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 No.2554[Last 50 Posts]

what do the german anons here think of the german democratic republic ?


It was based as fuck and I want it back.


A very good documentary about the GDR was made by the Kommunistische Organisation. Check it out.


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Our country died in 1990. The DDR was great, even the capitalist media can't hide it with all their propaganda.

>free education so good in quality that countries like Finland copied its system

>free healthcare
>higher life expectancy than West Germany and almost all of Western Europe
>higher GDP growth than West Germany
>no Nazis in government after WW2
>full employment
>basic needs like food and household utilities extremely cheap
>cultural activities accessible to everyone, especially for children, teenagers and young adults
>gender equality, legal abortions, free birth control pills for women
>legalised homosexuality before West Germany, generally very progressive for its time
&ltdespite the constant propaganda in media and schools, a majority of East Germans still say life was better in the DDR


tankies need to get over the fact that it's gone


The DDR is leftypol's Rhodesia :^)


The Germans didn't want it. It had to be forced at gunpoint on them, they fled when they could and they dismantled it at first opportunity. Nuke this country.


Lmao it kind of is isn't it


Do you have more info about the life expectancy? I’ve never heard or read about that one before.




>Have country that starts out poorer
>Don't give it massive amounts of free capital because the USSR was also destroyed
>Give people free good higher education healthcare housing etc
>Capitalists promise to pay highly skilled workers tons of money and claim everyone can get rich
>Be surprised when there is a braindrain


Was probably the nicest place to live in the history of the world. A tragedy that its gone.


>Comparing the DDR to that shithole



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Weird questions, what DDR related places and landmarks would you recommend to visit in Berlin?
I can't afford to go, but I'd like to see Berlin at least once.






And anarkiddies need to get over Catalonia


can i get a source, that seems to good to be true


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Say it with me:


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what could have been


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Another interesting survey on how people view life back in the DDR retrospectively.

Dark Blue = East Germans
Grey = West Germans (Not sure why they were even polled, considering they have no clue about life in the DDR…)
Light Blue = Total

1) Overwhelmingly bad
East: 8%
West: 26%

2) More bad than good
East: 32%
West: 52%

3) More good than bad
East: 49%
West: 13%

4) Overwhelmingly good
East: 8%
West: 5%

So in total, 57% of East Germans think the DDR was more good than bad, or even overwhelmingly good. Keep in mind that this survey also included younger people who haven't experienced life in the DDR themselves, who tend to have a less positive view. If you only asked older people in East Germany, the percentage of pro-DDR responses would likely be even higher.


Ok, that's pretty based


Reminder that some western European leaders didn't want a German unification.


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wzf ich liebe China nun

Please Xi bring back the DDR


Rhodesia was a colony, the GDR was a socialist anti-imperialist state.
I don't know why people admire it than other socialist states like Poland or Bulgaria though.


source? big if true


But it still hurts.



Our Homeland is not only the cities and villages,
our Homeland is also all the trees in the forest.
Our Homeland is the grass in the meadow,
the grain in the field and the birds in the air
and the animals of the earth
and the fish in the river are the Homeland.
And we love the beautiful homeland,
and we protect it,
because it belongs to the People,
because it belongs to our People.


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>Tfw you will never grow up in a socialist country


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Critical support to comrade Thatcher in her struggle against the neo-Hitlerite annexation of the German Democratic Republic!


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>Tfw you will retire and grow old in a socialist country




You can raise your kids in a socialist country instead and tell them bedtime stories about how you fought in the revolution.


Fun fact: Most of the national debt in GDR derived from the construction costs of Erich Honecker's initiative to build 3 million apartments.
In other words, if they had charged the tenants at reasonable prices, things might could've looked differently.


Fun fact: The national debt of the GDR was in 1989 ~3 times lower than the FRG's national debt. The GDR was not even remotely near default, that is a plain lie. Even Deutsche Bank and others were aware of it before the reunification, but Kinkel, BILD, SPIEGEL etc. spread deliberately misinformation in order to justify the Treuhand robbery.


debt means nothing without any ratio : I know that GDP measurements are flawed, but you cant compare a debt from a tiny country to a big one like that


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They tore it down, mostly. Biggest landmark was probably the Palace of the Republic, but they destroyed it and are now building a literal feudal castle on its foundations (pic related).

Otherwise, probably the TV tower. The embassy of the Russian Federation. The formerly called Stalin-Allee. Eisenhüttenstadt (socialist plan city).


The demolition was inevitable because of asbestos


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I lived in Magdeburg from 2001 to 2006 and it was one of the most pleasant times in my life. I loved how most of the streets in the city were built for public transportation first before private cars, I am also pretty sure I lived in what was formerly a commieblock and the sense of community it offered was unlike anything else I've experienced afterwards. I don't know if these things were the work of the DDR government, but they were absolutely fantastic and this is probably one of the reasons I gravitated towards socialism so much later in my life.


don't forget
>free childcare

this tends to be forgotten about but it was actually a key component in women's liberation


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>I don't know why people admire it than other socialist states like Poland or Bulgaria though.
I guess because the DDR is the most western-like socialist country that ever existed. Also, lets be honest, its backstory is utter KINO, and even the words of the anthem are inspiring:

>Let us plough, let us build,

>Learn and create like never before,
>And, confident in existing strength,
>A free generation rises up.
>German youth, best efforts
>Of our people united in you,
>You will become Germany's new life.
>And the sun beautiful as never,
>Over Germany shines.

No militaristic garbage, just optimism because under socialism life truly can only get better, all that stands between today and tomorrow is our work. I miss it.


source on the life-expectancy? a quick google search seems to be indicating the opposite



Socialism with german characteristics


go home /pol/!

/pol/, /pol/, go home!


imagine what a game changer it would be to have a strong socialist country in the center of europe


>state which fought a prolonged war against several guerrilla factions backed by neighboring countries
The Ethiopian Derg and Democratic Republic of Afghanistan would be better comparisons.


the DDR was the best pact state, and poland was the worst. bulgaria was meh.


bulgaria was by far the worst


kek, they broke it down because it stood against everything the FRG stands for. The asbestos were not a problem if you don't tear it down


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can I get a source on both the music and the video


The music is from Neon Genesis Evangelion "A Step Forward Into Terror".

I think the vid is from this documentary:

But I found this exact same clip visuals right here (with original audio).


>tfw Seele was a SED front



Seele are just a front for The Patriots


The GDR had thousands of political refugees, Berlin alone had a whole small town of exiled Chileans.


thx fren


>we’re totally not Nazis guyse
&ltproceeded to build a gigantic piece of LARPing shit no different from the Nazis
Fuck the current Germany.




What the fuck is it about bananas that makes human beings act like fucking animals?


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>Sarrazin: Die Binnenkaufkraft der DDR-Mark war in etwa so hoch wie die Binnenkaufkraft der Westmark. Zwar kostete ein Wartburg 30.000 und ein Farbfernseher 5000 Ostmark, aber das repräsentierte ja nicht den gesamten Warenkorb. Dazu gehörten Lebensmittel, Energie, Mieten und soziale Dienstleistungen. Und so gesehen, konnten Sie für die DDR-Mark in der DDR genauso viel kaufen wie mit der D-Mark in der Bundesrepublik.


wow, I thought sarrazin was whack


>No militaristic garbage
Yeah well unfortunately idiots often see the NVA and think WOW BASED FELDGRAU.


