1.pdf )

File: 1621339311209-1.pdf ( 5.57 MB , 67x118 , Juche Idea 2.pdf )

File: 1621339311209-2.pdf ( 5.5 MB , 67x118 , Juche Idea 3.pdf )

File: 1621339311209-3.pdf ( 12.22 MB , 67x118 , Juche Idea 4.pdf )

File: 1621339311209-4.pdf ( 15.34 MB , 67x118 , Juche Idea 5.pdf )



File: 1621339364998-1.pdf ( 387.77 KB , 67x118 , Guiding Light Of Destiny.pdf )

File: 1621339364998-2.pdf ( 371.35 KB , 67x118 , Juche Idea 50 Questions.pdf )

File: 1621339364998-3.pdf ( 207.27 KB , 67x118 , Juche Idea 100 Questions.pdf )

More texts on Juche


File: 1621339606094-0.pdf ( 171.97 KB , 67x118 , Songun All Powerful Sword.pdf )

File: 1621339606094-1.pdf ( 867.5 KB , 67x118 , Songun Idea Questions.pdf )

File: 1621339606094-2.pdf ( 190.62 KB , 67x118 , Songun Politics And Peace.pdf )

File: 1621339606094-3.pdf ( 13.1 MB , 67x118 , Songun Politics In Korea.pdf )

Texts about Songun






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