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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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File: 1739481093354.jpg ( 131.62 KB , 494x700 , Alexander the Great & Bago….jpg )


"Women are the gayest people of all, even gayer than faggots"
- Alexander the Great [famous Greek conqueror]


Is this another thread overvaluing female physiognomy


This art was made by two Russian-Turkish fujo sisters I used to follow a lot


It's good art. It looks like they did a bunch of these.
I have a lot of respect for fujos, they get a bad rap.


holy fuck i love women


What about fandashis?


File: 1739698820925-0.jpg ( 184.16 KB , 613x800 , Jacob Notaras.jpg )

File: 1739698820925-1.jpg ( 310.62 KB , 566x820 , mehmed_ii_and_jacob_notara….jpg )

I can't view "Old" Worldoid history through another aesthetic
>I have a lot of respect for fujos, they get a bad rap.
They're an industrious people

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