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I would unironically rather be friends with a lolicon (weird) than anyone self-identifying as an incel (idpol).


thanks for your input, moffin


>being a pedo is le quirky
give this man some reddit gold


I would be friends with neither but I would accept their help exterminating the ruling class. Now stop trying to normalize pedophilia on here.


Pedophilia is an attraction to prepubescent children, fapping to cartoons is unrelated. Stop being an idealist.


Most lolicons are incel adjacent


You're thinking of pedophiles, lolicons are perfectly content fapping to fictional cartoons


No, most lolicons and waifu anime consumer ARE incel adjacent.



Also this. People watch violent movies and they're not considered premeditative murderers. Because movies and real life desires are not the same.

Alot of incels are lolicons but most lolicons are not incels.


Why is shotacon always neglected


Don't want to be associated with either both are disgusting freaks.


It's a non-issue. Read the Greeks.


boys are always socially neglected. and then people wonder why heyre the nost likely to turn bad.

Girls are always worried over and sympathised so they never have to prove themselves.


the content of the form of the cartoon is a child, so its still pedophilia. if you asked sonebody what the picture represented, they would tell you plainly.
>stop being an idealist
stop being a materialist


It absolutely is related, even the Japanese say so, but who cares? It's a lot better for pedos to fap to cartoons.


Then people who draw gore should be labelled as potential serial killers.

Also why do pople have no wualms about kids being drawn as victims of war or physical abuse?


How is it related?


>People watch violent movies and they're not considered premeditative murderers.
That's a bad argument. There's always a "good guy" and "bad guys". People are not watching violence for its own sake they are watching justice. Even in video games you are killing things that are trying to kill you or at the very least killing things that drop loot. The violence is just a means to an end.

>Pedophilia is an attraction to prepubescent children, fapping to cartoons is unrelated
The only reason you like the cartoons is because they resemble prepubescent children.


>The only reason you like the cartoons is because they resemble prepubescent children.
Typical pedo projection. Lolicons like cartoons, nothing more. It's always pedos bringing up words like "children" and "prepubescent" out of nowhere.


no not really.
Its just tgat people dont like ypung characters being portrayed in such cutesy ways.
They have no problem with fictional youth being victims of abuse or being comical relief for some weird reason.


Exactly, people acting like it's not are delusional. Most men don't give a fuck about pedophilia unless they want to moralfag. Lolicon is better than real CP for sure.


As someone who had a brief lolicon phase, i think most loli art is removed from full-on cp by several degrees, mature lolis are the norm rather than the exception. You just have to look at the OP of the GetChan loli thread to see what they are attracted to. The depicted character does not merely lack secondary sexual characteristics, they are depicted with a child-like chubbiness, an immature lack of composure and all the fashion signifiers of a literal child. It's a very recognizable genre of loli art and observing it makes me physically sick.


>animated child porn isn't child porn
grasping at straws, aren't we


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because it's art that's meant to look like children. That and "lolicon" translates to "pedophile". Look at the botton 2 translations.


Notice something else?
Theyre fictional .
Its not real.

Again, people have no problem with furry or bestial art or even anthropomachine art.

We show fictionam children being victims of killers and monsters and its not hailed as child abuse.

Also, lolicon as a slur for.pedophile?

Thats the same as calling leftists as liberal.

Its like how whites are referred to as cumskins even though most white people arent pale.


People like violent movies amd video games for the drama amd bloodshed.
The whole "good vs evil" is just an excuse.
If we had movies where good prevailed with little to no violence, people complain about it.

Why else is wrestling and football celebrated?


>The only reason you like the cartoons is because they resemble prepubescent children.

That would contradict your first point about vide games and movies about being violemt for the sake of justice.


Lines on paper have no "age". Fuck off.


>animated child porn
No such thing. Lines on paper are not children. Stop being a fucking idealist pedophile scum.


>Source: Google Translate


Lolicons hate pedophiles more than anyone else, they are universally despised in the community.


What about lines on paper forming a swastika in Western non-Buddhist context? Is that not imbued with certain meaning?


>signifiers of a literal child
>pedo sees harmless fictional art
>cant help but project his atttaction to children on it
>sees "literal children" in everything
Stay away from minors, nonce


Appropriated by Nazis, same way pedophiles are trying to appropriate lolicon and astroturf it as a pedo thing. They're absolutely infesting the lolicon community nowadays with this shit.


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Wdym? There is this a whole debate about the ability to consent and pedophilia, again.
Here are some pics for reference. The first is entirely divorced from the context of resembling a child. The second from GetChan obviously depicts a child, considering the context of other japanese character's designs like that of Hachikuji Mayoi from Monogatari, on whom the main character remarks in the first light novel:
<As soon as her body left the ground, I was treated to a glimpse of the contents of her skirt, at a fairly racy angle, but not being a pedophile I wasn't distracted one bit. I simple tossed her over my shoulder.
Getchanners are pedophiles, "MAP" or whatever cope they're on today.
>literally posting the pedophile flag in the thread
I wouldn't want them to go to jail for lines on paper, but they're despicable in any internally consistent moral framework.


ToT FSB sex


This is just a blatant falseflag, you're not seriously retarded enough to fall for it are you?


You mean your mods are retarded enough to leave up a blatant falseflag followed by an "impersonation" of a resident flagfag saying 'Cute colours'?


>1 year old falseflag
>followed up by posts supporting it
yeah totally


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> pedophiles are trying to appropriate lolicon


>Then people who draw gore should be labelled as potential serial killers.
anyone drawing a stick figure shooting another should be pre-emptively executed for social protection


>translated language semantics = logic
you're acting real sexy right now, kiddo

my waifu was drawn by japanese artists when she was 10 and she suffers lifelong trauma as a result. now she cries like a bitch whenever I try to have sex with her :(


>what is context
uyghur please


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>BAWWWW GET has loli!
<meanwhile, this very board has a porn thread with a preteen loli OP and loli images up for 3 years with over a hundred replies, including moderators
You best start believing in loli boards, anon. You're on one.

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