Nah I think it boils down to crypto reactionaries worshipping anything Germanic. The GDR was not particularly different to Czechoslovakia, Poland or Bulgaria or any other socialist state, yet they don't have people fawning over them 24/7.


Might have something to do with the more positive views of ex-DDR citizens in general. Germany had a far more robust socialist movement prior to the war than Poland or Bulgaria, so it would have been easier for a socialist state to build legitimacy and thus rely less on coercion.


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iirc gdr had the highest living standards in the 2nd world


GDR was definitely shit. Trabant was evidently inferior to Ladas, and much of its industries relied on corporate espionage rather than R&D. But on the brighter side, at least it didn't have landlords snatching your wealth.


I'd gladly give away 5 years of technology I can't afford for the pleasure of living in a society free of landlords.


False. It says 72% of West Germans thought that it as Unrechtsstaat and only 30% of East Germans agreed as of 2014. Stop lying


Are you clinically retarded?


Sauce for these statements please?


>72 Prozent aller befragten Westdeutschen war der Meinung, dass die DDR eine Unrechtsstaat war. Von den befragten Ostdeutschen waren 30 Prozent dieser Meinung.
fuck off


Congratulations! You are to stupid to read!


Yes I can read. You claimed that the guy was lying




If 30% of East Germans AGREE with the statement that the DDR was an Unrechtsstaat, then its 70% of East Germans who disagree with that statement. The post I was replying to says 57% of East Germans disagreed with this statement. Do you take everything at face value and not bother thinking about the sources you read?


Yeah but that was a legacy of it being more developed before WW2.
Compared to a country like Albania which was a feudal wasteland before socialism, the GDR's gains aren't as impressive.




Why does he say it in such a gay way?


>legacy of it being more developed before WW2.
Of which little actually helped post-WW-2. 9/10s of all industry was in West Germany such as the Rhine area. Moreover Soviet reparations took massive amounts of industry away. The bombing and fighting throughout the war left Germany full of gutted brick buildings, cratered fields, stumped forests and little else. The GDR rose back up because
A) The socialist planned economy maximized its limited resource potential
B) the USSR, having recovered sufficiently began funding and bringing back industry into East Germany. Thus little of Germany's post-war development was much help to the DDR.


I don't deny the GDR's achievements, just saying it was easier to rebuild given its population was already trained (as happened in the FRG) in how to operate an industrial economy, rebuilding is always easier than building from scratch. Poland was just as heavily damaged too, Warsaw was totally razed to the ground.


>Warsaw was totally razed to the ground.
&ltWhat were Soviet operations to save Warsaw


it pretty openly says that 30% agree and 57% disagree.

it literally says in the bottom right that it doesnt add up to 100% because "I dont know" is an option, and "I dont know" isnt disagreeing.

here is the source btw:


>30% agree and 57% disagree.
Which is retarded. 30+57= 87%… There is no real third option, "I don't know" is a fucking cop-out used by people who don't want to given an answer, that is basic statistics 101…
The question given is an opinion survey, meaning that either you think its a legit state or you don't, not that you know it is or not.


wtf are you talking about, "I dont know" has always been a part of surveys.

not everyone has an opinion on everything, especially not the whole "unrechtsstaat" thing, because "unrechtsstaat" is a meme perpetuated by german libertarians as gotcha, its not a real word. It comes from "rechtsstaat" which is translated to "constitutional state", so they add the "un-" to get the opposite, basically "unconstitutional state", but with the hook that in german "unrecht" means "injustice", its a completely made up word.


>Researching your own shit when you can just copy a technologically superior for
Wack and bluepilled
Also their products were much more durable than in the west because planned obsolescence makes no sense in socialism.


>wtf are you talking about
&lti don't know
I don't know is not legitimate in this case however. Its a bullshit question because its an easy way out for people who don't want to take part in the poll but are too polite to outright refuse participation. I know this because I've done surveys and polls as a job and had to study statistics and its methodoloy specifically for the job too.

I don't know doesn't work in a yes or no opinion poll because you might as well not include the number at all. Every adult has one or another belief in regards to politics, the question being whether they are willing to answer or not.
>a meme perpetuated by german libertarians as gotcha, its not a real word
I know that, that is besides the point. If a person doesn't know what that meme-word is,
A) the person asking the question is required to explain the concept
B) the person has to ask someone else, otherwise you get skewed results. Given that its a meme, it is likely that a large portion of people who disagreed or agreed may not have known what was being referred to and answered "I don't know" which makes their inclusion asinine.

TL;DR: Statistics is a mess and considering the question asked in the poll, it is likely that people were bamboozled because of how poorly it was conducted.


they have nothing left to latch onto though if they want a significantly sized territory that calls itself anarchist. if they can circlejerk catalonia until the end of time they have to spend more energy to tell people rojava and zapatista territory is "anarchist" even though neither describes themselves as such


>Associated Press report from 1963
Can we get this article transcripted an sourced?


no, poland was by every measure, followed by romania (especially during the 80s.)
what? the DDR was much different compared poland and even bulgaria. the DDR was the prize puppy of the iron curtain, outclassing all the others in economic/human development, social values, foreign relations, etc. the only thing bulgaria challenged them in would be technology and having less debt. czechoslovakia was also good and had less debt, but poland? jesus man… not to mention the incompetency of the PZPR compared to the relatively good SED. also no ones talking about it from the perspective of reactionaries who hijack the DDR as some hu'white ethnostate or whatever.
>GDR was definitely shit. Trabant-


People who worship the GDR while ignoring the other socialist states of the Warsaw Pact are the same people who jizz over Sankara and ignore Angola, Mozambique etc. Very weird the lengths people go to to defend certain countries.


because gdr wasnt a shithole and its the closest thing we've had to socialism in the "first world" not the correct use of the word but you get my point


RIP to the GDR, they were the real deal. I wish it hadn’t gone down the way it did. History will absolve her.


GDR-chan when?


ČSSR wasnt that bad either


>because gdr wasnt a shithole
and the other countries were? hungary and czechoslovakia had some of the highest living standards; bulgaria was the leader in computer technology (alongside the DDR); romania and even poland were decent outside of their loan crises.


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You forgot
>western companies such as IKEA using east german slave labor

Haha! Well said!

Rhodesia wasn't a colony. The brits cut it loose and so on.


>ugh, my german etnostate in EVROPA

Yeah, they brought the computers on a parade.

The rhodesians had better esthetics, fave. I'd rather have Selous Scouts going commando in hotpants than someone in a totally not naziesque uniform.

Not only rhodesians, but also catalonians, kurds and zapatists never dies. :^)

>the DDR was the prize puppy of the iron curtain, outclassing all the others in economic/human development, social values, foreign relations, etc.
A claustrophobic store front state.


the comparison to rhodesia still makes no sense beyond "lost country x internet group likes." rhodesia was nothing more than a glorified retirement home for boers with no real plan for sustaining its system beyond fighting the war; a joke of a country which not even its former benefactor saw as a valuable asset. the DDR on the other hand was a clear-cut state with communist aims and reproduced itself accordingly. there was no war, no foreign isolation (the USSR never cut ties like the UK did to rhodesia) and it obviously wasn't a playground for white nationalists to come and fight communism "because the west isn't doing a good enough job!"
oh and most glaringly the DDR was not an apartheid state, so…?
>I'd rather have Selous Scouts going commando in hotpants than someone in a totally not naziesque uniform
there's nothing "naziesque" about NVA uniforms unless you think hugo boss invented prussian uniforms. the DDR was a german state which used german uniforms, as opposed to american ones; "nazi military aesthetics????" is just some surface level projection by wessies who were actually carrying on nazi tradition.
>store front state
i thought that was west germany, considering they were the ones putting fancy western attractions on their side of the berlin wall? nothing claustrophobic either considering ossies weren't confined to the DDR and could travel across the warsaw pact like everyone else, or go overseas to give foreign aid. for example, many construction workers travelled to yemen, guinea, the DPRK, vietnam, cambodia, etc. (they also took in a lot of students from these countries, especially vietnamese.)


now that i think about it, west berlin fits your description to a t
>store front (wanted to attract ossies)
>claustophobic (an island within the DDR)


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>The Children of Golzow (German: Die Kinder von Golzow) is a documentary by the German filmmaker Winfried Junge that was started in 1961 and lasted until 2007, when the series concluded. The film is a prolonged observation of the lives of several people in the Brandenburg town of Golzow.

