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File: 1608528197604.png ( 105.42 KB , 1200x720 , ddr.png )

 No.2554[View All]

what do the german anons here think of the german democratic republic ?
304 posts and 66 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>90s poster about xenophobia
&ltis supposed to be evidence of actual racism
>claim about Cuban/African diplomatic houses being attacked
1) No sources given
2) Given that the GDR constantly was being hit by sabotage (such as attempts to destroy an airport and attempts at terrorist Hijackings) it is not outside of reason for NATO agents to carry out false flags.
3) racist mob attacks is bullshit, given that firstly the Stasi and militia would have immediately arrested participants and secondly such behavior was socially unacceptable, with people outright being reprimanded by their peers for racist remarks on the street.

TL;DR: Sourceless half-truths without context.


the ddr is nice because it means you can be a wehraboo without all the baggage of nazism or prussian monarchism



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>What is the Class reductionist take why east germany was much more a fertile breeding ground than West Germany
>West Germany
>Less Racist

It is a lot more complex then he makes it, both sections still had problems with accepting other people.

But the biggest difference is that the GDR supported anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist and independence movements in the global south, which the West did not they supported the colonial regimes or Reactionary parties (see National Liberation Front In Angola)


they were the most aesthetic country ever in history.


There were no racist mobs, that's bullshit. Those attacks only started happening after 1990, like in Lichtenhagen, Rostock. Not all of those arsonists were former GDR citizens, though, some were Western Neo-Nazis who have heard that there are apartment complexes in the East with foreign contract workers, and without a wall stopping fascists from pouring into the country they could commit such things. Again, anti-communists blaming communists for things after communists were ousted from power (similar to how right-wingers blame the USSR for what happened to the Russian economy in the 90s). But for some reason, when we say that the Russian labor camp system originated from the tsarist era, this is not an acceptable argument, right?!

He doesn't give any examples or sources, so how can one respond to this? The poster he gave is a West German propaganda poster, showing the German flag saying "those are the colors of human dignity and tolerance" put up there after the annexation - what this has to do with anything, I don't know. East Germans vote overwhelmingly Linke, the successor party of the SED. They do also vote for the AfD, is this surprising? Are West Germans like this Three Arrow character really surprised that le right-wing populisterinos are gaining traction there after West Germany colonized them and sold off their entire economy for scraps and threw them into destitution, demolished their infrastructure exchange the entire intelligentsia with Western conservatives?


This seems to be a new fad, I keep seeing this "did ya know the GDR was rasist" shit on /pol/


thez aestheticallz a mix of nayi germany and the sovjets insert nazbol meme here


critical support for the arrow man, he's a libby shithead and wrong in this case but his videos are good


incoming a 2 hour long video were complaing about muh stalinism


Followed by an hour of the virtues of libertarian thought


This how the /pol/ brain works:
>socialist economic system allows for planned urban development, no slums, no advertisements, everybody is a decent worker
>population is white
This is enough for /pol/ to conclude that it must have been racist in some way, because race is real and shit.


Yep. Its a cyclical relation to them


Why do people keep making new German threads when this one is up?


Hows the situation in East Germany now?


WTF is that PDF, the literal 1st page with text: This exhibition has been generously funded by:
The Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship was created in 1998 by an
act of the German parliament. The aims of the Foundation are: to contribute to a comprehensive reappraisal of origins and causes, history and impact of the communist dictatorship
in the Soviet-occupation zone and East Germany between 1945 and 1989, to provide testimony
to injustices committed by the SED regime and to recognize victims, to further the antitotalitarian consensus within Germany, and to strengthen democracy and German unity.


It still supports the argument and given its bias it only gives more credit


File: 1608528231222.png ( 342.53 KB , 1200x932 , Y Ddraig Goch.png )

We need a DDR logo with a dragon.


Victory would have been achieved


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socdem utopia


How the fuck was commodity production generalized in the GDR?


It's amazing to think corn is so powerfull that the sugar extracted from them is more cheap than sugar and caused a global epidemic of obesity.


Not even Juche Corea agreed to that. What was in the mind of Honecker? Did the Detente policy of the soviets influence that?


