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It ain't even a meme


Smoothbrained unfunny propaganda to try and turn people against eachother when they don't need to be.

Endless wars in the middle east create mass migration. The Israeli gov't even brags about it. The US government sponsored "contra" drug cartels and death squads in South America which destabilized those countries and caused more mass migration. Nobody is arguing against national autonomy. To solve the refugee crisis, we simply need to stop creating refugees. Trying to shut out huge waves of people migrating because of wars our governments started is ineffective, and none of the politicians who cynically campaign on this actually manage to do it. It doesn't solve the root of the problem, which is why they're campaigning on it; scapegoating migrants is much easier than challenging the capitalist class who demand constant wars and coups, and hire undocumented workers to undercut documented citizens' labor power. Policy which creates huge waves of migrants is brutal and wasteful in-and-of itself, and trying to stop every single migrant and block legal obtainment of citizenship in such cases is a losing game, an ineffective short-term whack-a-mole "solution" which has never worked.


The call is coming from inside the house, faggot.


Leftoids and Fashoids are both anti-Semitic surprise surprise. Reactionaries love to blame Jews for economic decline, leftoids try to hide it at least.


PSA: This poster is our resident Hasbarist, and he's literally just here to spew lies because everyone, including Jews, is turning against the genocidal Zionist state and its warmongering US backers. Nothing he posts is in good faith.


From the river to the sea, Israel will be free :)


We're going to see a lot more of these faggots coping in the coming months as Israel is dismantled by Iran and it's allies (which is everyone in the Gulf plus Russia at this point).


I thought they were going to kiss


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No difference between them and neo-nazis honestly.
"Shoot the Jew"

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