I recommend it, gives a pretty good insight. It's similar to the British Up series.


The final movies from 2006/07 and others can be streamed on biqle, some of the older ones are on youtube


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germanfag here. fuck the DDR!
The entire SED was corrupt due to its overly authoritarian structure and most high ranking party members were opportunists.
The military service was basically 18 months of indoctrintaion.
The berlin wall was completly useless against espionage and only was a tool to demonstrate state authority to the population.
Marxists and anarchists were tracked, most intellectuals were monitored.
Things like distributing western music could get you into troubles. Where is the logic in that? Are the emancipated workers are autonomous enough to survive listening to some music without mutating into a imperialist spy?
There NEVER was a purge of nazis, in fact petite bourg. nazis were just able to continue their lives without problems.
Worker control over the means of production did factually not exist. There were ritualised exercises that were called democratic institutions that were completly devoid of actual power I'm not making this up I've talked to SEVERAL people who lived in the DDR who all told me the same story.
People were literally shot for trying to leave.

That being said, many social aspects were better then they are now in Germany. But that should not overshawdow all of its flaws. Many even working class people experienced unjust repression and had no institutions to defend themselves. The root of these problems lie in the political structure of the DDR and have to be analysed and criticized. 20th century socialism is dead and gone, marxism-leninism has lead only to the decay of their systems - either an outright destruction of the former nation or economic revisionism. And I say this as more of a marxist than an anarchist.
Or at least thats my honest opinion after looking into the subject for like 11 years.
fuck the DDR!


>Rhodesia wasn't a colony
Imagine the window licking Angloid that posted this


>foreign relations
The other Warsaw Pact states gave just as much help to socialist countries.


This is some glowie shit right there.
>The military service was basically 18 months of indoctrintaion.
Yes, in the military service you had to read Marx.
>The berlin wall was completly useless against espionage and only was a tool to demonstrate state authority to the population.
The Berlin Wall was built to prevent brain drain and economic sabotage. And yes, it did stop espionage. Outside agitators like during the 1956 riots were stopped by it.
>Marxists and anarchists were tracked, most intellectuals were monitored.
One of the most famous German Marxist intellectuals like Bloch, Schleifstein, Brecht, Gossweiler, Hacks etc. all supported the SED despite having disagreements over policy. Get fucked, cunt.
>Things like distributing western music could get you into troubles.
Only during the social conservatism under Ulbricht, under Honecker you could listen to whatever the fuck you wanted.
>There NEVER was a purge of nazis
This is a lie. Jewish judges like Hilde Benjamin sentenced all Nazi collaborators harshly, and was denounced in the West as "bloody Hilde". It's correct that the GDR didn't outright kill every ex-NSDAP member; if they did that, you'd call them "authoritarian." Be damned if you do it, be damned if you don't.
>Worker control over the means of production did factually not exist. There were ritualised exercises that were called democratic institutions that were completly devoid of actual power I'm not making this up I've talked to SEVERAL people who lived in the DDR who all told me the same story.
"Hi I'm Adolf Pinochet genuine Venezuelan citizen and let me tell you my country yearns for freedom."

To give one example of democratic participation, when a new family law was passed, the SED organized over a thousand public debate events to discuss it.
>People were literally shot for trying to leave.
People were shot for crossing a classified military area after being warned not to do it several times by the guards.


The GDR usually had better foreign policy takes than the other Warsaw Pact countries. For example, they never railed against Maoist China like the USSR did, they were hesitant to do it. They also supported the Civil Rights Movement in the US and the ANC in South Africa. Really good track record on foreign policy.


>People were shot for crossing a classified military area after being warned not to do it several times by the guards.
>Nazis didn't murder anybody, they were told they werent wanted by the host people and had several years to leave, so being killed is really on them.


>To give one example of democratic participation, when a new family law was passed, the SED organized over a thousand public debate events to discuss it.
Why did communist parties do that
Its not really democratic in anyway


Are you being fucking retarded? It was the actual border of the Cold War, the hottest border in the world, obviously it's not a fucking Starbucks.

Yes, democracy is when you vote for neoliberal X every 4 years who likes abortions instead of neoliberal Y who dislikes abortions.


The workers deserve to vote out any corrupt politician you retard


Bulgaria supported and trained the ANC too.


Can you name one?




So you can't even name one?


are you an anticommunist?


What? I was asking which corrupt politicians the workers should have voted out in the GDR. You are German, so you surely can give me multiple examples of corrupt politicians from the GDR.


Already exists


i am not the german guy you schizo


>western companies such as IKEA using east german slave labor
>naziesque uniform.
&ltMuh prussian military style apprprited by le nazis is now nazi style
>Muh Selous Scouts
Piss off ya angloid
>never dies
&ltRhodesia has been dead and gone for decades
&ltCatalonia was a contradictive failure
&ltKurds were never anarchist and have never had a country to themselves.
&ltZapatistas are real revolutionaries with no quarter, making the Rhodesians look like utter fags
>claustrophobic store front state
&ltgoal-post shifting
Cope you anglo, you're jsut jealous Glasgow and other places looked like utter shite for the better half of the past 150 years


Nice try at being disingenuous
Being told to leave through legal channnels and trying to defect through a military zone is a very different thing you mong


>One of the most famous German Marxist intellectuals like Bloch, Schleifstein, Brecht, Gossweiler, Hacks etc. all supported the SED despite having disagreements over policy.
I believe you but can I have some sauce?


>small town
there you go.
refugees were reasonably handled in the GDR, they weren't imported and dispersed across the GDR and received extreme leniency whenever they did something wrong.


>This is a lie. Jewish judges like Hilde Benjamin sentenced all Nazi collaborators harshly,
LoL, German Anon with the batshit stupid post - Stalin literally gave green light to former nazis in East Germany to form the National Democratic Party. They didn't do shit to them in East Germany.


>Stalin literally gave green light to former nazis in East Germany to form the National Democratic Party
Source? Your ass.
It is well known that the GDR persecuted Nazis thoroughly and NONE held any government posts, while West Germanys leader, head of the secret police and the head of NATO were all Nazi Generals. Fucking cope, faggot.

>received extreme leniency whenever they did something wrong
If you broke the law you were punished accordingly, there was no idpol where black or latino or other peoples were given special treatment. Racial profiling was discouraged but that is a matter of its own.



Literally this. The fact that nazism and fascism wasn't properly teached in school is one reason why east-germany has so many nazis those days.


anti-dengs on suicide watch


i actually think the bottom looks better


what do you mean?


