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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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Reproductive rights are human rights and we will be strong and joyful


That makes you an ultra-right wing fascist. Roe v wade was overturned under a Democrat government (and I'm pretty sure if they can bypass congress to send weapons to Israel they could have also stopped that from being overturned).

I'm not even in the US, I don't care, but it's easy to see who the military industrial complex prefers (Harris), she even has the support of a bunch of former republicans. Oh and that little thing they're perpetuating in the middle east what's going on there again? Oh yeah a genocide. Also a war with Russia.

Look I don't like Trump but people need to stop acting like he's to the right of the Democrats. He's not. We've already seen what his presidency is like. It's not as extreme.


You know what I actually don't give a fuck, voting is gay anyway.


>That makes you an ultra-right wing fascist
Blow it out your ass faget


but what of Trump assassinating that Iranian general?


That image is very cool and funny but otherwise shit thread

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