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"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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I'm the old BO from original /leftypol/.

My contributions:
>I was right
>Banned thousands of Roj*va anarkiddies (CIA assets)
>Promoted tankyism to the internet for years
>Made a shitload of the OC lefty memes that are still reposted by anons to this day (made the original Porky png, among other things)
>Quit when I realized it (class consciousness on anonymous imageboards) was hopeless

I am still a Stalinist/Maoist Marxist communist. I hate Ogre and what it's become. I am not trans and do not support trans ideology nor feminism. I'm an antivaxist. I support Assad, Hamas, PFLP, Donbas, Cockshottism… I'm sadly not part of any organization or party because there is no legitimate party where I live. I carry out lone wolf guerilla actions in a limited capacity.



Explain why LeftyPol has a fascination with lumpens and contempt for students.
And they say "Morality is a spook" yet they get pissy about lolicon.

They claim to be pro-proletariat yet they scoff at trades.


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>Explain why LeftyPol has a fascination with lumpens
Leftypol is filled with anarchists and lumpens
>contempt for students
Never seen this on Leftypol.
>And they say "Morality is a spook" yet they get pissy about lolicon.
The same people that say "Morality is a spook" don't care about lolicon. The lolicon posting is just bait and concern trolling.
>They claim to be pro-proletariat
Do they even claim to be "pro-proletariat"? They use stupid terms like "workerist".
>they scoff at trades
Again, a lot them are middle-class lumpens. The trades are important, but they see it as beneath them because of the wages and health risks.


>Made a shitload of the OC lefty memes that are still reposted by anons to this day (made the original Porky png, among other things)

>Quit when I realized it (class consciousness on anonymous imageboards) was hopeless


>Never seen this on Leftypol

They do have contempt for students.
They think all students are junior aristocrats despite talking about student loan debt and talking about affordable housing/wages for college kids.


Begging for attention and a justification for your pathetic existence again, eh?


I believe LeftyPol is only a few steps away from chuds


>Quit when I realized it (class consciousness on anonymous imageboards) was hopeless
darn it's so over that he doesnt even bother to explain this..


It isn't over. It never began.
Imageboards to begin with are just social rejects who want to vent their desires to be accepted by the normies they hate
They internalize the pop cultural assumptions of teenage adventurism too much.

They only care about politics as a means to punish society for failing them the means to get laid as a teenager.


>Explain why LeftyPol has a fascination with lumpens and contempt for students
A lot of people on leftypol are middle class nerds so they are just scared of """lumpens""" IRL and can't relate to them.
Contempt for college students is totally justified. They make everything into a symbolic performance and are fucking useless. Most are just trying to get a spot in the imperial world order.

>And they say "Morality is a spook" yet they get pissy about lolicon.

"Morality is a spook" is a cancerous Stirnerite meme. If morality is a spook then it should be OK to brutally murder all Stirnerites with no consequences.

Lolicon is a sign of the sickness in bourgeois culture.

>>Quit when I realized it (class consciousness on anonymous imageboards) was hopeless
Marxism is based in a theory of history, imageboards are deliberately designed to ERASE history. If we want to progress and organize we can't be wasting time rehashing the same stupid fucking arguments over and over again. A modern communist online forum should be conducive to iteration on texts that are preserved, so that we stop wasting time.

Also, after my resignation, another issue with imageboards and indie forums generally has been exposed (on ogre), which is that they are vulnerable to mod cliques who capture the discussion via the network effect. Mods should be doing the bare minimum of handling spam and the like, not enforcing their retarded (crypto-liberal) ideologies. The answer is to implement something a bit like the way the block feature works on many mainstream social media sites. Let users determine what they want to see (except for anti-Assad imperialist propaganda).

Just drunkenly shitposting.


Lenin was concerned the Party would be filled with opportunists. But do you agree that Stalin was right to contradict Lenin and greatly expand the Party apparatus, given that, as Stalin saw it, ​​the time of revolutionary theoreticians had passed and “work horses” were now more important?


>Lolicon is a sign of the sickness in bourgeois culture.

Oh boy another one. Meanwhile violent movies and wrestling is never pathologises.

>Contempt for college students is totally justified. They make everything into a symbolic performance and are fucking useless. Most are just trying to get a spot in the imperial world order.

Again, you assume all college students are bourgeois wannabes or are faux-activists.

>"Morality is a spook" is a cancerous Stirnerite meme. If morality is a spook then it should be OK to brutally murder all Stirnerites with no consequences.

Idk if they're all Stirnerites but I do know that they're ironically hung up about anything.

>A lot of people on leftypol are middle class nerds so they are just scared of """lumpens""" IRL and can't relate to them.

Nah, they hate on "normies."
They fetishize lumpens as "misunderstood loners."