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the berlin palce looks alot better even though they made it soulless and modernist.
>having aesthetic cues on your structures makes them feudal castle
get a load of this burgerclap.

also funny and ironic cuck germany's new palace caught fire not long ago.


kek, the fucking building itself is rejecting the BRD AUFERSTANDEN AUS RUINEN


>Literally this. The fact that nazism and fascism wasn't properly teached in school is one reason why east-germany has so many nazis those days.

Lmao do you think fascism grows just because it's ideas are so convincing? Or does it have something to do with the extreme poverty and unemployment in east germany now?

If you don't even know these basic things nor understand it, wtf are you doing on a radical leftist image board?


>nazism and fascism wasn't properly teached
It's taught, you illiterate. And no anti-fascist TEACHES fascism in school. If you mean taught about fascism and its horrors, then you're downright wrong given how much work, both in school and media, was put into telling people "nazism and fascism are horrendous and it is a black mark for German history"



>Lmao do you think fascism grows just because it's ideas are so convincing?

Fascism grows because people don't understand it's mechanisms. Which were not teached in schools in GDR.

>Or does it have something to do with the extreme poverty and unemployment in east germany now?

Yes, and no. Unemployment rates get better in east germany and a lot of cities have similar ones to those in west germany. The same applies to poverty rates. However, despite those improvements right-wing parties keep getting stronger. Thus there have to be other reasons why east germans are so susceptible to fascist ideologies. Additionally, the Leipzig authoritarianism study 2018 showed that especially east germans have authoritarian tendencies and a newer study by the University of Leipzig showed, that people don't vote for right-wing parties like the AfD because of economic worries but for their social-darwinist and anti-democratic views.



Why so mad? The fact that it's all about the correct semantics and you trying to displace the goal post should be clear evidence that you don't have a fucking clue about GDR. Don't get me wrong, the schools in the GDR taught about fascism in school. But it was mostly "USSR good, Hitler bad, West bad"

So fuck off you fucking NPC


>Fascism grows because people don't understand it's mechanisms
That's not how it works. People understood its mechanisms well in the USSR and Eastern Bloc. Myriads of literature and films were produces on this fact, not the least of which was Обыкновеный Фашизм
>Unemployment rates get better in east germany
No they don't. East Germany today is utter shite in terms of employment and poverty
>Leipzig authoritarianism study
&lta study built with a biased assumption from the start (made to prove that East Germans are just 'brainwashed' finds them to be authoritarian
HOW STRANGE! Honestly its like you don't understand politics. Who do you think were the biggest Nazi supporters during its rise, West or East Germans? West Germans, being the industrialists, lost more from Versailles and the utter squalor of it was remarkable. The few comparable places in East Germany that had this was Berlin (see Babylon Berlin for a good depiction)


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>No they don't. East Germany today is utter shite in terms of employment and poverty
>a study built with a biased assumption from the start (made to prove that East Germans are just 'brainwashed' finds them to be authoritarian
>HOW STRANGE! Honestly its like you don't understand politics. Who do you think were the biggest Nazi supporters during its rise, West or East Germans? West Germans, being the industrialists, lost more from Versailles and the utter squalor of it was remarkable. The few comparable places in East Germany that had this was Berlin (see Babylon Berlin for a good depiction)

holy shite


>you fucking NPC
polack detected
>Why so mad?
How am I mad tho? Sounds like you're projecting given the outraged reddit-spaced ad hom at the end
> all about the correct semantics and you trying to displace the goal post
Stop using words you don't understand. You made an unclear statement about "teaching fascism" to which I answered either interpretation. That is not goal post moving. As for Semantics, that is on you; speak clearly or shut your mouth.
>it was mostly "USSR good, Hitler bad, West bad"
Read a fucking textbook MFW, just because YOU personally couldn't understand the text past that oversimplification doesn't mean this applies to everyone.


Смешно дураку, что рот на боку



the level of stupidity in here is exceptional.


>Read a fucking textbook MFW, just because YOU personally couldn't understand the text past that oversimplification doesn't mean this applies to everyone.
I read enough textbooks on post-WW2 and GDR - because it is fucking mandatory in German schools. Unlike you, however, we have not read propaganda of the USSR, but books and texts by real historians.


Nice samefagging


>on post-WW2 and GDR
I said read a textbook FROM the GDR not ON the GDR.
>we have not read propaganda of the USSR, but books and texts by real historians.
And the snake reveals its true colors. If you've ever read a Soviet or East German textbook you would actually understand the difference between "propaganda" and "bluntly stated fact"
>it is fucking mandatory in German schools
Well of course, how else are they going to push liberalism and anti-communism?


The level of smug reddit-faggotry is exceptional


&lteverything i disagree with is le reddit


>I said read a textbook FROM the GDR not ON the GDR.
No, you didn't you fucking inbred
>And the snake reveals its true colors. If you've ever read a Soviet or East German textbook you would actually understand the difference between "propaganda" and "bluntly stated fact"
&ltReading gov approved literature


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Se pic related. That is reddit spacing. You are doing that repeatedly. (not to mention reddit-tier rad-lib takes).


>No, you didn't you fucking inbred
Yes I did
&ltjust because YOU personally couldn't understand the text past that oversimplification doesn't mean this applies to everyone
'Text' indicating the texts of Soviet/GDR historiography. Reading a modern tetbook about what the USSR taught is like reading a textbook about Mein Kampf… unless you've read Mein Kampf you have no way of confirming that the textbook isn't lying to you, when the country it is produced in has direct motivation to sabotage positive views of communism
>gov approved literature
Ah we have a "fugg uthority" ankid then? This was a pointless argument from the start then, enjoy your ignorance then


>>western companies such as IKEA using east german slave labor


shitty that they would do something like that but it doesn't invalidate all the good things the DDR did do for its citizenry.


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based comment


So this is how the mind of a dengoid works


>exporting shit = Dengism
So this is how the mind of a liberal works


So THAT'S what you meant by slave labour… laughable really, trying to talk shit about the DDR for the equivalent of community service. The dude in >>2712 is correct.


>>Finland copied its system


Transcript from a phone conversation between Khrushchev and Walter Ulbricht (DDR leader) preceeding the erection of the Berlin Wall:

Khrushchev: From my experience in Moscow, I would like to advocate for corn. When I came to Moscow from Ukraine in 1950, the weather here was very cold and rainy. At the time, I brought my personal protection with me from Ukraine, and the comrades told me that an employee's son even asked his mother if there was a summer in Moscow. Even that year, the corn grew five meters high. It's all up to the care.

W. Ulbricht: But it doesn't grow here.

N. S. Khrushchev: I cannot agree with you on that. I am a specialist when it comes to corn; by contrast, I do not accept you as such.


(google translate)


fucking insane


Please tell me this isn't real


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it is, baby


Jokes on the germans corn actually grows perfectly fine in the ddr


>Was die Tschechen und Polen betrifft, das ist eure Schuld. Freundschaft hin oder her, aber Geschäft ist Geschäft. Nur die Albaner bringen es fertig zu sagen: Gebt uns, sonst sind wir nicht eure Freunde. Die sollen sich sonst wohin scheren.


Why the fuck was Khrushchev so infatuated with fucking Corn? Was he awed by the majesty of Iowa of all places?


