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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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File: 1738287404794.png ( 177.52 KB , 397x398 , 1738287400836.png )


well fuck.


it really happened


File: 1738288543988.gif ( 69.93 KB , 220x118 , yay.gif )

>they finally shut it down


now that the dust has settled, what was it about?


>svvt sold the domain 7 days early to some fbi.gov pedophile who made it into a loli porn website redirect without even giving a warning the website was going offline
well that just happened


The feds are right behind me, aren't they?


apparently he was just a retard and didn't revoke domain access from lee despite him not being part of staff for a gorillion years, which let lee redirect the site to atfbooru

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