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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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1. CIA hits Matt Christman with an autofellatio gun, leaving him permanently crippled
2. Their 'guy' Alex steps in to take his place. Smooth talking sarcastic Bill Murray type (fed).
3. """Alex""" keeps tabs on the Chapos & their audience, examining & subtly modifying the material, always ready to sneak in coded messages to CIA sleeper agents.

Doesn't it seem odd to you?
I noticed that even when his jokes are funny, the other Chapos laugh kind of nervously. His delivery is almost too good, like he was tailor made to be appealing, unlike Matt, who was very smart, but sounded like a big fat dorky homo. What do you guys think?


who tf are these gùus?
I never heard of yhem


Chapo Trap House.
It's a cocaine podcast by me & my buddies.

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