Cute bird logo


>What was in the mind of Honecker?
Remember Honecker was sort of couped into office, probably because the late Walter Ulbricht became a bit too independent-minded for Moscow's taste. 2 German states might have been Moscow's new preferable strategic line (including fortified border) with regard to the German question in the early 1970s and Honecker directly adopted it. Walter Ulbricht on the other hand always maintained direct contacts with West German politicians (without reporting to Moscow) and did not accept the partition.


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Can anyone Sauce me pic related?


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>East Germans vote overwhelmingly Linke, the successor party of the SED. They do also vote for the AfD
AfD still has some support in the former West Germany, while Die Linke has close to none


Who are you even supposed to vote for in the west? The literal rosakillers?




East Germany si still with us :)


Collaborators of US imperialism, ergo the bad guys.


The Linke's not really the successor of the SED in any other way then legally. They werere made up of the liberal, reformist wing of the SED and basically purged the orthodox old guard that made up the East German government at their very beginning. Those went on to fund the KPD that, among others, Comrade Honecker was part of till his death. The Linke is not all bad but they're a pretty basic bitch Social Democratic Party for the most part.


Recommend me some texts on why co-ops are not the best way towards socialism, or otherwise why planned economy is better


>If the DDR wasn't as authoritarian they would still exist today
Ok anarkiddie


>Deepest blue
>South-East East Germany.
Was the Hitler gang right about slavoids?


The people? brainwashed victims. The FRG government? eager lapdogs.


>Favoring subjective alienation over objective alienation



based, thank you comrade


>thanks given


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Since this thread is probably over, we should move it to >>>/edu/ so that it can remain on the site for longer and let effort posts be put into it on occasion. In other words, use /edu/ as a sort of archive for effort-post threads that have lost steam but are worth conserving.


Given that we've sank again, I'll support this.


Can anyone here give me some info on Plan X? Apparently according to Wikipedia when the situation was getting out of control in October 89 Honecker and Mielke had this plan to indefinitely arrest 85,939 people (according to Wikipedia, the specific number leads me to believe they are fully identified by the Stasi) in Nazi-esque concentrations camps, plus declaring a state of emergency. How true is all of this? And realistically would've this saved the DDR? Or the situation would've escalated in response to this?


NRW is probably more Slavic on average today than even actual native Sorb regions east of the Elbe thanks to over hundred years of cheap labour immigration from Poland and the Balkans to the Ruhrpott's coal mines and steel factories. Every other guy's name is Kowalkski or Blaczczewiskczokcz over there, so NRW should be dark blue as well if that "theory" would hold any merit. What's more, aside from the afore mentioned Sorb minority, which is really small, i'm afraid there's generally not much Slavic hurritage left from folks who used to live here about 1000 years ago.
What's more, the dark blue region in the South East used to be deep deep red for over hundred years, it was actually one of the birth places and strongholds of the German labour/communist movement. I'm wondering why Saxony of all places turned so god damn reactionary during the last 15-20 years, it's so frustrating. 10-15 years ago Die LINKE (ex SED) was still the 2nd strongest party by far after the CDU in the Landtag and city councils.


>in Nazi-esque concentrations camps
While I'm pretty sure there were plans to retake control, this line alone indicates that wikipedia and its Western sources are likely bullshit


Never heard of it, not even from the likes of Hubertus Knabe. It's complete and utter bullshit.
When Honecker resigned the DDR was already over, because the "reformers" who succeeded him, fully supported Gorbachev's intention to cede the DDR to the BRD, which was according to a Honecker interview given in 1990, already on the table in Moscow in 1984. There was also an SPIEGEL interview with Krenz about the situation in late 1989 an he claimed that Mielke himself left the decision over what to do with the protests to Krenz, as Krenz himself decided to do fuck all.


We need to spread this to more comrades, it's wonderful.


Anyone have more pdfs on based DDR?


I was just about to inquire with some Germanons about how reliable those Heske papers are. Eye-opening if so - makes one wonder where Wikipedia's 1989 estimates of $9.7k and $5.1k (on the same page!!!) are pulled from.


who cares what g*rmans “think”


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1988, West Berlin anarchists flee from a police attack and climb over the wall into East Berlin

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