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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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File: 1726752401563.jpg ( 253.59 KB , 1280x1028 , black mirror.jpg )


Why didn't socialism catch on in America? Why are there no notable American socialist movements in history?


File: 1726754221872.png ( 144.44 KB , 648x828 , Settlers_The_Mythology_of_….png )



USSR only lasted because it was propped up economically and militarily by the US and other nations. Unlike capitalism or nazism it could not survive by itself.


USSR wasn't socialist


This a strange non-sequitur.


>because it was propped up economically and militarily by the US
Sir, are you on drugs? Nevermind the fact that they were enemies basically right after WWII, you are also ignoring the insane amount of industrialization that happened.


Capital has always existed. You're just railing against Capital because you're a NEET.


Low autism score revisionist


You've died in Stalingrad while Hitler was enjoying his summer vacation at Berghof.

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