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can we move here since soygem.party is shutting down




Welcome. How was that site different from the sharty? Leftychan is not for nazi shit just keep that in mind.


it wasn't run by a federal agent pedophile who added 9999999999999 trackers and dataminers making it impossible to post on browsers that have privacy features


Interesting, was it always run by feds or did they hijack the site when it went down (I remember there was that meme "the sharty is down" and then they changed domains several times).


froot abandoned the 4 year old soyjak.party domain for soyjak.st because the people that own .st don't give a fuck


didn't soyjak sites depopulated?


depopulated with normal people and repopulated with nufags from fbi.gov and rw twitter


we got great replacement'd by newchads, now it's all twitter chuds who think 'billions must die' is the funniest thing in the world


we retvrn to youtube


Since when was the sharty run by the glow uyghurs? I have been out of the loop for years.


you actually have no idea how lucky you are


This is a +18yo chan.

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