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Once you go down the occultism rabbit hole you will start seeing patterns and occult symbolism everywhere.
From freemason art to pagan references in movies and tv shows.
Our politika clearly have a obscure luceferian pagan worship.


Nosferatu is a famous and wildly influential horror film and the makers were literally inspired by occultism (they wanted to make the first 'occult film')


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>Why do leftists ignore occult symbolism in media
Because this is fucking retarded.

For starters, the occult isn't just a big lump of booga booga scary Satan, it's a fairly broad category which includes esotericism, Hermeticism, Kabbalah, branches of Christian mysticism, some neo-paganism and syncretism, etc. Undertones of it have persisted in folk religion for a very long time (probably before it was called "occult") because it is very broad and many mainstream religious traditions have mingled with it at some point. Lucifer himself is sometimes an ambiguous figure in Gnosticism and Christian mysticism, where he is considered both an enlightener (the story of the Garden of Eden literally is one where Lucifer tricks humankind into the secret divine knowledge of good and evil) and a corrupting force.

The spookier side of the occult is also pretty, and good dumb fun for theater kids for a while. If you really want evidence of the evil of the ruling elites, you shouldn't have to look for Masonic imagery on album covers or whatever. It isn't hidden. Whether the evil is paired with "Christian" mass media or "occult" imagery, you only have to look to how the state treats real people in the real world to understand it is Satanic. We are run by geriatric rapists, murderers, and tyrants, and I don't need to play Led Zeppelin backwards to understand that.


Most mass hyseria over occult symbolism in pop culture is absurd

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