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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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File: 1734028869079-0.jpg ( 81.52 KB , 490x691 , psych_unmasked.jpg )

File: 1734028869079-1.jpg ( 80.66 KB , 490x691 , psych_unmasked_mussolini.jpg )

File: 1734028869079-2.jpg ( 73.01 KB , 800x600 , anti_psych_mob.jpg )


Anti-psychiatry thread.

Down with psychiatry!
Down with psychology!
Down with therapy!
Down with forced care-authorization signed off by arrogant judges!
Down with ambulances and their steep bills!
Down with phony lawyers who are on the side of psychiatry!
Down with the pharmaceutical industry!


I'm neutral on the shrinks question, but I do think people have a good point when they question why it is that autism was invented by a Nazi.


constant gooning is a symptom of psychiatry, it's almost impossible to do without psych drugs or a history of taking them, particularly ADHD drugs

also kill yourself


>constant gooning is a symptom of psychiatry
More reasons to be against psychiatry


nobody was forced to goon


Not true your mom forced me 2 goon once

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