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The Soviet Union had problems with meat production and feed shortages, which he believed could be solved with corn (as a cattle feed), as it was successful in the U.S. He grew up as a peasant in Ukraine which was one of the more fertile regions of the Russian Empire. He also held leading positions in the Communist Party of Ukraine during the famine in the 1930s, so he was in the know, so to speak, when it came to Soviet agricultural problems. Funny you should mention Iowa, he was very impressed with Iowa and even visited farms there, developing a friendship with an American farmer: https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/2017/12/07/famous-iowans-roswell-bob-garst-iowa-farming-coon-rapids-nikita-khrushchev/930368001/


ah, the Up Series, I did a dissertation on it on my Heidegger course, the dasein in film format and stuff


she's cute


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Khrushchev was right tho, corn can grow in all kinds of climates, including the netherlands


Lel. Why was he so fucking obsessed with damn corn?


It makes a nice dildo. Plus, when you're finished splooging you can just eat it.


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For anyone who wants to know, what the banner says:
>J.W. Stalin - Our leader and teacher of the humanity, in the fight for peace, democracy and socialism


I remember there was a poster here (can't remember which thread) who was talking about how the Stasi had some plans which on paper would've completely changed the outcome of the events which ended the DDR in 89. I can't remember if he just mentioned that or got into more detail but if you're that anon or someone else and you happen to know about this please post whatever info you have or just what you know about this, I'd really appreciate it.


Anyone know what building/street this is at?


karl liebknecht house


Checked and thanks.


was it the one about receiving assistance from China?


>Berlin authorities routinely placed homeless children with pedophile men, assuming they'd make ideal foster parents.
>A study has found the practice went on for decades.
wha the fuck is wrong with west germany


No german, but I went to the Berlin DDR museum. It was suuuper anti-communist ideologically charged, yet I got the impression that it was great. They had weird lines that resembled shit like "the evil government paid for 1/3 of your vacation costs" and "the authoritarian government made everyone do sports, it allowed it's citizens to choose whatever they wanted and provided all the equipment for free". I hate sports but that sounded so cool at the time.
If you check the reviews, it has a ton of them saying it's biased, and the museum administrator responds back all salty. It's hilarious.


And then blackflag faggots try to defend pedoshit.


That has to be the most 1984esque shit I've heard today.


Ah yes, the DDR Musuem. I went too when I was in high school - every German student is eventually herded through any of those "DDR Museums" or "Stasi remembrance sites," there were several things that striked me: For one, the so-called "apartment recreation" lacked several pieces of furniture East Germans told me they had. Housing in the GDR wasn't lavish or anything, but for some reason they still managed to portray the average apartment as smaller and more austere than it actually was. Another thing that pissed me off was how the museum claimed to be neutral and portraying "both the good and bad" yet every good thing was tagged as something duplicitous, something devious cooked up by an "authoritarian government" or "dictatorship" as a form of social control. That the government also just tried to appease the people through benevolence, which is actually not a far-fetched idea even for right-wing authoritarian governments, is not even considered. The most ridiculous thing: mothers in the GDR were advised to train their babies to go on the toilet earlier than in the FRG instead of pooping into a diaper. This wasn't even a political or pedagogical thing, more of a cultural habit. The museum claims that this was actually done deliberately to induce mental illness within the children, and to brainwash them into obedience. That's some boomer tinfoil shit along with chemtrails and "cultural Marxism" but as long as it is directed against the real-existing socialist states it's an official narrative, I guess.


Lisa needs braces


Ideological neutrality is such a bullshit concept, always used to defend the status quo and attack everything else.


>“When a little girl who is five or five-and-a-half starts undressing you, it's fantastic. It is fantastic because it's a game, an absolutely erotic-manic game." -Green MEP Daniel Cohn-Bendit


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Excuse me?


Why do westoids call it a satellite state of the USSR? Why do they act like the stasi was just like the gestapo?


>Why do westoids call it a satellite state of the USSR?
Because they joined in invading Czechoslovakia like good boys. Their german bloodlust towards invading the czechs again meant they supported revisionist brezhnevites.


>Because they joined in invading Czechoslovakia
Fake News
>german bloodlust
fuck off, glowcancer


Really nice! Maybe the best documentary i've ever seen about the GDR. With english sub &lt3


Nice that you watched it. Share it with your friends please. Have a nice one lad.






…this is sickening


Because cold war propaganda dictated the USSR was a complete totalitarian dictatorship that suppressed workers rights all together, which meant that any allies were "puppets" despite post-WW-2 elections being noted by Western journalists as being fair and free of interference. It is notable that Austria, despite being in the Soviet zone of occupation elected to side with the West and the USSR fully allowed this. Hell the East German split occurred because the USA forcibly installed nazis into power and illegally unified the US, British and French zones of control.

Moreover East Germany was notably independent, with the Berlin Wall being built AGAINST Khruschev's recommendations as a decision of the DDR government.




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>the dasein in film format and stuff

What does that mean?


Hönecker was a lying asshole, same as Krenz. If the DDR wasn't as authoritarian they would still exist today. Also the Stasi was extremely nosey.


They were ordered not to participate in the invasion precisely because it would spark memories of the last time German troops entered Czechoslovakia.


JFC. Ive also heard CP was legal in West Germany for a brief period of time. Can anyone here affirm? because I'm not gonna google that.


>If the DDR wasn't as authoritarian they would still exist today
Cry harder you bad faith arguing asshole.


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It perplexes me that so many leftists determinedly overlook shit like this, the suppression of the 1953 uprising (where workers striking for better pay were fired at with live ammunition), and the atrocities the SED allowed Erich Mielke to get away with. I'm sure the GDR had certain good qualities but I have no idea how you could look at anything the Stasi did and think "Yeah, they had the best interests of the working class in mind."
>The NKVD and the SIM's witch hunt for both real and imagined anti-Stalinists had serious consequences. It horrified numerous Pro-Soviet Westerners who had been witnesses, including John Dos Passos, Arthur Koestler and George Orwell, and caused them to permanently turn against the USSR.
>Beginning in 1960, Mielke and Wolf used false flag recruitment to secretly organize and finance Neo-Nazi organizations, which they then instructed to vandalize Jewish religious and cultural sites throughout West Germany. During the Jerusalem trial of Adolf Eichmann, Stasi agents sent letters to West German Neo-Nazis and Waffen-SS veterans, urging them to speak out and to raise money for Eichmann's defense attorney.
>On Mielke's orders, and with his full knowledge, Stasi officers also engaged in arbitrary arrest, kidnapping, brutal harassment of political dissidents, torture, and the imprisonment of tens of thousands of citizens.
>[At the fortieth anniversary celebration that was being protested], Mielke screamed at police: "Club those [unarmed protestors] into submission!"[152] (German: "Hau sie doch zusammen, die Schweine!")[153] The police ignored Mielke's ranting.[154] As more and more East Germans were arrested for protesting the 40th anniversary celebrations, many of them sang The Internationale in Vopo and Stasi custody to imply that they, rather than their captors, were the real working class and the real revolutionaries.
Seriously, fuck Erich Mielke and fuck any obsequious bootlicker who defends him. ACAB.