>A lot of people on leftypol are middle class nerds so they are just scared of """lumpens""" IRL and can't relate to them.
Contempt for college students is totally justified. They make everything into a symbolic performance and are fucking useless. Most are just trying to get a spot in the imperial world order.
Not in my case Chief. I'm old money I prefer lumpen because if they're given a chance at real work they can become disciplined proletarians needed for the revolution.

The only thing students, to wit enthusiastic idiots are good for is to burn out with real organising like salting unions or other coalface work like down to the countryside so they can at least get to the level lumpen-proletariat are naturally at.

Otherwise as always everything you say is correct.


Oh nevermind Chief same issues with the formatting, all is well carry on.


>college students are wussies
>limpems are real people

nvm yal have the same infantile disease as Ogre.

Most lumpens arent as hardworking or down to earth as you think.Ypure just romanticising them just vecause theyre "exotic".

Also, college studemts are no different from the general political activist group.


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>I am still a russian nutsoy/chinese nutsoy churchoid-tier petbourg reactionary
Cool, wall.
>(made the original Porky png, among other things)
So you just stole shit & now demand recognition 4 your cool new private intellectual property which you didn't even create, as you should by your own self-description as a screeching petbourg nutsoy.
<*proceeds to clap his asscheeks with lumpenoids who butchered every revolution in the history ever while hating on studs, describing them as actual lumpens are defined
>If we want to progress and organize we can't be wasting time rehashing the same stupid fucking arguments over and over again.
<Soyos you shall just execute my orders while I climb the socialist government ladder, your time is nigh, just like with NKVD guys!
>anti-Assad imperialist propaganda
No comments, only a bullet.

So, is this the ruling shit you faggots have been dealing with back then? Holy kek you're pathetic.


Kek the amount of seethe you have for this uygha needs to be studied


Do you just have a rotating schedule for when you'll repost this exact thread? I saw it here and assumed it was the same as the last time you posted this and got BTFO, but alas! My post is missing.

I'm gonna preface this by saying I don't even think you're OG BO, but in spite of that consider the following:

>I was right

You literally initiated the initial idiotic schism which led to every other schism. You diminished our community right away during your stupid breakdown, you splitter. This was a major organizational failure on your part, and you would be wise to learn from it rather than pretending like it was some kind of feat of revolutionary genius.

>Made a shitload of the OC lefty memes that are still reposted by anons to this day (made the original Porky png, among other things)

You banned like half of our most active OCers lol
Catgirl Drawgirl, Bat'ko… you actively suppressed the most creative users and you still act like a bitch about it. You started the path towards /leftypol/ becoming another /r/socialism shithole.

>I carry out lone wolf guerilla actions in a limited capacity.

Is this level of isolation something inevitable or are you, like, too scared to actually organize something?

>Never seen this on Leftypol.
Me neither, but I've seen that anon constantly repeat that weird strawman.
Nobody hates trades either. Like there might be one guy on Ogre who does, but the vast majority of Leftychan/Leftypol bozos think trades are great & envy people with actual learned material skills.

That anon always thinks we're "fascinated" with lumpens, but you're right, it's not that we're fascinated with lumpens - around half of us are lumpens, we think being a lumpen is totally bland and banal and we don't assign any moral value to it one way or another.

No we (and they) don't.


>Most lumpens arent as hardworking or down to earth as you think.Ypure just romanticising them just vecause theyre "exotic".
Oh go fuck yourself.


cry more buttercup.
Alot of lumoen proles started out as middle class people.


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>pick only a couple of the most retarded points from ramblings of some pissed off petbourg faggot who wants to retvrn to le ordnung where his lumpenoid buddies will be brought back from their economic misfortunes & all the troublemakers will be put into their place
>presumably another faggot sees seething in there somewhere


Point proven


I hate leftypol because I hate faggots and transhumanists, they're incompatible with workers movements.


Wrong. It's the SJWs and chuds who are


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See, you're starting with a false premise, and just failing to understand that no one is arguing from the same false premise you're basing your entire outlook on. We aren't even arguing diametrically against it, because you're starting with assumptions which are so wrong that they're not even relevant. In other words, the assumptions which your assumptions are grounded in are themselves baseless.

I'm a lumpen. Ordinary people encounter lumpens. It's not something we need to speculate about or "romanticize," we aren't spectators to the existence of lumpens, lumpens are extremely common. Nobody thinks lumpens are exotic, you sound nuts.

Also, the "middle class" doesn't actually exist. You're (probably) talking about white collar workers, in which case you could just as well make the argument that college students are inherently lazy, too. That is not an argument which I am making, nor an argument anyone else is making, but it is an argument which perfectly parallels your argument, which is a stupid argument. Being born one strata of working class and falling to another strata is very common. This idea you have in your head that anyone else thinks every lumpen was born dirt poor is stupid. Nobody thinks that. Being born to blue collar or pink collar or white collar parents are not moral achievements; it doesn't make you any better or worse of a person if your dad was a plumber and you end up as a waiter. It happens all the time.

