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/b/ - Siberia

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>Russian forces in a buggy run over a sapper trying to warn them about mines on the road. Moments later, they hit the mines themselves

Is this the most Russian thing ever?



>traveling through a warzone
>surrounded by potential ambush spots
>random guy tells you to stop
>you should have stopped
Big brain analysis OP keep them coming.


You should twist your neck off.


>This was totally reasonable even though we see him get blown up.
Ziggers always deliver.


Uh oh, looks like world's foremost nuclear superpower which just unveiled a new ballistic missile that's going to reshape modern warfare and produces the same amount of artillery shells in a month that the entirety of NATO produces in a year is going to be defeated any day now!


The ruble is crashing, and Assad is getting deposed. But okay, you're a paragon of strength zigger-kun.


Oh yes, they were so frightened that he could be the enemy, that's why they took the time with their 30 mph go-kart to run him over. Fuck me vatniks are so stupid they can't even lie with a modicum of believability

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