>suppression of the 1953 uprising
>workers striking for better pay
Are you even trying to hide your glow? You're parroting near word-for-word NATO propaganda on the events of the 17 of June that year. Have you even bothered investigating what happened? Nah fuck that, you got to demonize the Stasi because the delinquents who got arrested for smuggling and a wikipedia article said they were bad.
>Mielke and Wolf used false flag recruitment to secretly organize and finance Neo-Nazi organizations, which they then instructed to vandalize Jewish religious and cultural sites throughout West Germany
Source: Wikipedia's ass.
Considering that West Germany actively employed nazi generals and soldiers as their leaders and propagandists it is far more likely that neo-nazis arose themselves. creating some sort of False-flag was blatantly unnecessary.


t. obsequious bootlicker


>Considering that West Germany actively employed nazi generals

>who is von Paulus


Are you seriously comparing a surrendered Field-Marshall used for propaganda/demoralizing purposes during active wartime to the protection and reinstatement of nazis and placement of them into top government positions? The head of the FRG the head of NATO and the head of their propaganda department were all Nazi Generals who were "pardoned" and protected by the West. Paulus held no political positions at all, he was a POW given some minor leniency due to his voluntary assistance in the Soviet war-effort, he was not a government official of any capacity let alone the leader of a republic.

keep glowing, faggot.


Heusinger and other "former" Nazis were given top positions in NATO
Paulus lived a normal civilian life in Dresden


The DDR still exists


Why don't we just collectively show up there and start our socialist nation?


It's some Hearts of Iron IV level shit where you forget to annex one province and then you have UK still existing on Falklands or some other abomination.


Why are anglo youtubers such libs?


What do you guys think about “the new course” which among other things allowed small businesses? What about the small GDP per capita compared to the west?


>Tfw no big mean daddy state to pay for my holiday and make me do sports


I mean technically a self-owned/self-employed /family business is still socialist since the means of production remain unexploited by an upper-class. Co-ops are feasibly communist after all. The problem is that market socialism leads to people trying to reintroduce capitalism.


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Obligatory Berlin wall post


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Thoughts on this lad and the Wikipedia CIA description
> He was arrested by the Gestapo in 1933 and held in solitary confinement for eleven years; Stalin did not seek his release when he entered into the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact with Germany, and Thälmann's party rival Walter Ulbricht ignored requests to plead on his behalf. Many of Thälmann's closest associates who had emigrated to the Soviet Union were executed during the Great Purge of the 1930s. Thälmann was shot in Buchenwald on Adolf Hitler's personal orders in 1944.[1]


President Xi, bitte rette uns!


You have no idea what socialism or communism is.




What is the source?
>Stalin did not seek his release when he entered into the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact
A total nonsequitur. The pact was a foreign policy non-aggression pact which divided spheres of Soviet and German political influence in the middle of Poland, which changed into military influence when Germany decided that Poland was getting out of hand and invaded, forcing the USSR to enter when the Polish government gave up.
Internal politics of the government were irrellevant
>Many of Thälmann's closest associates who had emigrated to the Soviet Union were executed during the Great Purge of the 1930s
Proofs? Such assertions require a list of all his associates, how many went to the USSR, how many were executed there, and for what crimes. This is how you get the "muh gorillions" argument started.


Everybody knows about Thalmann, anon. He's one of my favourite 20th century communists.


Does anyone have any texts or resources on the sex life of the GDR? My impression is that the GDR basically had what people in the west call "Free Love" but it wasn't hampered and tainted by capitalism and all the personal and economic alienation that distorts our relationships.


this, it's
>noooo you can't just follow the lead of chamberlain and have a non aggression pact to stop war
>noooo why aren't you asking germany to give into all your demands and release every communist


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not much but here






It literally names the source in the pic.


It's a fucking last name and date, not a fucking source citation. We don't even know what book its from.


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It’s from the book “Women have better sex under socialism” I believe. The reason given for the better sex is that women chose men not based off of money but off of the qualities they actually liked, ergo the 70% orgasm rate.


>It’s from the book “Women have better sex under socialism” I believe
Am I insane or was this also a documentary?


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I think I saw some quotes from that book of doctors, engineers and similar high pay fellas moaning that in east germany it's not enough to flash their dough and mention they're a doctor to get pussy, the women expect them to be actually interesting


Thank you m8y


cringe g*rmans. Shame it was full of g*rmans since it would be nice otherwise.


>muh succdem reforms
you can do better.


"actually interesting" = good looking, extroverted and narcissistic


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The incel cope continues


>because gdr wasnt a shithole
Yeah, it was.


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What if you just stopped derailing threads that are completely unrelated to your autism about women?


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>Yugo poster
Go back to waiting for that overgloyified themepark suit of yours


Hello incel-poster, go back to the chapo containment thread please


>believing dengists
>implying DDR would not have become as cucked to the Chinese as Canada


One can dream


And how would that be any worse?


>think of the GDR
it was better than current or past germany


It was good, not perfect, but nice to live.


rhodesia was based and so was the DDR, fuck you


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>rhodesia was based


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>rhodesia was based and so was the DDR, fuck you


>Equating Rhodesia with the DDR
fuck both of you


> I want it back
I dare say most of us do.


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This is by far the best book I ever read on the subject. It's a sentimental, yet brutally honest, look at the realities of living in the GDR.

Can recommend


man, these ddr military vids are epic, did any of them ever get involved in any actual battle?


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I hope you're not serious. Stefan Wolle is a massive anti-communist, he actively worked to destroy the GDR, was part of several right-wing foundations afterwards, and is currently administering the so-called "DDR Museum" in Berlin which is a ridiculous propaganda show where every former GDR-citizen says that they seek to make life in the DDR more miserable than it was.

If you want to read a neutral bourgeois book about the GDR, at least stay away from literal West German state propaganda.


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>rhodesia was based


If you think he's a massive anti-communist, you clearly haven't read the book. The book paints a country with really great intentions that a lot of people indeed found preferable to the West. Sure, he says it has issues to, but the average normie would - and has - call this book out as apologia.


There were some units deployed to Ethiopia if I'm not mistaken.


I think some were deployed in Angola, though I may be mistaken.


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Had some things that were better than in the west. But the over the top state repression was a real bad move if you want to become socialist. Under Capitalism you don't need the people to trust each other, but in socialism that would be necessary. And the GDR did a lot of shit wich spread distrust


>But the over the top state repression
Who told you that? Hubertus Knabe or some reactionary full-time "DDR-Dissident" who makes a living of telling students how bad state repression in the DDR supposedly was? I've lived in the DDR till age 12/13 and can't recall over the top state repression, which allegedly caused a gloomy climate of mistrust according to anti-communist DDR-experts. However if you ask DDR boomers what they liked about life in the DDR they probably tell you that they miss trust, cohesion, solidarity among the population and security the most. My father was actually observed by several MfS IMs over a long time, because my family had capitalist (mid-sized factory owners) relatives in the BRD while his job as senior engineer with a large tech exporting VEB required him to travel internationally to trade fairs and customers, yet we never noticed it in daily life. In the 1990s the BStU informed him that there's a bunch of Stasi files about him and that we can see them, that's how he learned about it.
I'm convinced BRD state repression and secret service did all the things the MfS did (such as opening mail, observing people, prohibiting unwanted political agitation) during Cold War and probably does worse shit under the "war on terror" narrative today. For example while the MfS was only allowed to get active when there was an actual reason for observation (let's face it, my dad was perhaps a target for western influencers due to his job & our relatives, except he didn't give a shit about politics at all, he's a STEM autist, doesn't care and knows very little about other things), meanwhile conservative "law & order" politicians work today towards permanent surveillance and control of every single citizen.
Also "DDR-Dissidents" often claim to be victims of torture, but if you ask these people about details it turns out that they consider solitary confinement during pre trial and leaving the lights on for a prolonged time in a cell "torture". In reality this is all practiced in the oh so free west today by law enforcement. There is only one thing i'd consider the DDR worse than the BRD in terms of human rights: The BRD fully abolished the death penalty in the 1950s, the DDR much later in the late 1970s afaik.


as a deeply spooked post wall brd kraut: were death sentences spoken and conducted? as far as I'm aware there are several states in BRD right now which basically never abolished death penalty, it is just not conducted.

went to berlin with school once and visited Hohenschönhausen. Besides all talk it was basically a prison. best thing was their exhibit of 'chinese water torture'. besides that, ye well, they spoke about isolation and how officers would ask intimate questions because of muh Stasifiles and knowing everything about every citizen. Made me kek considering google knows more about me than any state organ ever will.


