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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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hello it is me, the esoteric natsoc literally who shemmy avatarGOD


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australia? not white


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flag up squeakerfreak


obsessed brown serbians in my thread


real woman above


so wholesome thank you xixta


why so indianphobic?


>the flag is actually real


Its on the list,uyghur, so obviously its real


Gay nazis are whiter than you


im too lazy to check flag lists also this UI is giving me fucking aids i wanna change it
this post has increased serbia's whiteness level by 0% stay mad brownoid


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squeaker is white


im trans


OP, post your eye


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i did not say this


ohnononono squeakerfails


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I love bibisi


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i did not say that either


OP, post your eye
>Not going to post this becACKK!


fine but im celtic so its darkish hazel but your just gonna call it brown anyway


Post it. I know shit about eye color dont worry


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kys kharkiv
brown af


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https://x.com/rorochvn This is squeaker’s twitter.

The archive of the linked strawpage in bio has a link to his quora. https://archive.is/jddh6

Said quora account had a post about him saying he wants to bonk his mother recently, you can verify the authenticity of this with the other posts still up https://www.quora.com/profile/Depressed-Chudcell-E-DIARY

Not even his worst delusion, tbh.


meds, got over it two years ago and it was only for a couple months anyway. next question


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Almost brown ,on the edge :skull:


also my whole thing is being a mentally ill schitzo




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>i was doxxed
who has a picture of xhes face?


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yep, obsessed ill stay unbothered btw


>looking for help for le bad feelings is actually le bad ev&doe i got over it anyway


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My fucking sides


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Oh fuck you let me post uygha


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>he thinks i care if he reposts already public information that im already extremely open about


Marge,you're not a czechpedo


>fighting evil child raping demons is actually LE BAD11!11!!11!!1


leftypolfails… your obsession over me is showing


even doe we are chinnycucks




i thought your site got revived o algo


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i say this and do this


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It’s keyed.


obsessing over the fact im a unbothered shitzo apollo blessed GOD fighting demons and transhumanists wont make serbia white :skull:


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why does transhumanist word filter to transhumanist this is not wholesome


uyghur transhumanist faggot


uyghur trаոոу faggot




also these screenshots are old, where was this originally posted, like im quite curious


>albania flag
>no serbia flag
kek its keyed


uyghas really leak their full legal name on the internet


my name is actually in fact uyghur transhumanist faggot, this is 100% trve


Shemalies, this is some new low…


>Can't put 10 different flags you don't even care about
What a shit site.


Ignore 2 Indians above me
This is the closest flag to Moldavia and Judaism
I send my deep condolences to shemalies, and ever more condolences to retards who pay shit ton of money for a dead site with burning servers
I must admit, it's funny too look at this site burning down while shemalie manchildren are still pulling the last strings.
TLDR: Shemmy is burning in hell because MY content is better


And I am trans, if that matters


This is it shemalies.
Instead of accepting a moldavian kike with an actual knowledge on how to rule an imageboard you let chinnypedos, foodists and potentional grooming victims.
You deserve to burn.


That's aryan shemmyfat


i've only ever used leftypol orgy, what was the drama that made this site?


Feralteen is actually 40 year old and he rapes children


"On August 8, 2021, a coup happened on leftypol.org caused by an administration dispute. This in turn gave birth to leftychan.net, a splinter group run by the disagreeing mods."

Sounds based we shemmyGODs know what it's like to be ruled by tyrants and despots. wan struggle me brudda


If you are not an insane homosexual then just move on.


Samefag demoralizer award


The mods there deleted my 'p so I made this site




ohnononono davidsisters GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG


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this is the face that tells you that you aren't white




What the fuck is even going on?


cultural enrichment


I feel like I just spent 12 hours getting my dick shocked by an electrotransistor well over 100watts.


>white skin and light brown hair is not le white
i feel like (you) are the brownest shit skin ever saying this


see im unbothered because i dont understand what people on this thread are really making fun of me over, how is improving myself over a large period of time and trying to get rid of a mental illness (and in some ways succeeding); something to be found cringe? nothing you post will ever make serbia white :skull:


lighter brown eye are a sign of whiteness, don't worry, odin is with you


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thank you for your gender validating and kind words xir, unlike the other unwholesome BIGOTS in this thread obsessing over me you are quite nice, i was crying and shitting and pissing and cumming myself and then i saw this post and then i realized everything was gonna okay. trans rights are white rights btw thanks for your kind wholesome words xir.

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