And, to be clear, that doesn't even mean that every lumpen is just downwardly mobile; I'm just pointing out that this is not a coherent criticism. Looking for good work and not finding any is not a sin.
With that being said, generational poverty is still extremely common. Most lumpenproles do come from poverty, and, again, this is not "romanticizing" anyone. Poverty is not romantic. It provides no automatic moral value. No one is good just because they're poor, but a lot of people, because they are poor, have more difficulty finding good work and covering basic necessities. This, in turn, economically incentivizes alternative means of employment, which are often taboo or sketchy, and sometimes illegal. This is a harsher, much more constant version of the same economic pressure which greater numbers of people (from other strata of the working class) are periodically exposed to during depressions and severe recessions. Because people born into severe poverty more constantly experience the same economic pressures which cause people born into white or blue collar backgrounds to resort to 'lumpen' work, and because more people are poor than are not, most lumpenproles come from low income backgrounds.

Whether or not anyone is "hardworking" or "down to earth" has fuck all to do with it.


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2015fag here. Ogre is literally a shittier version of left twitter.

I agree with every view you stated BO. I'm pleasantly surprised you're against the covid vax too. But the banning of rojavafags was a mistake imo. I really miss the ideological diversity in leftypol's older era. It lead to a lot of fun discussions.

>they get pissy about lolicon.
Anyone who consumes that should be beheaded and I'm not joking. Communists should have zero tolerance for such scum.


>Anyone who consumes that should be beheaded and I'm not joking. Communists should have zero tolerance for such scum

Reactionaryism at its finest.
But yous have no problem with gore?


>But yous have no problem with gore?
Where did they say that?


what do you think of the national question?


>no problem with gore?
Real gore yes. People who watch that for entertainment are even more subhuman.


Fictional gore is no problem but you get offended over shota/loli


Thoughts on the material logos as a form of expression through which the appolonian-dionysian contradiction processes towards self-overcoming?


>I carry out lone wolf guerilla actions in a limited capacity.
such as toasting on the internet




What do you think of the CPUSA?


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>Oh boy another one. Meanwhile violent movies and wrestling is never pathologises.
fetishizing gore is just as sick as fetishizing children. art can depict both without making it into a sexual perversion, but imperialist proleslop leans into the perversion hard.

>Again, you assume all college students are bourgeois wannabes or are faux-activists

99.999999% are

>Most lumpens arent as hardworking or down to earth as you think.Ypure just romanticising them just vecause theyre "exotic".
Never said so, just that leftycels are scared of lumpens. Lumpens are just as complacent with imperialism as proles and PMCs for the most part.


>Do you just have a rotating schedule for when you'll repost this exact thread? I saw it here and assumed it was the same as the last time you posted this and got BTFO
Sometimes I just get a bit intoxicated and start thinking about the old days and all my haters

>You literally initiated the initial idiotic schism which led to every other schism

Literal idealism to think that my schism somehow created other schisms. Splits are inevitable.

>You diminished our community right away during your stupid breakdown

I wish I could have done more than just ban the anti-Assad fags, if I could I would have visited them personally and killed them. Dead imperialists > """community""".

>Catgirl Drawgirl

I don't recall ever banning her but she is a filthy socdem last I checked

>too scared to actually organize something

I just accept the fact that organizing in this shithole is not a real thing at the moment



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Speaking of girls; What do you think of Dasha-posting and fans of Dasha from Redscarepodcast? How would you have reacted if you were in charge?

What about egirl posting in general?

And finally, since you post Met Gear; Did you like Death Stranding?


Holy fuck you are no solid snake.
Also stop being obsessed with what people jerk off too you fucking freak.


You have no right to call other people freaks you fucking subhuman. LMAO.


Moral police are freaks, yes.


Do you agree that society discoyeages young people from worldly affairs?
Older adults always whine about how society neglects the elders but tgey will dismiss/patronise young peoples existences.

Look at the social expectancy of young people in the past fifteen to twenty decades


>"Morality is a spook" is a cancerous Stirnerite meme. If morality is a spook then it should be OK to brutally murder all Stirnerites with no consequences.
It is not immoral to murder me brutally. The concept of "OK" is idealist nonsense. There will be consequences but that's got nothing to do with morality.


>Literal idealism to think that my schism somehow created other schisms. Splits are inevitable.
… Said the splitter.

>I wish I could have done more than just ban the anti-Assad fags, if I could I would have visited them personally and killed them. Dead imperialists > """community""".


>I don't recall ever banning her but she is a filthy socdem last I checked

The horror!!!

>I just accept the fact that organizing in this shithole is not a real thing at the moment

What obstacles are you up against?


What do you think of a possible rectification of Kant and Non-Euclidean geometry by looking at CH Hinton's The Fourth Dimension as well as Ouspensk's Tertium Organon?


What do you think of muhdickinsideyourass?


Never heard of it.

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