>were death sentences spoken and conducted?
Yes. Personally i know nothing about it though and the Major der NVA a.D. i know could only confirm that the death penalty was still executed in the 1970 a couple times, however he didn't knew any details either.
This list seems fairly neutral for wikipedia standards:


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FDJ marches in Jena, bourgeois shitlib SPIEGEL is of course mad as fuck and spills the usual shitlib/reactionary drivel
>These aren't Ossis, but actually western romanticists who know nothing about the DDR, real Ossis hate the FDJ, protested and shouted counter-revolutionary slogans (they really used that word lol) slogans, also STASI STASI STASI.
Never fails to amaze me how these western shitlib hypocrites from Hamburg, who masquerade as somewhat "leftist" and bash the AfD all the time, pull out exactly the same fascist/anti-communist rhetoric that is used in far-right media such as WELT, PI-News, Achse des Guten, Epoch Times etc. as soon as they encounter real leftists/communists, particularly Ossis who have fond memories of the DDR and refuse to adopt the bourgeois-liberal "DDR-Unrechtsstaat" narrative.
I've not been to Jena but i know that the FDJ's symbolic occupation of Zwickau's townhall in 2019 wasn't met with extreme hostility, but rather amusement and even occasional applause by Zwickau's citizens. Interestingly, not even the police, which is full of far-right AfD fans, acted as aggressive towards the FDJ as they usually do when they face "Antifa". So i assume that there were indeed some buttmad counter-revolutionary types in Jena, but those were probably Greens voting shitlib bourgeois hipster students in their 20s or reactionary Burschis from a western small town or actual bourgeois AfD/Pegida types.


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Nice. That's cool. Their blue outfits look cool too.


I work in a uni building in Ba-Wü that's still got asbestos, they just block off sections of the building and pull it out of the walls. No need to tear the whole thing down.


Then whats the good lefty book on DDR?


Wait you lived in the DDR?


Victor Grossman's Crossing the River.


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Yeah. However the "Wende" prevented me from joining the FDJ, since i was still too young back then. 1989/90 would actually have been my last year as Thälmann-Pionier. Today i'm too old for the Free German Youth.

Also i may have sounded a bit prejudiced or derogatory towards people born in some of the western German states/american zone/Hamburg. That wasn't my intention, i do not have any negative opinions against Wessis per se. I really do hate BRD bourgeois mainstream media and the pretentious Greens though.


>I really do hate BRD bourgeois mainstream media and the pretentious Greens though.
who doesn't?

what i wonder: was there as much propaganda against western germany and 'wessis' in the DDR as in the west vice versa?
to me its mindboggling HOW MANY lies i was told in school and still am told in MSM about DDR and 'ossis'. as if the state was a remnant worse than auschwitz and 'ossi' some kind of sub human.





Ty, I'll check these out shortly


Is there a .pdf of this anywhere?


There is also this GDR book aimed at foreigners that took an interest in it or planned to travel there. It's pretty comfy.


Coolion, thanks


Please do post this on leftypedia


This is a rather petty point, but East Germany also had Carl Zeiss Jena, which made industry-leading, world class glass for a fraction of what the West was charging. Many Western soldiers even had the binos smuggled out. I would venture to say the border patrol binos made by the East Germans was the finest of its time and the updated model is still available today, albeit for ridiculous prices. Sorry, just wanted to add that as an avid birder and someone who is generally disgusted with the price fixing and consumerism in the optics hobby.


I would like to add a historical tidbit: the Iraqis actually broke out old stockpiles of the original border patrol binos during the Gulf War and they were mainly given to tankers. US troops often took these home as trophies. I happened to re-appropriate a pair from some vet paying his backtaxes through Ebay auctions or something. Came with some damage and a weird detergent smell - he never responded so fucker got his with a full chargeback from Paypal lmao


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The Zapatistas don't call themselves anarchist, but they're functionally so. They have no central government and use consensus democracy when possible, resorting to popular vote when necessary. That's not to say most theory literate anarchists don't have criticisms, but just because they don't identify as anarchist doesn't mean they're not.


They're ML.
Each community organizes according to ML principles.

In fact, you can even say that zapatismo is ML in the context of the Lacandona Jungle.

Truth being, you can ascribe it to any theory. I'd say they are more autonomist marxist perhaps. The ML-Anarchist split is retarded as fuck.


No, the Chinese could not have saved DDR. Literally the only thing that could've saved DDR was Gorbachev rolling in tanks to crush the German right-wing protestors. Gorbachev refused. That was the end of DDR.


I'll give you that they're very ML in in principle, as much as anarchist, the divide between MLs and anarchists is also really dumb, since the full realization of Marxist-Leninist theory is more or less indistinguishable from anarchism, and I wouldn't say the EZLN functions the same as the Bolsheviks did, but it pretty much is a vanguard party.
I went to Chiapas a few years ago, met a dope ass old couple who had great English, and apparently German too. That's irrelevant to the conversation, but I did see a copy of The Conquest of Bread on their porch.


I need to learn when to end sentences, god damn.


happens to us, we are leftypol


What about Plan X?


Damn FDJ making Christian-Democrat Baby blue a revolutionary colour…


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Sections of the tourists guide to the DDR that an Anon posted earlier ITT regarding the DDR's stance on Germany (and / or the land that would become known as germany's) progressive role in the historical process dating back to ancient rome


What did the Chinese even had planned to do in order to "save" the DDR? I know about this shit from that letter Deng had sent to some german official, can't remember who at the moment, but realistically what could've they have done?


Send tons of money and Chinese experts and laborers, agree on buying GDR goods at overpriced rates.


With >>2854 being said, I tend to agree here. With Eastern European states collapsing left and right, and the desire for many East Germans to have normal relations with their Western German brothers and sisters due to the wall breaking down, the GDR was doomed to either become isolated similar to Hoxha's Albania or - at best - become some weird German version of Lukashenko's Belarus.

It's worth noting that the SED under Honecker adopted an erroneous line towards German nationhood, it argued that with the 70s, there are actually two German nations at that point, a socialist one and a capitalist one. That was never popular amongst the population, and even the DKP in West Germany, which was usually toeing the line of the SED, expressed confusion over this.


Neck yourself you strawmanning /pol/tard


>raping and torturing children
Epstein called from hell and asked you to shut the fuck up about stuff you don't know anything about.


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Can some DDR alingned anon quickly debunk (or lets hope not, defend) this take?


>90s poster about xenophobia
&ltis supposed to be evidence of actual racism
>claim about Cuban/African diplomatic houses being attacked
1) No sources given
2) Given that the GDR constantly was being hit by sabotage (such as attempts to destroy an airport and attempts at terrorist Hijackings) it is not outside of reason for NATO agents to carry out false flags.
3) racist mob attacks is bullshit, given that firstly the Stasi and militia would have immediately arrested participants and secondly such behavior was socially unacceptable, with people outright being reprimanded by their peers for racist remarks on the street.

