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because fuck doctors

post herbal medicines, potent treatments, any useful guides in self-healthcare


Where do you get your vitamins from? I don't really have access to high-quality fruits or afford regular supplements at the moment, but i sometimes buy oranges or drink vegetable broth when feeling particularly drained. I do source some of my meat from a local butcher though, many underestimate the nutritional value of grass-fed cattle.


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>Where do you get your vitamins from?


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>Where do you get your vitamins from?
organic foods


Organic is generally a bad descriptor. There is no unified definition, only a shared set of requirements for *most* so-called organic products. Usually things like pesticides are still allowed in specific forms or limited quantities and there is no way to preclude additives in the form of enzymes, because they aren't present at the end stage. Look at wine for a well-documented case of an industry dominated by artificial enzymes.

The concept itself also conflates several different qualities. For organic meat, cattle is usually required to be fed with grass or hay, have a minimum of available space and be outside for parts of the year, even if the latter two have a much smaller effect on product quality. Under capitalism i would rather get the optimum between nutritional value and price, but most organic products are effectively luxury goods for liberals, who think they can end animal cruelty by voting with their dollars.




this is prolephobic. organic products are more expensive and youre asking people to spend even more when they cant even make it living on a check to check basis? its not giving and thats the tea


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capitalism wants u to be healthier so they can have a more profitable wage slave

to eat shitty is a revolutionary act


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did u take this from reddit r veganarchism


log off.




self sufficient people are forced to pay property tax, so they do indeed benefit the government


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>avoid cannabis

>says nothing about alcohol


but thats the only flaw there


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Thats true.
But its true that alcohol is not given harsher vindiction.


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Alcohol is literal poison so that's a given.


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Youd think people would know better but apparently they dont.


I realized that men never really age. We always have energy to mess around and joke around, but when you get married and your wife, a female, ages a lot quicker and worse than you, you simply cannot be so youthful around her. When you are so full of energy around her, things are not going to work out. So most men subconsciously start acting "mature" aka boring and dull to match the wife.

A man's skin is thicker and denser in collagen. Assuming both a man and a girl is over age 25, a girl the same age as a man will look 15 years older. So imagine you are married at 35 and your wife looks 50. That is going to drain your youth cause you are going to think you are a lot older when the person you spend all your time with looks 50.


why are you referring to adult females as girls?

Also womem age faster due to pregnancy-related hormones.
Remmeber they have to carry the baby not you.


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>A E S T H E T I C S of the jab… le bad
There would literally be nothing wrong with these images, if the vaccines themselves weren't shady as fuck. With information being quarantined and the insane counternarratives that were being propped up, you can't portray everyone who went with this option as sheeple. This is the ideology that made 'murrica distribute doses to convenience stores, where they expired within days. Under communism you WILL be centrally vaccinated with sufficiently tested and low-risk vaccines.


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