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/b/ - Siberia

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will never happen


modern warfare is a meme


When shitholes like South Africa and Brazil can keep somehow chugging along, that's how you know that there's never going to be any collapse.
Most you'll get is simmering violence from the fringes of society starting to slowly seep into everyday life, that's it.


Deeply idiotic takes.


Herpa derpa nothing bad will ever happen because some countries whose problems I'm too stupid to accurately analyze haven't totally imploded yet. I base my projection of global events on the status of two states without any meaningful imperial activity rather than looking at conflicts between world powers competing for economic influence. Because World War I was started by Haiti, right?


I hope every country on this planet has a civil war.


T. watched too many apocalyptic movies


File: 1726944016542.png ( 589.19 KB , 1280x960 , ClipboardImage.png )



You dont know shit shut up

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