TL;DR: Sourceless half-truths without context.


the ddr is nice because it means you can be a wehraboo without all the baggage of nazism or prussian monarchism



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>What is the Class reductionist take why east germany was much more a fertile breeding ground than West Germany
>West Germany
>Less Racist

It is a lot more complex then he makes it, both sections still had problems with accepting other people.

But the biggest difference is that the GDR supported anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist and independence movements in the global south, which the West did not they supported the colonial regimes or Reactionary parties (see National Liberation Front In Angola)


they were the most aesthetic country ever in history.


There were no racist mobs, that's bullshit. Those attacks only started happening after 1990, like in Lichtenhagen, Rostock. Not all of those arsonists were former GDR citizens, though, some were Western Neo-Nazis who have heard that there are apartment complexes in the East with foreign contract workers, and without a wall stopping fascists from pouring into the country they could commit such things. Again, anti-communists blaming communists for things after communists were ousted from power (similar to how right-wingers blame the USSR for what happened to the Russian economy in the 90s). But for some reason, when we say that the Russian labor camp system originated from the tsarist era, this is not an acceptable argument, right?!

He doesn't give any examples or sources, so how can one respond to this? The poster he gave is a West German propaganda poster, showing the German flag saying "those are the colors of human dignity and tolerance" put up there after the annexation - what this has to do with anything, I don't know. East Germans vote overwhelmingly Linke, the successor party of the SED. They do also vote for the AfD, is this surprising? Are West Germans like this Three Arrow character really surprised that le right-wing populisterinos are gaining traction there after West Germany colonized them and sold off their entire economy for scraps and threw them into destitution, demolished their infrastructure exchange the entire intelligentsia with Western conservatives?


This seems to be a new fad, I keep seeing this "did ya know the GDR was rasist" shit on /pol/


thez aestheticallz a mix of nayi germany and the sovjets insert nazbol meme here


critical support for the arrow man, he's a libby shithead and wrong in this case but his videos are good


incoming a 2 hour long video were complaing about muh stalinism


Followed by an hour of the virtues of libertarian thought


This how the /pol/ brain works:
>socialist economic system allows for planned urban development, no slums, no advertisements, everybody is a decent worker
>population is white
This is enough for /pol/ to conclude that it must have been racist in some way, because race is real and shit.


Yep. Its a cyclical relation to them


Why do people keep making new German threads when this one is up?


Hows the situation in East Germany now?


WTF is that PDF, the literal 1st page with text: This exhibition has been generously funded by:
The Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship was created in 1998 by an
act of the German parliament. The aims of the Foundation are: to contribute to a comprehensive reappraisal of origins and causes, history and impact of the communist dictatorship
in the Soviet-occupation zone and East Germany between 1945 and 1989, to provide testimony
to injustices committed by the SED regime and to recognize victims, to further the antitotalitarian consensus within Germany, and to strengthen democracy and German unity.


It still supports the argument and given its bias it only gives more credit


File: 1608528231222.png ( 342.53 KB , 1200x932 , Y Ddraig Goch.png )

We need a DDR logo with a dragon.


Victory would have been achieved


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socdem utopia


How the fuck was commodity production generalized in the GDR?


It's amazing to think corn is so powerfull that the sugar extracted from them is more cheap than sugar and caused a global epidemic of obesity.


Not even Juche Corea agreed to that. What was in the mind of Honecker? Did the Detente policy of the soviets influence that?


Cute bird logo


>What was in the mind of Honecker?
Remember Honecker was sort of couped into office, probably because the late Walter Ulbricht became a bit too independent-minded for Moscow's taste. 2 German states might have been Moscow's new preferable strategic line (including fortified border) with regard to the German question in the early 1970s and Honecker directly adopted it. Walter Ulbricht on the other hand always maintained direct contacts with West German politicians (without reporting to Moscow) and did not accept the partition.


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Can anyone Sauce me pic related?


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>East Germans vote overwhelmingly Linke, the successor party of the SED. They do also vote for the AfD
AfD still has some support in the former West Germany, while Die Linke has close to none


Who are you even supposed to vote for in the west? The literal rosakillers?




East Germany si still with us :)


Collaborators of US imperialism, ergo the bad guys.


The Linke's not really the successor of the SED in any other way then legally. They werere made up of the liberal, reformist wing of the SED and basically purged the orthodox old guard that made up the East German government at their very beginning. Those went on to fund the KPD that, among others, Comrade Honecker was part of till his death. The Linke is not all bad but they're a pretty basic bitch Social Democratic Party for the most part.


Recommend me some texts on why co-ops are not the best way towards socialism, or otherwise why planned economy is better


>If the DDR wasn't as authoritarian they would still exist today
Ok anarkiddie


>Deepest blue
>South-East East Germany.
Was the Hitler gang right about slavoids?


The people? brainwashed victims. The FRG government? eager lapdogs.


>Favoring subjective alienation over objective alienation



based, thank you comrade


>thanks given


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Since this thread is probably over, we should move it to >>>/edu/ so that it can remain on the site for longer and let effort posts be put into it on occasion. In other words, use /edu/ as a sort of archive for effort-post threads that have lost steam but are worth conserving.


Given that we've sank again, I'll support this.


Can anyone here give me some info on Plan X? Apparently according to Wikipedia when the situation was getting out of control in October 89 Honecker and Mielke had this plan to indefinitely arrest 85,939 people (according to Wikipedia, the specific number leads me to believe they are fully identified by the Stasi) in Nazi-esque concentrations camps, plus declaring a state of emergency. How true is all of this? And realistically would've this saved the DDR? Or the situation would've escalated in response to this?


NRW is probably more Slavic on average today than even actual native Sorb regions east of the Elbe thanks to over hundred years of cheap labour immigration from Poland and the Balkans to the Ruhrpott's coal mines and steel factories. Every other guy's name is Kowalkski or Blaczczewiskczokcz over there, so NRW should be dark blue as well if that "theory" would hold any merit. What's more, aside from the afore mentioned Sorb minority, which is really small, i'm afraid there's generally not much Slavic hurritage left from folks who used to live here about 1000 years ago.
What's more, the dark blue region in the South East used to be deep deep red for over hundred years, it was actually one of the birth places and strongholds of the German labour/communist movement. I'm wondering why Saxony of all places turned so god damn reactionary during the last 15-20 years, it's so frustrating. 10-15 years ago Die LINKE (ex SED) was still the 2nd strongest party by far after the CDU in the Landtag and city councils.


>in Nazi-esque concentrations camps
While I'm pretty sure there were plans to retake control, this line alone indicates that wikipedia and its Western sources are likely bullshit


Never heard of it, not even from the likes of Hubertus Knabe. It's complete and utter bullshit.
When Honecker resigned the DDR was already over, because the "reformers" who succeeded him, fully supported Gorbachev's intention to cede the DDR to the BRD, which was according to a Honecker interview given in 1990, already on the table in Moscow in 1984. There was also an SPIEGEL interview with Krenz about the situation in late 1989 an he claimed that Mielke himself left the decision over what to do with the protests to Krenz, as Krenz himself decided to do fuck all.


We need to spread this to more comrades, it's wonderful.


Anyone have more pdfs on based DDR?


I was just about to inquire with some Germanons about how reliable those Heske papers are. Eye-opening if so - makes one wonder where Wikipedia's 1989 estimates of $9.7k and $5.1k (on the same page!!!) are pulled from.


who cares what g*rmans “think”


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1988, West Berlin anarchists flee from a police attack and climb over the wall into East Berlin

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