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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
Tor Only

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File: 1738522769954-0.png ( 350.62 KB , 720x1560 , Screenshot_20250202-133739.png )

File: 1738522769954-1.png ( 300.63 KB , 720x1560 , Screenshot_20250202-133845.png )

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>waaaaa kids ruin everything

>I'm an adult and I should have everything catered to me because I'm superior in intellect

>Nvm that I was a kid who indulged in the same thing and I'm butthurt about growing up

It's another case of failed adults blaming kids for everything wrong in society.
It's ironic that most of the slop they complain about was the result of adults hijacking it, not kids.
Also ironically, kids were part of the "old web" as well. In fact, they were the previous generation of kids who were pandered to and they're now butthurt that they're no longer young and hip.

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